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Bylaws of the College Assembly in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


To outline the bylaws of the College Assembly and its’ standing committees within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applies to: 

Members of the College Assembly (The faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with the rank of Assistant Professor and above who are either tenured or on tenure-track appointments, without regard to percentage of time; lecturer or instructor, with 100 percent appointments of more than one year; Assistant Professor and above with term appointments of more than one year; emeritus faculty, living in Lawrence and surrounding area, who declare themselves voting members each year; elected unclassified graduate student employees; other elected graduate students; elected undergraduate students; and members of the standing committees of the Assembly).

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

Article I. Membership in the Assembly

A. The voting membership of the College Assembly (CA) shall consist of:

  1. Tenured and tenure-track faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (from here forward referred to as the “College”) with the rank of assistant professor and above, without regard to percentage of time;
  1. Those outside of the tenure-track but in a faculty equivalent position in the College with the rank of assistant professor or above (e.g., assistant specialist, teaching specialist, assistant scientist, clinical assistant professor, research assistant professor), without regard to percentage of time;
  1. Lecturers (or those in equivalent positions) in the College, with 100 percent appointments of more than one year;
  1. Emeritus faculty in the College who declare themselves voting members each year; and
  1. Graduate and undergraduate students of the College elected to Student Senate as well as elected officers of the unit-level graduate student organizations.

B. Additional membership details:

  1. Eligible student members can vote on all issues except faculty elections to standing committees;
  1. Emeritus faculty must submit a letter each year by September 1 alerting the dean’s office of their desire to be a voting member for that year; and
  1. Visiting and affiliated faculty (adjunct faculty appointments) are ineligible to vote.

Article II. College Academic Council

A. Role of the College Academic Council (CAC): The College Academic Council (CAC) will act in the name of the CA unless the CA, as a whole, is called upon to decide a matter in question. 

B. Meetings of the CAC: The CAC will set the dates of its meetings, which are scheduled currently to occur on the second Tuesday of each month in August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May. The CAC may meet more or less frequently as the business of the College justifies.

C. Membership of the CAC will be as follows:

  1. Representatives from all five of the College divisions, with representation based on the relative size of the divisions, resulting in 11 total voting members. Three faculty members will serve from each of the three larger divisions which include: 1) Humanities (HUM); 2) Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS); and 3) Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM). One faculty member will serve from each of the two smaller-sized divisions which include: 1) School of the Arts (SOTA); and 2) International and Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS). The representatives are selected in the regular elections in the spring semester to standing committees with an e-mail ballot (see Article VIII. Elections for more details on the election of CAC members). Faculty members with joint appointments across two divisions may choose the division in which their name will be considered at the time of their nomination for the election, with the requirement that their appointment in the department/program associated with that division is greater than or equal to 0.5 of a full-time equivalent (FTE). More than one member of a particular department/program with an appointment greater than 0.5 FTE at the time of the election may not be appointed; faculty members in a unit with an appointment less than 0.5 FTE do not count toward that department/program for representation.
  1. In the event of a tie vote for one of the elected positions, the chair of the CAC will flip a coin to determine the representative. The individual not appointed based on the coin flip will be inserted at the top of the alternate list for that division.
  1. Elected CAC members serve a three-year term. Once the term ends, the member must wait one year before being eligible to run for another three-year term on the CAC. Faculty who are on phased retirement or who have a terminal contract with less than three years of service remaining are not eligible to be elected to the CAC.
  1. Alternates will consist of individuals nominated to the CAC, but not elected. Alternates over the last five years are eligible to fill vacancies on the CAC. All alternates (without regard for year of nomination) are placed in ranked order based on number of votes received (for those nominated in multiple years, the highest vote total is used).
  1. Any member of the CAC who resigns will be replaced by the faculty member at the top of the alternate list in the division represented by the departing faculty member. If alternates are exhausted, the CAC will identify up to five possible replacements in ranked order and the secretary of the CA will contact these individuals in order until one agrees to serve. Alternates in this case become permanent members of the CAC and serve out the full term of the member who has resigned. If the duration of service is one year or less, the alternate may run in the next election for a full three-year term on the CAC; however, if the duration of service is more than one year, the alternate must wait one year before being eligible to run for a three-year term on the CAC.
  1. Any member of the CAC who takes a leave of absence up to one year will be replaced for the duration of their leave; if a member wishes to take a leave more than one year, that member must resign from the CAC. The selection of this temporary member of the CAC follows the procedure in the previous section. After the leave ends, the committee member on leave returns to the committee to complete the remainder of their original term unless the leave ends after their term is completed. The temporary member is able to run in the next election for a full three-year term on the CAC. If the member on leave is unable to return to their position after their leave has ended, the alternate becomes a permanent member of the CAC and serves out the remainder of the term of the replaced member; if this extended duration exceeds one year, the alternate must wait one year before being eligible to run for a three-year term on the CAC.

