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KU Libraries: Code of Governance

The Libraries’ governance structure addresses matters pertaining to library faculty and staff and University policies relating to the Libraries. It is composed of the following three Assemblies:
1. Library Faculty Assembly (LFA) that includes all library faculty,
2. Library Staff Assembly (LSA) that includes all library University Support Staff and all library  Unclassified Professional Staff, and
3. Library Faculty and Staff Assembly (LFSA) that includes all members of LFA and LSA.
Applies to: 

Faculty and Staff

Policy Statement: 


The Libraries’ governance structure addresses matters pertaining to library faculty and staff and University policies relating to the Libraries. It is composed of the following three Assemblies:
1. Library Faculty Assembly (LFA) that includes all library faculty,
2. Library Staff Assembly (LSA) that includes all library University Support Staff and all library Unclassified Professional Staff, and
3. Library Faculty and Staff Assembly (LFSA) that includes all members of LFA and LSA.
Article I of the Code is common to all three Assemblies, Article II pertains to LFA, Article III pertains to LSA and Article IV pertains to LFSA.
ARTICLE I. Procedures and Other Code Provisions (pertain to all Assemblies)
  • Parliamentary Authority. In the absence of any provisions in the Code that the Assemblies may adopt, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised governs the conduct of the Assemblies. Chairs of any Assembly may appoint a parliamentarian to serve during meetings.
  • Elections. The Nominating and Ballot Committee assembles and distributes ballots, and tabulates and reports to the respective Executive Committees the results of elections, for dissemination to the membership.
    • Whenever possible, distributed ballots (paper or electronic) are used for elections. Optimally, ballots should include at least two nominees for each vacant position and space for write-in candidates.
    • Nominees are elected by either a majority or plurality of votes cast.
    • If an election results in a tie vote, a runoff election is held.
    • Elections are completed in time to provide officers and elected committee memberships by June 1st of each year.
    • The results of elections will be submitted by the Chair of the Nominating and Ballot Committee to the Chair of the respective Assembly, who will notify the Assembly.
  • Vacancies. Any office or committee membership is considered vacant upon the resignation of the incumbent from the office or the University of Kansas Libraries.
  • Amendments
    • LFSA may amend Articles I and IV, only LFA may amend Article II, and only LSA may amend Article III.
    • Amendments to the Code are ratified by distributed ballot (paper or electronic). For those members eligible to amend an Article, a two-thirds affirmative vote of those who cast a ballot is required for adoption of any proposed amendment to the Code, provided that a majority of the membership eligible to vote returns valid ballots.
    • Minor technical/editorial changes to the Code to correct errors in formatting, numbering, etc., may be approved by the respective Executive Committee, without a ballot, as long as the changes do not affect the intent or meaning of the Code.
    • Notification. Upon the approval by the membership of any amendment(s) to the Code, the Chair of the LFSA Executive Committee notifies the Dean of Libraries of the results and conveys a copy of the amendment(s) for approval. The amendment(s) become(s) effective upon written approval by the Dean. A copy of the revised Code, in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats, is posted on the Libraries governance website.
    • Historical Record. Any revisions, either technical or passed by vote, are noted with the dates and brief description of the change(s) in an appendix to the Code.
  • Committee Reports. All committees provide their respective Executive Committees with minutes of meetings, delivered within two weeks after approval, and, at the end of the Assembly year, an annual report. These minutes and reports are posted in a timely manner by the Secretary of the respective Assembly to the Libraries governance website for distribution to the membership. Committees may be requested to provide oral reports.
  • Preservation of Records. Secretaries deposit copies of all agenda, minutes, reports, and other records of the deliberative bodies and committees established in the Code, in the University Archives.
  • Adherence to State laws. All committees mandated by this Code and all other committees or subcommittees established under this Code will adhere to the laws of the State of Kansas that govern open and closed meetings.
  • Calendar. The Assembly year is from July 1st to June 30th.
ARTICLE II. Library Faculty Assembly
Purpose. The Library Faculty Assembly (hereafter referred to as LFA) acts as an advisory body to the Dean of Libraries, subject to the policies of the Board of Regents, the University Senate, and the Dean of Libraries. LFA discusses and makes recommendations on matters pertaining to: professional and academic concerns of and standards for library faculty, the Library’s policy of service to the University community, and University policies relating to the Libraries.
Privilege. It is the privilege of LFA to address itself to the Dean of Libraries, to the LSA, and to the University Senate through the Libraries’ representative on those matters of concern to the library faculty.
