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Medical Care of Spouse/Domestic Partner


To provide a means for spouses and domestic partners of students to receive healthcare at Watkins Health Services (WHS), Health Education Resources Office (HERO) and Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS).

Applies to: 

Spouses/domestic partners of The University of Kansas students. 

Policy Statement: 

Student spouses and/or domestic partners are eligible for the same services as currently enrolled students.  The services, when available, are: general medicine, allergy injection clinic, pharmacy, urgent care clinic, counseling and psychological services, women and men health clinics, health promotion and education, immunization screening, nutrition counseling, physical therapy, laboratory and radiology.

  1. The student must be eligible for services in accordance with AD-014 Patient Population / Eligibility, and AD-015 Campus Health Fee and Health Fee Remainder.  Also, if the student is not enrolled for the summer semester but is pre-enrolled for the fall semester, the full summer Campus Health Fee must be paid to qualify the non-student spouse/domestic partner for use of WHS and CAPS services
  2. The student shall accompany the spouse/domestic partner on the initial visit and be directed to the WHS Business Office.  If the Business Office is closed, the Registration & Records staff will serve in this capacity.
  3. The student shall sign a Spousal/Domestic Partner Guarantor form (AD-401-1).  This form will be filed within the Business Office.
  4. Any services rendered to the spouse/domestic partner will be charged at the Non-Health Fee Paid Rate (i.e., same as a visitor).
  5. The demographic information for the spouse/domestic partner in the WHS practice management system will have notice of the student guarantor.
  6. All WHS, HERO and CAPS policies, procedures and protocols for student health care will apply to spousal/domestic partner care.
  7. If the relationship ceases to exist, the student shall notify WHS in person and sign the “Revocation” section of the existing form #AD-401-1.  If extenuating circumstances prevent the student from notifying WHS in person, a notarized or witnessed letter will suffice for termination of the agreement.  The original of this documentation will be retained within the Business Office.  A photocopy of this revocation will be filed in the medical record.
  8. The student will be responsible for all charges incurred by spouse/domestic partner until written notification is made of relationship termination.  And any charges incurred prior to cessation of the relationship remain the responsibility of the student. 
    1. When written notification is received by WHS, HERO or CAPS will be notified, and health services will cease for the former spouse/domestic partner.
    2. The former spouse / domestic partner will be notified by letter from WHS that he/she is being provided a 30-day notice that such services.

Administrative Director
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Watkins Health Services Administrative Director
Approved on: 
Saturday, August 17, 2002
Effective on: 
Saturday, August 17, 2002
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Campus Health Fee: The fee charged by KU (Lawrence Campus) at the beginning of each semester to most students and which provides some of the operating revenue for Watkins Health Services.  Generally, the fee entitles the student to a discounted rate for services as well as no charge for provider visits.  Students enrolled in six (6) or fewer hours in Fall or Spring Semester, or five (5) or fewer hours in Summer Semester are charged only a portion of the full Health Fee.  The exact amount of this partial fee is based on a sliding scale of actual enrolled hours.

Campus health fee, domestic partner, spouse
Change History: 

07/01/2022: Policy published in the Policy Library as a live text page.
06/21/2021 changed policy owner and policy approver from Chief of Staff to Administrative Director.
07/13/2016: Revised
11/22/2006: Revised
08/17/2002: Published.

Student Life Categories: 
Health & Wellness

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