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Bylaws, Computational Biology Program


To define the rules and regulate the affairs of the Computational Biology Program

Applies to: 

Faculty and staff within the Computational Biology Program

Policy Statement: 

Faculty Definition, Rights, and Responsibilities

The following faculty categories are available in the Computational Biology Program:

(a)  Core Faculty are persons with tenured or tenure-track appointments in the Computational Biology Program. Core Faculty are able to serve on committees and provide input to, as well as vote on Program issues.

(b) Courtesy Faculty are faculty with formal, salaried appointments at The University of Kansas, but not appointed in Computational Biology. Following receipt of a letter of application to the Computational Biology Program Director in which they request Courtesy Faculty membership, Courtesy Faculty status at appropriate rank (that is, equivalent to their rank in the University unit that holds the FTE) will be decided by a vote of the Core Faculty after a critical review of the materials submitted by each applicant. Courtesy Faculty status is to be renewed every three years by a vote of the Core Faculty. Courtesy Faculty members are expected to be active participants in and contributors to the Computational Biology Program. If an appointee desires to take an even more active role in the Computational Biology Program, s/he should seek a joint appointment between his/her other unit and the Computational Biology Program.

(c)  Adjunct Faculty are persons whose interests and expertise are within the range of research and teaching of the Computational Biology Program but who are not salaried by the University of Kansas. Such persons may be granted Adjunct status in the Computational Biology Program, at an appropriate rank. Adjunct status may be held by persons who (1) have a potential long-term active association with the Computational Biology Program and (2) have an active research program. Qualifications for consideration for Adjunct status include: (1) an earned Ph.D. degree in an appropriate field, (2) evidence of an active research and/or teaching program, and (3) interest in participation in the Computational Biology Program activities.

Applications for Adjunct status with the Computational Biology Program should be made to the Director, who will appoint a committee to review the applicant’s credentials, determine availability of space and resources (if appropriate), and present the recommendations of the committee to the Core Faculty. Applicants should provide the CV and a letter that describes how the individual will contribute to the mission and activities of the Computational Biology Program. Upon recommendation of the committee, the application will be made available to the Core Faculty for review and vote.

Adjunct appointments carry no provisions for salary, tenure, or sabbatical leave. Promotion within the ranks of Adjunct faculty carries with it the same expectation of strong scholarly standing and long-term commitment to the Computational Biology Program. The Computational Biology Programs expects Adjunct appointees to take an active role in the Program (e.g., research, teaching, directing graduate students, and service on committees). Adjunct Faculty status is to be renewed annually by a vote of Core Faculty.The Computational Biology program expects Adjunct appointees to take an active role in the Program (e.g., research, teaching, directing graduate students, and service on committees). Adjunct Faculty status is to be renewed annually by a vote of Core Faculty.

(d) Research Faculty are non-tenured/tenure-track persons salaried by the University of Kansas and working in research programs of the Core Faculty. Other provisions of the Research Faculty appointment are the same as those of the Adjunct Faculty.

(e) Visiting Scholars are persons who hold a temporary salaried position and spends two years at the University of Kansas. Visiting Scholars conduct research in collaboration with the Core Faculty members. This status carries with it benefits afforded to full-time appointments.

(f)  Emeritus Faculty. In recognition of many years of service to the Computational Biology Program, a retired tenured Core Faculty member can be appointed as Professor Emeritus through normal University procedures. Recommendations for Emeritus Faculty status will be determined by a vote of a majority of the Core Faculty. Emeritus Faculty status is for life. Emeritus Faculty have the same rights and privileges as the Courtesy Faculty.

Computational Biology Program Officers

(a)  Director of the Computational Biology Program is appointed by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and serves at the Dean’s pleasure. The Director guides day-to-day and longer-term activities of the Computational Biology Program and officiates at the Computational Biology Program meetings (unless noted otherwise).

(b) Graduate Studies Coordinator is appointed by the Director and approved by the Core Faculty. He/she coordinates the work of the Graduate Program.

Computational Biology Program Standing Committees

Promotion and Tenure Committee. The Committee, comprised of faculty holding the appropriate rank, provides evaluations of faculty for progress toward tenured review and promotion and/or tenure in rank, and assists in preparation of materials for the College.

Committee Representation and Selection Procedures

Promotion and Tenure Committee. Only the tenured faculty members are able to serve on the Committee. All tenured Core Faculty are members of the Committee. If fewer than three Core Faculty members are tenured, one or two tenured Courtesy Faculty members are asked to serve on the Committee. Promotions to the rank of Full Professor are evaluated only by the members of the Committee who are Full Professors. If fewer than three Committee members are Full Professors, one or two Full Professor Courtesy Faculty members are asked to participate in the evaluation.

Voting Rights in Committee

All members of any standing or ad hoc committee have full voting rights in the committee.

Voting Rights Outside of Committees

Recommendations of all committees, except for the Promotion and Tenure Committee, are distributed and discussed in the Core Faculty meeting and then are approved, modified, or rejected by a vote of the Core Faculty.

Quorum Definition

A quorum consisting of more than 50% of the Core Faculty must be present for any votes held in a general meeting to be binding.

Faculty Performance Evaluation

The Faculty evaluation procedures are described in the Faculty Evaluation Plan.

Promotion and Tenure

The Program articulates its standards and procedures for promotion and/or tenure in its Promotion and Tenure Procedures.

Post-tenure Review

The Program articulates its procedures for post-tenure review in its Post-tenure Review Criteria and Procedures.

Grievance Procedure

Pursuant to Article XIV of the University Senate Code and Articles V and VI of the University Senate Rules and Regulations of the University of Kansas, Lawrence, the Computational Biology Program establishes the following procedure to hear grievances arising within the Computational Biology Program. These procedures are formally located in the policy library.



Center for Computational Biology
University of Kansas
2030 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS  66045

Program Director

Approved by: 
The Faculty of the Bioinformatics Program
Approved on: 
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Effective on: 
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
By-Laws, Standing Committtees, Program Review, BINF, Code of Conduct, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics
Change History: 
12/20/2024: Updated broken links; updated link accessibility. 
02/16/2015: Changed unit name to Computational Biology Program
04/08/2014: Revised to incorporate updated language
02/11/2009: Approved by vote of the Bioinformatics Program faculty


School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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