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School of Engineering Code


Set forth the rules and regulations for the School of Engineering.

Applies to: 

Faculty, staff, and students of the School of Engineering.

Policy Statement: 


I.1.1 The School of Engineering, as one of the schools of the University of Kansas, is governed by the Kansas Board of Regents. The Kansas Board of Regents appoints the Chancellor who is the chief executive officer of the University. The Chancellor appoints the Provost who is the chief academic and operations officer for the Lawrence and Edwards campuses.
I.1.2 The School of Engineering’s Engineering Senate is responsible for formulating policies for all aspects of engineering education and has the authority to establish curricula, academic standards, and degree requirements subject to all University rules and regulations that apply to all schools of the University.
I.1.3 The function of the School of Engineering is to prepare highly qualified individuals for professional careers in engineering and to advance the study of engineering as an academic discipline. This function is carried out through the interrelated processes of teaching, research, and service.


Section II.1 Faculty

II.1.1 The Faculty of the School of Engineering consists of all persons listed on the faculty list of the School of Engineering and who have a portion of their appointment within the School of Engineering.
II.1.2 The Voting Faculty of the School of Engineering in the Engineering Senate shall consist of faculty in the School of Engineering who hold any professorial rank in the School, including professor emeriti and visiting professors.

Section II.2 Students

II.2.1 Students shall consist of all individuals who are admitted to and enrolled in the School of Engineering, including graduate students.

Section II.3 Administration

II.3.1 The chief administrative officer of the School of Engineering is its Dean, appointed in accordance with existing University regulations (Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff, Part II).
II.3.2 The Dean is responsible for the exercise of those functions vested in him or her by the Kansas Board of Regents, the Chancellor, and the Provost of the University. The Dean shall be the responsible officer for carrying out those administrative policies set forth in this Code and the Rules and Regulations of the School of Engineering and those policies set forth in the policies of the Office of Graduate Studies.
II.3.3 The Dean of the School of Engineering may appoint associate deans, assistant deans, and administrative assistants. These administrators are selected and serve in accordance with existing University regulations.

Section II.4 Departments

II.4.1 The School of Engineering is composed of departments and programs recognized by the University administration.
II.4.2 Departmental chairpersons and program directors are selected and serve in accordance with existing University regulations (Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff, Part II).
II.4.3 Unless specific existing University, School, or Engineering Senate policies and regulations so prohibit or conflict, departments and programs may enact their own policies and procedures.


Section III.1 Membership

III.1.1 The Voting Members of the Engineering Senate are:
(a) All Voting Faculty of the School of Engineering.
(b) An undergraduate student representative selected by the Engineering Student Council.
(c) A graduate student representative selected by the Graduate Engineering Association.
(d) The Chair or Dean, or his or her appointed representative selected from the faculty, and not more than two other tenured or tenure-track faculty members of any program, department, or school at the University which offers an ABET-accredited engineering or computer science degree but which does not budget with the School of Engineering, e.g., Engineering Physics. The faculty member or members are selected by that school, department, or program.
III.1.2 The nonvoting, and thus not counting toward meetings’ quorums, membership of the Engineering Senate shall be:
(a) Tenured or tenure-track faculty members from each of the Departments of Chemistry, English, and Mathematics.
(b) The engineering librarian and the science librarian.
(c) The professors of the University’s Reserve Officers Training Corps programs or their designated representatives.
(d) Such other persons as may be designated by the Engineering Senate.

Section III.2 Officers

III.2.1 The Chair of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee (ESEC) shall be the presiding officer of the Engineering Senate. The ESEC Chair may designate any member of the Engineering Senate as acting presiding officer in his or her absence.
III.2.2 There shall be a Secretary and Parliamentarian of the Engineering Senate. Each of these shall be members of the Senate and shall be appointed by the Chair of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee.