Membership. LFA membership includes individuals in the following categories:
  • Category 1. Library faculty who possess tenure or Unclassified Academic Staff who have passed their probationary period;
  • Category 2. Non-tenured library faculty on tenure-track appointments or Unclassified Academic Staff who have not completed their probationary period;
  • Category 3. Library faculty appointed to the rank of Librarian I, Librarian II, Librarian III;
  • Category 4. Wheat Law Library faculty who possess tenure or Unclassified Academic Staff who have passed their probationary period;
  • Category 5. Non-tenured Wheat Law Library faculty and Unclassified Academic Staff who have not completed their probationary period;
  • Category 6. An emeritus or emerita member of the library faculty who indicates in writing to the LFA Chair of their desire to remain a member.
Rights and Responsibilities.
  • All LFA members have the full privilege of voice, and the rights to vote, hold office, and serve on committees as specified by their membership category and rank.
  • Members are encouraged to attend meetings of the Assembly and may attend LFA Executive Committee meetings.
  • Membership categories 1 and 2 may vote in all LFA elections.
  • Membership category 3 may vote in all LFA elections, except those for candidates for the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (hereafter referred to as LCPT) and the Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee (hereafter referred to as SLPTR).
  • Membership categories 1, 2, 4, and 5 may vote on amendments to Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Faculty of The University of Kansas Libraries, Faculty Evaluation Plan, Post-Tenure Review Criteria and Procedures, and other issues.
  • All membership categories, except 6, may vote on amendments to Criteria for Academic Ranks for Library Faculty, and other issues.
  • Membership categories 4 and 5 may vote on those areas of LFA business related to promotion, tenure and faculty rank, and other such matters having a direct or substantial effect on the Wheat Law Library faculty.
  • Membership category 6 may vote for candidates for positions on the LFA Executive Committee.
  • All membership categories, except 4 and 5, may vote on all other ballots unless specifically excluded by a simple majority vote of all members present at a meeting during which the ballot is adopted.
  • Members in categories 1 and 2 may serve and hold office on all standing committees.
  • All members are eligible for appointment to ad hoc committees.
  • Restrictions.
    • Tenure-track library faculty who have not yet been granted tenure, unclassified academic staff who have not yet completed their probationary period, the Dean of Libraries and any associate or assistant deans may not serve on LCPT or SLPTR.
    • Members in category 3 may serve and hold office on all standing committees, except LCPT and SLPTR.
    • Members in category 6 may not serve or hold office on LFA Executive Committee, LCPT, or SLPTR.
  • Titles. The officers are the Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Secretary.
  • Eligibility. Membership categories 1, 2, and 3 may serve and hold office.
  • General Duties.
    • Chair. The Chair acts as the presiding officer of the LFA Executive Committee, presides at general and special meetings, acts as the LFA official representative to the Libraries' administration, and serves or designates another member of the LFA Executive Committee to serve as the representative to the University Senate Committee on Libraries.
    • Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect assumes the duties of the Chair in the latter's absence.
    • Secretary. The Secretary schedules meetings and takes and posts minutes. The Secretary deposits copies of all agenda, minutes, reports, and other records of the deliberative bodies and committees established in the Code, into the University Archives.
    • Meeting with the Dean. The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect meet with the Dean of Libraries on a regular basis.
    • All officers serve on the LFSA Executive Committee.
  • Election of Officers. The Nominating and Ballot Committee provides a slate of candidates and conducts the election.
  • Terms of Office. The officers are elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their term of office begins July 1st. No member holds more than one LFA office at a time under ordinary circumstances and cannot be re-elected to the same office without two years intervening. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect serves a second year in office as Chair, so serves two successive terms.
  • Vacancies. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect becomes Chair if the position becomes vacant. If the positions of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect or Secretary become vacant and less than half a term has been served, the Chair calls a special election to fill the position. Otherwise, the LFA Executive Committee fills the position by appointment.
  • General. General meetings are held in both the fall and spring semesters.
  • LFA Executive Committee. Unless otherwise decided by the LFA Executive Committee, regular meetings of the LFA Executive Committee are held at least once a month.
  • Special. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, the LFA Executive Committee, the Dean of Libraries, or at the written request of ten members of LFA. The purpose of the meeting is stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three working days’ notice is given.
  • Notice. Calls for meetings, agendas, and documents are distributed through KULIB-L as outlined in the Agenda section below.
  • Agenda. The Officers set the agenda for LFA Executive Committee meetings and distribute the agenda to the membership through KULIB-L at least 48 hours in advance. The LFA Executive Committee sets the agenda for general meetings. The agenda and documents for general meetings are to be distributed no later than one week prior to a meeting. The agenda and documents for special meetings are made available with the call for the meeting.
  • Quorum and Majority. For meetings of the LFA and LFA Executive Committee, one-third of the membership of the LFA or of the LFA Executive Committee respectively constitutes a quorum. For voting purposes, a majority is defined as more than half of all voting members in attendance at a meeting.
  • Minutes. The LFA Secretary posts minutes of all meetings on the Libraries governance website within two weeks after approval.
  • Creation or Dissolution of Standing Committees. A standing committee may be established or dissolved by a simple majority of LFA.
