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School of Architecture and Design Bylaws, Department of Design


To define the rules and regulate the affairs of the Department of Design.

Applies to: 

Faculty and staff in the Department of Design.

Policy Statement: 

I. Organization and Structure of the Design Department

A. Areas of Study

The Design Department includes the following Departmental Programs:
1. Foundation Studies 
2. Animation
3. Illustration
4. Industrial Design
5. Interaction Design
6. Photography
7. Visual Communication Design
8. Master of Design (Interaction Design & Design Management)

1. Design Minor
2. Photography Minor

B. Faculty

All faculty roles within the department are defined in accordance with the University Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff. Faculty roles within the department include the following:
a. Tenured faculty, including Associate Professors, Full Professors, and Distinguished Professors.
b. Tenure Track Professors, including Assistant Professors.
c. Non-Tenure Track Professors, including all Visiting Professors, Teaching Professors, and Professors of Practice.
d. Multi-Term FTE Lecturers.
e. Part-time Lecturers.
Non-FTE Faculty
a. Graduate Teaching Assistants
b. Professors Emeritus

C. Administrative Officers

The administrative officers of the Design Department shall be as follows:
1. Department Chairperson
2. Associate Chairperson
3. Administrative Assistant to the Chair 
4. Program Directors

D. Departmental Staff

The Staff of the Design Department consists of all persons with a non-teaching role, appointed within the Department or who have all or a portion of their appointment assigned to the Department. This includes all classified and non-classified staff. 

E. Committees of the Department

Departmental committees are responsible for addressing and performing specific administrative duties for the department. They are also tasked with researching and discussing topics within narrow areas of expertise in order to bring recommendations back to the department as a whole. 
Faculty and Staff of the Department are assigned to committees by the Department Chairperson, with consultation from the area coordinators and within the guidelines set forth for each committees’ charge. 
Committee assignments are generally made by the Department Chairperson at the start of the fall semester, or when necessary to address committee or Department needs. 
The following Departmental committees constitute the Standing Committees of the Design Department:
a. Faculty Affairs Committee
b. Bylaws Committee
c. Exhibition Committee
d. Student Success Committee
Each committee, upon their first meeting, will select one of their members to serve as Committee Chair.
The Department Chairperson shall serve on all Department Committees as an ex officio member of the committee. 

II. Meetings of the Department

A. Conduct of Departmental Meetings

Within the framework outlined here, all actions of the department and its committees will be conducted as democratically as possible in the manner most likely to ensure free, open, and orderly discussion. When questions of procedure arise, appeal should be made to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

B. Faculty Meetings

1. Purpose
The purpose of Departmental meetings is to provide:
a. An open forum for dissemination of information about current and upcoming activities within the Department.
b. Facilitate the coordination of activities between different Areas of Study, Committees, or other functional units of the department. 
c. An opportunity for the work of Department Committees, School Committees, and other administrative bodies within and outside of the school to present information to the Department for discussion or decision making. 
d. An opportunity to raise questions of policy or the business of the Department for discussion and vote among voting members. 

2. Scheduling
Regular faculty meetings are scheduled every other week during the academic year, in accordance with these guidelines:
a. The Department Chairperson serves as the chairperson of all Faculty meetings. If the Department Chair is not able to attend or serve as meeting chair, the meeting will be chaired by a member of the Core Faculty designated by the Department Chair.
b. The Chairperson may cancel meetings for lack of sufficient business. 
c. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson, or by petition of at least six members of the Voting Faculty. 
d. The Department Chairperson will distribute a notification of meetings times and an agenda at least twenty-four hours before each meeting.
e. All core faculty are expected to attend.
3. Voting Membership
The Voting Membership of the department shall consist of:
A. All Core Faculty of the Design Department. The Core Faculty are defined:
a. Tenured Faculty and Tenure-Track Faculty.
b. Visiting Professors, Teaching Professors, and Professors of Practice.
c. Multi-Term FTE Lecturers.
d. All Lecturers who have held a faculty appointment of more than 50% time for more than three consecutive years.
B. Persons holding a non-FTE teaching role within the department but not belonging to the categories above shall be represented by a number equal to the number of equivalent full-time positions appointed at that rank within the department. This shall include:
a. Part-time Lecturers.
b. Graduate Teaching Assistants.
c. Emeritus
d. representatives shall be appointed by the department Chair.
Representatives for these persons shall be appointed by the department Chair at the beginning of each semester as needed.
A roster of the voting membership will be made available by the Department Chairperson at the beginning of each fall semester.
4. Quorum
A quorum of one-half of the voting membership shall be present before any business may be transacted. Meetings shall be open, except when closed by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
5. Voting
All of those with Voting Membership will have one vote each, with the following exceptions:
a. When considering faculty appointments, only Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty may vote. 
b. When considering personnel matters, only Tenured faculty may vote.
c. When considering changes to the curriculum, only core faculty may vote.