Section III.3 Meetings and Quorum

III.3.1 The Engineering Senate shall be called into regular session at least twice during each fall semester and each spring semester of every academic year at a date, time, and place specified by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. The Engineering Senate Executive Committee sets these regular-meeting dates for each semester at the beginning of that semester. Special meetings may be called by the Dean, by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee, or by a written petition from at least ten Voting Members of the Engineering Senate to the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. The date, time, and place of the special meeting shall be specified by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee.
III.3.2 A written agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary of the Engineering Senate. The agenda shall be sent to all members before regular and special meetings at least three days before the meeting. Thirty percent of the Voting Members shall constitute a quorum to do business. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to members not later than two weeks after each meeting. Minutes of special meetings shall be distributed at least three days before the next regular meeting of the Engineering Senate. Minutes of each meeting of the Engineering Senate shall be maintained as part of the permanent files for the Engineering Senate in the office of the Dean of the School of Engineering. The Secretary of the Senate shall ensure that these files are maintained current. In the event that the minutes contain actions associated with curricula or course changes, copies of the minutes recording these actions shall be sent promptly to the appropriate University offices by the Dean’s Office.
III.3.3 The order of business for the Engineering Senate meetings shall be:
(a) Call to order.
(b) Consideration of minutes of previous meetings.
(c) Announcements by the Dean.
(d) Committee reports.
(e) Old business.
(f) New business.
(g) Adjournment.
III.3.4 The regular order of business may be suspended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Voting Members present. Business of the Engineering Senate may be transacted by: voice vote, roll call vote, written secret ballot, or a letter or electronic ballot. A motion shall carry with a favorable vote of: a majority of the Voting Members present voting for a voice or roll call vote, and a majority of the ballots cast for a written secret, letter, or electronic ballot. Any member of the Senate may request and obtain a roll call vote or secret ballot for transaction of pending business. A written secret ballot request will have precedent over a roll call vote request. A motion for a letter or electronic ballot is in order only after a motion has been made and seconded, but before the vote has been called for by the Chair of the meeting. A favorable vote of twenty- five percent of the Voting Members present shall be sufficient to carry the motion for a letter or electronic ballot. The Secretary of the Engineering Senate shall prepare the letter or electronic ballot and send it together with brief summaries of arguments on both sides of the question to all Voting Members of the Engineering Senate.

Section III.4 Powers

III.4.1 Subject to the provisions of law, the Rules of the Kansas Board of Regents, the Code and the Rules and Regulations of the University Senate, and the policies of the Office of Graduate Studies, the Engineering Senate or its designated sub-bodies has the power to:
(a) Establish rules for the conduct of its business.
(b) Establish committees of its choosing and assign functions and responsibilities to such committees.
(c) Approve or disapprove proposals for changes to its own Code and Rules and Regulations.
(d) Consider the addition and removal of degree programs within the School of Engineering and make appropriate recommendations about them through the Chancellor or Provost of the University of Kansas to the Kansas Board of Regents.
(e) Set requirements for degrees within the School of Engineering and establish other appropriate academic regulations.
(f) Approve or disapprove course changes, proposed courses to be offered for credit, and course deletions in the School of Engineering.
(g) Determine scholastic standards to be met by students in the School of Engineering; establish procedures for probation, suspension, reinstatement, and other measures related to the maintenance of proper academic standards; and, establish criteria for recognition of excellence in student performance through the honor roll, graduation with honors, and other appropriate means.
(h) Establish requirements for graduation from the School of Engineering.
(i) Determine, on the basis of academic work, when and if students are to be recommended to the Chancellor and Kansas Board of Regents for award of degrees.
(j) Recommend individuals for award of professional honors by the School of Engineering.
(k) Prepare on its own initiative or on that of the Dean plans for the development of the School of Engineering.
III.4.2 Any rules, regulations, or standards established by the Engineering Senate shall be collected, compiled, and modified by the Secretary of the Engineering Senate; the Secretary shall keep the members of the Senate supplied with current copies.

