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School of Music Bylaws


To outline the bylaws and standing committees within the School of Music.

Applies to: 

Faculty, Staff, and Students in the School of Music

Policy Statement: 

Section I. Membership

The voting membership of the School shall consist of all faculty, including non-tenure-track faculty holding a 50% FTE or higher appointment.

Section II. Meetings of the School

The faculty shall meet at least once each month during the fall and spring semesters. The Dean may call additional meetings when necessary and may cancel meetings for lack of sufficient business. Additional meetings may also be called by a quorum of one-third of the voting membership. Generally speaking, an agenda shall be circulated to the members no later than twenty-four hours prior to each meeting.

A quorum of one-third of the voting membership shall be present before any business may be transacted.  Although staff, non-voting faculty and invited visitors may attend faculty meetings, a meeting may be closed by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership present.

Section III. Officers of the School

A.    The School shall have officers with school-level responsibilities:
1. The Dean who shall preside at all meetings of the faculty and shall appoint all other leaders in the School.
2. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
3. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
4. The Associate Dean for Global Engagement
5. The Associate Dean for Performance Activities
6. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs

B.    Other appointed and elected positions:
1. Director of the Music Research Institute, who shall be appointed by the Dean
2. School of Music Impact Advisor, who shall be appointed by the Dean.
3. School of Music representative to University Core Curriculum Committee, who shall be elected by the faculty.


C. The School shall have two divisions, consisting of five departments and sixteen areas:
Performance Division
a. Department of Band and Orchestral Instruments
1. Band Area
2. Brass Area
3, Orchestra and Strings Area
4. Percussion Area
5. Woodwinds Area
b. Department of Piano, Vocal, Organ and Church Music 
1. Choral Area
2. Organ and Church Music Area
3. Piano Area
4. Voice and Opera Area
c. Department of Jazz and Commercial Music
1. Jazz Area
2. Commercial Music Area
2. Academic Division 
a. Department of Music Education and Music Therapy
1. Music Education Area
2. Music Therapy Area
b. Department of Musicology, Theory, and Composition
1. Music Composition Area 
2. Musicology Area
3. Music Theory Area

The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will oversee the Academic Division and the Associate Dean for Performance Activities will oversee the Performance Division. Chairs will lead each department, working in conjunction with the Coordinators of each area in their department. 

All Associate Dean, Department Chair, and Area Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the appropriate faculty. Terms of appointment for all are for three years and may be renewed in consultation with the area faculty. Faculty may be simultaneously appointed to more than one leadership role.

Section IV. Standing Committees of the School

A.    There shall be the following committees:

1. Dean's Advisory Council

2. Student Advisory Council

3. Committee on Undergraduate Studies (CUS)

4. Committee on Graduate Studies in Music (COGSIM)

5. Committee on Promotion and Tenure (P&T)

6. Honors Recitals Committee

7. Impact and Belonging Committee

8. Committee on Faculty Evaluation

9. Area Coordinators Committee

10. Awards and Recognition Committee

11. Wunsch New Music Committee” (the committee is addressed in §§4.B and C, but was omitted from the list of committees).

B.    Membership

1. The Dean’s Advisory Council shall consist of the Associate Deans, the Department Chairs, and three members-at-large. The members-at-large shall come from different departments, including at least one member each from the Academic and Performance Divisions. The members-at-large shall be elected by the faculty as a whole from full-time faculty of any rank or title. The Dean of the School of Music shall serve as chair.

2. The Student Advisory Council (SAC) shall consist of sixteen (16) members, one full-time undergraduate or graduate student from each area of the School. Members shall be selected annually by each area of the School.  

3. The Committee on Undergraduate Studies shall consist of five School of Music faculty members, one from each department; and two undergraduate students, one each from the Academic and Performance Divisions. Faculty shall be elected to overlapping three-year terms; the student representatives shall be selected annually by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in consultation with the faculty. Faculty members may not serve consecutive full terms. The Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and for Student Affairs or their representative(s), and the Director of Student Services, will attend meetings as ex officio, non-voting members. The committee shall elect its own faculty chair and shall preserve records of their meetings and decisions.

