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Promotion and Tenure Procedures, Department of Anthropology

Promotion, Tenure, Procedures for, Initial Review, Anthropology
Change History: 

07/03/2024: Uploaded accessible version of PDF Policy Statement.
06/13/2017: Converted to policy PDF page.
06/12/2017: Approved by the Dean of CLAS. Updated FSRR 6.5.1.
10/15/2015: Corrected erroneous approved by date of 11/20/2012 to 02/16/2013. Corrected erroneous effective on date of 02/06/2013 to 02/16/2013. Added to this section, the complete list of changes that had been made on 09/02/2015. Corrected this section to show that the unit's original policy dated 03/14/2012 was not acceptable to SPPT requiring the unit to re-vote on 02/16/2013, at which time the policy was effective.
09/02/2015: Made updates to boiler plate text:

1) Under General Provisions, paragraph three, “Chancellor” has been changed to “next review level;”

2) Under Initiation of Review, the following was added, “NOTE: Candidates who hold joint appointments prepare only one set of promotion and tenure materials for review by both units in which they hold an appointment. The initial review units (i.e., departments, centers, etc.) shall consult with each other on their evaluations and the evaluation process, but each initial review unit must provide a separate evaluation of the candidate’s performance in the unit. Please refer to the College’s Promotion and Tenure Statement for detailed instructions.”

3) The following was added under to paragraph concerning outside reviewers, “The committee shall give the candidate the opportunity to suggest individuals to be included or excluded from the list of reviewers. The committee, however, is responsible for using its judgment in the final selection of reviewers.

02/16/2013: SPPT revision approved by faculty vote of the Department of Anthropology.
11/01/2012: Approved by The Faculty Senate Committee on Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure pending one revision.
03/14/2012: Approved by the Department of Anthropology (this version not approved by SPPT).   

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Promotion & Tenure
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Promotion & Tenure
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Promotion & Tenure

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