D. Chair of the CAC:

  1. The chair of the CAC serves for a one-year term without the potential for reappointment in a three-year term of service on the CAC. Unless serving as chair in the third and final year of service on the CAC, the chair returns to member status after completing their term as chair. Individuals who serve in the role of interim chair are eligible to be selected as chair in a subsequent year and previous chairs are eligible to be selected for an interim chair role.
  1. The chair of the CAC for a given academic year is elected from its membership at the end of the previous academic year.
  1.  At the next-to-last meeting of the academic year, the CAC will identify candidates currently serving on the CAC for the role of chair for the next year; candidates can be nominated by another member or self-nominated. All members of the CAC may also send nominations (including self-nominations) via e-mail to the current chair and secretary of the CA (see below for details on the secretary position) two weeks prior to the last meeting of the academic year at which the election will occur; the secretary of the CA will ensure that all individuals on the ballot have accepted their nomination prior to this meeting (a candidate for chair does not need to be present at this meeting to be eligible for election).
  1. The final act of the last meeting of the academic year will be to elect the new chair.
  1. If more than one individual has accepted a nomination, the CAC will use anonymous paper ballots to elect the new chair. In the case of a tie, a coin will be flipped. If only one individual has been nominated, the vote (again with anonymous paper ballots) will be to establish acceptability; a majority vote (50% or greater) is required for the nominee to be elected as chair.
  1. If a majority vote for acceptability is not obtained, a final call for nominations will be made at this meeting and if any nominations are made and accepted, the voting procedure outlined above will be repeated.
  1. If a chair is not elected by the end of this last meeting of the academic year, the dean will serve as the interim chair for the first meeting of the subsequent year and until a new chair is elected using the voting procedures outlined above.
  1. The chair remains a voting member of CAC and continues to count as one of the representatives from the division the individual represents. While serving as interim chair, the dean will not be a voting member and will not represent any division.
  1. If the chair of the CAC steps down from this role prior to the end of their term, the CAC will select an interim chair following the chair selection process outlined above; as noted above, individuals who have previously served as chair are eligible to be selected as interim chair.
  1. If the CAC is unable to select a new chair (e.g., no willing candidates) or chooses not to select a new chair (e.g., proximity to the end of the academic year), the dean will serve as the interim chair of the CAC for the remainder of that academic year (as a non-voting member as outlined above).
  1. When the chair of CAC steps down from that role, this individual has the option of returning to member status or stepping off the CAC entirely. If the chair stepping down chooses to step off the CAC altogether, an alternate member will be selected following the procedures outlined above.

E. Role of the dean and associate deans of the College: The dean (unless serving as interim chair) and each of the associate deans of the College serve as non-voting ex-officio members; each may request items to be added to the agenda and have the same speaking privileges as other members.

F. Administrative support to the CAC: A member of the College staff will be designated by the dean to serve as the secretary of the CA. This individual will serve as the elections officer and will be responsible for notifying members of the CA of elections, taking nominations, tabulating all votes, and informing the selected representatives and the CA of their CAC representatives at the conclusion of the elections process.

G. Removal from the CAC: If a member is repeatedly absent from meetings, including but not limited to two consecutive absences without notice, the chair may contact that member to determine their willingness and appropriateness to remain on the CAC. If the chair determines that removal of the member is most appropriate, the member has the option to accept or challenge this decision. If challenged, the CAC will vote to approve or deny the chair’s recommendation as the final order of business in the next regularly scheduled CAC meeting. Accepting the recommendation requires a majority vote (50% or greater). The member in question will be recused during the vote and informed of the decision after the meeting by the chair in person, followed by a written confirmation. If the member is removed, a replacement will follow the guidelines outlined above (see Article II, Section C.5.).

