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KU Edwards Final Examinations


To describe when final examinations will be administered.

Applies to: 

Faculty and students.

Policy Statement: 

Final Examinations will be administered during the regular scheduled finals week, at the same time and day the class met during the semester. The date for final examinations in eight-week courses shall be noted in the course syllabus. Saturday only classes will have examinations on the Saturday immediately following Stop Day. There are no other finals scheduled on Saturday. If a student has a conflict with another final exam, the student should work out an alternate plan with their instructor.

If a “take home” exam or an online exam is given in a class with a regular meeting time, it may not be due prior to the end of the regularly scheduled final exam period for the class. If a proctored or online exam is given for an online course, the due date shall be noted in the course syllabus. When the final of an online/non-regular course conflicts with a student's obligation to other regularly scheduled university classes, the student will be accorded the opportunity to take the final at a time not in conflict with other regularly scheduled university classes. The above does not apply to assignments such as projects, performances, or papers. These may be due or take place during the last week of regular classes. Projects, performances, papers, and other coursework may be due during finals week only in lieu of a final exam. This rule does not apply to coursework for which the student has received an extension.

Any exceptions to the above rules must be approved by the KU Calendar Committee. Petitions to the committee must be submitted at least three weeks before the last scheduled day of classes. Students' academic best interests shall be the criteria for the Calendar Committee's decisions on petitions. The Committee will consider a request for a special final exam time only if the request encompasses ALL sections of a course. The Committee will not accept petitions for special final examination times for the purpose of consolidating single exam times for multiple sections taught by the same instructor.

Students should report violations of the above to the appropriate department head or dean, or to the Provost (extracted from USRR 1.3.2.).

All definitions and procedures defined in USRR 1.3.3 - 1.3.11 apply to KU Edwards Campus students and their related courses.

For additional help, faculty may contact the KU Edwards Campus Center for Faculty & Academic Administration. Students may contact KU Edwards Campus Student Success & Support Services.


KU Edwards Campus Center for Faculty & Academic Administration

KU Edwards Campus Student Success & Support Services

Approved by: 
Vice Chancellor of KU Edwards Campus
Approved on: 
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Effective on: 
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Examinations, Finals, Tests, Testing
Change History: 

10/20/2022: Updated "All definitions and procedures defined in USRR 1.3.3 - 1.3.10" to "All definitions and procedures defined in USRR 1.3.3 - 1.3.11." Updated contact information.
08/11/2021: Added information about date for examinations in eight-week courses.
01/10/2020: Removed staff from "applies to" section. Removed statement regarding enrollment on multiple KU campuses. Removed department chair as student contact for requesting alternate final exam date or time. Updated contact information for faculty. Added contact information for students. Added most of USRR 1.3.2 to policy statement. Added link for related policy USRR Article I section 3.
10/04/2017: Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee reviewed. Removed from policy "Saturday only classes will have Saturday examinations 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon." Removed personal contact information and replaced with title contact information.
05/27/2016: Updated contact information.
07/15/2015: This policy was originally created on 01-20-2007. The Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee changed the title to make it uniform and updated the contact information. During a comprehensive review of all Edwards Campus policies, the Edwards Campus Vice Chancellor reviewed and reapproved this policy.

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