Section III.5 Privilege

III.5.1 It shall be the privilege of the Engineering Senate to address itself to the faculties, students, and staff, to the Dean, to the Vice Provost for Faculty Development, to the Provost, to the Chancellor, and to the Kansas Board of Regents on any matter relating to the University and its operation.


Section IV.1 Types of Committees

The development, within the area of their responsibilities, of procedures and policies appropriate for the governance of the activities of the School of Engineering shall be the concern of the following committees:
(a) Engineering Senate Executive Committee
(b) Standing committees of the Engineering Senate
(c) Special committees of the Engineering Senate

Section IV.2 Members of Committees

IV.2.1 Membership on the Engineering Senate Committees is detailed in Articles V, VI, VII and IX. The Dean of the School of Engineering may appoint an ex officio non-voting representative to serve on any of the committees to the Engineering Senate.
IV.2.2 Special committees may be established from time to time to study and report on particular issues.


Section V.1 Membership and Term of Office

The Engineering Senate Executive Committee (ESEC) shall consist of one faculty representative from each Department of the School of Engineering, one undergraduate student, and one graduate student. The undergraduate student shall be selected by the Engineering Student Council, and the graduate student shall be selected by the Graduate Engineering Association. Each year in the last week of April, the current Engineering Senate Executive Committee shall solicit nominations for persons willing to serve on ESEC as replacements for those members whose terms end on June 30 of that year or to fill open positions. In the first week of May, the Engineering Senate Executive Committee will produce a letter or electronic ballot of faculty nominations and conduct an election. The faculty members of ESEC shall be elected by majority vote of the Voting Faculty of the School of Engineering. The term of office of elected faculty members to ESEC shall be three years starting on July 1 of the year elected. A member shall be ineligible for another term until two years have elapsed since holding office. The terms of office shall be staggered so that two faculty members will be elected each year. Student committee members shall be selected annually, and serve one year terms.
These students also serve as the undergraduate and graduate student members of the Engineering Senate.

Section V.2 Organization

V.2.1 The Chair of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee shall be elected annually by the faculty and student members of ESEC.
V.2.2 The Secretary of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee shall be elected by the faculty and student members of ESEC. The Secretary shall also be the Secretary of the Engineering Senate. The Secretary of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee shall maintain in the office of the Dean a file of all reports made to the Engineering Senate of its sub-bodies and shall transmit to all committees of the Engineering Senate the appropriate materials from these files for their use. The Secretary shall in addition upon the instruction of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee notify the members of the various committees of the Senate when they are to activate themselves and have their first meeting. At that meeting the Secretary will provide them with the appropriate materials from the files.

Section V.3 Functions and Quorum

The Engineering Senate Executive Committee shall serve the Engineering Senate. The Committee shall transact such business as may be delegated to it by the Engineering Senate and the Dean of the School of Engineering. Committee actions shall be reported to the Engineering Senate at its next regular meeting. A quorum of ESEC shall be defined as four members present at one of its meetings.


Section VI.1 Standing Committees

The standing committees of the Engineering Senate are:
(a) Curriculum
(b) Academic Standards
(c) Engineering Library
(d) Computer
(e) Scholarship
(f) Faculty Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities
(g) Promotion and Tenure
(h) Graduate Studies and Research
(i) Sabbatical Leave
(j) Facilities Advisory

Section VI.2 Membership

The standing committee members shall be appointed by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee in consultation with the Departments’ Chairs and faculty members. These appointments will be made during the last two weeks of the spring semester to serve in the next academic year. The Engineering Senate authorizes the Dean to fill any unfilled positions after this period.