H. Activities of the CAC:

  1. Curriculum. The CAC will consider all curricular and degree changes proposed by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising (CUSA) and the Committee on Graduate Studies (CGS). The CAC’s approval is necessary for such changes to be official unless the CAC refers the issue to the CA for decision at a meeting of that body or via an e-mail ballot. Actions by the CAC will be announced to the CA members via e-mail and/or via Web posting within 72 hours after a decision by the CAC.
  1. Consultation on the Budget. At the first meeting of each semester and at the first meeting after any significant budget changes are announced, the dean of the College will provide the CAC with a brief overview of the College budget. The CAC may also request specific information about the budget from the dean to be presented at these times or at any other meeting with a minimum notice of two weeks. Upon request, the Secretary of the CA can provide members with information about how they may access the printed budget.
  1. Petitions to the CAC. The CAC may consider petitions from departments, programs, centers, individuals and groups of College staff, students, and faculty members for discussion.
  1. Request for Reconsideration by CA. CA members have ten business days after an action by the CAC to request reconsideration by means of a petition letter signed by 25 members of the CA. Reconsideration may take one of the following forms:
  1. Request that the CAC reconsider its action at its next meeting.
  1. Request a vote of CA members via e-mail.
  1. Request that a meeting of CA be called to consider the issue.
  1. Requests for Information by the CAC. The CAC has the right to request that the dean and/or associate deans of the College, chairs, directors, or other representatives of departments and programs supply information and/or attend its meetings to discuss issues with the CAC.
  1. CAC and CA. The CAC may request that the CA meet to discuss an issue or that the CA vote on an issue by e-mail ballot. Notice via e-mail of at least ten business days must be given before the CA will meet or before the e- mail ballot is distributed.
  1. Attendance at meetings of CAC. Meetings of the CAC are “open” meetings in accordance with the Kansas Open Meetings Act.  In addition, the College allows all attendees to hold full speaking privileges.
  1. Rule of order at meetings of the CAC. The latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall constitute the rules of order of the CAC meetings.
  1. Agenda. The elected chair will ensure that the agenda of the CAC be posted on the College Web site and sent via e-mail to all members of the CA (including student members of the CA) at least five business days prior to the CAC meeting date. The chair will be assisted in this duty by the secretary of the CA.
  1. New items that do not appear on the agenda may be raised and discussed at the meeting, but no item that has not been distributed to members at least one week prior to the meeting can be voted on in the meeting.
  1. Minutes. Minutes of the CAC will be taken by the secretary and posted on the College website and sent via e-mail to the CA members within 72 hours after the CAC meets.
  1. Quorum. In line with Robert’s Rules of Order, five of the eleven voting members shall constitute the quorum required to conduct official business on behalf of the CA members. If this requirement is not met, the meeting will not be able to go forward and all business will be moved to the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

Article III. Meetings of the Assembly

  1. The CA will meet whenever 25 members of the CA request such a meeting by sending an e-mail petition to the secretary of the CA. The CA may also be called to meet at the request of the CAC. Notice via e-mail of at least ten business days must be given before the CA will meet. The dean, in consultation with the CAC, will determine the date for the meeting of the CA, but in any case, it must take place within 30 days of the submission of a letter of petition for a meeting.
  1. The dean shall receive items for the agenda from the committees and members of the CA and shall distribute the agenda at least one week prior to the meeting. New items that do not appear on the agenda may be raised and discussed at the meeting, but no item that has not been distributed to members at least one week prior to the meeting can be voted on in the meeting.
  1. A quorum of ten percent of the CA membership shall be present before any business may be transacted, except that, if any item could not be acted upon for a lack of a quorum at the previous meeting, then the membership present shall constitute a quorum at a subsequent meeting for the purpose of acting on that particular item.

Article IV. Officers of the Assembly

  1. The dean or the dean's representative shall preside at all meetings of the CA.
  1. The chair of the CAC or another member selected by the chair should attend all meetings of the CA as an official representative of the CAC.
  1. The dean may appoint a parliamentarian.