C. Program Directors Meetings

The purpose of the Program Directors meeting is to provide an opportunity for the coordination of activities and resources between the various Areas of Study within the department. Regular Program Directors meetings are scheduled every other week during the academic year.

D. Committee Meetings

Each Standing Committee of the Department is responsible for scheduling meetings on a regular or as-needed basis, in accordance with performing its duties. 
At the beginning of each academic year, or when changes in committee assignments are necessitated, the Department Chairperson will assist in organizing an initial meeting of each department committee. The initial business for each committee will include:
1. Selection of a committee chairperson.
2. A review of any old business before the committee.
3. If appropriate, coordination of a regular or ad-hoc committee meeting schedule. 

III. Chairperson

The Chairperson is the administrative and operating head of the department, acts in all cases on its behalf, and is its sole official representative in meetings and communications with other departments, divisions, and administrators of the University except when he or she (or the department with his or her consent) designates another member of the department to act temporarily in that capacity.
He or she will be selected in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the University for filling such positions, and will be reviewed according to those rules and regulations providing for such review procedures.

A. Duties and Responsibilities

1. Personnel Responsibilities
a. Hire, assign duties and annually review departmental classified and unclassified staff.
b. Responsible for annual reviews for departmental classified and unclassified staff.
c. Make recommendations for faculty hiring appointments to the Dean after consultation with Program Directors.
d. Hiring lecturer appointments after consultation with appropriate Program Directors.
e. Formulate salary recommendations for faculty and staff members.
f. Transmit to the Dean and the Faculty Affairs committee of the School of Architecture and Design recommendations for promotion and tenure.
g. Conduct an annual review of faculty with the assistance of the Faculty Affairs committee  (see Annual Evaluation Plan for faculty)
h. Works with the Program Directors to assign a mentor to new pre-tenured faculty.
2. Administrative Responsibilities:
a. Designate a member of the department's faculty as Associate Chairperson. 
b. Administer day-to-day operations of the department.
c. Make committee assignments with recommendations from the Program Directors.
d. Formulate departmental budget recommendations (including future hires) and communicate such to the faculty and the Dean's Office.
e. Establish enrollment and advising procedures.
f. Schedule teaching assignments.
g. Schedule courses and room assignments.
h. Seek an equitable distribution of teaching loads.
i. Discuss with faculty any recommendations for facilities and space allocations.
j. Appoint ad hoc committees of the department.
k. Responsible for the distribution of scholarship funds, KUEA funds and any other funds designated for distribution in the Department of Design or any of its areas, in consultation with the appropriate committees and Program Directors. 
l. Responsible for proposals for use of Differential Tuition funding, and for communicating the use of such funding to faculty and the Dean’s Office.
m. Facilitate the accreditation process.

IV. Associate Chair

The Associate Chair serves to support the Chairperson in their duties as Department Chair. Duties and Responsibilities of the Associate Chair are defined by the Chairperson.

V. Administrative Assistant to the Chair

The Administrative Assistant to the Chair serves to support the Chairperson in their duties as Department Chair. Duties and Responsibilities of the Assistant to the Chair Include:
1. Act as the recorder of minutes at each faculty meeting and shall be responsible for distributing them in a timely matter to all faculty members. 
2. Ensure that all members of the faculty and members and officers of all departmental committees have access to:
a. A roster of the Voting Membership of the Department.
b. A record of the current Department Committee assignments.  
c. The Bylaws of the Department and School.
3. Assist in the management of department social media outlets.
4. Assist with the process of course assessments.
5. Assist the Department Chairperson and Associate Chair in their duties as necessary. 