Section VI.3 Functions

VI.3.1 Curriculum Committee: The Curriculum Committee shall study existing and proposed undergraduate curricula in the School of Engineering in the light of the function of the School. It shall keep itself informed on the current accreditation rules of ABET. It shall determine adequacy of course offerings, identify duplication of courses, recommend school-wide policies, and coordinate courses offered by other schools and departments for engineering students. It shall bring to the attention of the faculty to any curriculum changes which appear contrary to the accreditation rules of ABET. The Committee will also consider matters referred to it by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee.
Curricula change requests shall be processed in a timely manner by the Curriculum Committee, and recommendations made to the Engineering Senate at its next scheduled meeting for consideration and voted upon.
VI.3.2 Academic Standards Committee: The Academic Standards Committee shall be responsible for the establishment of academic requirements for student admission to and retention in the School of Engineering. The Committee shall initiate studies that will measure the level of academic performance and shall also consider matters referred to it by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. Reports of the studies and findings shall be presented to the Engineering Senate with any specific recommendations for further actions.
VI.3.3 Engineering Library Committee: The Engineering Library Committee shall be responsible for recommendations for improvement in library services, facilities, acquisitions, and holdings, and shall also consider matters referred to it by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee.
VI.3.4 Computer Committee: The Computer Committee shall coordinate computer activities within the School of Engineering School. The Chair of this committee shall, when requested, represent the School of Engineering on University committees concerned with computer usage, planning, and allocations. In addition, the Committee shall consider matters referred to it by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. Reports of the studies and findings shall be presented to the Engineering Senate with any specific recommendations for further actions.
VI.3.5 Scholarship Committee: This undergraduate Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for the selection of students for the School of Engineering’s scholarships. They Committee shall also be responsible for setting selection criteria for the scholarships. The School of Engineering’s Director of Academic Services shall be a permanent ad hoc member of the committee and act as Chair of the committee. Committee members will be selected for one year terms; members are eligible for reappointment for consecutive years.
VI.3.6 Faculty Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities: The organization and responsibilities of this committee are provided in Article VII of this Code.
VI.3.7 Promotion and Tenure: The organization and responsibilities of this committee are provided in the Rules and Regulations of the School of Engineering.
VI.3.8 Sabbatical Leave: The organization and responsibilities of this committee are provided in the Rules and Regulations of the School of Engineering.

Section VI.4 Special Committees of the Engineering Senate

VI.4.1 Advisory Committee on Distinguished Professorship Nominations
VI.4.2 Membership
VI.4.3 The members of this committee shall be determined by (i) those holding Distinguished Professorships in the School, (ii) the Engineering Senate Executive Committee, and (iii) by the Dean of the School of Engineering in the following manner:
(a) The Distinguished Professors of the School of Engineering shall elect from among themselves three members from three different engineering departments.
(b) ESEC shall appoint from among the full-time faculty of the School of Engineering additional faculty so that each budgeting department within the School has one of its members on the Committee.
(c) The Dean of the School of Engineering may appoint up to two additional members, one of whom must be from outside the University.
(d) In addition, ESEC may appoint nonparticipating observers when it determines such are needed.
(e) No person shall serve on this committee who is being formally considered for this distinguished professorship.
VI.4.4 Functions and Responsibilities:
VI.4.5 The committee shall be constituted after a request has been received from the Office of the Provost for nominations for a particular Distinguished Professorship and after nomination(s) have been received for at least one member of the full-time faculty of the School of Engineering. The committee shall receive the materials submitted with the nominations and augment them with any additional information it feels is appropriate. It shall then examine the assembled corpus on each nominee and determine which, if any, of the candidates are professionally qualified. In determining the qualifications it shall observe any criteria established by the University and/or the donor, recognizing that the title of distinguished professor is a high honor bestowed by the University. The opinions of the committee together with all of the assembled written materials on every nominee shall then be transmitted to the Provost or his or her designee. A brief summary of the work of the committee shall be sent to the Dean of the School of Engineering and the Chair of ESEC.
VI.4.6 The committee shall observe the University’s Rules and Regulations of the Faculty on the confidentiality of official faculty personnel records.
VI.4.7 The committee shall terminate upon the announcement of the appointment of a person to the distinguished professorship by the Provost or upon his or her decision not to appoint anyone.