Article V. Powers of the Assembly

Subject to the provisions of the law and the Rules of the Board of Regents and consistent with policies established by the Code of the University Senate and the Constitution and the Policies and Procedures of the University Office of Graduate Studies, the CA has the power to:

  1. Establish rules for the conduct of its business.
  1. Establish committees of its choosing and assign functions and responsibilities to such committees.
  1. Set requirements for graduate and undergraduate degrees and establish other appropriate academic regulations.
  1. Approve or disapprove course changes or courses proposed to be offered for credit in the College.
  1. Establish procedures for students in the College in such matters as probation, suspension, reinstatement, dismissal and other measures related to the maintenance of proper academic standards.
  1. Consider such other matters as the Senate Code assigns or delegates to the College and Schools, or the Graduate Faculty of the University may assign or delegate to the College, or the standing committees place before the CA, or the dean places before the CA; additionally, the CA shall consider matters placed before it by a petition supported by 25 signatures of members of the CA.

Article VI. Standing Committees of the Assembly

A. The College includes five standing committees of the CA. The composition and key details of the five standing committees are outlined below:

  1. Committee on Graduate Studies (CGS): The Committee on Graduate Studies shall consist of eleven faculty members serving a three-year term, to be elected at large from the graduate faculty of the College across the five divisions of the College with three members each from HUM, NSM, and SBS, as well as one member each from SOTA and IIS. Additionally, the committee will include up to two graduate students elected for a one-year term (fewer students are permitted if good faith efforts are made to reach full representation).  The Director of the College Office of Graduate Affairs or a designee attends these meetings in an advisory, non-voting capacity. 
  1. Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising (CUSA): The Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising shall consist of fourteen faculty members, serving a three-year term, across the five divisions of the College with four members each from HUM, NSM, and SBS, as well as one member each from SOTA and IIS. The committee also will include up to two undergraduate students elected for a one-year term (fewer students are permitted if good faith efforts are made to reach full representation). The Director of Student Academic Services or a designee attends these meetings in an advisory, non-voting capacity. 
  1. College Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CCAPT): The College Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure, shall consist of thirteen tenured faculty, each at the rank of associate professor or professor, serving a three-year term across the five divisions of the College with three members each from HUM, NSM, and SBS, as well as two members each from SOTA and IIS. Members shall recuse themselves from any deliberations or voting when the candidate for promotion and/or tenure is from the member's own academic department or unit. Faculty members with primary or joint appointments of any percentage to the same departments or programs as sitting committee members are ineligible for election to the committee while another member from their department or program is serving.
  1. Committee on Sabbatical Leaves (CSL): The Committee on Sabbatical Leaves shall consist of eleven faculty members, serving a three-year term across the five divisions of the College with three members each from HUM, NSM, and SBS, as well as one member each from SOTA and IIS.
  1. Committee on the Evaluation of Chairpersons and Directors (CECD): The Committee on the Evaluation of Chairpersons and Directors shall consist of eight faculty members, serving a three-year term across the five divisions of the College with two members each from HUM, NSM, and SBS, as well as one member each from SOTA and IIS. Additionally, the committee will include up to one undergraduate student and one graduate student elected for a one-year term (fewer students are permitted if good faith efforts are made to reach full representation).

B. Additional details specific to the five standing committees of the CA

  1. If a committee member is a candidate for evaluation by that committee (i.e., up for promotion review by CCAPT, intention to apply for a sabbatical to be reviewed by CSL, or review as a chair or director by CECD), they must take a leave of absence for that academic year.
  1. Temporary and permanent leaves of absence are addressed in the same manner outlined for the CAC above (See Article II, Section C.), with one exception. Specifically, if alternates are exhausted, the secretary of the CA shall solicit additional nominations from the chairs and directors of the units. If vacncies remain, these become at-large positions and may be filled by anyone on the alternate list regardless of division. 
  1. Faculty members with joint appointments across two divisions may choose the division in which their name will be considered in at the time of their nomination for the election, with the requirement that their appointment in the unit associated with that division is greater than or equal to 0.5 of a full-time equivalent (FTE).
  1. The dean of the College or the dean's representative shall be an ex officio non-voting member of each of the elected committees.
  1. Each committee shall select a chair from among its members. The committee sets its own procedures for selecting a chair but the procedures must be in place and clear to all members before the selection process begins.           
  1. The dean’s office shall provide the staff support that these committees require.