  • Ad hoc Committees. Ad hoc committees may be established by the LFA Executive Committee at any time to meet the needs of LFA. Ad hoc committees will have a minimum of three members.
  • Committee Membership. LFA Executive Committee meets following its election to organize and make standing committee appointments. For standing committees with elected membership, the Nominating and Ballot Committee provides a slate of candidates and conducts the elections.
  • Structure. All standing and ad hoc committees designate a Chair and Secretary. The LFA Executive Committee may designate the Chair of an ad hoc committee at the time the ad hoc committee is appointed.
  • Terms of Office. Members may serve up to two successive terms on the same committee except where otherwise specified.
  • Vacancies. Vacancies are dealt with on a committee by committee basis.
  • Status of Committees. If concerns about the status and/or function of any LFA committee are raised, based on feedback from annual committee reports, committee membership and Chairs, LFA Executive Committee liaisons, and/or any member of LFA, the LFA Executive Committee determines whether that committee should be placed on review for one Assembly year. Member appointments are not made to committees on review and special charges are not assigned. The LFA Executive Committee conducts a review of the committee during that Assembly year and brings recommendations resulting from the review to LFA.
  • LFA Executive Committee.
    • Elected Membership. The LFA Executive Committee consists of six members:  LFA officers (Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Secretary), three library faculty on full-time appointments, one from each of the three equivalent ranks, all to be elected by LFA members eligible to vote.
    • Terms of Office. Members of LFA Executive Committee serve one-year terms.
    • Committee Review. For each standing committee, the LFA Executive Committee reviews its status and standing charges, and determines any special charges. A member of the LFA Executive Committee is appointed as liaison and ex officio member, and calls the committee’s first meeting.
    • Committee Appointments. The LFA Executive Committee-elect meets following its election to organize and make committee appointments for the forthcoming year. Committee appointments are made early enough to ensure that the committee members are able to assume their duties on August 1st.
    • Standing Charges. The LFA Executive Committee:
      • Ensures the orderly and effective operation of LFA
      • Is the first point of contact for any matters referred to the attention of LFA, save those which are specifically assigned to standing committees in the Code and, where appropriate, assigns such matters to standing or ad hoc committees
      • Brings governance issues concerning all faculty and staff to the LFSA Executive Committee
      • Designates a liaison to the Organizational Development Unit and an ex officio liaison to LSA to ensure communication and information sharing
      • Monitors KU governance issues that may affect LFA, including the Faculty Senate and the University Senate Committee on Libraries
      • Takes no action contrary to the desires of the LFA
  • Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
    • Elected Membership. The Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (LCPT) is composed of five library faculty, either tenured or having completed their probationary period, with a minimum of three library faculty at the rank of Librarian or unclassified academic staff of equivalent rank, all to be elected by LFA members eligible to vote.
    • Terms of Office. Members of LCPT ordinarily serve three years with overlapping terms to provide continuity. Members may not ordinarily succeed themselves without one year intervening.
    • Meetings. The first meeting of LCPT each year is called by the appointed liaison of LFA Executive Committee no later than the first week of August; the first order of business is to select a Chair and a Secretary.
    • Vacancies. Should there be a vacancy that impacts LCPT’s work, qualified members of the library faculty (including someone who just served on LCPT) are nominated by LFA Executive Committee for a special election to serve the remainder of the term.
    • Restrictions on Membership.
      • Library faculty seeking promotion may not stand for election or serve on LCPT during the year in which they are reviewed.
      • Library faculty with a domestic or familial relationship to library faculty being reviewed for progress toward tenure, or being considered for tenure or promotion or equivalent review, may not serve on LCPT during that year.
      • No library faculty may serve simultaneously on LCPT and the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
    • Recusal Requirements of Members. Elected members of LCPT must recuse themselves from reviewing files where the following professional conflicts of interest exist:
      • Library faculty with a supervisory or mentoring relationship with the library faculty being considered for promotion or tenure or equivalent review may serve on LCPT during the year but must recuse themselves from reviewing the file of their supervisor/ee or mentor/ee.
    • Standing Charges. LCPT is the committee required by Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations Article VI. It reviews the qualifications and performance of all members of the library faculty who are to be considered for promotion, award of tenure, non-reappointment, or probationary review, and makes recommendations to the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure, in accordance with the guidelines accepted by the University of Kansas for granting promotions and tenure for library faculty. Its recommendations, together with those of the Dean of Libraries, are forwarded to the Office of the Provost for consideration by the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure.
    • LCPT also acts as the Libraries’ Progress Toward Tenure Review (or equivalent review) Committee. It reviews the qualifications and performance of all members of the library faculty who are scheduled to be evaluated in their progress toward tenure or equivalent review. Once LCPT completes its review, the dossiers for the faculty being reviewed, and the Committee’s recommendations are sent to the Dean of Libraries.
