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School of Engineering Professor of Practice Evaluation Plan, Electric Engineering and Computer Science


To articulate the procedures for evaluation for Professors of Practice in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Applies to: 

Professors of Practice within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 
1 Introduction
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science uses the faculty evaluation process to enhance the goals of the Department; including curriculum development, research opportunities, and service to the community, state, nation, and profession.
The faculty of the EECS Department will place this document on the agenda of the first faculty meeting in the fall semester every year. At that time, if any changes are made to the document, they must be approved by a vote of the faculty. The revised document will then be submitted to the Provost’s office. If no changes are approved, the document on file in the Provost’s office will serve as the governing plan for that academic year unless the faculty chooses to modify it during the year.
2 Department Expectations
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as a department, espouses the goals of the School of Engineering to provide a balance between undergraduate teaching, graduate teaching, research, and service that does not emphasize one at the expense of another. To that end, we assign faculty to teach required undergraduate courses, undergraduate electives, and graduate courses. As a department, we strive to be recognized for quality teaching, strong research, and excellent service to the profession. We expect all of our undergraduate programs to be fully accredited, a recognized measure of quality. In an overall sense, our expectation is to educate graduates who are excellent technical professionals and who will excel in their chosen career path.
Professors of Practice in the department are expected to teach EECS and/or IT courses, advise students, mentor students, engage in scholarly activities, render professional service and maintaining professional credentials as appropriate, and/or other duties that the EECS department chair determines are consistent with this position. Professors of Practice in the department may contribute to course transformation efforts and assessment. The mix of activities and level of contributions to these areas will vary according to rank, be consistent with the interests of individual faculty member, and accomplish the goals of the department. The mix of activities will be negotiated between the faculty member and the Chair. The EECS department seeks, across the department, typically for Professors of Practice to contribute 65% to teaching, and 35% service including student advising and mentoring. Individual contributions will vary. Nominal EECS expectations for regular faculty are described below.
Teaching (65%): The nominal teaching load for Professors of Practice faculty is six courses per year. Professors of Practice are expected to hold scheduled office hours during the academic year. Scheduling of courses to meet department, school, and university requirements is the unilateral responsibility of the Chair. Professors of Practice are expected to meet all class sessions consistent with the responsible conduct of their assigned class. Faculty members have the latitude to reschedule classes due to research and service demands and other academic responsibilities. This privilege is not used to the detriment of students or the educational mission of the department, but for the enhancement of the education experience. Effective teaching is monitored by student evaluations, peer reviews, and alumni responses and surveys.
Service (35%): All Professors of Practice are expected to advise and mentor students. Professors of Practice are expected to perform service to the department’s constituent communities: the department, the School of Engineering, the University, the State, the Nation, and the profession.
Professors of Practice are expected to contribute to the department goals in the following ways:
Teaching: All Professors of Practice are expected to cover the material described in the ABET description of the EECS courses that they are assigned to teach for undergraduate and undergraduate courses and maintain an acceptable level of classroom performance as measured by student evaluations and/or other forms of course evaluations that are approved by the EECS faculty.
Service: All Professors of Practice are expected to advise and mentor students. Beyond advising activities minimal service at the local level is expected from assistant teaching professors. The associate Professors of Practice are expected to provide service to the department, school, university, and at the national level. Professors of Practice should be active in service to the department, school, and university; to the State of Kansas; and should be active on a professional and national/international level including demonstrated leadership. Professors of Practice are expected maintaining professional credentials as appropriate. Professors of Practice are expected to participate in professional development activities.
3 Evaluation
3.1 Overview
The EECS Department evaluates Professors of Practice on an annual basis. Professors of Practice faculty have a comprehensive evaluation every three years. In January, Professors of Practice prepare a Faculty Activity Report (FAR) describing their activities for the past calendar year. The FAR format and content is defined by the School of Engineering and may be supplemented by the department. Faculty may include additional information with their submission. The Chair reviews the FARs in February. Results of the review are discussed between the individual faculty member and the Chair.
Professors of Practice will have a comprehensive evaluation every three years of the appointment prior to another 3-year appointment.
The scope and objectives of annual evaluation are:
  • To provide a basis for determining merit salary increases. Failure to submit a portfolio may result in no merit salary increase for that year.
  • To provide constructive feedback and assistance to any faculty member whose productivity has fallen significantly below expectations. The expectations are defined by the faculty and are subject to periodic faculty review.
  • To determine if a faculty member is failing to meet academic responsibilities The EECS faculty has charged the Chair with conducting annual evaluations.
3.2 Portfolio Preparation
The Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is the primary instrument for collecting basic data. The FAR format is defined by the School of Engineering. In addition to the FAR, each faculty member submits a summary of the student feedback forms for each class, and a copy of their curriculum vitae. The FAR submitted for the purpose of the annual evaluation and distribution of merit salary increases includes the following: courses taught, advising activity, awards, grants, proposals, publications, presentations, department/school/university committee service, professional service, community outreach, and honors and awards.
