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KU Edwards After-Hours Campus Access


To describe the policy and procedures for obtaining access to the Edwards Campus during those times the campus is closed (after-hours).

Applies to: 

All faculty and staff.

Policy Statement: 

In order for the KU Edwards Campus to provide security for its facilities and a safe environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors, building access must be restricted during those times the campus is closed (after-hours).

 All KU faculty and staff needing after-hours access must complete and submit an After-Hours Access Request Form. If after-hours access is approved, the access will be granted on a continuing basis or for the limited time period needed to complete the faculty research or special project.

After-Hours Request Process:

  • All requests for after-hours access must be made at least two weeks before the needed date(s). The requestor will receive a response by email within two business days.
  • Faculty members should submit their request to the Associate Dean of Faculty & Academic Administration.
  • Staff members should submit their request to the Director of Administrative & Fiscal Services.

Individuals without prior authorization are not permitted on the Edwards Campus when it is closed. For closures during normal Edwards Campus operating hours, such as late opening or early closure due to poor weather conditions, refer to the Inclement Weather Policies and Procedures. Whenever the Edwards Campus is officially closed, regardless of normal operating hours, the KU Edwards After-Hours Campus Access policy is in effect.


Associate Dean of Faculty & Academic Administration

Director of Administrative & Fiscal Services

Approved by: 
Vice Chancellor of the KU Edwards Campus
Approved on: 
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Effective on: 
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

After-Hours: A time-period when the campus is closed.

Access, After-Hours, Closed
Change History: 

01/28/2022: Uploaded accessible form.
11/12/2020: Updated position titles and After-Hours Access Form

06/03/2019: Added information regarding closures during normal operating hours due to poor weather conditions.

10/11/2018: KUEC Policy & Procedures Committee reviewed; removed visitors from after-hours access; added detailed contact information.

01/17/2017: Uploaded request form in related section.
01/12/2017: Policy added to the KU Policy Library.
12/21/2016: New policy approved by David Cook, Vice Chancellor of the Edwards Campus.

Operational Categories: 
Health & Safety

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