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School of Business, Teaching Professor Promotion Policy


To establish criteria for promotion from assistant to associate to full teaching professor.

Applies to: 

Faculty with teaching professor appointments

Policy Statement: 

Promotion reviews will be conducted by a three-person faculty committee including at least one tenured faculty member and, when possible, at least one teaching professor. A review committee is appointed when needed by the Faculty Advisory Committee in consultation with the dean. The dean and associate deans are not eligible to serve on the promotion committees.

To be considered for promotion the candidate must provide the committee with a teaching portfolio and statements of teaching, service, and scholarly engagement. These materials should provide evidence supporting the promotion criteria listed below. The statements should describe specific efforts, achievements, and plans for each category. The teaching portfolio should contain information on several dimensions of teaching such as those in the Center for Teaching Excellence’s Benchmarks for Teaching Excellence (CTE framework). Candidates may also submit contact information for up to five former students from whom letters commenting on the candidate’s teaching performance will be solicited by the school. The candidate’s area director will provide the committee with a confidential letter addressing teaching, service, and scholarly engagement. The dean’s office will provide course evaluations, grade distributions, and enrollment data.

The committee will review these materials and recommend either promotion or continuation at the current rank to the dean. The dean will review and convey the committee’s recommendation and his/her recommendation to the provost.

Promotion from assistant teaching professor to associate teaching professor will be based on the considerations below. Promotion will be recommended when a holistic assessment indicates that the candidate is, overall, a strong and meaningful contributor to the school’s teaching mission.

  • Demonstrated ability to consistently provide a relevant and effective classroom experience.
  • Demonstrated efforts at continuous improvement in course materials and presentation.
  • Meaningful contribution to the student experience outside the classroom through activities such as mentoring, advising, sponsoring student groups, participation in curriculum development, and other functions necessary to ensuring a strong learning environment.
  • Annual reviews documenting desired and noteworthy teaching and service activities throughout the review period.
  • Demonstrated efforts to develop and maintain an engaged understanding of current business practice.

Promotion from associate teaching professor to teaching professor will be based on the considerations below. Promotion will be recommended when a holistic assessment indicates that the candidate is, overall, an exemplary contributor to the school’s teaching mission.

  • Demonstrated ability to consistently provide a relevant, and effective classroom experience and to share this ability within the school or through CTE.
  • Demonstrated efforts at continuous improvement in course materials and presentation.
  • Leadership in developing the student experience outside the classroom or other activities necessary to the functioning of the school.
  • Annual reviews documenting desired and noteworthy teaching activities throughout the review period.

Leadership in business community engagement and enhancement of understanding of current industry practice relevant to business education.


Associate Dean
School of Buisness

Approved by: 
Faculty Assembly
Approved on: 
Friday, January 31, 2020
Effective on: 
Friday, January 31, 2020
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

The school follows university policy regarding the responsibilities, qualifications, conditions, annual reviews, and timing of promotion reviews for teaching professor appointments. This policy describes the School of Business’s process and criteria for progression in rank subsequent to appointment as an assistant teaching professor.

business, teaching professor, promotion
Change History: 

04/14/2023: New policy added to Policy Library.
01/31/2020: Faculty Assembly approved.

School/College Policy Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure
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