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Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Pharmacy Students


To explain the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and the associated appeal process for Pharmacy students.

Applies to: 

Pharmacy Students, Faculty and Staff

Policy Statement: 

General Overview of Policy:

To be eligible for student financial aid, a student must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. The Financial Aid and Scholarships office (FAS) has established guidelines (based on federal regulations) for evaluating a student’s progress, taking into consideration the cumulative KU GPA, the cumulative number of hours a student has attempted and completed (completion rate), and the maximum attempted hours for completing a degree. These standards will be reviewed at the end of each period of enrollment.

Pharmacy students new to KU are considered to be meeting SAP standards when they have been admitted into the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. Prior KU coursework will be considered when determining SAP status. Pharmacy students may continue to receive financial aid while meeting the minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress. 

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Pharmacy Students:

  • Minimum 2.50 cumulative KU GPA. The KU GPA includes all KU courses graded A-F. 
  • Successfully complete a minimum of 67% of all hours attempted. Completion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of successfully completed hours by the number of attempted hours. All courses within the career will be evaluated.
  • Complete the Pharmacy program within 312 attempted credit hours (students who are in the BSPS degree program only and not seeking the Doctor of Pharmacy have a limit of 180 credit hours). The maximum credit hour limit includes hours attempted at KU, hours that have successfully transferred from any other postsecondary institution, and test credits regardless of whether you received financial aid for any/all of those hours. 

Academic progress is reviewed at the end of each semester (fall, spring, summer). Courses a student is enrolled in on or after the first day of the 50% refund period are reviewed. 

  • Courses marked “F,” “incomplete,” “no credit,” “dropped,” “withdrawn,” “unsatisfactory,” “waiting on grade,” "no progress," and unposted grades are considered courses attempted, although not successfully completed.
  • Undergraduate courses successfully transferred from any other postsecondary institution, as well as test credits, are calculated as attempted and completed courses.
  • Repeated coursework will affect GPA as indicated in the University of Kansas Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog. All course repeat attempts will be included in the attempted hours.
  • Courses retroactively withdrawn from will continue to be evaluated as courses attempted, although not successfully completed. Grades for courses that are academically forgiven must still be counted in the GPA calculation, as well as the completion rate calculation for SAP.

Financial Aid Warning:

If a student is not meeting SAP standards during an end of semester review for the first time due to GPA or completion rate issues, the student will be placed on financial aid warning for one semester. The student may continue to receive financial aid for that semester.  If the student is not meeting the minimum SAP standards by the end of the next term in which the student enrolls, the student will become ineligible for financial aid.  

There is no warning semester for students who hit maximum timeframe limits. Those who hit maximum timeframe limits will become ineligible for financial aid without a warning semester. 

Ineligible Status and Regaining Eligibility:

If a student becomes ineligible for financial aid because minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are not met, the student will be notified via their KU email account.  To regain eligibility, the student will need to meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards OR if a mitigating circumstance caused the student to become ineligible, the student may be eligible to appeal by following the steps below.

Step One:       

  • Schedule an appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor to discuss the situation.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances that have caused you to become ineligible for aid, you may be eligible to appeal. Explanations may include death of a family member, injury or illness of the student, domestic violence, victim of a crime, divorce, an unhealthy living situation or other special circumstances.

Step Two – Login to CampusLogic:

  • Students will be selected for SAP appeal in CampusLogic (ku.studentforms.com). Students will login with their KU login information.
Step Three – Type your Narrative and Submit Documentation:
  • Complete and submit the SAP appeal form with a typed narrative. Your typed narrative should describe the extenuating circumstances that caused you to become ineligible for aid, as well as your plan to be successful/meet SAP standards in the future. 
  • Submit any supporting documentation, such as letters of academic support from professors, a letter of prognosis from a physician, police report, etc.
Step Four – Meet with your Academic Advisor to complete your Academic Plan Form:
  • Download the One Semester Academic Plan OR Graduation Plan form (one of these will be requested of you in CampusLogic (ku.studentforms.com)
  • Set up a meeting with your assigned academic advisor – bring a copy of the form to this meeting. You and your advisor will need to complete this form together.
  • Upload the completed form to CampusLogic (ku.studentforms.com).
  • Submit your appeal.
Step Five:
  • You can anticipate a decision from the Financial Aid Appeals Committee within 4 weeks of submission, depending on the volume of appeals submitted.
  • Following the review of your appeal, you will be contacted via email.
  • If your appeal is approved, you will be instructed to contact the FAS office to meet with a Financial Aid Counselor to review and sign your financial aid Monitored Academic Plan (MAP).
  • If your appeal is denied, the email will indicate whether an appeal can be submitted in the future, including criteria you must meet to be eligible to submit a subsequent appeal.
  • Committee decisions are final and are not subject to further review.

A student who does not meet the minimum requirements for Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress will no longer be eligible for federal, state and some types of institutional financial aid.


Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Associate Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Approved on: 
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Effective on: 
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Change History: 
03/09/2023: Updated contact section.
12/12/2022: Updated appeal process; clarified how to regain eligibility and provided examples of extenuating circumstances
10/21/2021: Updated appeal steps to account for new appeal process; clarified regulations surrounding academic forgiveness; clarified warning semester not available for MTF students.
12/09/2020: Reviewed policy; No updates.
10/15/2019: Reviewed and updated.
11/27/2017: Reviewed and updated links.
12/09/2016: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g. bolding, spacing).
12/06/2016: Revised by Danielle Sullivan- Made content changes in overview regarding completion rate requirements; expanded details of definitions in overview section; cleaned up formatting.
08/14/2014: Revised by Danielle Sullivan.
08/01/2014: Made update to Minimum SAP Standards for Pharmacy Students.
11/26/2013: Revised by Danielle Sullivan.
05/17/2013: Revised by Stephanie Covington.
08/28/2012: Revised by Stephanie Covington.
08/17/2011: Revised by Stephanie Covington.
07/08/2009: Written by Jeremy Early.
Academic Categories: 
Academic Work & Evaluations
Financial Categories: 
Student Financial Aid
Student Life Categories: 
Financial Assistance

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