Article VII. Functions of the Standing Committees of the Assembly

A. General Functions

  1. Each standing committee shall receive communications from the faculty, the other standing committees, the CAC and/or the CA, and the dean.
  1. Each standing committee shall report at least once a year to the CAC and/or the CA, unless otherwise specified, and shall provide the CA with information it requests, except when such information is specifically restricted by superseding University policies.
  1. Each standing committee may appoint special task forces, either on its own initiative or upon recommendation of the dean, to examine or deal with issues of importance to the College; or recommend the appointment of such task forces by the dean.
  1. Each standing committee may hold forums, open to all members of the CA, and centered on matters of educational or policy import which, in the judgment of the committee, deserve attention at that time.
  1. Each standing committee may transact any of its business through designated subcommittees and, where appropriate, request specific functions to be carried out by the dean’s office staff support.
  1. When standing committees deal with matters that are also the concern of other standing committees, they are encouraged to confer or meet jointly.
  1. The dean shall confer at least once each year with the chairs of the standing committees for the purposes of coordinating standing committee activities, considering long-range planning, and establishing special committees to address specific long-range policies and goals. At least one of these meetings with each committee chair should occur at the start of the academic year.
  1. In the case of formal proposals involving the gain or loss of departmental status, the CAC will review the proposal with input from the chairs of the five standing committees. From this review, the group will provide recommendations to the dean but the final decision is made by the dean.

B. Specific Functions

  1. Committee on Graduate Studies (CGS) shall:

    Reviews recommendations from the dean on all proposals for new graduate degrees, concentrations, and certificates, or deletions of the same.
  1. Review and recommend to the CAC and/or the CA for action on all proposals with reference primarily to graduate course and curricular changes and educational policy and procedures.
  1. Review and make recommendations on graduate student petitions requesting special relief from College or University rules when referred to them by the College Office of Graduate Affairs, the dean and/or the dean’s designee, or by special request of the student.
  1. Periodically review graduate degree requirements and the manner in which they may be satisfied, and, where appropriate, suggest to departments and programs that curriculum be modified so as to accomplish more effectively the goals for which the requirements were established.
  1. Respond to charges from the dean on matters including but not limited to graduate academic policy and procedure as well as advising.
  1. Make recommendations regarding graduate education including but not limited to policy and procedures as well as advising, to the dean, the CAC, and/or the CA.
  1. Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising (CUSA) shall:

    Review recommendations from the dean on all proposals for new undergraduate degrees, concentrations, and certificates, or deletions of the same.  
  1. Review and recommend to the CAC and/or the CA for action on all proposals with reference primarily to undergraduate courses and curricular changes and educational policy and procedures. Review changes to departmental honors requirements.
  1.  Periodically review undergraduate degree requirements and the manner in which they may be satisfied, and, where appropriate, suggest to departments and programs that courses be modified so as to accomplish more effectively the goals for which the requirements were established.       
  2. Review and make recommendations on undergraduate petitions requesting special relief from College or University rules when referred to them by College Undergraduate Academic Services, the dean and/or the dean’s designee, or by special request of the student.
  3. Respond to charges from the dean on matters including but not limited to undergraduate academic policy and procedure as well as advising.
  4. Make recommendations regarding undergraduate education including but not limited to policy and procedures as well as advising, to the dean, the CAC, and/or the CA.

          3. The College Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CCAPT) shall:

  1. Consider all recommendations for advancement in academic rank and granting of continuous tenure for members of the College faculty. The recommendations along with those of the dean shall be reported to the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure and shall remain otherwise confidential.
  1. Address itself to matters of policy pertaining to faculty rank and status and report its recommendations to the dean.
  1. Advise the dean on recommendations for all initial appointments at the professor or associate professor level, and other appointments conferring tenure.