Section VII.1 Membership and Term of Office

VII.1.1 The Faculty Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities (FRPR) Committee shall be composed of six faculty members of the Engineering Senate selected in the same manner specified for election to the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. The term of office shall be three years with two persons elected each year. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as those occurring in ESEC.

Section VII.2 Officers

VII.2.1 The Chair shall be chosen by the FRPR Committee each year.

Section VII.3 Function and Quorum

VII.3.1 The Committee shall consider matters relating to rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the engineering faculty. It shall be responsible for presenting specific action recommendations to the Engineering Senate through the Engineering Senate Executive Committee. Meetings of the committee shall be held as required to consider matters placed before the Committee by the Engineering Senate Executive Committee, by the Dean of the School of Engineering, or by a faculty member. A quorum is defined as four voting FRPR members present at a committee meeting.


Section VIII.1 Membership

VIII.1.1 The Engineering Student Council (ESC) shall be composed of the following members:
(a) The Officers of the Council.
(b) Two student representatives from each department within the School of Engineering.
(c) A representative from each student and professional organization recognized by the Office of the Dean of the School of Engineering.
VIII.1.2 A member, at the time of election, shall be an undergraduate student enrolled in at least nine credit-hours in the School of Engineering and be in good academic standing.
VIII.1.3 A list of formally recognized student and professional organizations shall be available in the Office of the Dean of the School of Engineering.
VIII.1.4 The Faculty Advisor to the Council shall be appointed by the Dean of the School of Engineering. The Faculty Advisor shall attend and participate in Council meetings but shall not vote or be counted as a member for the purpose of quorum determinations.

Section VIII.2 Officers

The Officers of the Engineering Student Council shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
VIII.2.1 The President shall:
(a) Schedule and preside over meetings of the Council.
(b) Be responsible for overall coordination of the Engineering Exposition.
(c) Chair the Executive Committee.
(d) Attend Student Senate budget hearings.
(e) Act as the liaison between the Council and the School of Engineering administration.
VIII.2.2 The Vice President shall:
(a) Act as President in the absence of the President.
(b) Act as the assistant to the President.
(c) Coordinate the work of the committees.
VIII.2.3 The Secretary shall:
(a) Record the minutes of each Council and Executive Committee.
(b) Give a copy of the minutes to each member of the Council.
(c) Keep the records of the Council up-to-date and in order.
(d) Prepare any correspondence for the Council when necessary.
(e) Send out proper notices of all meetings.
VIII.2.4 The Treasurer shall:
(a) Be in charge of the Council’s finances.
(b) Keep account of all receipts and disbursements.
(c) Distribute money for the Engineering Exposition projects.
(d) Make remittances when so ordered by the Council.
(e) Attend Student Senate Treasurer’s meetings and budget hearings.
(f) Render an itemized report once each semester.
(g) Make a verbal report whenever necessary.
VIII.2.5 The officers of the Council shall also serve as undergraduate representatives to the Engineering Senate.

Section VIII.3 Departmental and Organizational Representatives

VIII.3.1 The Department Representatives shall:
(a) Act as liaisons between the Council and the departments in the School of Engineering.
(b) Attend and participate in Departmental Staff meetings.
(c) Attend Council meetings.
(d) Participate in Council activities.
(e) Serve as undergraduate representatives to the Engineering Senate.
VIII.3.2 Committee chairpersons shall be responsible for:
(a) Appointing engineering students to their committees.
(b) Scheduling and presiding over committee meetings.
(c) Completing the tasks assigned to their committee in a timely fashion.
(d) Reporting to the Executive Committee and the Council the progress and problems of their committee.
VIII.3.3 The election and term of committee chairs is prescribed in Section 4.7.2. The filling of vacancies and removal of committee chairs is prescribed in Sections 4.8.2 and 4.8.5.
VIII.3.4 The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for all publicity for the Engineering Exposition, including but not limited to providing:
(a) Brochures and posters.
(b) Announcements to local newspapers and radio stations.
VIII.3.5 The Industrial Displays Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) Contacting and attracting industry to participate in the Engineering Exposition.
(b) Communicating industrial display requirements to the Routing Committee.
(c) Acting as host to arriving industry displays.
VIII.3.6 The Routing Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) Assigning each display in the Engineering Exposition a room in Learned Hall or Eaton Hall according to the needs of the display.
(b) Working with various University departments to obtain needed equipment.
VIII.3.7 The Judging Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) Establishing the judging criteria (subject to Council approval) for Exposition displays.
(b) Selecting judges.
(c) Providing the judges with scoring sheets.
VIII.3.8 The Banquet Committee shall be responsible for organizing the banquet to be held in connection with the Engineering Exposition. This includes but is not limited to:
(a) Selecting and reserving a banquet facility
(b) Acquiring a catering list
(c) Selecting a menu
(d) Obtaining the keynote speaker
(e) Deciding on the cost
(f) Printing tickets
(g) Deciding on the schedule
VIII.3.9 Other committees are to be established as deemed necessary by the Council and shall be governed in accordance with Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2.

