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  • Required Training Policy

To recognize the University’s obligation to provide training on applicable federal, state, and accreditation requirements and University policy, and the requirement of employees, students, volunteers, and affiliates to participate in and complete such training.

Applies to: 

All University employees, students, volunteers, and affiliates

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

The University of Kansas is committed to meeting the applicable regulatory, accreditation, and institutional requirements for training of employees, students, volunteers, and affiliates. The University recognizes that providing training enhances job performance, increases safety, and improves best practices.

All employees and students will be required to participate in certain educational or training programs upon employment with or admission to the University, and periodically thereafter. Volunteers and affiliates may also be required to participate in educational and training programs, commensurate with their role. Additionally, certain specialized or role-based training shall be required pursuant to law, regulation, or policy. Failing to complete such training may prevent an individual’s ability to meet certain pre-requisites for engaging in professional activities, accessing systems, or conducting research.  

All individuals assigned required training are responsible for completing the training within the timelines approved by the University. A list of required training and applicable timelines is set forth in campus specific required training lists. The lists do not include training that may be required by individual schools or academic units.

Unit leaders (chairs, deans, vice provost) are expected to inform their employees of all required trainings and allow for employees to participate in such trainings during their scheduled workday. Unit leaders are also responsible for ensuring that employees complete their training requirements within the specified timeline. In limited circumstances, outside trainings may be substituted to meet the applicable training requirements. Such approval shall be granted by the office responsible for oversight of a particular training.  

The University also recognizes the value of professional development opportunities. Professional development and training enhance the skills, knowledge, and professionalism of employees to better enable them to contribute effectively and meaningfully to the University's mission. Units and managers are encouraged to make internal and, when possible, external professional development opportunities available to all employees.


Violations of this policy may lead to:  

  • Restrictions on an individual's ability to engage in certain job duties or responsibilities related to specific training;
  • Restrictions on enrollment or completion of certain academic activities or programs;
  • Impact on personnel actions such as annual performance evaluations or merit increases; and/or
  • Disciplinary action as specified under applicable University or campus policies and procedures.

Associate Vice Chancellor/Chief Compliance Officer
Integrity & Compliance

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Effective on: 
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
training, required training, educational programs, training programs, job performance, mandatory, compliance, education, LMS,
Change History: 

10/25/2023: New policy published in the Policy Library.

Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Personnel: Affiliates/Volunteers Categories: 
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 

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