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Review and Reappointment of Executive Vice Chancellors and Other Senior Administrators Reporting Directly to the Chancellor, Policy and Procedures


To describe the policy and procedures for review and reappointment of senior administrators who report directly to the Chancellor

Applies to: 

The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Lawrence Campus, the Executive Vice Chancellor, Medical Center Campus, and other senior administrators, including but not limited to the University General Counsel, the Chief Business and Financial Planning Officer, the Athletics Director, the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Public Affairs, and the Director of the Dole Institute of Politics

Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

In accordance with Kansas Board of Regents policy, senior administrators who report directly to the Chancellor may be designated as serving at the Chancellor’s pleasure. The performance of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for the Lawrence Campus, the Executive Vice Chancellor for the KU Medical Center, and other senior University administrators who report directly to the Chancellor will be reviewed comprehensively within a period not to exceed five years. A review will be completed before a decision is made to continue the appointment.*

A performance review may be scheduled at an earlier date if, in the judgment of the Chancellor, such a review is necessary.

The Chancellor will maintain a list of the senior administrators and their scheduled dates of review.

Section 1. Review of Executive Vice Chancellors

The review of executive vice chancellors is the responsibility of the Chancellor, who will develop procedures in consultation with the faculty, staff and student leadership on the appropriate campus, appropriate administrators, and other pertinent groups.

Membership on the Review Committee shall consist of representatives of the groups mentioned above, with external membership as needed. The Chancellor shall invite nominations for the committee from University Governance and from the individual being reviewed. A representative of the Chancellor’s Office shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the committee. The committee will be appointed by the Chancellor, who will select the chairperson. The committee will report its finding to the Chancellor.

Section 2. Review of Other Senior Administrators

The review of other senior administrators, including but not limited to the University General Counsel, the Chief Business and Financial Planning Officer, the Athletics Director, the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Public Affairs, and the Director of the Dole Institute of Politics shall be the responsibility of the Chancellor.

Membership on the Review Committee will consist of representatives of units that interact frequently with the administrator and the administrator's office. The Chancellor will also invite nominations for the committee from the individual being reviewed. The committee will be appointed by the Chancellor, who will select the chairperson. The committee will report its finding to the Chancellor.

*Review shall be consistent with and subject to the provisions of a senior administrator’s employment agreement, if any.


Office of the Chancellor
230 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Monday, November 1, 2010
Effective on: 
Monday, November 1, 2010
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
review & reappointment, re-appointment
Change History: 

05/10/2024: Updated Vice Chancellor of Public Affairs to Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Public Affairs.
12/22/2022: Updated contact section.
07/11/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
12/05/2014: Added links in Related Policies to the sections of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations (FSRR) which cover review and reappointment of other positions.
11/01/2010: This policy is modeled on long-standing policies for review of vice chancellors, vice provosts, deans, directors, and chairs.  It was approved by Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little on November 1, 2010.

Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Personnel: Staff Categories: 

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