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Tuition and Fee Late Fee Assessment


Business process for the assessment of the late payment fee and default fee when tuition and fees are not received by established due dates.

Applies to: 

Lawrence/Edwards Campus students

Policy Statement: 

A late payment fee is assessed for outstanding tuition and fee balances when payments in full are not received for a student account, on or before the established due dates in Enroll and Pay. 

Late payment fees are non-refundable. The first late payment fee is $100 for fall and spring semesters and $50 for the summer semester. An additional $100 fee for fall and spring semesters or a $50 fee for the summer semester will be assessed to the student account in the event a second bill is sent and payment is not made on or before due date stated on the bill. 

In the event a balance is not paid after the due date on the third bill, a 1.5% default fee will be applied each month to all unpaid tuition and fees balances until the charges are paid in full. Late payment fees may be petitioned by completing this form.

Unpaid charges may be referred to an outside collection agency and State Setoff. If accounts are referred to outside collection agencies, the University of Kansas has the right to pass on applicable outside collection agency costs as outlined in the Student Financial Responsibility statement.  The statement can be seen at Student Financials Responsibility Statement.


A student with an outstanding, unpaid balance will be prohibited from enrolling in future semesters, and will not receive a transcript or diploma until the bill is paid in full.


Financial Services - Student Accounts & Receivables

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Monday, April 23, 2018
Effective on: 
Monday, April 23, 2018
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

This policy reflects the practices and procedures that have been in place at the University of Kansas historically.

Tuition, fees, fee schedule, payment
Change History: 

12/19/2024: Fixed broken links and fixed link formatting for accessibility.
02/17/2023: Updated contact section.
04/26/2021: Added link. 
04/16/2021: Updated Approver, Contact, and owning unit from Comptroller to Financial Services.
06/27/2019: Updated contact section.
04/23/2018: Approved and published. 

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