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Bylaws, School of Public Affairs and Administration


To define the rules and regulate the affairs of the School of Public Affairs and Administration  

Applies to: 

Faculty and staff within the School of Public Affairs and Administration 

Policy Statement: 

I. Meetings

Meeting sequence: The School holds monthly faculty meetings during the fall and spring semesters, scheduled at a time when faculty members are not obligated to the classroom.

Agenda: The School Director establishes the agenda. All faculty members are invited to suggest items for faculty meeting discussion. Faculty meetings are utilized principally for discussion items; information items are generally reported through electronic communication outside of the meetings.

Participants and Voting: In addition to all tenure-track and tenured faculty members, the Director of the Public Management Center and all Professors of Practice are invited to attend regular faculty meetings. When voting is necessary or requested by at least a third of those present, Roberts Rules of Order shall guide the School. The School will attempt to reach consensus on issues before a vote is called or requested. Only tenure-track and tenured faculty members are voting members. Voting via email is also acceptable.

II. Committees

The School’s administration is advanced by the use of committees. All committees are appointed by the School Director each academic year, except as otherwise noted. Faculty members are regularly given a chance to indicate their preferences for committee service. Appointments are based on a review of School needs, past service obligations, as well as faculty member’s interest.

Doctoral Committee: performs the following functions in relation to the doctoral program: admission, advising, curriculum design, exam administration, funding allocation, and recruitment. The committee is chaired by the Doctoral Coordinator.

Faculty Search Committee: coordinates the conduct of faculty searches when tenure-track faculty positions are open. The Committee solicits applications, makes recommendations to the faculty on the interview list, coordinates interviews, and recommends selections to the faculty. The Committee Chair ensures that all University requirements are met in the search process. Only faculty serve on this committee but students participate in the interviews and input is sought by the Search Committee.

Masters of Public Administration (MPA) Committee: performs the following functions in relation to the MPA degree program: admission, advising, curriculum design, exam administration, funding allocation, and recruitment. The committee is chaired by the MPA Coordinator.

Promotion and Tenure Committee: is comprised of all the tenured faculty of the department. All tenured faculty members participate in promotion and tenure decisions for tenure-track faculty members who are candidates for the rank of Associate Professor. All faculty members at the rank of Professor participate in promotion decisions for Associate Professor faculty members who are candidates for promotion to the rank of Professor. Student input into promotion and tenure decisions is solicited by the School Director or the Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair. Each non-tenured faculty member will be assigned a tenured faculty member(s) to work with while preparing the promotion and tenure file. Each Associate Professor seeking promotion to Professor will be assigned a Professor to work with while preparing the promotion file.

Undergraduate Committee: performs the following functions in relation to the School’s undergraduate majors and minors: admission, advising, curriculum design, funding allocations, and recruitment. The committee is chaired by the Undergraduate Coordinator.

III. School Director

Term of Appointment: The School Director is appointed for a five year term under the provisions of the relevant Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations and CLAS Procedures for Selection and Appointment of Chairpersons/Directors within the College. The director is appointed by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and serves at the pleasure of Dean.

School Director Responsibilities:

  • Coordinates all School academic programs (Undergraduate, MPA, and PhD) admissions, funding, curriculum development, scheduling, and assessment.
  • Ensures development of all faculty members. Assists faculty members in teaching improvement and research development. Provides merit salary recommendations to the Dean in accordance with the Faculty Evaluation Policy.
  • Ensures consistent input from students into School planning and personnel decisions.
  • Supervises administrative operations and staff.
  • Develops and maintains effective relationships within the College and the relevant units of the University.
  • In collaboration with the Director of the Public Management Center, ensures effective delivery of professional education programs.
  • Facilitates effective working relationships and performance among faculty members, staff, and students.
  • Coordinates planning efforts for the School. Coordinates program reviews activities as noted in IV. Program Review.
  • Administers the School’s budget with assistance from the administrative director and according to University fiscal policy and procedures.
  • Leads fundraising and revenue generation efforts.
  • Develops and maintains relationships with alumni and coordinates general public relations.
  • In collaboration with School faculty members, develops and maintains effective relationships with academic and professional associations and organizations at the national, regional, and state levels.

