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KU Edwards MetroKC Tuition Rate


To describe tuition rates for residents of the eleven Kansas City, Missouri, metropolitan counties

Applies to: 

Edwards Campus students residing in Bates, Buchanan, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, and Ray counties, Missouri.

Policy Statement: 

Missouri students who are non-degree seeking or who are formally admitted to Edwards Campus degree programs and who can document that they are residents of one of the eleven Kansas City, Missouri, metropolitan counties (Bates, Buchanan, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, and Ray) will receive MetroKC Tuition rates.

Edwards Campus graduate and undergraduate students will be assessed a MetroKC rate equivalent to the base resident tuition rate for Edwards Campus courses. No credit hour limit applies.

In order to be eligible for the MetroKC rate, a student must prove residence in one of the eleven designated Missouri counties for at least 12 months prior to enrolling. Students access the MetroKC rate program through an online application process that requires document validation of residency.

Missouri students who have been receiving the MetroKC tuition rate and then move to the state of Kansas will be permitted to continue the MetroKC tuition rate for 365 days from the day they move to Kansas. Once the student has met the 365-day period, the student will no longer be eligible to receive the MetroKC tuition rate and will be required to submit the Kansas Residency Application to the KU Registrar and have it approved in order to be eligible for Kansas in-state rates.

Missouri students who have been receiving the MetroKC tuition rate and then move to a non-eligible Missouri county, or another state (except for Kansas), or another country, will no longer be eligible for the MetroKC tuition rate. Students who return to domiciliary residency in one of the eleven designated Missouri counties or to the state of Kansas within 60 months of departure will have the 12-month waiting period for the MetroKC tuition rate waived.

MetroKC rates are not available for courses taken through the Lawrence or Medical Center campuses.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

MetroKC rates are not available for courses taken through the Lawrence or Medical Center campuses.


Associate Director of Enrollment Services

Approved by: 
Kansas Board of Regents
Approved on: 
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 2004
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Edwards Campus tuition
Change History: 

03/21/2023: Updated URL for Kansas Residency Application. Updated contact title.
12/17/2020: Grammatical changes.
05/08/2018: The Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee added information about what happens when a student receiving the MetroKC rate moves to Kansas. The Committee also added information about what happens when a student receiving the MetroKC rate moves to a non-eligible Missouri county, or another state or another country and then returns to an eligible Missouri county or the state of Kansas within 60 months of departure.
10/04/2017: The Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee reviewed. No changes made.
06/10/2015: The Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee reviewed and updated title to make it uniform.
04/28/2014: Updated.
03/28/2012: Updated.
03/04/2011: Updated.
10/17/2008: Policy statement posted to the Policy Library.
06/24/2004: MetroKC tuition approved by the Kansas Board of Regents.  

Financial Categories: 
Tuition & Fees

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