VI. Program Directors

The Program Directors are the administrative officers responsible for the operations of each Area of Study within the Department. Program Directors are appointed annually by the Department Chairperson, in consultation with the appropriate faculty.
Collectively the Program Directors form the Group of Program Directors, which consists of:
a. A faculty member to represent the area of Foundation Studies (BDS and ADS “Foundational Courses”)
b. A faculty member to represent the area of Animation
b. A faculty member to represent the area of Illustration
c. A faculty member to represent the area of Industrial Design
d. A faculty member to represent the area of Interaction Design
e. A faculty member to represent the area of Photography
f. A faculty member to represent the area of Visual Communication Design
g. A faculty member to represent the Design Master’s program
The Group of Program Directors meets regularly to discuss matters related to their duties and responsibilities. The Department Chairperson serves as an ex officio member and chairperson of the group of Program Directors.

A. Roles and Responsibilities

a. The Director reports to the Chair and is reviewed by the Chair.
b. Set standards for admissions into each respective program. 
c. Selection of applicants for admissions into the program.
d. Planning and coordinating advising, counseling, and enrollment of majors with the Director of Student Academic Services & Success.
e. Coordinate curricular development and review for each respective program, and recommendation of curricular changes to the faculty.
f. Coordination of guest speakers with the Department Chair for the Design Symposium Lecture series, and other department events. 
g. Recommendation of visiting artists and other outside professionals to the Department Chair for workshops and other short-term teaching related activities within a program.
h. Submit to the Chairperson recommendations for teaching assignments as called for by the Chairperson, including all Lecturers.
i. Recommendation of visiting Part-time Lecturers to teach classes or other teaching activities within the program.
j. Participate in coordination with the Department Chair of faculty searches for open positions with each respective program. 
k. Establish such subcommittees as the group deems necessary for the reviewing of policies and procedures of the department.
l. Supervise space and equipment assigned to each respective program.
m. Budget consultation, ordering of expendable materials, supplies, and/or replacement equipment for use by the program.
n. Promptly communicate to the faculty they represent all appropriate information and material related to the program.
o. Work with School staff and program faculty on new student recruitment.
p. Other special duties specific to the program as assigned by the Department Chairperson.

VII. Faculty Affairs Committee

A. Membership

Shall include three tenured Full or Associate Professors for two-year appointments. 
Under some circumstances, membership of the committee is restricted due to the duties of the committee for the upcoming term. These are as follows:
a. It will be required that at least two Full Professors be appointed to serve when there is an Associate Professor applying for the rank of Full Professor. The third member may be a tenured Associate Professor.
b. In all other tenure, sabbatical and promotion issues, there can be any combination of tenured Full and/or Associate Professors appointed to the committee.
c. No committee member or a spouse may serve during any academic year that the committee is to consider that individual for promotion, tenure, or sabbatical leave. The Chairperson shall appoint another tenured Full Professor or Associate Professor to serve on the committee during the consideration and recommendation of that individual.

B. Responsibilities

The Faculty Affairs Committee is charged with the following responsibilities: 
1. Faculty Evaluations
a. Coordinate and conduct a review of the Core Faculty of the Department in the spring semester of each year.
b. Provide tenure-track faculty with feedback on their progress toward tenure, recognizing their strengths and accomplishments and making specific recommendations for addressing any shortcomings. 
c. Provide non-tenure track faculty with feedback on the performance of the duties of their appointment.
d. Consider the qualifications of all tenured faculty members below the rank of full professor and recommend to the Department Chair the names of those Faculty Members whose qualifications may warrant promotion in rank. 
e. Based on Faculty Evaluations, make recommendations to the Department Chair for Merit Awards for faculty members.
2. Promotion and Tenure
a. Evaluation of candidates for promotion, tenure, or non-reappointment as prescribed by the Senate Code and published in the appendix of the University Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff.
b. Assist the Department Chair in assigning a mentor to each tenure-track faculty member, and provide support for that mentor as needed. 
c. Schedule a meeting in the spring of each school year for untenured faculty members in order to inform and guide them in all matters pertaining to promotion, tenure, or non-reappointment.
3. Promotion and Tenure Policy
a. Review and approve the promotion and tenure criteria every three years, and submit the approved criteria to the School Promotion and Tenure Committee for review and recommendation as well as to the Faculty Senate Committee on Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure for approval. 
b. For a full explanation of the Promotion and Tenure Committee’s Policies, Procedures and Criteria, see the Department of Design Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP).
4. Evaluation of requests for sabbatical leave. 

