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Surplus Property Policy, All-University


To establish the parameters of a surplus property policy that meets the several criteria set forth in Section II below

Applies to: 

All University of Kansas employees

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Table of Contents: 
Policy Statement: 
  1. Authority

    KSA 75-6606(c) grants authority to the Kansas Board of Regents to approve policies for the sale, trade-in or disposal of personal property owned by a state educational institution as defined in KSA 76-711 and amendments thereto. Pursuant to the terms of KSA 75-6606(c), on September 16, 2010, the Kansas Board of Regents adopted a policy on the authorized disposition of surplus property, Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual (II.D.16).

    This Surplus Property Policy applies to the University of Kansas, Lawrence, the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC), and their subordinate campuses and other off-site locations. The authority to implement the policy and to develop necessary related procedures is delegated to the Chief Financial Officer and Vice Provost for Finance, Lawrence, and the Vice Chancellor for Administration, KUMC. Procedures for the Lawrence campus and its reporting units shall be subject to the approval of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Lawrence; procedures for the KU Medical Center and its reporting units shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Vice Chancellor, KUMC. The Chief Financial Officer and Vice Provost for Finance and the Vice Chancellor for Administration shall have the authority to further sub-delegate the operation and administration of all functions required to operate the surplus property program to units on their respective campuses in accordance with the terms of this policy and approved procedures.

  2. Purpose
    1. This University of Kansas Surplus Property Policy document is intended to establish the parameters of a surplus property program that:
      1. Focuses on the stewardship of University property;
      2. Advances and supports the mission of the University of Kansas;
      3. Promotes the reuse of surplus property at the University of Kansas;
      4. Promotes cooperative opportunities with the other state universities to reuse surplus property system-wide;
      5. Operates in a fair, equitable and transparent manner;
      6. Prohibits the giving or sale of surplus property to an individual without first complying with University procedures;
      7. Is in full compliance with all local, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations;
      8. Furthers the goals and requirements established in the University of Kansas Sustainability Plan.
  3. Procedural Requirements
    1. Procedures developed to govern the University surplus property program at a minimum shall address the following:
      1. Reuse

        No surplus property shall be offered for sale to University employees or to the general public or donated to an approved not-for-profit organization except after compliance with approved procedures developed to promote reuse of the surplus property at the University and the other state universities.

      2. Notice of Public Sales

        All surplus property sales to the general public shall be advertised in a manner that provides reasonable public notice of the opportunity. Reasonable notice shall be in accordance with approved procures and may include but is not limited to advertising in the Kansas Register, posting on electronic bulletin boards and/or websites, posting of hard copies in publically accessible locations, advertising in newspapers and trade journals and other means as deemed appropriate in accordance with approved procedures.

      3. Documentation

        Records shall be maintained to document the disposition of property and the receipt of revenues generated from the sales of surplus property.

      4. Specific procedures

        The University of Kansas, Lawrence, and the University of Kansas Medical Center shall develop procedures specific to their campuses, which shall be approved by the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Lawrence, and by the Executive Vice Chancellor, KUMC, respectively.

  4. Disposal Methods
    1. The following methods are authorized for the disposition of surplus property:
      1. Advertised fixed price;
      2. Advertised negotiated price;
      3. Advertised sealed bid;
      4. Advertised public auction;
      5. Donation or sale to not-for-profit organizations, or individuals and entities eligible to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program; and
      6. Cannibalize, recycle, junkyard and/or trash.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not cover the surplus property owned by affiliated corporations and purchased with corporation funds. This policy does not include disposition of real property.


Office of the Provost
Chief Financial Officer and Vice Provost for Finance
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Strong Hall, Room 250
Lawrence, KS 66045

Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor for Administration
2029 Murphy Administration Building
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, Kansas 66160

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Effective on: 
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

During the 2010 legislative session, the Kansas Legislature amended KSA 75-6606 Regents to adopt policies for the disposal of personal property owned by the state educational institutions, as defined in KSA 76-711 and related amendments. On September 21, 2010, the Board approved a policy on the authorized disposition of surplus property, which is included in the Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual (II.D.16). This policy and related procedures were developed in response to the Board of Regents policy.


Personal property: As used in this policy, 'personal property' includes tangible property, such as computers, desks, office equipment and supplies, and vehicles but it does not include real property such as land, buildings, and oil and gas lease interests, and it does not include intangible property such as copyright, trademarks, accounts, investment interests, and the like.

Surplus property, sale of surplus property, personal property, donation of surplus property, trade-in of surplus property
Change History: 

09/07/2023: Updated broken link.
12/06/2021: Removed from Related Procedures.
06/16/2020: Updated KUMC contact information.
03/07/2019: Changed title VP for Administration and Finance to Chief Financial Officer and VP for Finance.
02/22/2017: Fixed broken links to Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual.
04/02/2015: Fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/17/2014: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
06/12/2014: Corrected KSA 76-711 (incorrectly listed as KSA 76-611 previously) under Related Policies - Laws; added links to KSAs; updated link and corrected text identifying the location of Authorized Disposition of Property in the Board Policy Manual as II.D.16, and other technical/formatting edits.
12/20/2012: Approved by Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little on December 20, 2012. This policy supersedes any surplus property policy previously in effect at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, the University of Kansas Medical Center, and/or any of their subordinate campuses or other off-campus sites.

Financial Categories: 
Equipment & Inventory

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