4. The Committee on Graduate Studies in Music shall consist of four School of Music faculty members, one from each department with graduate programs; and two graduate students, one each from the Academic and Performance Divisions. Faculty shall be elected to overlapping three-year terms; the student representatives shall be selected annually by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in consultation with the faculty. Faculty members may not serve consecutive full terms. The Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs or their representative(s), and the Graduate Student Services Coordinator, will participate as ex officio, nonvoting members. The committee shall elect its own faculty chair and shall post minutes of its preserve records of their meetings and decisions.

5. The Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall consist of five tenured members of the faculty, one from each department, elected to overlapping three-year terms. There shall be at least two alternates, one each from the Academic and Performance Divisions. If a department is unable to fill their designated slot due to a limited number of eligible faculty, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or of Performance Activities, as appropriate, shall appoint an additional alternate. Any member of the committee who is being considered for promotion, tenure, or sabbatical leave shall be replaced by an alternate during the semester in which they are being considered. Members may not serve consecutive full terms. The Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs will participate as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

6. The Honors Recitals Committee shall consist of five faculty members, drawn from the Departments of Band & Orchestral Instruments and Piano, Voice, Organ & Church Music. Members shall be elected to overlapping three-year terms. The Associate Dean for Performance Activities will participate as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

7.  The Impact and Belonging Committee will be composed of a minimum of 6 members, including 2 faculty, 2 staff, and 2 students who bring different perspectives and experiences. In addition, the School of Music Impact Advisor will chair the committee. Meetings will be open to all members of the school community to attend and contribute.

8. The Committee on Faculty Evaluation shall consist of five tenured members of the faculty, one from each department. There shall be two alternates, one each from the Academic and Performance Divisions. If a department is unable to fill their designated slot due to a limited number of eligible faculty, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or of Performance Activities, as appropriate, shall appoint an additional alternate. Members may not serve consecutive full terms. The Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs will participate as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

9. The Area Coordinators Committee shall consist of the sixteen (16) area coordinators in the School of Music. The Dean of the School of Music shall chair the committee.

10. The Awards and Recognition Committee shall consist of three faculty members, elected to overlapping three-year terms. Members of this committee need not be tenured; but the chair shall be a member of tenured faculty. The Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs will participate as an ex officio nonvoting member.

11. The Wunsch New Music Committee whose membership shall include 5 members of the faculty appointed by the Dean, 2 from the Composition faculty and 3 from the Performance faculty. 

Faculty membership on all committees in Section IV. shall be determined prior to the end of each spring semester, terms to begin with the following academic year. Unless otherwise noted, all terms of committee service will be for three years; terms on each committee will be staggered to ensure continuity. Vacancies occurring during an academic year shall be filled on a temporary basis by alternates; temporary replacements may also be appointed by the Dean.

The membership and officers on all committees in Section IV. shall be communicated to the Dean at the beginning of each academic year; any changes in membership or officers shall be communicated to the Dean as they occur.

C.    Responsibilities

1.    The Dean's Advisory Council shall work with the Dean as the central planning committee for the future.  The Dean's Advisory Council shall:

a)    advise the Dean on issues of budget, including standard allocations, other expenditures, and rescissions;
b)    consider and make recommendations regarding the prioritization of needs and goals of the  School , including personnel, equipment, building and remodeling projects, and fundraising objectives;
c)    consider and make recommendations regarding the future size and scope of the School;
d)    consider and make recommendations regarding exchange programs with foreign institutions; and
e)    consider other matters relevant to the mission, goals, and objectives of the School presented to it by members of the faculty or student body.At the beginning of each academic year, the Dean of the School of Music will provide a “State of the School” presentation concerning important issues for the coming year.  The Council will meet at least once a month throughout the academic year.

2.    The Student Advisory Council shall advise the Dean and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs on issues of interest and importance to students, including curricular development and related activities, safety and security, policy and procedures, and any other matter related to their education. Terms are for one year and may be renewed in consultation with the Area Coordinator; an individual student may also serve consecutive terms in which they represent different areas.