VIII. Bylaws Committee 

A. Membership

Shall consist of core faculty members appointed by the Department Chairperson in consultation with the Program Directors. Where possible, members of the Department Bylaws committee should also be appointed to the School Bylaws committee. Membership is for two-year appointments.

B. Responsibilities

a. Review of the Bylaws of the Department annually.
b. Submit for faculty approval any changes, additions, or deletions recommended by the committee.
c. Review changes, additions, or deletions recommended by other committees or by individual faculty members, and resubmission of these to the faculty for approval.
d. Consultation to other committees, or to individual Faculty, Staff, or Administrative Officers on the interpretation and implementation of the department bylaws.  
e. Coordination of the Department Bylaws with the School Bylaws committee. 
f. The committee will provide approved changes to the bylaws to the Chair for submission to the KU Policy Library.

IX. Exhibition Committee

A. Membership

Shall include Core Faculty members appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the Program Directors. 

B. Responsibilities:

a. Select a Chair of the Committee to work with the Chair of the Visual Art Department on gallery sharing and scheduling.
b. Organization and installation of student exhibitions relevant to the Department.
c. Organization and installation of faculty exhibitions relevant to the Department.
d. Coordination of exhibition of work in school exhibition spaces such as hallway cases and gallery spaces. 
e. Assist with the exhibition of work for any special events.
f. Coordinating the dissemination of information regarding department exhibitions, and the promotion of those exhibitions to appropriate outlets.

X. Student Success Committee

A. Membership:

Shall include Core Faculty appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the Program Directors.
Where possible, the Committee will elect a Chairperson for the Committee from the two tenure-track faculty and that member will also serve on the school DEIB Committee.

B. Responsibilities:

1. Address and resolve student issues including:
a. Review and resolve student petition(s) and make recommendations to the Chair regarding disputed grades.
b. Review and resolve student petition(s) and make recommendations to the Chair regarding course substitutions.
c. Review and resolve student petition(s) regarding other issues and make recommendations to the Chair.
d. Update petition forms as needed.
2. Developing and promoting high impact programing such as Experiential Learning, Study Abroad, Service Learning, and Sponsored projects.
3. Present calls for nominations and applications for available undergraduate scholarships and awards.
4. Promote the research activities of undergraduate students, including advising the Chair on the expenditure of departmental funds to assist students in their research and to encourage faculty-undergraduate research collaboration. 

XI. Bylaw Procedures

A. Ratification

The Bylaws shall be adopted after approval by majority vote of the voting members of the department. Following adoption, a copy of the Bylaws shall be made available to all present and future members of the Department.

B. Amendments

Amendments may be proposed by any member or standing committee of the department. Amendments to the bylaws must be adopted by majority vote of the voting members of the department at a meeting of the department. 
All amendments must be distributed in writing at least one week before the meeting at which they are to be considered.

C. Editorial Changes

When, as a result of administrative action or amendment, changes become necessary in these Bylaws, the Department Chairperson will direct the Department Bylaws committee to cause the appropriate editorial changes to be made in the bylaws. An updated version of the bylaws will be made available to the Voting Membership of the Department by the next regularly scheduled department meeting.

School of Architecture and Design
Department of Design
Marvin Hall , 1465 Jayhawk Blvd. Room 200
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Approved by: 
School of Architecture and Design, Design Faculty
Approved on: 
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Effective on: 
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
bylaws, design
Change History: 

07/18/2024: Converted from PDF to live text page. Updated and approved by Design Faculty 04/26/2024.
11/02/2021: Uploaded accessible document.

School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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