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KU Libraries: Criteria for Academic Ranks of Library Faculty


The criteria for appointment, promotion, and tenure are designed to reflect the national norms in academic librarianship and to provide guidance for KU Libraries faculty members to achieve excellence in their profession. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee a particular outcome, but does guarantee serious consideration in appointment, promotion, and tenure decisions.

Applies to: 

Libraries Faculty

Policy Statement: 

Criteria for Academic Ranks of Library Faculty (June 2017)

The criteria for appointment, promotion, and tenure are designed to reflect the national norms in academic librarianship and to provide guidance for KU Libraries faculty members to achieve excellence in their profession. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee a particular outcome, but does guarantee serious consideration in appointment, promotion, and tenure decisions.

Tenure-Track Librarians

KU Libraries affirms that the terminal degree for a librarian is an ALA-accredited master’s degree in library and information science (LIS) or equivalent from a foreign institution in library and information studies, meaning that this degree is likewise the minimum requirement for appointment to any librarian rank. An individual without an ALA-accredited master’s degree may be considered for appointment to the rank of librarian if they hold a PhD in library and information science from an LIS program that also offered an ALA-accredited master’s degree at the time the PhD was awarded. Similarly, in the specialized field of archives, a graduate degree (e.g., master’s or PhD, depending on position requirements) in an appropriate field OR an archival certification by the Academy of Certified Archivists may be considered. Appointment to certain positions may require additional subject expertise, experience, or educational preparation.

Assistant Librarian

Persons being considered for appointment at this rank may not be required to have any professional library experience but should be well‐qualified to practice librarianship and demonstrate evidence of potential achievement in librarianship, research, and service that contributes to the mission of the Libraries, the University, and the profession. Appointees shall normally remain in this rank for a minimum of five years before promotion to Associate Librarian. Appointees may remain at this rank for a maximum of six years before mandated review for award of tenure and promotion. This is not a tenurable rank. This rank is equivalent to Assistant Professor.

Associate Librarian

Persons being considered for appointment at or promotion to this rank shall have at least four years of successful professional experience at the rank of Assistant Librarian or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented evidence of high level, professional expertise, and have a demonstrated record of accomplishments that advances the goals of the KU Libraries, the University, and the profession. In addition, they shall have an appropriate record of consistent, quality research contributions in areas related to librarianship, or a specialized subject area as it relates to their practice of librarianship or a related area. Factors such as the quality and quantity of scholarly contributions or creative activities demonstrate a successfully developing scholarly program. The record of service must demonstrate a pattern of service to the University at one or more levels, to the discipline or profession, and/or to the local, state, regional, national, or international communities.

After achieving tenure, it is possible to remain at this rank indefinitely. If a candidate seeks promotion to the rank of Librarian and does not achieve promotion, this does not preclude a later consideration. This rank is tenurable and is equivalent to Associate Professor.


Although there may be some variation, continuing productivity should prepare most library faculty for promotion to full Librarian within six years of their promotion to the rank of Associate Librarian or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented evidence of professional performance in a successfully developing career, with evidence of sustained high quality professional productivity, and have achieved a measure of national recognition in librarianship or a related area. In addition, they shall have a sustained record of research and service demonstrating significant achievement. The record of research must demonstrate a successfully established scholarly program, as reflected in such factors as a consistent and ongoing pattern of quality, scholarly or creative contributions in librarianship or a related area, or a specialized subject area. The record of service must demonstrate an ongoing pattern of service reflecting substantial contributions to the University at one or more levels, to the discipline or profession, and to any of the following: local, regional, state, national, or international communities.

Tenure is normally recommended if initial appointment is made at this rank. This rank is equivalent to Professor.

Non-Tenure Track Librarians

Use of non-tenure track (NTT) faculty appointments in the Libraries applies under special circumstances that require (a) temporary (less than a year) or limited-term (typically 1-5 years) positions or (b) part-time faculty employment. Non‐tenure track (NTT) faculty appointments are best used to provide needed flexibility while maintaining the Libraries’ commitment to the core of professional expertise and standards of the tenured and tenure-track, faculty body.

Librarians appointed to this rank are usually hired on limited term appointments, or less than full‐time, with no obligations to perform research or service. Non-tenure track librarian appointments cannot be converted to tenured or tenure‐track faculty. Non‐tenure track librarians are not eligible for tenure or sabbatical leave.

Librarian I

Appointment at this rank does not require any professional library experience but the candidate should be well-qualified to practice librarianship and demonstrate evidence of potential achievement in librarianship that contributes to the Libraries’ and KU’s mission. Appointees remain in this rank for a minimum of five years before promotion to Librarian II. At the discretion of the supervisor and based on the needs of the department/Libraries, these positions may also include service at various levels ranging from Libraries to national/international.