3.    The Committee on Undergraduate Studies shall:

a)    recommend matters of educational policy and procedure to the faculty;
b)    review and make recommendations to the faculty regarding proposed changes in curriculum and/or degree requirements received from the areas;
c)    review and act upon petitions from undergraduate students, and communicate such action to the student with copies to the appropriate area coordinator, Department Chair, and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs;
d)    meet in consultation with area representatives when appropriate;
e)    act as a grievance committee for undergraduate students when necessary, referring unresolved grievances to the Dean of the School or the University Judicial Board (see Rules and Regulations of the University Senate 5.33 and 5.34).

4.    The Committee on Graduate Studies shall:

a)    recommend matters of educational policy and procedure to the faculty;
b)    review and make recommendations to the faculty regarding proposed changes in curriculum and/or degree requirements received from the areas;
c)    review and act on petitions from graduate students and communicate such actions to the student with copies to the appropriate area coordinator, Department Chair, and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs;
d)    meet in consultation with area representatives when appropriate;
e)    act as a grievance committee for graduate students when necessary, referring any unresolved grievances to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies or to the University Judicial Board (see Rules and Regulations of the University Senate 5.33 and 5.34).

5.     The Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall:         

a)    conform at all times to the guidelines and criteria of the School, as well as to the University policy as outlined in the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff (Appendix) and the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Senate, Article VI;
b)    review and evaluate dossiers on all faculty within the School who have been recommended for advancement in academic rank and/or continuous tenure, then forward dossiers to the Dean.                                         
c)    review and evaluate dossiers of newly appointed faculty who are being recommended at ranks of associate or full professor, or for new faculty appointments with tenure, and forward the results to the Dean;
d)    review all applications from faculty for sabbatical leaves and submit recommendations to the Dean.
e)    A mid-probationary review (PTTR) will be required of all tenure-track faculty.

6.    The Honors Recitals Committee shall choose the performers for Honors Recitals, according to guidelines established by the faculty.

7.    The Impact and Belonging Committee will regularly assess the effectiveness of its strategic initiatives through feedback from the community, data gathering, and ongoing reflection. The goal is continuous improvement to address and assess campus climate trends and progress. The Impact Advisor for the School of Music will meet and report monthly to the appropriate point of contact with the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.

8.    The Committee on Faculty Evaluation shall review all faculty members annually, according to established policy (Faculty Evaluation Plan, Revised November 2013).   Members of the Committee will be excused during discussions of their respective dossiers.

9.    The Area Coordinators Committee shall work with the Dean to facilitate the current operation of the School. The Area Coordinators Committee shall:

a)    consider and make recommendations to the appropriate committees regarding curricular issues and related activities;
b)    consider and make recommendations regarding current operations and other programmatic concerns;
c)    foster communication among areas and throughout the School.

10. The Awards and Recognition Committee shall ensure that music faculty members are nominated for appropriate university and community awards and recognition on a regular basis. 

11. The Wunsch New Music Committee shall organize, produce, and present the Wunsch New Music Festival. Under the advisement of the Dean, the committee shall administer the Wunsch New Music Fund in support of the Festival.

D.    The Dean is responsible for establishing a meeting schedule each semester for standing committees of the School.  When appropriate, the Dean may convene the first annual meeting of each standing committees for the purpose of establishing procedures, and electing officers, delivering a charge, and/or discussing other matters related to the work of the committee. All standing committees shall meet at least once each semester during the academic year, except for the Committee on Faculty Evaluation, which only meets in the Spring. Members of standing committees are responsible for communicating with other faculty members regarding their committee work, except when such information is restricted.

Section V. Other Committees

A.    The Dean may appoint such committees as the business of the School may require, and the membership, charge, and recommendations of such committees shall be made known to the faculty.

B.    The faculty may establish committees and elect members to such committees as its business may require.

Section VI. Changes in Bylaws

Changes in the Bylaws requires a two-thirds majority vote of voting-eligible faculty. Changes in the Bylaws will be presented to the full faculty at least one week in advance of a vote being taken.


Dean, School of Music
Murphy Hall
1530 Naismith Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
School of Music Advisory Counsel
Approved on: 
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Effective on: 
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
music, bylaws
Change History: 

02/21/2025: Policy update. 
10/12/2022: New policy added to the Policy Library.

School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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