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Employee Dependent Tuition Assistance Scholarship


This policy outlines the eligibility criteria for the Employee Dependent Tuition Assistance Scholarship.

Applies to: 

Incoming and current undergraduate student dependents of qualifying University employees.

Policy Statement: 

The Employee Dependent Tuition Assistance Scholarship (EDTAS) provides a scholarship to eligible undergraduate student dependents of a qualifying University employee.

Effective Spring semester of 2023: The EDTAS award amount per recipient will be the equivalent of the resident on-campus College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) tuition rate for 6 undergraduate course credits per semester, up to 12 undergraduate course credits per academic year, but not to exceed a total maximum scholarship amount equivalent to 48 undergraduate course credits per recipient towards a first bachelor’s degree. The scholarship amount will be based on the current resident undergraduate tuition rate.

The qualifying University employee must meet the eligibility requirements on the first day of the academic semester for a recipient to receive the EDTAS that semester. The fact that a recipient is a dependent of multiple qualifying University employees does not increase the maximum amount of the award.

Based on continued eligibility for the scholarship, the value of the EDTAS will be automatically calculated and posted to the recipient’s account after parent employment is verified with Human Resources. The scholarship will post to the account when the semester begins, subject to the maximum scholarship limit.


To be eligible for the EDTAS, at the time of scholarship the recipient must be:

  • a dependent (a child who is a natural, step, adopted, or foster child under the age of 26 years, and who is unmarried) of a qualifying University employee (as defined below);
  • pursuing a first-time bachelor’s degree at KU;
  • enrolled at least part-time (6 hours per fall or spring semester) at the University of Kansas Lawrence or Edwards campuses in an undergraduate program or course of study terminating in a bachelor’s degree; and
  • if currently enrolled, maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher.


Applicants will apply by either signifying on their application for admission that they are a dependent of a qualifying University employee, or by submitting the EDTAS application to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office by the scholarship deadline.


Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Associate Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships
Approved on: 
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Effective on: 
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Approved by University Senate, April 9, 2020


For eligibility purposes, a “qualifying University employee” means a University employee who is staff or faculty (tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure track) with an appointment of 48% or greater to a regular position.

The term “qualifying University employee” does not include temporary employees, student employees or employees with affiliated organizations, such as KU Athletics, KU Endowment Association, KU Alumni Association, etc..

Tuition Assistance, Application, Tuition Payment, Dependent Scholarship, Tuition Remission, in state, in-state
Change History: 

04/12/2023: Technical update to clarify scholarship amount is based on the current resident undergraduate tuition rate.
03/09/2023: Updated contact section.
01/27/2023: Updated to clarify eligibility requirements.
01/03/2023: Effective 01/01/2023; updated the scholarship to increase the available scholarship amount, to be based on the equivalent course credit hours, subject to program scholarships limits.
07/17/2020: Added link to the EDTAS application; updated Definitions section.
07/14/2020: Approved by the Chancellor; Published in Policy Library.

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