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Benefits Available to Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Assistants


To summarize the tuition, fees, health insurance, leave, and other benefits available to Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), and Graduate Assistants (GAs).

Applies to: 

Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants, including Residential Graduate Assistants

Policy Statement: 

The University is authorized by Kansas statutes and administrative regulations to provide Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs), Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), and Graduate Assistants (GAs), including Residential Graduate Assistants (hereafter referred to as GAs), with certain benefits that are not available to other student employees. The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the University of Kansas, the Kansas Board of Regents, and the Graduate Teaching Assistants' Coalition, American Federation of Teachers - Kansas (GTAC; representing Graduate Teaching Assistants at the University of Kansas, Lawrence), provides further information about benefits available to GTAs. This summary is provided for informational purposes only. For information about specific benefits, contact the offices listed at the end of this document.

  1. Employee and Dependent Rates

    Graduate students with GRA, GTA, or GA appointments of 40% (0.40 FTE) or more are eligible for employee and dependent (resident) rates for tuition, as are individuals who hold concurrent GRA, GTA, and GA appointments totaling 40% (0.40 FTE) or more as stipulated in the Employee and Employee Dependent Tuition Rates policy.

  2. Payment of Tuition

    GRAs, GTAs, and GAs are eligible to have all or some of their tuition paid, including any differential tuition assessed, according to the provisions below.

    Graduate Research Assistants
    Graduate Research Assistants with an appointment of 40% (0.40 FTE) or more will have the full cost of their tuition sponsored by the same funding source as their salary, or other non-restricted funding within the hiring unit. This tuition sponsorship includes technology, infrastructure, and any course fees for GRAs who are enrolled in schools/programs that charge such fees. Course fees include all school course fees and the Edwards Campus Program Fee as listed in section 1.1 of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule published annually by the Office of the University Registrar. The full cost of tuition for graduate research assistants must be included in all proposals, renewals, and contracts as part of the proposal budget when permissible by the granting agency or funding source.

    Graduate Teaching Assistants
    Depending on the level of appointment, the University pays all or some of a GTA’s tuition, including any course fees for GTAs who are enrolled in schools/programs that charge such fees. If the student is eligible for employee and dependent rates, these will be assessed before applying the tuition waiver. Course fees include all school course fees and the Edwards Campus Program Fee as listed in section 1.1 of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule published annually by the Office of the University Registrar.

    GTAs with appointments of less than 40% (0.40 FTE) will have a portion of their basic tuition and course fees paid in accordance with the table that appears in Article 7, Section 3, of the MOA and is reproduced here:

    Percentage appointment Percentage of tuition paid by University
    40% or more 100%
    30% but less than 40% 75%
    20% but less than 30% 50%
    10% but less than 20% 25%

    Summer appointment percentages and tuition may vary from those shown here because of the reduced term of the appointment. Students should consult with their departmental hiring manager for more information on summer term tuition benefits.

    Graduate Assistants
    During the Fall or Spring semester, students with individual (not combined) appointment that meets the eligibility requirements outlined in the Employee and Employee Dependent Tuition Rates policy will have up to 9 hours of tuition sponsored. For GAs hired with state funds, those hired by campus offices funded with student fees, and/or GA positions that are a degree requirement, this sponsorship will come from the University. For GAs hired with grant, project-based, endowment, or any other funding, this sponsorship will come from the same funding source as their salary. This tuition sponsorship includes technology and infrastructure fees. Sponsorship of course fees, for schools that charge them, is at the discretion of the hiring unit.

  3. Payment of Required Student Fees

    For GTAs, the University pays required campus fees for three (3) credit hours per semester in accordance with the table and restrictions set forth below.

    Percentage Appointment Percentage of student fees for three credit hours paid by University
    40% or more 100%
    30% but less than 40% 75%
    20% but less than 30% 50%
    10% but less than 20% 25%

    The GTA is responsible for paying the remainder of the required student fee assessment, any applicable off-campus area service fees, mediated course fees, union fees, international student fees, optional fees, housing costs, and other specialized fees.

    For GRAs with an appointment of 40% (0.40 FTE) or more, a minimum of 3 hours of student fees must be paid by the same funding source as their salary, or other funding within the hiring unit. 

    The payment of 1) student fees for GRAs with appointments less than 40%, 2) student fees above 3 hours for appointments 40% or higher, and 3) any other optional or specialized fees for any GRA appointment is at the discretion of the sponsor or hiring unit. If the sponsor does not elect to pay those fees, they are the responsibility of the student.

  4. Tuition and Fee Assessments in Case of Resignation or Termination

    If a GTA, GRA, or GA resigns or abandons the GTA/GRA/GA position or the appointment is terminated, the GRA/GTA/GA must pay all resident or non-resident tuition and fees for that semester, as appropriate, given the GTA/GRA/GA's residence status as a student who does not hold a GTA/GRA/GA appointment. The GTA/GRA/GA will lose eligibility for employee and dependent rates and, if a non-resident, will be required to pay non-resident tuition for that semester. In cases where the GTA/GRA/GA resigns their position and the student has been approved by their school or the College for an academic leave of absence for that semester, tuition and fees benefits will be maintained.

