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Leave Without Pay


This policy identifies the parameters for eligible employees to participate in the University of Kansas leave without pay (LWOP) program.

Applies to: 

Fiscal year Faculty, Unclassified Academic Staff, Unclassified Professional Staff, and University Support Staff appointed to regular positions.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

The University of Kansas offers a leave without pay (LWOP) program for qualified employees who need an absence from work that may exceed their available and eligible leave balances. If the LWOP period exceeds two consecutive bi-weekly pay periods, retaining benefits during the leave period is determined on a case-by-case basis by Human Resources (HR) in collaboration with the employee and the employee’s supervisor.

For all forms of LWOP:

  1. Unclassified Professional Staff, and University Support Staff appointed to regular positions may be eligible for the following:

    Short-Term Leave Without Pay
    Employees may take Short-Term LWOP, with solely their supervisor’s approval, for a duration of no more than two consecutive bi-weekly pay periods. Short-term LWOP requests must be made in advance by the employee to their immediate supervisor. If approved by the supervisor, the absence must be reported through HR/Pay using time and absence reporting.

    Extended Leave Without Pay
    Extended LWOP will be granted solely when determined by the supervisor, executive leadership, and HR, as appropriate, to be in the best interest of the University. Absences exceeding a duration of two consecutive biweekly pay periods are considered extended leave and require the employee to submit a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) Request Form. LWOP will not be granted for acceptance of a permanent position at a different post-secondary institution. LWOP, in and of itself, does not provide protection for an employee’s position, title, rate of pay, or job responsibilities.

    The employee must request Extended LWOP in advance of the absence and receive approval from their immediate supervisor, as well as the unit hierarchy/executive leadership, as applicable. Documentation of the approvals must be submitted via a LWOP Request Form to Human Resources (HR). HR has been delegated final approval authority.

    Employees acknowledge and accept all impacts this may have on their benefits throughout the designated LWOP period upon submittal of the LWOP Request Form. Benefit information may be found on the HR website or by contacting benefits@ku.edu.

  2. Fiscal year Faculty, Unclassified Academic Staff, Unclassified Professional Staff, and University Support Staff appointed to regular positions may be eligible for the following:

    Retaining Benefits while on Extended Leave without Pay
    In the event an employee has a non-medical personal circumstance or the unit is experiencing reduced activity, eligible employees may be able to request to retain State Employee Health Plan (SEHP) coverage by utilizing a minimum amount of accrued leave, not including sick leave, or working a minimum number of hours to cover benefit deductions. To retain SEHP benefits, employees must take an extended period of leave longer than two consecutive bi-weekly pay periods, but not longer than 12 weeks in a 12-month period. Employees should review the information on the HR website for additional benefits information.

    To ensure SEHP benefits will be covered during the extended period of leave, it is the employee’s responsibility to report paid leave or work a portion of each pay period during the approved leave period through HR/Pay. The leave reported or time worked will need to be sufficient to cover the employee’s share of SEHP benefits.

    • Exempt (salaried) employees must take LWOP in full day increments.
    • Non-exempt (hourly) employees must report LWOP in quarter hour increments.

    Failure to report leave, or to work and report hours, appropriately may impact the employee’s leave, paycheck, and/or benefits.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not affect eligibility to take paid leave under other, existing leave policies.

This policy is not applicable to temporary employees.

Faculty and Unclassified Academic Staff may be eligible for other leaves without pay outside of this policy. Such leaves without pay may be requested through the faculty member’s unit and the Office of Faculty Affairs.

LWOP related to a disciplinary action is governed by the Disciplinary Action Policy for Staff.

Employees may request an early return from an Extended LWOP to their designated supervisor, unit hierarchy, and HR. Adjustments may be made in the best interest of the University, but require advance communication with HR. Failure to timely notify HR may result in a paycheck delay.

LWOP should not be utilized as a management tool for ongoing attendance concerns.

Any work time completed during the LWOP period for benefits eligibility must comply with the Remote Work Policy.

Employees who have leave designated under the Family Medical Leave Act may not take LWOP until all available accrued leave is exhausted.  Leaves without pay due to a medical condition, will first follow the FMLA and ADA Workplace Accommodation policies.  If those policies do not apply, the leave without pay will be coordinated through Human Resources and medical documentation may be necessary to evaluate the leave without pay request.

Extended LWOP may not exceed a one-year period unless an extension is approved by the Chancellor or Chief Human Resource Officer (or designee) in compliance with Kansas Board of Regents policy. All extended LWOP requests must have the support of the designated Dean, Vice Provost, or Vice Chancellor prior to consideration for LWOP.

This policy restates current practices without changes to policy/practices regarding 12-month faculty and academic staff retaining benefits while on extended leave without pay. Faculty considering LWOP activities should also consult with the Dean and Office of Faculty Affairs to determine if a leave might have other impacts or other policy parameters.


Taking LWOP affects leave accruals, contributions to retirement plans, other salary-based programs, length of service if leave exceeds 30 days, etc.

Failure to return to the worksite after the conclusion of the designated LWOP period may be grounds for immediate termination of employment.


Human Resources
103 Carruth-O’Leary Hall
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Approved on: 
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Effective on: 
Saturday, October 1, 2005
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Qualified employee is defined as a, non-temporary, benefits eligible position with an FTE of 48% or greater.

Fiscal Year Faculty are defined as faculty members who have an ongoing 12-month appointment.

Leave Without Pay, Voluntary Leave Without Pay, Budgetary Constraints
Change History: 
12/13/2024: Updated to align with existing policies.
09/20/2024: Updated Human Resource Management to Human Resources. 
08/28/2023: Updated links.
10/19/2016: Added personal circumstances to purpose, changed minimum duration to 2 weeks from 4 weeks, added an exclusion that sick leave cannot be used.
02/19/2016: Updated to apply to staff. Updated Contact information and definitions, updated title and purpose statement, removed reference to related policies
01/21/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Leaves & Holidays
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Leaves & Holidays

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