Selection: Given that the School Director serves effectively within a collaborative environment, selection of the School Director involves the School faculty and staff. The search process will include provisions for the solicitation of full comments by each faculty member and school staff. For the formation of the search committee, the School may elect faculty members to serve on a search committee; or it may entrust the responsibility to an existing group within the school; or it may serve as a committee of the whole. The committee shall elect, from among its members, a chairperson whose responsibilities shall include close and continuous liaison with the dean and/or contact associate dean of the College. While students may not serve as voting members on personnel committees, student and staff input should be sought and considered in a way that protects their confidentiality. At the recommendation of the dean, search committees may be augmented with faculty members from outside the unit to serve on the committee as external voting member(s). The recruitment process will be conducted in accordance with the CLAS and University procedures. The Search Committee will present its recommended candidates to the School faculty (generally more than one name is expected to be presented for consideration). The voting members of the School’s faculty will review the recommended candidates, amend the list as desired, and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each recommended candidate for the Dean. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences makes the final appointment.

IV. Coordinator Positions

In addition to the School Director, there are three coordinator positions at the School: Doctoral Coordinator, MPA Coordinator, and the Undergraduate Coordinator. The Coordinator positions are appointed by the School Director, in consultation with faculty members.

Doctoral Coordinator responsibilities include the following:

  • Chair the Doctoral Committee
  • In consultation with the School Director and committee, determine agenda for each year
  • Maintain policy in accordance with Graduate Studies and College Graduate Office
  • Oversee recruiting efforts and respond to inquiries
  • Oversee admissions processes
  • Coordinate exam process
  • Coordinate the assignment of faculty advisors to the students
  • Conduct the annual review process for those students who have not advanced to candidacy
  • Ensure that all University learning outcomes processes are complete
  • Oversee the School web presence for the doctoral program
  • In collaboration with the School Director and the committee administer doctoral funding (including GTA, GRA and GA assignments)
  • In collaboration with the School Director and the Undergraduate Coordinator coordinate annual GTA evaluations

MPA Coordinator responsibilities include the following:

  • Chair the MPA Committee
  • In consultation with the School Director and committee, determine agenda for each year
  • Maintain policy in accordance with Graduate Studies and College Graduate Office
  • Oversee recruiting efforts and respond to inquiries
  • Oversee admissions processes
  • Coordinate exam process
  • Ensure NASPAA accreditation is maintained in good standing
  • Ensure that all University learning outcomes processes are complete
  • Oversee the School web presence for the MPA program
  • In consultation with appropriate faculty, make decisions regarding course substitutions and transfer credit
  • Approve student petitions
  • Supervise the MPA advisors
  • In collaboration with the School Director and the committee administer, MPA funding

Undergraduate Coordinator responsibilities include the following:

  • Chair the Undergraduate Committee
  • In consultation with the School Director and committee, determine agenda for each year
  • Maintain policy in accordance with the College Undergraduate Studies Office
  • Oversee recruiting efforts
  • Oversee admissions processes
  • Ensure that all University learning outcomes processes are complete
  • Oversee the School web presence for the undergraduate program
  • In consultation with appropriate faculty, make decisions regarding course substitutions and transfer credit
  • Approve student petitions
  • Coordinate with the undergraduate staff advisor
  • In collaboration with the School Director and the committee administer undergraduate scholarship funding

V. Program Review

The School of Public Affairs and Administration engages in three types of program review:

  1. All programs are assessed for effectiveness on a regular basis under the direction of the program coordinators and the School Director. Regular discussions of program effectiveness take place in committee meetings. Assessment tools are deployed on a regular basis.
  2. The department participates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences program review under the guidelines from the College and the Board of Regents. These reviews are generally done every seven years.
  3. The MPA degree is subject to programmatic review and re-accreditation every seven years by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.

VI. Grade Appeals

Grade appeals are first made to the faculty member and then to the School Director. If the issue is not resolved at the School Director level a special committee of the School faculty can hear the appeal. It the issue is not resolved within the School, appeal can be made to the Judicial Board.

VII. By-Laws and Policy Revisions

These by-laws will be reviewed once a year by the School Director and the faculty. Revisions may be made at any time. Revisions require a two-thirds positive vote of the tenured and tenured-track faculty.

Note: The following documents also contain important information about faculty personnel procedures: Promotion and Tenure Procedures, Criteria for Promotion in Rank and/or Tenure, the Faculty Evaluation Plan, and unit's Grievance Procedure. 


Director, KU School of Public Affairs and Administration
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
4060 Wescoe Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045-3177
(785) 864-3527

Approved by: 
School of Public Affairs and Administration
Approved on: 
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Effective on: 
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Bylaws, By-laws, Standing committees, Public Affairs and Administration, Program Review
Change History: 
  • Updated broken links, 12/20/2024.
  • Approved by majority email vote, May 31, 2007.
  • Revision Approved in faculty meeting, May 13, 2008.
  • Revision Approved in faculty meeting, February 12, 2009.
  • Revision Approved in faculty meeting, September 11, 2013.
School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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