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University Student Grievance Policy


In accordance with the Higher Learning Commission, the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) policies, and federal regulation, this policy outlines the University's responsibility to address student complaints and grievances.

Applies to: 

All University of Kansas units and undergraduate and graduate students.

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Program Integrity Rule, 34 C.F.R. Part 600.9, Kansas Board of Regents’ (KBOR) policy on University Student Complaint Process, and the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) policy on Institutional Records of Student Complaints, the University of Kansas recognizes its responsibility to receive, track, and address complaints and grievances by students and prospective students in a timely and effective manner. In addition, the University must analyze complaints and grievances for institutional improvement. The following outlines the University’s roles and responsibilities to comply with these rules and regulations.

Tracking Complaints:
The University of Kansas has an obligation to track and assess the handling of complaints and grievances as required by federal regulations, KBOR policy, and HLC. Accordingly, all programs, units, departments, and schools/College that have a formal grievance procedure are expected to receive, track, and handle complaints in a timely manner. Units are required to submit an annual report for the purpose of identifying opportunities for institutional improvement.

Complaint or Grievance with No Other Applicable Institutional Procedure
The University provides a variety of processes for students to file a complaint, depending on the particular concern. The Ombuds Office is available to assist students and prospective students in identifying the most appropriate grievance procedure for a particular complaint or concern. If a student would like to talk to someone informally and confidentially about the problem they are having, they may contact the appropriate Ombuds Office, which can provide advice about the options available to students and can also assist in finding an informal way of resolving the problem.

For Lawrence Campus and all reporting units: University Ombuds

For Medical Center campuses: Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Student Ombuds

In the event a student or prospective student has a complaint or grievance that cannot be addressed within an existing grievance procedure, they may file a formal complaint with the appropriate student affairs office:

For Lawrence Campus and all reporting units: The Office of Student Affairs

For Medical Center campuses: The Office of Academic and Student Affairs

Students and prospective students should exhaust all available University processes within the appropriate unit, department, School and/or College. This complaint process is not an appeal to re-examine a decision made through another University grievance or complaint procedure, nor does it serve as a replacement for another established grievance procedure. 

The appropriate student affairs office will review the complaint and determine the best process for addressing each concern raised. 

If, after exhausting all available institutional processes, a student’s or prospective students complaint remains unresolved, the student or prospective student may make a complaint to Kansas Board of Regents, in writing, by completing and submitting a complaint form.

The University of Kansas prohibits all forms of retaliation and will not tolerate acts of retaliation against any individual who files a complaint or participates in a grievance process or against any individual believed to have filed a complaint or participated in a grievance process. 

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Complaints filed under the university complaint process cannot be accepted if it involves a matter that is the subject of pending or prior litigation or is regarding an individual who is not affiliated with the University.  


Knowingly filing a false complaint or misusing a grievance process by repeatedly filing frivolous complaints is considered misconduct and is subject to sanction.


Lawrence Campus and all reporting units
Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 132
Lawrence, KS 66045

University Ombuds
Dole HDC Suite 3079
1000 Sunnyside Ave
Lawrence, KS 66045

Medical Center and all reporting units
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
1005 Dykes Library
Kansas City, KS 66160
Office Contacts

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Student Ombuds
1005 Dykes Library
Kansas City, KS 66160
(Contact Info being created)

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Effective on: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Annual Report: must include at minimum the following for each formal grievance which has been submitted:
  • Student Name;
  • Respondent Name (i.e., the party charged in the complaint);
  • Date of submission;
  • Summary of allegation;
  • Summary of outcome/resolution, if applicable; and
  • Date of resolution or summary of current status.
A complaint or grievance is defined as any documented concern that KU has violated a law, policy, or incorrectly applied an established practice. Complaints may be academic or non-academic in nature. Complaints do not supersede or replace misconduct or grievance procedures already in place.
A student is defined as any individual currently enrolled at KU, or who has been enrolled at KU in the past five years.
A prospective student is defined as an individual who has contacted KU requesting information concerning admission to the university. 
student grievance
Change History: 

01/21/2025: New policy published in Policy Library.

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