    • LCPT annually reviews the Libraries’ Criteria for Academic Ranks of Library Faculty and the Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Faculty of The University of Kansas Libraries, in accordance with Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations Article VI and recommends revisions of these criteria to LFA. It also recommends procedures used for the preparation of dossiers for library faculty under review for progress toward tenure and consideration for promotion and/or tenure or equivalent review. LCPT presents its recommendations to LFA for approval.
    • LCPT functions as a unit with all members present. Each member has the full privilege of voice and votes in all proceedings except those in which the vote is specifically denied by a majority vote or LCPT disqualifies a member from discussion, voting, or both, because their relationship to the matter under discussion is judged prejudicial by LCPT.
    • If, due to unanticipated circumstances, (i.e. a recusal) there are fewer than three available members of LCPT qualified to vote in an individual case, the LFA Executive Committee appoints a qualified member to review and vote on that particular case.
    • LCPT promptly notifies the Dean in writing of its recommendations.
    • The deliberations are held in strict confidence; discussion of cases by LCPT members is restricted to meetings of LCPT formally convened.
  • Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee
    • Elected Membership. The Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee (SLPTR) is composed of five library faculty, either tenured or having completed their probationary period, all to be elected by LFA members eligible to vote.
    • Terms of Office. Members of SLPTR ordinarily serve two years with overlapping terms to provide continuity. Members may not ordinarily succeed themselves without one year intervening.
    • Meetings. The first meeting of each year is called by the appointed liaison of LFA Executive Committee no later than the first week of August; the first order of business is to select a Chair and a Secretary.
    • Vacancies. Should there be a vacancy that impacts SLPTR’s work, qualified members of the Library Faculty (including someone who has just served on SLPTR) are nominated by LFA Executive Committee for a special election to serve the remainder of the term.
    • Restrictions on Membership.
      • Library faculty who submit a sabbatical leave file for consideration may not participate in the review of their file or any other sabbatical files under consideration. Library faculty standing for Post-Tenure Review (PTR) may not stand for election or serve on SLPTR during the year in which they are reviewed.
      • Library faculty with a domestic or familial relationship to the library faculty submitting a sabbatical file may not participate in the review of this file or any other sabbatical files under consideration. Library faculty with a domestic or familial relationship to library faculty being reviewed for PTR may not serve on SLPTR during that year.
      • Library faculty with a supervisory or mentoring relationship with the library faculty submitting a sabbatical file may not participate in the review of this file or any other sabbatical files under consideration.  
      • No library faculty may serve simultaneously on SLPTR and the University Committee on Sabbatical Leaves.
    • Recusal Requirements of Members. Elected members of SLPTR must recuse themselves from review of files where the following professional conflicts of interest exist:
      • PTR: Library faculty with a supervisory or mentoring relationship with the library faculty being considered by the committee may serve on SLPTR during the year but must recuse themselves from reviewing the PTR file of their supervisor/ee or mentor/ee.
    • Standing Charges. Sabbaticals. The SLPTR reviews and evaluates the merit of each sabbatical proposal. It notifies each applicant in writing of its recommendation and forwards each recommendation to the Dean of Libraries, who reviews and evaluates the proposal before transmittal to the Provost for referral to the University Committee on Sabbatical Leaves for evaluation (see 8.1.1-8.2.7 of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations).
    • SLPTR addresses itself to matters of policy pertaining to the sabbatical leave system and reports its recommendations to the Dean.
    • Post-Tenure Review. SLPTR also reviews the qualifications and performance of all members of the library faculty who are scheduled to be evaluated for PTR.
    • SLPTR addresses itself to matters of policy pertaining to the post-tenure review and reports its recommendations to the Dean.
    • SLPTR functions as a unit with all members present. Each member has the full privilege of voice and votes in all proceedings except those in which the vote is specifically denied by a majority vote, or SLPTR disqualifies a member from discussion, voting, or both, because their relationship to the matter under discussion is judged prejudicial by SLPTR.
    • If, due to unanticipated circumstances, (i.e. a recusal) there are fewer than three available members of SLPTR qualified to vote in an individual case, LFA Executive Committee appoints a qualified member of LFA to review and vote on that particular case.
    • Once SLPTR completes its review, a copy is shared with the faculty member, who may submit a written response for inclusion in the file before it is forwarded to the Dean of Libraries.
    • The deliberations are held in strict confidence; discussion of cases by SLPTR members is restricted to meetings of SLPTR formally convened.
  • Upon call from the Provost, or other appropriate University authority, the LFA Executive Committee directs the Nominating and Ballot Committee to create a ballot containing the names of all members of LFA. Appropriate notice is given to the members so that any individual may remove their name from the ballot before it is submitted to the membership for the vote.
  • The votes are cast by distributed ballot (paper or electronic) with as much time elapsing before the closing date of the election as is possible within the constraints imposed by the call from the Provost. Each individual may vote for as many library faculty as requested by the Provost’s Office for membership on the Review Committee.
