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Academic Program Review


Defines the scope and process for Academic Program Review at the University of Kansas.

Applies to: 

All academic units conferring degrees, including majors and minors at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels.   

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 
The Academic Program Review process is intended to support continuous improvement of academic programs and ensure alignment between unit goals and activities and KU’s mission, strategic priorities, and fiscal allocations. Academic Program Review is a requirement of the Higher Learning Commission and the Kansas Board of Regents.  
Responsibility for Academic Program Review is shared between the Lawrence Campus and KU Medical Center and their respective reporting units, but the process varies for each, as outlined below. 

Lawrence Campus and All Reporting Units


I. Scope & Review Cycle

Academic Program Review (APR) is conducted on a four-year cycle. All academic units conferring degrees must participate in Academic Program Review once during each four-year cycle. For academic programs also subject to external program accreditation review, every effort is made to coordinate the timing of program review with the accreditation review to make effective use of faculty time and minimize duplication of effort. Certificates are reviewed separately, as governed by undergraduate and graduate certificate policy. 

II. Self-Study & Faculty Involvement

The process includes a Self-Study Report by the unit covering all degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Report includes questions relating to 1) the contributions of the unit to the University’s mission, 2) qualifications and achievements of the faculty, 3) quality of the curriculum and its impact on students, 4) the effectiveness of the unit’s degree programs as measured by recruitment, retention, and student outcomes, and 5) the service of the unit to the institution, the discipline, and the broader community. Each unit must also use the Self-Study to set goals and report on progress since the last review.  
To assist in preparation of the Self-Study Report, relevant data collected by KU is provided to the unit by Analytics, Institutional Research, & Effectiveness (AIRE) in coordination with the Office of Academic Affairs. It is the responsibility of each unit to gather any additional, unit-specific data required to respond to the Report’s questions. This must include a survey or focus group with students to gather student perspectives on the learning outcomes for each degree. Options and guidelines for conducting this survey or focus group are provided to the unit by the Office of Academic Affairs.   
It is the responsibility of unit leaders to solicit the involvement of unit faculty in the review process. This includes ensuring they are aware of the scope and process for review and can contribute, as appropriate to their role, to the substance of the Self-Study Report. The involvement of external reviewers is optional and is left to the discretion of the Dean.  
The unit must submit the Self-Study Report to the Dean’s Office in accordance with the procedures and deadline established by the Office of Academic Affairs.   

III. Dean’s Review

The Dean and their designees must review each Self-Study Report, including the goals identified by the unit. The Dean and their designees must work with the unit to refine goals as needed to align with the mission and strategic plan of the School/College. The Dean or designee must create a one-to-two-page written response to the Self-Study Report, including an endorsement of the unit’s goals and any recommendations they have for specific actions by the unit and/or intended or anticipated changes to resource allocations impacting the unit. 
The Dean’s Office must submit the Self-Study Report and the response document in accordance with the procedures and deadline established by the Office of Academic Affairs.   

IV. Academic Program Review Committee

The Academic Program Review Committee (APRAC) is composed of 12 members appointed by the Provost based upon nominations from the Deans. Membership shall consist of faculty from the College/Schools according to the following counts:
a. College: 3 members 
b. Business: 2 members 
c. Education: 1 member 
d. Engineering: 1 member
e. All remaining schools: 5 members (Nominations solicited on a rotating basis from Deans of Architecture & Design, Journalism, Law, Music, Pharmacy, Professional Studies, and Social Welfare).
No more than one member from a single discipline/program area can be appointed by the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor nor, in the case of the College, more than one member from a single division. Members serve 2-year terms and may not serve more than three consecutive terms.   

V. APRC Review & Recommendations

Each unit’s Academic Program Review is conducted by at least two APRC members. To the extent possible, at least one member conducting the review must be from a related disciplinary area.
APRC members must 1) review the Report and the Dean’s response, 2) conduct at least one meeting with leadership from the unit under review, which may include the Dean or Dean’s designee, and 3) prepare a 1-2 page document with feedback for the unit and Dean, including any concerns raised by the review and/or recommendations for modifications to the unit goals or resource allocations. These reports will be reviewed by the full committee before dissemination. The Dean shall consider these recommendations and, in consultation with the unit, determine any actions to be taken.  

VI. Continuing Review

With a commitment to continuous improvement, the Dean or their designee in each College/School must track progress toward the goals outlined in each unit’s APR, including a check-in at least once per academic year.    