3.3 Portfolio Review and Evaluation
Based on the data provided, the Chair evaluates each faculty member’s performance. Among other items of review, the Chair will indicate in writing the overall performance level of the faculty member and state of his/her performance level. The evaluation is discussed between the individual faculty member and the Chair. The performance levels are defined as follows:
  • Above expectations: Performance goes beyond that expected of the typical faculty member. This might be the case in which a faculty member garners teaching awards and other evidence of outstanding classroom performance.
  • Meets expectations: Performance that is expected of the typical Professors of Practice
  • Below expectations: Performance that falls below what is expected of the typical Professors of Practice but still exceeds the minimum acceptable level. A faculty member in this category is still contributing in a positive way.
  • Failure to meet academic responsibilities: Poor teaching performance. This might be the case when a faculty member fails to follow the ABET description for assigned EECS or IT courses, receives poor feedback from students, fails to teach the necessary material required for subsequent courses, and contributes poorly to committee and other service assignments. Failure to meet academic responsibilities also includes performance that is detrimental to students and/or colleagues including consistently failing to meet his/her classes. Engaging in proscribed conduct as described in Appendix A also constitutes failure to meet academic responsibilities.
3.4 Outcomes of the Annual Performance Evaluation
The annual evaluation is used to guide the department toward attainment of its established goals and an instrument to facilitate faculty member’s attaining their career goals.
3.4.1 Faculty Enhancement
The EECS Chair may recommend the faculty member engage in multiple opportunities for teaching. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science conducts an annual, daylong retreat at the beginning of the academic year to discuss issues relating to the future of the department. The retreat is an opportunity to discuss future curriculum development, future research opportunities for faculty, outreach/service opportunities, and long-term departmental goals.
The EECS Department encourages faculty to take advantage of faculty development initiatives at the school and university level, including summer research grants related to classroom teaching, and to pursue opportunities provided by professional organizations such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
3.4.2 Actions for Failure to Meet Academic Responsibilities
The Chair determines the individual will not be reappointed if the Chair determines that performance is classified as fails to meet academic responsibilities.
Professors of Practice may be dismissed for poor performance, misconduct, budgetary reasons, program changes, enrollment declines, or because a unit determines that the position would be better filled by another individual. The termination of employment may occur prior to the end date of the limited term appointment. As non-tenure track, limited term faculty appointments, the University and Board of Regents regulations on advance notice of non-reappointment do not apply and the non-reappointment or dismissal is not appealable. Professor of Practice positions that are funded either partially or fully by external sources such as grants and contracts will be designated as contingent on funding and will end immediately upon loss of external funding. Regardless of funding source, the appointment may be subject to furlough and/or salary may be reduced during budgetary constraints.
Appendix A Proscribed Conduct
Proscribed conduct includes the following categories:
  • Willful failure of a faculty member to carry out his/her academic responsibilities. The gravity of such failures may vary. The failure to meet a class is more serious, as a rule, than failure to attend a committee meeting. Cumulative absences or failures to perform even in less grievous matters are more serious than occasional lapses over long periods of time.
  • Violation of lawful published University regulations.
  • Knowingly furnishing false information to the University, or forging, altering, or misusing University documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
  • Failure to respect the rights or academic freedom of students, staff or of other faculty members.
  • Behavior in the discharge of his/her duties that violates commonly accepted standards of professional ethics as defined, for example, in the statement of professional ethics adopted by the 52nd Annual Meeting of the AAUP, April, 1966. 2 (See also the University of Kansas Policy on Consenting Relationships.) Abusive or unprofessional treatment of students, faculty, or other members of the University fall within this category. Repeated infractions of one's responsibilities, whether informal and/or formal admonitions, warnings or reprimands have occurred, are more serious than initial infractions of the same type. Also proscribed is any form of sexual harassment or discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
  • Plagiarism, misrepresentation or fraud in classroom presentations, published works, or published presentations.
  • Committing an act that involves such moral turpitude as to render the faculty member unfit for his/her position. As used in this section, conduct involving moral turpitude means intentional conduct, prohibited by law, which is gravely injurious to another person or to society and which constitutes a substantial deviation from the accepted standards of duty owed by a person to other persons and society.
  • If another University tribunal or body exists which might properly entertain a claim or charge of conduct proscribed in Article V, the processes of that body or tribunal normally must first be exhausted before the jurisdiction of the Judicial Board can be invoked. However, in extraordinary circumstances the Judicial Board may exercise original jurisdiction notwithstanding failure to exhaust remedies available in other University tribunals. Whether such extraordinary circumstances exist as warrant the exercise of original jurisdiction by the Judicial Board shall be determined by such Board.

Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
1520 West 15th Street
2001 Eaton Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7608

Approved by: 
EECS Faculty
Approved on: 
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Effective on: 
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Evaluation, Professor of Practice, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Change History: 

04/05/2023: Added to Policy Library.
01/30/2019: Approved.

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