  • The LFA Executive Committee forwards as many names as requested in the call for members to the Dean’s Review Committee, with the names placed in rank order by the number of votes received.
  • The final vote on proposed revisions to the University of Kansas Libraries' Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Faculty of The University of Kansas Libraries, Criteria for Academic Ranks of Library Faculty, Post-Tenure Review Criteria and Procedures, and Faculty Evaluation Plan may be cast by distributed ballot (paper or electronic) provided that a majority of eligible LFA members vote to do so in a regular or special meeting.
  • When the final vote is cast by distributed ballot (paper or electronic), a simple majority vote by eligible voters is required for adoption of any proposed revisions, provided that a simple majority of membership eligible to vote returns valid ballots.
  • Whenever there are revisions to documents regarding promotion and tenure, the Dean’s Office and LFA Executive Committee ensure that they are forwarded to the Faculty Senate’s committee on Standards and Procedures on Promotion and Tenure (SPPT).
Section vii. DISSOLUTION of Assembly. A simple majority vote at a meeting of LFA is required to send to ballot a resolution to dissolve LFA. The ballot is sent to all members in all membership categories. A two-thirds affirmative vote by distributed ballot (paper or electronic) is required in order to approve the resolution.
ARTICLE III. Library Staff Assenbly
Purpose. The Library Staff Assembly (LSA) serves the interest of all Libraries Unclassified Professional Staff and Support Staff. The LSA discusses matters and decisions concerning staff and acts as an advisory body to the Dean of Libraries, subject to the policies of the Board of Regents, the University Senate, and the Dean of Libraries.
Privilege. It is the privilege of LSA to address itself to the Dean of Libraries, to the LFA, and to the University Senate on those matters of concern to the library staff.
Membership. LSA consists of all library Unclassified Professional Staff and Support Staff.
Rights and Responsibilities
  • All members have the full privilege of voice and the rights to vote, hold office, and serve on committees.
  • Members are strongly encouraged to attend meetings of the Assembly and are welcome to attend LSA Executive Committee meetings. Members may make their opinions known to their representatives and tell their representatives how they wish to be informed.
  • Titles. The officers are the Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Secretary.
  • General Duties.
    • Chair. The Chair acts as the presiding officer of the LSA Executive Committee, presides at LSA meetings and acts as the official representative to the Libraries’ administration.
    • Vice Chair/Chair Elect. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect assumes the duties of the Chair in the latter's absence, orients new members, and assures that committee reports are forthcoming in a timely manner. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect or designate is also responsible for monitoring the activity of the University Staff Senate and reporting back to the LSA Executive Committee.
    • Secretary. The Secretary schedules meetings and takes and posts minutes to the Libraries governance website. The Secretary deposits copies of all agenda, minutes, reports, and other records of the deliberative bodies and committees established in the Code, into the University Archives.
    • Meeting with the Dean. The Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect meet with the Dean on a regular basis.
    • All officers serve on the LFSA Executive Committee.
    • Election of Officers. The Nominating and Ballot Committee provides a slate of candidates and conducts the election.
    • Terms of Office. The officers are elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their term of office begins July 1st. No member holds more than one LSA office at a time under ordinary circumstances and cannot be re-elected to the same office without two years intervening.  The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect serves a second year in office as Chair, so serves two successive terms.
    • Vacancies. The Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect becomes Chair if the position becomes vacant. If the positions of Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect or Secretary become vacant and less than half a term has been served, the Chair calls a special election to fill the position. Otherwise, the LSA Executive Committee fills the position by appointment.
  • General. At least one general meeting is held in the fall to introduce officers, representatives, committee members, and new employees.
  • LSA Executive Committee. Unless otherwise decided by the LSA Executive Committee, regular meetings of the LSA Executive Committee are held at least once a month.
  • Special. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, the LSA Executive Committee, the Dean of Libraries, or at the written request of ten members of LSA. The purpose of the meeting is stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three working days’ notice is given.
  • Notice. Calls for meetings, agendas, and documents are distributed through KULIB-L as outlined in the Agenda section below.
  • Agenda. The officers set the agenda for LSA Executive Committee meetings and distribute the agenda to the membership through KULIB-L at least 48 hours in advance. The LSA Executive Committee sets the agenda for general meetings. The agenda and documents for general meetings are distributed no later than one week prior to a meeting. The agenda and documents for special meetings are made available with the call for the meeting.
  • Quorum and Majority. For meetings of the LSA and LSA Executive Committee, one-third of the membership of the LSA or of the LSA Executive Committee respectively constitutes a quorum. For voting purposes, a majority is defined as more than half of all voting members in attendance at a meeting.
  • Minutes. The LSA Secretary posts minutes of all meetings on the Libraries governance website within two weeks after approval.
  • Creation or Dissolution of LSA Standing Committees. A standing committee may be established or dissolved by a majority vote of the LSA.