KU Medical Center Campus and All Reporting Units


I. Scope & Review Cycle

Academic Program Review (APR) is conducted on a four-year cycle. All academic units conferring degrees must participate in Academic Program Review once during each four-year cycle. For academic programs also subject to external program accreditation review, every effort is made to coordinate the timing of program review with the accreditation review to make effective use of faculty time and minimize duplication of effort. Certificates are reviewed separately, as governed by undergraduate and graduate certificate policy. 

II. Self-Study & Faculty Involvement

The process includes a Self-Study Report by the unit covering all degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Report includes questions relating to 1) the contributions of the unit to the University’s mission, 2) qualifications and achievements of the faculty, 3) quality of the curriculum and its impact on students, 4) the effectiveness of the unit’s degree programs as measured by recruitment, retention, and student outcomes, and 5) the service of the unit to the institution, the discipline, and the broader community. Each unit must also use the Self-Study to set goals and report on progress since the last review.  
To assist in preparation of the Self-Study Report, relevant data collected by KU Medical Center is provided to the unit by KU Analytics, Institutional Research, & Effectiveness (AIRE) and KU Medical Center Enterprise Analytics, in coordination with KU Medical Center’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs. It is the responsibility of each unit to gather any additional, unit-specific data required to respond to the Report’s questions. This must include a survey or focus group with students to gather student perspectives on the learning outcomes for each degree. Options and guidelines for conducting this survey or focus group are provided to the unit by KU Medical Center’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs.   
It is the responsibility of unit leaders to solicit involvement of unit faculty in the review process. This includes ensuring they are aware of the scope and process for review and can contribute, as appropriate to their role, to the substance of the Self-Study Report. The involvement of external reviewers is optional and is left to the discretion of the School’s Dean or Executive Dean.  
The unit shall submit the Self-Study Report to the office of the Dean or Executive Dean of their School in accordance with the procedures and deadline established by the KU Medical Center’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs.   

III. Dean’s Review

The Dean or Executive Dean and their designees must review each Self-Study Report, including the goals identified by the unit. The Dean or Executive Dean and their designees shall work with the unit to refine goals as needed to align with the mission and strategic plan of the School. The Dean, Executive Dean, or designee must create a one-to-two-page written response to the Self-Study Report, including an endorsement of the unit’s goals and any recommendations they have for specific actions by the unit and/or intended or anticipated changes to resource allocations impacting the unit. 
The Dean or Executive Dean’s Office shall submit the Self-Study Report and the response document in accordance with the procedures and deadline established by the KU Medical Center Office of Academic and Student Affairs.   

IV. Academic Program Review and Accreditation Committee Review

The Academic Program Review and Accreditation Committee (APRAC) is composed of nine members appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs based upon nominations from each School’s Dean or Executive Dean. Membership shall consist of faculty from the Schools according to the following counts:
a. School of Health Professions: 3 members (1 from an undergraduate program, 1 from a graduate program, and 1 at large from within the school).
b. School of Medicine: 3 members (1 from the M.D. program, 1 from a graduate program, and 1 at large from within the school).
c. School of Nursing: 3 members (1 from an undergraduate program, 1 from a graduate program, and 1 at large from within the school).
No more than one member from a single program can be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.  

V. APRAC Review & Recommendations

Each unit’s Academic Program Review is conducted by at least three APRAC members. To the extent possible, at least one member conducting the review should be from a related disciplinary area.
APRAC members must 1) review the Report and the Dean or Executive Dean’s response, 2) conduct at least one meeting with leaders from the unit under review, which may include the Dean, Executive Dean or Dean’s designee, and 3) prepare a one-to-two-page document with feedback for the unit and Dean or Executive Dean, including any concerns raised by the review and/or recommendations for modifications to the unit goals or resource allocations. The Dean or Executive Dean shall consider these recommendations and, in consultation with the unit, determine any actions to be taken.  

VI. Continuing Review

With a commitment to continuous improvement, the Dean or their designee in each School must track progress toward the goals and recommendations outlined after each unit’s APR, including a check-in at least once per academic year.    

Lawrence Campus and All Reporting Units:
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 250
Lawrence, KS 66045

KU Medical Center and All Reporting Units:
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs 
3901 Rainbow Blvd., 5016 Wescoe Pavilion
Kansas City, KS 66160

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Effective on: 
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Academic Program Review, accreditation, continuous improvement, program
Change History: 

09/11/2024: Removed review cycle for certificate programs. All certificates review on a 7-year cycle.
07/31/2024: New policy published in the Policy Library. 

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