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Public Art on Campus


To describe the process by which proposals are considered for the permanent installation or removal of art works in exterior and interior public campus spaces and for temporary installations that will be on display for two weeks or more.

Applies to: 

The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Edwards, and Yoder Campuses.

Policy Statement: 

The Public Art on Campus Committee is appointed by and is advisory to the Chancellor. Voting members include the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication and Public Affairs (or designee), chair; the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (or designee); the Dean of the Edwards Campus; the Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging; and one (1) representative each from: the School of Architecture and Design, the School of the Arts, the Spencer Museum of Art, Facilities Services, and Facilities Planning and Development. Additionally, (1) faculty representative and one (1) student representative will be appointed to the committee annually by the chair. The committee does not hold regular meetings; rather, it is convened by the chair when there are proposals to consider.

The responsibilities of the committee are as follows:

  1. Evaluate all proposals for the permanent installation or removal of art works in exterior and interior public campus spaces, taking into consideration the quality of the art work, the appropriateness of the site, and any related issues.
  2. Evaluate proposals for temporary installations in exterior and interior campus spaces if the installation will be on display for two weeks or more.
  3. Participate in development of the campus master plan in order to identify appropriate site for future art installations.
  4. Develop a comprehensive plan for acquiring and placing public art, taking into consideration the public art acquisition plans that have been successfully developed and implemented at other higher education institutions.
  5. Consult with internal or external experts in the field when considering acquisition of new public art.
  6. Consult with the Lawrence Campus Historic Preservation Board as needed.
  7. Make recommendations to the Chancellor.

The committee is not responsible for the following:

  1. Review, approval, or removal of installations in the galleries of the Spencer Museum of Art, the KU Memorial Unions, the School of the Arts, the School of Architecture and Design, The Commons (Spooner Hall) or the immediate environs of the facilities that house these units. Such installations are the responsibility of staff of the respective units. See the maps for the outdoor areas where the Spencer Museum, the Kansas Union, the School of the Arts, the School of Architecture and Design, and The Commons may mount exhibitions.
  2. Evaluation of plans for the design, installation, or removal of memorials, buildings, or other University facilities. The Office of Facilities Planning and Development is responsible for advising the Chancellor on such installations.
  3. Routine evaluation of requests for temporary installations of less than two weeks. The Office of Public Affairs is responsible for review of such requests. The Office of Public Affairs may consult with the Office of the Provost as it deems necessary.

Temporary Installations

Individuals or groups proposing a temporary installation will complete the Public Art Application Form. The application form should be submitted at least one month in advance of the date of the proposed installation. The committee may schedule a meeting with the artist(s) to discuss and further review the proposal.

Permanent Installations

Individuals or groups proposing a permanent installation are expected to complete the Public Art Application Form in greater detail than an application for a temporary installation. There is no established timeline for review of proposals for permanent installations, as the committee may need to consult broadly before making a recommendation to the Chancellor.

Removal of Installations

Individuals or groups proposing the removal of temporary or permanent installations will complete the Public Art Application Form.


Office of Public Affairs
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Room 230, Strong Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Effective on: 
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
installation, exhibit
Change History: 

12/11/2024: Updated Public Art Exhibition Area Maps for accessibility.
09/09/2024: Updated links.
11/22/2022: Updated Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs and Economic Development to Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication and Public Affairs; Aligned current procedure for submission of Public Art Application Form with current practice.
10/05/2021: Updated Form link.
05/06/2021: Reviewed and updated.
11/09/2020: Revised to clarify practices and update titles, committee composition, and contact information.
02/13/2020: Public Art on Campus Committee voted to change the status of the FS and FED representatives so that they are now voting members of the committee. 
12/21/2018: Added Event Management and Protocol as a representative. 
07/25/2018: Updated UEC to Event Management and Protocol. Update UEC Guideline link to new Event Management Procedures website. 
07/10/2018: Updated application form.
05/03/2018: Updated contact information.
09/13/2016: Updated contact information & attached new form with updated contact information.
01/13/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
01/02/2013: Made technical edit to Related Documents section.
06/06/2012: Revisions approved.
03/08/2011: Revisions approved.
04/24/2008: Updated with appropriate title changes.
06/08/2006: Approved.

Financial Categories: 
Operational Categories: 

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