  • Ad hoc Committees. Ad hoc Committees may be established by the LSA Executive Committee at any time to meet the needs of the LSA. Ad hoc Committees will have a minimum of three members.
  • Committee Membership. LSA Executive Committee meets following its election to organize and make standing committee appointments. For standing committees with elected membership, the Nominating and Ballot Committee provides a slate of candidates and conducts the elections.
  • Structure. Each committee, standing or ad hoc, designates a Chair and a Secretary. The LSA Executive Committee may designate the Chair of an ad hoc committee at the time the committee is appointed.
  • Terms of Office. Members may serve up to two successive terms on the same committee except where otherwise specified.
  • Vacancies. Unless otherwise provided for in this Code, vacancies on LSA committees occurring during terms are filled by appointment of the LSA Executive Committee
  • Status of Committees. If concerns about the status and/or function of any LSA committee are raised, based on feedback from annual committee reports, committee membership and chairs, LSA Executive Committee liaisons, and/or any member of the LSA, the LSA Executive Committee determines whether that committee should be placed on review for one Assembly year. Member appointments are not made to committees on review and charges are not drafted. The LSA Executive Committee conducts a review of the committee during that year and brings recommendations resulting from the review to the LSA.
  • LSA Executive Committee.
  • Elected Membership. The LSA Executive Committee consists of the officers of LSA
    • (Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Secretary) and representatives from the membership as determined by the will of the Assembly.
  • Terms of Office. Members of LSA Executive Committee serve one-year terms.
  • Committee Review. For each LSA standing committee, the LSA Executive Committee reviews its status and standing charges, and determines any special charges. A member of the LSA Executive Committee is appointed as liaison and ex officio member, and calls the committee’s first meeting.
  • Committee Appointments. The LSA Executive Committee-elect meets following its election to organize and make committee appointments for the forthcoming year. Committee appointments are made early enough to ensure that the committee members are able to assume their duties on August 1st.
  • Standing Charges. The LSA Executive Committee:
  • Ensures the orderly and effective operation of LSA
    • Is the first point of contact for any matters referred to the attention of LSA, save those which are specifically assigned to standing committees in the Code, and where appropriate, assigns such matters to standing or ad hoc committees
    • Brings governance issues concerning all faculty and staff to the LFSA Executive Committee
    • Designates a liaison to the Organizational Development Unit and an ex officio liaison to LFA to ensure communication and information sharing
    • Monitors KU governance issues that may affect LSA, including the Staff Senate and the University Senate Committee on Libraries
    • Takes no action contrary to the desires of the LSA
  • Appointments. Appointments to external committees and bodies are made by the LSA Executive Committee, unless otherwise specified by the requirements of that committee or body. Appointments take place at the beginning of the Assembly year.
  • Vacancies. Vacancies occurring during terms of office are filled by appointment of the LSA Executive Committee, unless otherwise specified by the requirements of that committee or body.
  • Reports. LSA members on University or Libraries governance bodies and other committees external to LSA, provide an annual report to the Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and periodically provide updates to the LSA Executive Committee and LSA as requested.
  • Liaisons
    • Liaison to LFA. To promote information sharing between LFA and LSA, the liaison attends LFA assemblies and LFA Executive Committee meetings and summarizes items of interest for the LSA membership.
    • Liaison to the Organizational Development Unit. To assist in organizational development programming of interest to LSA members, the liaison solicits suggestions from LSA and attends Organizational Development unit meetings.
    • Representatives to University Committees and Governance
    • University Senate Committee on Libraries. This committee has two ex officio members, one representative each of support staff and unclassified professional staff. These representatives serve a two-year term.        
    • Committee for the Review of the Dean. Representatives are chosen from a list of nominees provided to the Provost by the LSA Executive Committee.
A simple majority vote at a meeting of LSA is required to send to ballot a resolution to dissolve LSA. The ballot is sent to all LSA members. A two-thirds affirmative vote by distributed ballot (paper or electronic) is required in order to approve the resolution.
ARTICLE IV. Library Faculty and Staff Assembly
Purpose. The Library Faculty and Staff Assembly (hereafter referred to as LFSA) serves the interest of all library faculty and staff. The Assembly discusses matters and decisions concerning all faculty and staff and acts as an advisory body to the Dean of Libraries, subject to the policies of the Board of Regents, the University Senate, and the Dean of Libraries.
Privilege. It is the privilege of LFSA to address itself to LFA, LSA, the Dean of Libraries, and the University Senate on those matters of concern to all library faculty and staff.
Membership. LFSA consists of all library faculty and staff.
Rights and Responsibilities
  • All members have the full privilege of voice and the rights to vote, hold office, and serve on committees.
  • Members make their opinions known to the officers of their respective Assembly and tell them how they wish to be informed. Members are strongly encouraged to attend meetings of the whole and are welcome to attend LFSA Executive Committee meetings.
