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Canceling Aid for Non-payment of Enrollment Deposit


Provide information on the cancellation of aid due to non-payment of enrollment deposit.

Applies to: 

New degree seeking undergraduate freshmen.

Policy Statement: 

The Office of Admissions (ADM) requires that all new degree seeking undergraduate freshmen pay a $221 new student fee by May 1. Students who do not pay by May 1 will forfeit their admission and the ADM will cancel their admission. The ADM will notify the Financial Aid and Scholarships (FAS) and the student’s financial aid package will be canceled.

The procedure for requesting reinstatement of the canceled aid is as follows:

  1. The student must be admitted and request in writing that the financial aid be reinstated.
  2. Once the written request is received by the FAS, the aid will be reinstated, if funds are available.
  3. If funds are not available, the student will be put on a waiting list for any available funding during late awarding.
  4. The student must accept the re-awarded aid on Enroll and Pay.
Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
Approved by: 
Associate Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Approved on: 
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Effective on: 
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Canceling aid for non-payment of enrollment deposit, Canceling of aid
Change History: 
03/09/2023: Updated contact section.
12/12/2022: Policy Reviewed; no updates.
11/15/2021: Reviewed and removed stipulations regarding aid cancellation.
12/09/2020: Reviewed policy; no updates.
10/04/2019: Updated amount of new student fee.
04/16/2017: Updated contact information.
11/08/2017: Updated amount of enrollment deposit.
12/20/2016: Reviewed and updated contact information.
07/01/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
08/13/2014: Reviewed and updated.
07/21/2013: Reviewed and updated.
08/07/2012: Reviewed and updated. 
08/18/2011: Reviewed and updated. 
10/2010: Reviewed and updated. 
06/2009: Reviewed and updated.
Academic Categories: 
Financial Categories: 
Student Financial Aid
Tuition & Fees
Student Life Categories: 
Financial Assistance

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