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Discontinued Enrollment, Graduate Studies


To define discontinued enrollment   

Applies to: 

All graduate students on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses

Policy Statement: 

Voluntary Discontinuance 

A student may voluntarily resign from their program of study by requesting “voluntary discontinuance.” Once this request is granted, the student resigns their place in the program and if they choose to return to their studies at a later date, they must reapply for admission. Voluntary discontinuance is requested through the Progress to Degree Form. 

Requesting voluntary discontinuance only removes students from being an active student in the program. Students are still responsible for withdrawing from their current enrollment, and all applicable deadlines still apply. 


Office of Graduate Studies
Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd., Rm 213
Lawrence, KS

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Effective on: 
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Discontinuance, Re-admit, Re-admission, Re-enrollment, withdrawl
Change History: 

01/30/2025: Updated language for consistency and accuracy (changed "discontinued enrollment" and "discontinuance" to "voluntary discontinuance") and added language clarifying existing processes (students requesting a voluntary discontinuance must still withdraw from any courses in which they are currently enrolled).
07/07/2023: Policy formatting.
10/20/2022: Updated approver to Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
03/09/2018: Updated missing required information.

Academic Categories: 
Academic Work & Evaluations

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