  • General. At least one general meeting is held each year in the fall semester to introduce officers, committee members, and new members and to report on the previous year’s activities and decisions.
  • LFSA Executive Committee. The LFSA Executive Committee meets at least twice a year to transact business and may hold additional meetings as needed.
  • Special. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, the LFSA Executive Committee, the Dean of Libraries, or at the written request of ten members of LFSA. The purpose of the meeting is stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three working days’ notice is given.
  • Notice. Calls for meetings, agendas, and documents are distributed through KULIB-L as outlined in the Agenda section below.
  • Agenda. The officers set the agenda for LFSA Executive Committee meetings and distribute the agenda to the membership through KULIB-L at least 48 hours in advance. The LFSA Executive Committee sets the agenda for general meetings. The agenda and documents for general meetings are distributed no later than one week prior to a meeting. The agenda and documents for special meetings are made available with the call for the meeting.
  • Quorum and Majority. For meetings of the LFSA and LFSA Executive Committee, one-third of the membership of the LFSA or of the LFSA Executive Committee respectively constitutes a quorum. For voting purposes, a majority is defined as more than half of all voting members in attendance at a meeting.
  • Minutes. The Secretary publishes minutes of all meetings on the Libraries governance website within two weeks after approval.
  • Creation or Dissolution of Standing Committees. A standing committee may be established or dissolved by a simple majority of LFSA.
  • Ad hoc Committees. Ad hoc Committees may be established by the LFSA Executive Committee at any time to meet the needs of LFSA. Ad hoc Committees will have a minimum of three members.
  • Committee Membership. The LFSA Executive Committee meets following the elections of LFA and LSA officers to organize and make standing committee appointments. Committee appointments are made early enough to ensure that committee members are able to assume their duties on August 1st.  For all Standing Committees with elected membership, the Nominating and Ballot Committee provides a slate of candidates and conducts the elections.
  • Structure. Each standing or ad hoc committee designates a Chair and Secretary. The LFSA Executive Committee may designate the Chair of an ad hoc committee at the time the ad hoc committee is appointed.
  • Terms of Office. Members may serve up to two successive terms on the same committee except where otherwise specified.
  • Vacancies. Vacancies are dealt with on a committee by committee basis unless otherwise specified.
  • Status of Committees. If concerns about the status and/or function of any LFSA committee are raised, based on feedback from annual committee reports, committee membership and chairs, LFSA Executive Committee liaisons, and/or any member of LFSA, the LFSA Executive Committee determines whether that committee should be placed on review for one year. Member appointments are not made to committees on review and charges are not drafted. The LFSA Executive Committee conducts a review of the committee during that year and brings recommendations resulting from the review to LFSA.
  • LFSA Executive Committee
    • Membership. The LFSA Executive Committee consists of six members, the Chairs, Vice-Chairs/Chairs-Elect, and Secretaries of LFA and LSA.
    • Terms of Office. The officers serve for one year. No member holds more than one office on the LFSA Executive Committee at a time. Terms of office begin July 1st.
    • Officers. The LFSA Executive Committee selects a Chair, Vice-Chair, and a Secretary at their first meeting which is called by the Chairs of LFA and LSA.
      • General duties. The Chair acts as the presiding officer of the LFSA Executive Committee and presides at LFSA general and special meetings. The Vice-Chair assumes the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence. The Secretary schedules meetings and takes and posts minutes to the Libraries governance website. The Secretary also deposits copies of all agenda, minutes, reports, and other records of the deliberative bodies and committees established in the Code, into the University Archives.
      • Vacancies. The LFSA Executive Committee selects a new officer if a position becomes vacant.
    • Committee Review. For each standing committee, the LFSA Executive Committee reviews its status and standing charges and determines special charges. A member of the LFSA Executive Committee is appointed as liaison, an ex officio member, and calls the committee’s first meeting.
    • Committee Appointments. The LFSA Executive Committee meets following the elections of the LFA and LSA officers to organize and make committee appointments for the forthcoming year. Committee appointments are made early enough to ensure that the committee members are able to assume their duties on August 1st.
    • Standing Charges. The LFSA Executive Committee:
      • Ensures the orderly and effective operation of LFSA
      • Is the first point of contact for matters affecting all library faculty and staff, save those which are specifically assigned to the respective assemblies or standing committees in the Code, and where appropriate, assigns such matters to standing or ad hoc committees
      • Monitors KU governance issues that may affect LFSA, including the University Senate and the University Senate Committee on Libraries
      • Takes no action contrary to the desires of the LFSA
  • Nominating  And Ballot Committee
    • Membership. The Nominating and Ballot Committee is appointed by the LFSA Executive Committee and is composed of three members, with at least one member from LSA and one member from LFA.
    • Terms of Office. Committee members serve two-year overlapping terms.