Librarian II

Persons being considered for appointment at or promotion to this rank shall have at least four years of successful professional experience at the rank of Librarian I or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented substantial evidence of high level, professional expertise and have a demonstrated record of accomplishments that advances the goals of KU Libraries, the University, and the profession. At the discretion of the supervisor and based on the needs of the department/Libraries, these positions may also include service at various levels ranging from Libraries to national/international.

Librarian III

Persons being considered for appointment at or promotion to this rank shall have a minimum of six years at the rank of Librarian II or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented (a) distinguished professional performance in a successfully developing career, with evidence of sustained, high quality professional productivity, and (b) a measure of national recognition in librarianship or a related field. At the discretion of the supervisor and based on the needs of the department/Libraries, these positions may also include service at various levels ranging from Libraries to national/international.

Unclassified Academic Staff

Academic Staff are faculty-equivalent positions with specialized training, knowledge, skills, competencies, and experience in a particular field or discipline, comparable, but not identical to, that of the libraries tenured and tenure-track faculty. Unclassified academic staff may perform duties that are similar to those of faculty, but their positions will include different allocations of time and required knowledge.

Academic Staff must have education, degrees, and experience comparable to tenured and tenure-track faculty. At a minimum, candidates must hold an ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library/Information Science (or foreign equivalent) or other terminal degree, or a master’s degree and a minimum of two years of academic library experience by time of appointment. Unclassified Academic Staff serve the Libraries by providing specialized expertise as determined to be appropriate by the department and Dean.

Rank and Title: According to campus policy, academic staff positions within the Libraries that are supported in whole or in part by State funds may use the title of Specialist with the ranks of Assistant, Associate, or Senior. These titles are viewed as matching the equivalent faculty ranks of Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Librarian.

Assistant [Specialist]

Appointment at this rank may not require any professional experience but the candidate should be well-qualified in their designated field or area of specialization and demonstrate evidence of potential achievement in areas of professional performance, service, and/or research as indicated in the job description. Candidates normally remain in this rank for a minimum of six years before promotion to the Associate level.

Associate [Specialist]

Persons being considered for appointment at or promotion to this rank shall have at least four years of successful professional experience at the rank of Assistant or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented evidence of a high level of expertise in their field or area of specialization and have a demonstrated record of accomplishment that advances the goals of KU Libraries, the University, and their related profession.

The candidate shall have an appropriate record of consistent, quality research contributions in areas related to their field of expertise and/ or specialized subject areas. Factors such as the quality and quantity of scholarly contributions or creative activities demonstrate a successfully developing scholarly program.

The candidate’s record must demonstrate a pattern of service to the University, to the related discipline or profession, and/or to the local, state, regional, national, or international communities. It is possible to remain at this rank indefinitely. If a candidate seeks promotion to the Senior level and does not achieve promotion, this does not preclude a later consideration.

Senior [Specialist]

Persons being considered for appointment at or promotion to this rank shall have a minimum of six years at the rank of Associate or its equivalent. They shall have achieved and documented evidence of a distinguished level of expertise in their field or area of specialization, with sustained, high quality productivity, and have achieved a measure of national recognition in their area of specialization or a related field.

The candidate shall have a sustained record of research demonstrating significant achievement. The record of research must demonstrate a successfully-established scholarly program, as reflected in such factors as a consistent and ongoing pattern of quality, scholarly or creative contributions in their field of expertise and specialized subject areas.

The candidate’s record of service must demonstrate an ongoing pattern of service reflecting substantial contributions to the University, to the related discipline or profession, and to any of the following: local, regional, national, or international communities.

These positions are equivalent to those of faculty in educational preparation and intellectual complexity. Allocation of effort is more flexible than with tenure-track positions and allows for highly-specialized and focused jobs that may vary widely position to position.


KU Libraries
Office of the Dean

Watson Library
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.

Lawrence, KS  66046

Approved by: 
Libraries Faculty Assembly
Approved on: 
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Effective on: 
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
tenure-track, librarian, non-tenure, librarians, rank
Change History: 

10/11/2024: Amended degree requirements for Tenure-Track Librarians. 
06/17/2024: Converted to live web page from PDF document
08/17/2017: New policy added to the Policy Library.

Spring 2017: Approved by SPPT.
05/2015: Revised.
07/2014: Revised.
12/07/2009: Revised.
06/2009: Revised.
11/2008: Revised.
06/2006: Approved by Dean.
07/2000: Revised.
10/1985: Revised.
05/1980: Recommended by the Library Faculty Assembly.

Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure

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