    4. Committee on Sabbatical Leaves (CSL) shall:
  2. Consider all recommendations for the award of sabbatical leaves to members of the College faculty. The recommendations along with those of the dean shall be reported to the University Committee on Sabbatical Leaves and shall remain otherwise confidential.
  3. Address matters of policy pertaining to the sabbatical leave system and report i
  1. Report sabbatical recommendations to the dean.

    5. Committee on Evaluation of Chairpersons and Directors (CECD) shall:
  2. Review and evaluate the performance of department chairpersons and academic program directors who wish to be reappointed.
  3. Advise the dean of the results of these reviews and evaluations, and make appropriate recommendations

Article VIII. Elections

A. Election of faculty to the CAC and standing committees.

  1. Each year in anticipation of spring elections the secretary of the CA shall solicit nominations for CAC and the College standing committees from the full CA faculty membership. This solicitation should occur no later than February 15th and should allow for nominations up until March 1st.
  1. Eligible faculty may self-nominate, or nominate another eligible member of the faculty for membership on CAC or the standing committees. The secretary of the CA will obtain the consent of each nominee to be placed on the ballot.
  1. If an insufficient number of nominations are received (i.e., not enough names to fill all open positions), the secretary of the CA shall solicit additional nominations from the chairs and directors of the units, completing this solicitation no later than March 15th.
  1. The following are not eligible for election to the standing committees:
  1. Anyone serving as dean, associate dean or assistant dean of any of the schools or offices of the University.
  1. Anyone who has served on a particular standing committee in the past year (other than as an alternate for a term of one year or less), although it is permissible to be elected for a subsequent term to one of the other four standing committees.
  1. Anyone who has been elected to another standing committee for the same or overlapping term.
  1. Faculty in phased retirement or who have a terminal contract with less than three years of service remaining and who thereby would be unable to serve for the entirety of a standing committee term.
  1. With the exception of the student positions, only members of the graduate faculty may be nominated for the Committee on Graduate Studies.
  1. No later than April 1st, the secretary of the CA shall prepare and transmit to the faculty members of the CA an e-mail ballot listing the open positions and those nominated for those positions, as well as the currently filled positions with the name and dates of the appointment term for those individuals. Ten working days (not including spring break) shall be allowed for the return of the e-mail ballot to the Secretary of the CA who shall tally and report the results at a meeting of the CAC, post to the College website, and send to all members of the CA via e-mail.
  2. If committee vacancies remain after the election, the secretary of the CA shall attempt to fill those vacancies from the alternate list. If the alternate list is exhausted, those vacancies become at-large positions and may be filled by anyone on the alternate list regardless of division.

    6. If the same individual is elected to two different standing committees, that individual will be given the choice of committees and the opening in the other committee will be filled by the individual with the next highest number of votes. In the case of a tie, a coin will be flipped.

B. Election of graduate and undergraduate student representatives to the standing committees

  1. Elections to the standing committees with student representation will occur at the same time and with the same process as faculty elections (See Article VIII., Section A.) with the caveat that students may be nominated by other students in the CA as well as through self-nomination or nomination from faculty members on the CA.
  1. Any student in the CA (See Article I., Section A.5.) is eligible to run for an open slot in the standing committees (See Article VI., Section A. for the student composition of each standing committee).
  1. As noted above, standing committees can proceed with fewer than the maximum number of student representatives if good faith efforts using the procedures outlined here are made and can be documented. 

Article IX. Appointed Committees

  1. The dean shall appoint such committees as the business of the College may require and shall solicit names of possible appointees from the standing committees.
  1. The membership of committees shall be announced via the College web site and with an email communication from the secretary of the CA sent to the members of the CA and other relevant parties.

Article X. Curricular Changes

A. Proposals for course changes shall be submitted to the Committee on Graduate Studies or the Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising for consideration. These committees will review proposals and then either send them back to the proposing department(s) to correct and refine or forward them to the CAC, along with the committee's recommendations, at least one week in advance of the meeting at which the CAC will act upon the proposals.

  1. In emergency situations, the Committee on Graduate Studies or the Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising may act for the CAC to the extent of giving approval to a curricular change for no longer than one semester. Any temporary approval will be reported to the CAC at its next meeting. This section shall not apply to rule changes or to programs extending beyond one semester unless instructed otherwise by the CAC.
  2. No course shall be offered for College credit that has not been approved under the provisions of this section above.
  1. Newly proposed topics within existing LA&S topics courses shall be submitted for approval to the appropriate subcommittee of the CGS or the CUSA. In such cases, the subcommittee is the single approval step.
  1. The CAC, the CGS, and the CUSA shall have power to approve editorial changes in course descriptions.