    • Standing Charges. The Nominating and Ballot Committee:
      • Issues the call for nominations, recruits candidates for elections, and contacts nominees to verify their willingness to serve
      • Provides a slate of candidates for the officers (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary) of LFA and LSA and for standing committees with elected membership, in sufficient time for elections to take place no later than May 15
      • Assembles all ballots, tabulates, and reports the results to the respective LFA and LSA Executive Committees within one week
  • Committee on the Code
    • Membership. The Committee on the Code is appointed by the LFSA Executive Committee and is composed of three members, with at least one member from LSA and one member from LFA.
    • Terms of Office. Committee members serve two-year overlapping terms.
    • Standing Charges. The Committee on the Code:
      • Reviews the University of Kansas Libraries Code of Governance, as well as any proposed amendments to ensure that all sections and parts conform to the stated purposes of the LFSA, LSA, and LFA
      • Upon request of any member or committee conveyed through the LFA or LSA Executive Committees, renders interpretive decisions as to the meaning of a particular section or part of the Code
      • Forwards recommendations and decisions to the respective LFA or LSA Executive Committees 
  • Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities
    • Membership. The Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities is appointed by the LFSA Executive Committee and is composed of five members, a minimum of three who have a requirement to engage in research and scholarly activities as part of their professional assignment. A reasonable effort is made to appoint members who represent staff, various ranks of faculty, and units of the Libraries.
    • Terms of Office. Committee members serve two-year overlapping terms.
    • Standing Charges. The Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities, in keeping with the Libraries’ mission, encourages, promotes, and supports research and scholarly activities of the members of the LFSA.
      • Library Research Fund (LRF). The Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities establishes and reviews, on an annual basis, guidelines for the disbursal of research funds provided by the Dean of Libraries. The Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities allocates these funds based on those guidelines.
      • General Research Fund (GRF). The Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities also administers the University’s General Research Fund designated to KU Libraries based on the GRF Guidelines.
  • Committee on Salaries and Benefits
    • Membership. The Committee on Salaries and Benefits is appointed by the LFSA Executive Committee and is composed of four members (two members each from LFA and LSA), the  Executive Director of the Office of Administrative Services (ex officio), and the Libraries’ Director of Fiscal Services (ex officio).
    • Terms of Office. Committee members serve two-year overlapping terms.
    • Standing Charges. The Committee on Salaries and Benefits, in consultation with the library administration and LFSA, prepares such reports and statistical studies as may be needed to support the library’s budget request for salaries and seeks ways to educate staff concerning benefit options.
  • Committee on Planning and Resources (currently on hiatus)
    • Membership. The Committee on Planning and Resources is appointed by the LFSA Executive Committee and is composed of four members (two members each from LFA and LSA), the Libraries’ Director of Fiscal Services (ex officio), the Executive Director of the Office of Administrative Services (ex officio), and the Executive Director of Communications & Advancement (ex officio).
    • Terms of Office. Committee members serve two-year overlapping terms.
    • Standing Charges. The Committee on Planning and Resources:
      • Consults with the library administration and LFSA Executive Committee to examine general priorities in the distribution of resources and participates in planning budget and human resource activities within the Libraries
      • Makes recommendations concerning these priorities, issues and activities, as appropriate, to the LFSA Executive Committee
Section IV. Dissolution of Assembly
A simple majority vote at a meeting of LFSA is required to send to ballot a resolution to dissolve LFSA. The ballot is sent to all LFSA members. A two-thirds affirmative vote by distributed ballot (paper or electronic) is required in order to approve the resolution.
APPENDIX A. Historical Record
  • May 2016 the Library Faculty and Professional Assembly (LFPA) and the KU Libraries Support Staff (KULSS) voted by ballot to adopt a newly written code for library governance.  In doing so they agreed to the terms set forth in both the University of Kansas Libraries Code of Governance and the transition plan. 
  • 6 October 2017 the Library Faculty and Staff Assembly (LFSA) Executive Board approved the editorial change to replace all instances referring to the Discipline Expectations for Library Faculty at KU with the name of the new document, Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Faculty of The University of Kansas Libraries. This new document was adopted by faculty vote on December 19, 2016 and approved by the Faculty Senate Committee on Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure Spring 2017.
  • April 2023 The Library Faculty Assembly (LFA) voted by ballot and approved changes to the Code to clarify that faculty may serve on the Committee on Promotion and Tenure and Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee in years when a supervisor/ee or mentor/ee is being reviewed but must recuse themselves from reviewing the files of their supervisor/ee or mentor/ee.

Mike Broadwell
Executive Director, Libraries
Watson Library
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Dean of Libraries
Approved on: 
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Effective on: 
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Libraries Code of Governance
Change History: 

04/04/2024: Code and Bylaws, Code of Governance, LFSA, LFA, LSA. Converted from PDF to live text page.
06/28/2018: Code and Bylaws, Code of Governance, LFPA, LFA, LSA uploaded to the Policy Library.

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