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Phased Retirement, All-University Policy on


To describe the parameters for the Kansas Board of Regents Phased Retirement Program for the University of Kansas, Lawrence and Medical Center campuses.

Applies to: 

Faculty, unclassified academic staff and unclassified professional staff who are participants in the Kansas Board of Regents Mandatory retirement plan and who are at least age 55 with at least 10 years of full-time service at a Regents university.

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

Under Kansas state statute and Board of Regents policy, the University and a faculty, unclassified academic staff, or unclassified professional staff member who is at least 55 years of age and has at least ten years of full-time service may enter into a voluntary Phased Retirement agreement that allows the individual to retain full-time equivalent (FTE) benefits while working at a reduced effort. At the time of entry into the Phased Retirement program, an individual’s fractional time appointment shall be calculated on the total academic or fiscal year depending on the term of the appointment and shall carry a proportionate reduction in salary. During the term of the Phased Retirement agreement, the individual remains eligible for annual merit salary increases, and benefits shall be calculated on the individual’s salary as modified by such increases.

Phased Retirement is an employment privilege and is not guaranteed, as such an agreement has substantial costs for the University. Regulations adopted by the Board of Regents require that the University determine that a Phased Retirement agreement serves the best interests of the University.

Phased Retirement agreements at the University of Kansas, Lawrence campus require the approval of the provost and for the Medical Center campuses the approval of the executive vice chancellor.

These agreements must meet the following parameters:

  • Length: Maximum of three years in duration.
  • FTE: Minimum of 25%; Maximum of 50%.
  • Approval: Proposed plans for phased retirement require review and approval at each administrative level from the department to the provost/executive vice chancellor. Plans shall describe how the proposed phased retirement FTE would be allocated to the employee’s areas of responsibility during the fall and spring semesters for those on 9 month appointments or during the fiscal year for those on 12 month appointments.

By mutual consent between the University and the Phased Retirement participant, the Phased Retirement agreement can be modified by further reducing the FTE prior to the specified date of retirement or by permitting the participant to take full retirement at an earlier date.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Exceptions to this policy will be approved by the provost or the Medical Center executive vice chancellor only after determination that the exception offers substantial benefits to the University.


Lawrence campus:
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
University of Kansas
Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 250
Lawrence, KS 66045

Medical Center:
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS 2015
Kansas City, KS 66160

Contact for Application Information, Lawrence campus:
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
250 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045

Contact for Application Information, Medical Center:
Robert Klein
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS 1040
Kansas City, KS 66160

Contact for Benefits Information, Lawrence campus:
Madi Vannaman, Associate Director
Human Resource Management
103 Carruth O’Leary Hall
1246 West Campus Rd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Contact for Benefits Information, Medical Center:
Senior HR Director
Human Resources
3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS 2033
Kansas City, KS 66160

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Friday, January 29, 2010
Effective on: 
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Full-time equivalent: For purposes of this policy, “full-time equivalent” is the appointment level that the individual had at the time of entry into the phased retirement agreement. If the individual has a 100% appointment immediately prior to entering the Phased Retirement Program and enters into a 50% phased retirement plan, benefits would be calculated at a full-time basis or 100%. If the individual has a 75% appointment immediately prior to entering the Phased Retirement Program and enters into a 50% phased retirement plan, benefits would be calculated at a "full-time equivalent" basis of 75%.

Phased retirement, retirement, benefits, reduced appointment
Change History: 
11/12/2024: Updated the accessible PDF version of the Application for Phased Retirement to the accessible Word version.
11/07/2024: Uploaded the accessible version of the Application for Phased Retirement.
10/25/2024: Updated broken link. 
01/18/2024: Updated contact section.
07/15/2021: Updated KUMC contact information.
02/03/2020: Updated Application Form.
05/03/2019: Updated contact section.
06/11/2018: Updated Application Form.
02/08/2018: Updated Application Form.
01/10/2018: Uploaded updated Application Form. 
12/05/2017: Technical edit. 
02/22/2017: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
04/02/2015: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
11/24/2014: Updated link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
06/13/2014: Technical edits
05/01/2014: Technical edits.
Authorized by K.S.A. 76-646 (1984), amended 1994, 2005; implemented by the Kansas Board of Regents 1986, amended 1993, 1994, 1995; implemented by the University of Kansas 1986; revised to conform to legislative and Board of Regents changes 1994; revised January 2010.
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Personnel: Staff Categories: 

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