B. For the establishment of undergraduate major requirements, the following rules shall apply:

  1. The CAC may, within the provisions of the Senate Code, establish minimum requirements for all majors, special majors, and double majors.
  1. The CAC shall review and approve programs of interdepartmental majors.
  1. The Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising shall review, approve, and transmit to the dean, programs/majors leading toward the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of General Studies, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Science. Detailed requirements must be submitted to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising and approved before they move on to a final review by the Provost's Office. 

C. For the establishment of the requirements of graduate degrees offered by departments or programs in the College, the following rules shall apply:

  1. The CAC may, within the provisions of the Senate Code and the rules and regulations of the University Office of Graduate Studies, establish minimum requirements for all graduate degree programs in arts and sciences.
  1. The Committee of Graduate Studies shall review, approve, and transmit to the dean, all new degree programs offered within the College. Detailed requirements of such degree programs as promulgated by the department must be submitted to the Committee on Graduate Studies and approved before they move on to a final review by the Provost's Office. 

Article XI. Granting of Degrees

A. The names of those undergraduate students who have completed the requirements established by the CA for graduation shall be certified by the dean, or the dean’s designee, to the chancellor, and the Board of Regents that the respective degrees be conferred.

B. The names of those graduate students who have completed the requirements established by the CA and the graduate faculty for graduation in the various graduate programs in arts and sciences shall be certified by the dean, or the dean’s designee, to the dean of graduate studies, the chancellor, and the Board of Regents that the respective degrees be conferred.

Article XII. Parliamentary Procedures

A. The latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall constitute the rules of order of the CA meetings.

B. A motion for an e-mail ballot on any main motion before the CA shall be in order after the call for the question but before a vote is taken. It shall be adopted providing twenty-five percent of the members present or twenty-five members, whichever is the smaller, favor such a motion. The arguments pro and con on the main motion, which were presented at the CA meeting(s), shall be extracted from the minutes of the meeting(s) and shall accompany the ballot sent to each voting member of the CA. A motion to reconsider shall not apply to the e-mail ballot.

Article XIII. Changes in Bylaws

A. Triggering a review of College Bylaws

  1. Bylaws are to be reviewed at the start of each academic year by the CAC to address any material in the bylaws that have been rendered inaccurate or outdated due to changes in the College.
  1. A formal and comprehensive review of the College Bylaws must be undertaken every five years as part of the regular duties of the CAC.
  1. Any member of the CA (thereby including members of the CAC) can request a formal and comprehensive review of the bylaws. This request must be made to the chair of the CAC and communicated to the secretary of the CA for inclusion in the posted agenda of the second meeting of the academic year (to allow time for a thorough review). This request must also include a rationale for the proposed review that will be made available with the posted agenda. If not a member of the CAC, the individual(s) requesting the review can send a representative to the CAC meeting to present their rationale. In line with standard procedures, the CAC will vote on the request and a review will be triggered with a two-thirds majority vote. 

B. College Bylaw review procedures

  1. The CAC reviews and discusses the proposed change, and a two-thirds majority of the CAC membership votes to forward the motion to the full CA.
  1. Once forwarded to the CA, a two-week initial review period is provided. Once the initial review period has passed, the CAC makes any additional necessary revisions to the bylaws and then sends it back out to the CA for a two-week vote by the CA via e-mail.
  1. A meeting of the CA may be called during the process if a discussion is warranted (in line with the procedures outlined above) with feedback provided to the CAC.
  1. The e-mail vote requires a two-thirds majority of total votes cast for passage.

Rachel Decorie
Governance Coordinator

Approved by: 
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Approved on: 
Friday, August 25, 2017
Effective on: 
Friday, August 25, 2017
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
CLAS, College Assembly, bylaws, standing committees
Change History: 

03/03/2023: Updated policy.
05/14/2020: Updated policy.
​05/14/2017: Revised and adopted by College Assembly

School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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