  5. Deferment of Tuition and Fees

    Returning GRAs, GTAs, and GAs have the option of deferring payment for any tuition and required campus fees until September 15 (fall) and February 15 (spring). Please note that housing costs, optional campus fees, or other charges are not eligible for deferment. The fall deadline for returning graduate students to request a fee deferment is August 10; the spring deadline is January 10. Returning GTAs, GRAs, or GAs who do not request a deferment or do not pay their tuition and fees by the deadline will be assessed a late fee.

  6. Payment of Tuition and Fees for Required Orientation/Training Course

    In cases where a GTA is required to enroll in a for-credit orientation or training course as a condition of their employment, the University covers the full tuition and campus fee associated with the orientation/training course.

  7. Health Insurance

    The Kansas Board of Regents, in cooperation with the state universities, offers health insurance for students

  8. Sick Leave and Annual (Vacation) Leave

    In accordance with Board of Regents policy, persons appointed to student unclassified positions (including GRA, GTA, and GA positions) do not accrue sick leave or annual leave.

  9. Approved Medical Leave

    GTAs, GRAs, or GAs with a medical condition that necessitates an absence of more than two weeks from assigned responsibilities shall request unpaid leave with appropriate medical documentation. Such unpaid leave of absence shall be requested in writing from the department/school by the GTA/GRA/GA or a representative in advance of taking the leave, unless the illness or injury precludes advance notice. The request for leave without pay must be reviewed and approved by the department, the school or college, the Office of Graduate Studies, and by Human Resources before being granted, but approval shall not be withheld if appropriate supporting medical documentation is provided. If additional documentation is needed, the GTA/GRA/GA or authorized representative from the department/school will be notified and given reasonable time to provide the documentation. Failure to request a leave of absence or to have a leave of absence approved according to this provision shall result in the placement of the GTA/GRA/GA on leave without pay or the termination of the GTA/GRA/GA’s appointment.

    Please note that the approval of a medical leave of absence from a GRA, GTA, or GA position does not affect the academic status of a graduate student. Students who wish to reduce their enrollment level due to a medical condition must consult with the department/school; doctoral students who wish to take a leave of absence from graduate studies because of a medical condition must request a leave of absence from the department.

  10. Other Benefit Programs

    GRAs, GTAs, and GAs can also participate in voluntary benefit programs. Additional information is located on the Temporary & Student Employee Voluntary Benefits page.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

GA Tuition
Requests for an exception to GA tuition sponsorship obligations may be considered for non-state funding sources in cases where the GA position provides critical support or services to a unit with campus-wide impact. Requests must be sent by the hiring unit to the Office of Graduate Studies and should provide details of the exception requested and the GA position’s impact on KU’s mission. If an exception is approved, up to 9 hours of tuition will be sponsored by the University.

GRA Tuition & Student Fees
When the payment of tuition and/or student fees is prohibited by the funding source, doctoral students in GRAs or GRA+GA/ GTA combinations of at least 0.50 FTE may be eligible for supplemental funds from Improving Doctoral Experiences on External Awards (IDEEA).


Graduate Studies
213 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Monday, August 1, 2005
Effective on: 
Monday, August 1, 2005
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
GTA, GRA, GA, approved medical leave, GTA tuition and fees, GRA tuition and fees, GTA health insurance, GRA health insurance, GA health insurance
Change History: 

08/01/2024: Updated benefits to GTA/GRA/GA.
10/05/2023: Updated language and links.
08/22/2023: Replaced "staff rates" with "employee and dependent rates."
07/06/2023: Updated links, policy formatting.
12/14/2022: Fixed broken links.
11/28/2022: Updated to clarify that Graduate Assistants include Residential Graduate Assistants.
06/07/2022: Added link.
05/17/2022: Added tuition benefits for Graduate Assistants; effective Fall 2022.
04/19/2022: Replaced TAP information with IDEEA policy information.
10/04/2018: Technical edits for consistency with renegotiated MOA -- ARG
07/21/2017: Removed Certification of Eligibility to Enroll in Fewer than Six Hours (Doctoral and Master's) forms from Related Forms.
07/01/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
06/08/2016: Technical edits to comply with gender neutralization decision and guidelines. - ARG
01/11/2016: Technical edit (Added Related Policy)
11/24/2015: Technical edit (broken link).
01/23/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
10/15/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
07/2014: Minor edits were made to reflect appointment limits in the Student Employee Eligibility Requirements and Appointment Limits policy.
08/2011: Reviewed and updated.
08/2005: Initially approved.

Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 

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