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KU Libraries: KU Library Borrower Card for Other (non-KU) Library Users


To report the requirements to qualify for and purchase a KU Library Borrower Card available to other (non-KU) library users.

Applies to: 

The KU Library Borrower Card is sold to qualified individuals based on a determination of their eligibility as a Kansas resident, as student, faculty, or staff at a Kansas institution of higher learning, as a member of the University of Kansas Alumni Association, or as a participant in a program that includes library privileges.

  1. Reciprocal Library Users:
    1. Students, Faculty, and Staff of the Kansas Board of Regents institutions.
    2. Student, Faculty, and Staff from institutions participating in the GWLA Reciprocal Circulation Program.
    3. Students, Faculty, and Staff from institutions participating in the UMKC Courtesy Card Program.
  2. Resident Library Users:
    1. Kansas Residents, Adults age 18 and older.
    2. Kansas Residents, Minors not yet 18 years old.
    3. University of Kansas Alumni Association members.
    4. Students, Faculty, and Staff from Kansas institutions of higher learning not governed by the Kansas Board of Regents.
    5. Faculty from libraries participating in the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program (ARL/OCLC).
    6. Surviving spouses of Emeritus and Retired KU faculty.
    7. Visiting Scholars not approved as Affiliates in Lawrence/Edwards HR records.
    8. Residents of Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Nebraska.

See separate policies for:

  1. KU Libraries: Access, Circulation, and Request Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff of Haskell Indian Nations University
  2. KU Libraries: Access, Circulation, Request Services, and Borrower Permits for Kansas School Groups
  3. KU Libraries: Access, Circulation, Request Services, and Borrower Cards for Summer Camp Students and Staff
Policy Statement: 
  1. Application Process for KU Library Borrower Cards.
    1. KU Library Borrower Cards may be purchased by qualified individuals who are not affiliated with the University of Kansas. The card will not be issued or renewed if the applicant owes any charges to the University of Kansas or is otherwise restricted by the University of Kansas Libraries policies.
    2. Complete the KU Library Borrower Card Application Form.
    3. Present a government issued photo identification card, preferably a state issued driver's license or photo identification card, a passport, or a military ID.
    4. Present one of these documents to provide proof of current:
      1. Kansas residency. A current Kansas driver's license or Kansas photo identification card may be used as the photo ID and as proof of Kansas residency.
      2. Enrollment or employment at a Kansas institution of higher learning.
      3. Membership in the University of Kansas Alumni Association.
      4. Enrollment or employment with a GWLA institution participating in the GWLA Reciprocal Circulation Program.
      5. UMKC Courtesy Card.
      6. Current state issued driver's license or state photo identification card from Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, or Nebraska.
    5. If the address on the application form is not the same as the address on the identification card, or if the Kansas resident is unable to provide proof of Kansas residency with a driver's license or state issued photo ID, the applicant will be required to provide 2 additional documents with proof of current address.
      1. Acceptable documents which must have been issued within the most recent 60 days include original copies of: utility bill (except mobile phones), bank statement, and/or credit card statement.
      2. A current home or apartment rental agreement (overlapping with the time period of application) or home mortgage statement (issued no longer ago than the previous December 31) with the same name and address recorded on the application form can be accepted for one of the additional documents.
    6. Minors, applicants under the age of 18:
      1. Are required to include a parent or guardian notarized signature on the application form to confirm permission to use the KU Libraries.
      2. May use one of these alternative forms of identification if no Kansas driver's license is available: minor's school ID with photo for current school year, or school yearbook photo with name of applicant recorded beside photo and no more than one year old.
    7. Make payment for the borrower card.
  2. Prices for KU Library Borrower Cards.
    1. Charges include applicable sales tax and are payable before the card is issued. The fee is applicable to all new cards, replacement cards, and annual renewals.
    2. Kansas Residents and KU Alumni Association members - $20/year.
    3. Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Reciprocal Circulation Program - $10/year.
    4. UMKC Courtesy Card (cost determined by expiration date on Courtesy Card) - $7/semester or $20/year.
    5. Residents of Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska - $40/year.
    6. Exceptions:
      1. Surviving spouses of emeritus or retired KU faculty are not required to pay at the time of purchase or renewal.
      2. Faculty from Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, Washburn University, and Wichita State University are not required to pay at the time of purchase or renewal.
      3. Replacement cards cost $20, and all other paper work must be completed. Individuals in these categories should identify themselves, and library staff will work with them to confirm their status.
  3. Where and When to Purchase KU Library Borrower Cards.
    1. Apply for a KU Library Borrower Card at the Watson Library Checkout Desk until one hour before closing. See the location of Watson Library.
    2. Review Library Hours to determine when Watson Library is open or call (785) 864-8983.
  4. Annual Renewal of KU Library Borrower Cards.
    1. KU Library Borrower Cards will automatically expire no more than one year from the date of purchase or renewal and will need to be renewed by the anniversary date to retain ongoing library privileges.
    2. KU Library Borrower Cards issued for less than a year will expire on the date determined by the program sponsoring the borrowers to whom the cards were issued.
    3. The renewal process requires re-authentication as a valid borrower, presentation of the previously issued borrower card, completion of a renewal application form, and payment for another year unless qualifying for an exception.
    4. Renewals may be completed at the Watson Library Checkout Desk. Arrangements can be made to renew by mail by contacting the Circulation Business Office with an email message to libfines@ku.edu.
  5. Where are KU Library Borrower Cards Accepted?
    1. The KU Library Borrower Card is accepted at Anschutz Library, Gorton Music and Dance Library, Murphy Art and Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, Watson Library, and Wheat Law Library. The card is also accepted to enter requests for and check out of circulating items from the Library Annex.
    2. The KU Library Borrower Card is also accepted at the Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center (EGARC) in 4070 Wescoe. However, the Access, Circulation, and Request Services policies of the University of Kansas Libraries do not apply at EGARC.
    3. The KU Library Borrower Card is not required at Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and is not accepted at the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).
  6. Visiting Scholars.
    1. KU academic departments sponsoring Visiting Scholars at the University of Kansas are encouraged to acquire Affiliate status designation for the scholars since this allows the highest level of library services possible for this group.
    2. KU academic departments unable to secure Affiliate status for Visiting Scholars may contact the Circulation Business Office with an email to libfines@ku.edu to determine options for securing Resident library user status for their visitors.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Haskell Indian Nations University, Kansas School Groups, and KU Summer Camp Students and Staff are covered by separate policies.


Individuals who no longer meet the requirements for Resident or Reciprocal library user will no longer qualify for the library privileges at the same level described in this document.


University of Kansas Libraries
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Asking Questions about KU Libraries Policies and Procedures

Approved by: 
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services
Approved on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously documented through KU Libraries website content.

Change History: 
12/10/2024: Updated Broken Link. 
12/22/2014: Published in the Policy Library.
12/09/2014: Reviewed and approved for inclusion in KU Policy Library.
01/20/2010: Revised.
06/01/2003: Revised.
08/01/1999: Policy effective.
Libraries Categories: 
Access, Circulation, and Request Services
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities
Other (Non-KU) Library Users

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