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Faculty, Staff and Retirees Men's Basketball Season Ticket Policy


Selection and Seating of Faculty, Staff, Retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation Employees for Men’s Basketball Season Tickets.

Applies to: 

Faculty, Staff, Retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation Employees (as defined in the policy)

Policy Statement: 

SenEx Basketball Policy for Faculty, Staff, Retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation Employees

Revised April 2014

Up to 1508[1] seats in Allen Field House will be sold as full season tickets to eligible faculty, staff, retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation employees.  This policy defines eligibility for purchasing and selection  of seats for faculty, staff, retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation employees. 

Requirements for eligibility to purchase season tickets

  1. Currently employed faculty and staff at the University of Kansas or Kansas University Medical Center, who meet the following criteria are eligible to purchase up to two full season tickets until they are no longer employed by KU or KUMC: Faculty and staff members must be employed in a regular position in at least a paid 50% FTE appointment.
  2. KU Corporations: Employees of the following University controlled or affiliated corporations (“KU Corporations”):  Kansas Athletics, Inc.,  University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.,  Kansas Memorial Unions, KU Medical Center Research Institute, Inc., KU Center for Technology Commercialization (dba KU Innovation Center), KU Health Partners, KU Alumni Association, and KU Endowment Association may purchase up to two full season tickets if they meet the following criteria:  Must be employed in a regular position with at least a paid 50%  FTE appointment. 
  3. Faculty, staff, KUMC and KU Corporation employees who retire from the University of Kansas or the University of Kansas Medical Center are eligible to purchase up to two full season tickets.  Upon official retirement from KU and KUMC, faculty, staff and KU Corporation employee ticket purchasers will be assigned the years of service accrued at retirement. Seating will be based on years of service as of the date of retirement. Years of service will not continue to accrue. Individuals who retire from KU, KUMC and KU Corporation employees  and return to KU, KUMC and KU Corporation employees with a paid 50% FTE (or more) appointment are eligible to continue to accrue years of service. They must notify the University Governance Office of their re-appointment.
  4. Surviving spouses or domestic partners of faculty, staff, retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation employee ticket holders will be able to continue to purchase up to two full season tickets for as long as they wish. The account must be in both names prior to the death of the employee.  Years of service will stop accruing at the time of the death of the employee.  Tickets may not be passed on to children or relatives upon death of the surviving spouse or domestic partner.


Seating of all currently employed faculty, staff, retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation employees and surviving spouses/partners will be conducted by seniority (years of service to the University) using the Select-a-Seat system. Retirees and surviving spouses/partners will cease to accrue years of service at the time of retirement or death of the spouse/partner.  Starting with 2007-08 season, Select-a-Seat will be held every two years.

Role of Governance

Basketball tickets are the province of Kansas Athletics Incorporated (KAI). KAI administers ticket sales and Select-a-Seat. The role of University Governance is as follows:

  1. Determine eligibility and confirm years of service based on information in the HR/Pay system, for season ticket holders.
  2. Work with Kansas Athletics to conduct Select-A-Seat for faculty, staff, retirees and KU Corporation employees, including providing volunteers for Select-a-Seat as necessary. Prior to Select-a-Seat, University Governance will send applications to all eligible faculty, staff, retirees, KUMC and KU Corporation employees who have purchased season tickets.  Only the primary faculty member, staff member, retiree or KU Corporation name on an account (the one who determines years of service) may submit an application and work at Select-A-Seat. No substitutes are allowed except in the case in which a secondary name on an account is also a KU employee.  Names of volunteers for the Select-A-Seat process will be randomly selected from those who submit applications.  Unless there are insufficient applications in any one year, ticket holders are only chosen to participate as a volunteer once.  Applications from individuals who have previously been selected to work will be added to a second list.  If additional volunteers are needed due to an insufficient number of applications, names will be randomly drawn from the second list.   A new list of volunteers will be compiled each year.

 Role of SenEx Basketball Committee

  1. Work with Kansas Athletics on matters of policy and policy implementation, including seating and renegotiating the policy. Major changes to the policy must receive appropriate governance approvals.

Role of Kansas Athletics

  1. Consult with the SenEx Basketball Committee on matters of policy affecting faculty and staff tickets and ticket use (e.g., when the full allotment of tickets is not used).
  2. Implement the actual ticket sales and seating processes with assistance of SenEx Basketball Committee as necessary.

[1] This represents the current number of seats allocated to faculty and staff by Kansas Athletics. It is subject to change.



University Governance

33 Strong Hall

1450 Jayhawk Blvd

Lawrence, KS 66045


Approved by: 
SenEx, April 28, 2009, Endorsed by University Senate April 20, 2009
Approved on: 
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Effective on: 
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

SenEx, April 28, 2009, Endorsed by University Senate April 20, 2009

Revised: April 2014
Reviewed by Jim Pottorff, General Counsel, March 27, 2014
Approved by SenEx April 2014

Men’s Basketball Season Tickets, Faculty, Staff, Retirees
Change History: 

April, 2009: Approved by; SenEx

Revised: April 2014
Reviewed by Jim Pottorff, General Counsel, March 27, 2014
Approved by SenEx April 2014

Personnel: Affiliates/Volunteers Categories: 
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Personnel: Staff Categories: 

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