Section VIII.4 Executive Committee

VIII.4.1 The Executive Committee of the Council shall be composed of the officers and the committee chairpersons of the Council.
VIII.4.2 The Executive Committee shall be the administrative and coordinating body of the Council for the purpose of producing the Engineering Exposition and implementing policy decisions made by the Council.
VIII.4.3 Meeting shall be held when deemed necessary by the President of the Council.
VIII.4.4 The Executive Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Council on all matters related to the Engineering Exposition. All such acts are subject to review upon the request of any member of the Council. Such review shall occur at the next scheduled meeting.

Section VIII.5 Council Meetings and Quorum

VIII.5.1 Regular meetings will be held once every two weeks during the regular school term (exclusive of vacations and the summer session) at a time to be determined by the President with the approval of the Council.
VIII.5.2 Additional meetings of the Council may be determined by those members present at one of the designated meetings or by the Executive Council.
VIII.5.3 All Council meetings shall be announced and publicized at least two days in advance.
VIII.5.4 Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern in the conduct of meetings. A copy of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be kept by the Secretary and made available to the Council at every meeting. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative to serve as Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall have full power to render decisions and interpretations of such rules when so requested.
VIII.5.5 Fifty percent of the Council membership shall be considered a quorum for transaction of Council business.
VIII.5.6 The order of business normally shall be:
(a) Call the meeting to order
(b) Consider the minutes of previous meetings
(c) Officer reports
(d) Committee reports
(e) Old business
(f) New business
(g) Announcements
(h) Adjourn meeting
VIII.5.7 Suspension of the regular order of business of the Council may be accomplished at any meeting by a majority vote of the members present.

Section VIII.6 Elections

VIII.6.1 The Officers shall be elected for a term of one year from the Council membership at the first regular meeting of the Council during the fall semester by a majority vote of those members present. Officers shall then vacate their positions as Representatives.
VIII.6.2 The Committee Chairpersons shall be elected for a term of one year from the Council after the officers at either the first or second regular meeting of the Council during the fall semester by a majority vote of those members present.
VIII.6.3 The Organizational Representatives shall be elected for a term of one year by their respective organizations before the first regular meeting of the Council during the fall semester.
VIII.6.4 The Departmental Representative shall be elected for a term of one year by the undergraduate students in their respective departments before the first regular meeting of the Council during the fall semester. The elections shall be held during the preceding spring semester and conducted for each department by their existing Representatives with the cooperation of the Departments’ Chairs. The elections shall be conducted in the following manner:
(a) Candidates shall register with the Council at their respective Departmental office ten days before the election.
(b) The eligibility of the nominees shall be determined by the Departmental Representatives with the cooperation of the Departments. The nominees shall be notified of their eligibility.
(c) The Australian ballot shall be used in the election, ballots to be printed at the expense of the Council. The ballots shall be distributed from every Departmental office and deposited in ballot boxes located in each Departmental office.
(d) The two people in each department with the most votes shall be elected Departmental Representatives. The person with the third most votes shall be an alternate.
These people shall be notified as soon as possible, and their names shall be posted in each Departmental office. In case of a tie, a coin will be tossed to determine the winner.
VIII.6.5 The Departmental Representatives shall serve as undergraduate student representatives to the Engineering Senate. If the number of Undergraduate Representatives is less than 16 percent of the membership of the Engineering Faculty (rounded up to the next highest whole number), the alternate representative from each department, as prescribed in Section 4.7.4, shall also serve as undergraduate student representative to the Engineering Senate.
VIII.6.6 An Undergraduate Student Representative to the Engineering Senate shall be selected for a term of one year to the Engineering Senate Executive Committee by a majority vote of those Undergraduate Senate Representatives present. The election shall be held at either the first or second regular meeting of the Council during the fall semester after the Committee Chairpersons’ elections.

