Master's Degree Program Time Restraints
To define maximum time limits for completion of a master's degree.
All master's-level students on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses
Normal expectations are that most master’s degrees (excluding some professional terminal degrees) should be completed in two (2) years of full-time study. However, master’s degree students are allowed seven (7) years for completion of all degree requirements.
In cases in which compelling reasons or circumstances recommend a one-year (1-year) extension, the Graduate Division, on recommendation of the department/committee, has authority to grant the extension. In cases where more than eight (8) years are requested, the appropriate appeals body of the school considers petitions for further extensions and, where evidence of continuous progress, currency of knowledge, and other reasons are compelling, may grant them.
Some departments may have more stringent rulings about time restrictions. Students should ask about the policy in effect in the department in which they plan to study.
Office of Graduate Studies
07/25/2023: Updated Approved by to Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
03/09/2018: Updated missing required information
10/16/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing); keywords added.
06/12/2009: Policy approved