Section VIII.7 Vacancies and Removals

VIII.7.1 The President shall be succeeded by the Vice-President, and a new Vice-President shall be elected. In case of simultaneous vacancies, the presidency shall be filled in the same manner as the vice- presidency.
VIII.7.2 Vacancies in the offices of Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer; or the position of Committee Chairperson shall be filled by a special election at a regular meeting of the Council.
VIII.7.3 A vacancy in the position of Organizational Representative shall be filled by a special election at a regular meeting of the respective organization.
VIII.7.4 Vacancies in the positions of Departmental Representative shall be filled first by the alternate and then by a special election as prescribed in Sections 4.7.4 and 4.7.5.
VIII.7.5 The Council shall have the power to remove any member, who fails to carry out his or her responsibilities in a creditable manner, from any office or position by a 75 percent majority vote of the total membership.

Section VIII.8 Functions

VIII.8.1 The Council shall organize the annual Engineering Exposition and Banquet.
VIII.8.2 The Council shall promote undergraduate interest and participation in the activities and government of the School of Engineering.
VIII.8.3 The Council shall serve as a liaison between the administrative officers of the School of Engineering and the officers of the student, professional, and University organizations concerned with engineering students.
VIII.8.4 The Council shall represent the professional views and interests of engineering students at all levels of the University structure.


Section IX.1 Amendment

IX.1.1 The Engineering Senate may amend Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and IX of this Code by a two-thirds vote of the Voting Members present and voting at a regular or special meeting, provided that the call of the meeting shall have included a copy of the proposed amendment, together with such explanatory materials as may be proper, and shall have been sent to each member at least seven calendar days before the day of the meeting.
IX.1.2 The Engineering Student Council may amend Article VIII of this Code by a two-thirds vote of its members present and voting at a regular or special meeting, provided that the call of the meeting shall have included a copy of the proposed amendment, together with such explanatory materials as may be proper, and shall have been sent to each member at least seven calendar days before the day of the meeting.
IX.1.3 Any remainder of this Code may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the Engineering Senate provided that a written notice of the proposed changes shall have been sent to each member at least seven calendar days before the meeting, that the engineering administration concurs in the change, and that a quorum is present. A two-thirds vote of the Engineering Senate Voting Members present and voting shall be necessary for the adoption of the amendment.

Section IX.2 Editorial Changes

When, as a result of administrative action referred to in this Code or in the Rules and Regulations of the Engineering Senate, it shall be the duty of the Engineering Senate Executive Committee to cause the appropriate editorial changes to be made in the Code, or in the Rules and Regulations, or both.

Section IX.3 Parliamentary Practice

The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the operation of the Engineering Senate, the Engineering Student Council, and their committees in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are consistent with this Code or the special rules of these bodies.

School of Engineering
Eaton Hall
1520 West 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Engineering Faculty Senate
Approved on: 
Friday, February 27, 2015
Effective on: 
Friday, February 27, 2015
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Code, Engineering
Change History: 

07/30/2024: Converted from PDF to live text. 
11/02/2021: Uploaded accessible document.
04/08/2015: Made technical edits, including updates to section references.

School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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