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School of Architecture and Design Bylaws, Department of Architecture


To define the rules and regulate the affairs of the Department of Architecture.

Applies to: 

Faculty and staff in the Department of Architecture.

Table of Contents: 

Article I. Mission, Values
Article II. Membership
Article III. Department Administration
Article IV. Academic Program Coordination
Article V. Standing Committees and Service Assignments 
Article VI. Procedures

Policy Statement: 

These bylaws are developed according to the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations (FSRR) of the University to state the internal organization and the role of faculty in the following decision-making areas: (1) determination of educational policy; (2) exchange of information between faculty and administration within the department; (3) use of physical resources; (4) budgetary matters; (5) personnel practices to include faculty and unclassified staff appointments, promotions, tenure recommendations, evaluations, post-tenure review  and selection of departmental chairpersons; and (6) relationships with other elements of the University and the community. Furthermore, policies for admission and readmission are to be established by the faculty, within the parameters of state laws and Regents’ regulations. In addition, enrollment procedures shall be determined by the faculty or its representatives.

Section 1. Mission
The mission of the Department of Architecture is to generate professional knowledge, transmit professional knowledge, and apply professional knowledge, in order to devise ways by which humankind might inhabit this planet in a sustainably healthy way.
Section 2. Values
A. Studio Culture Vision and Policy Statement for the full policy, See Appendix A. 
B. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging 
The Department of Architecture believes in equipping students with the skills to design spaces for all. To accomplish this, we work to prioritize the innovation and reflection that comes from recognizing diverse perspectives and experiences and creating space for them in our community. In alignment with our community values, we seek to increase diversity, promote equity, deepen inclusion, and advance a sense of belonging among students, faculty, staff, and our extended community. Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging priorities include recruitment and retention, community engagement, representation, and assessment.
Section 1. Faculty Membership
A. Department Faculty Membership
The faculty membership of the department shall consist of all tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure track, and emeritus faculty who have all or a portion of their appointment assigned to the Department of Architecture. 
B. Graduate Faculty
Graduate faculty shall be made up of full-time faculty who qualify under the policies of the Office of Graduate Studies of the University. Part-time faculty may serve as special members of the Graduate Faculty for renewable 5-year terms upon the written request of the Chair of the Department to the Vice Provost of Graduate Studies of the University. To hold Dissertation Status membership on the Graduate Faculty for the purpose of chairing a doctoral committee, the faculty member must meet the criteria established by the Office of Graduate Studies and be nominated by the Chair of the Department. Faculty with all but dissertation (ABD) status or a post-professional degree may co-chair a doctoral committee with a faculty member holding Dissertation Status. It is recommended that Assistant Professors co-chair doctoral committees within their first three years at the University.
C. Graduate Studies Committee Membership
The Graduate Studies Committee is composed of all dissertation-status faculty members and is chaired by the Director of MA/PhD Programs. The Committee works with the Director to develop and maintain the criteria for dissertation-status faculty members; maintains and monitors all graduate studies policies and procedures related to MA/PhD programs; conducts annual review and assessment of MA/PhD students; conducts the annual program review and assessment of the MA and PhD Programs; and makes recommendations for improvement and change to the Associate Dean of Research, Innovation, and Engagement of the School. 
D. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Positions
1. Titles and Ranks: The titles for non-tenure track faculty positions in the Department of Architecture are: Teaching Professor (assistant, associate, and full), Professor of the Practice (assistant, associate, and full), Lecturer, Multi-term Lecturer, and Visiting Professor (assistant, associate, and full).
2. Appointment: Appointment as a non-tenure track faculty member in Architecture, including title and rank at the time of appointment, is made by the Provost based on the recommendation of the Architecture Department, and the Dean of the School of Architecture and Design. Hiring procedures and decisions are established within the parameters set by University and Regents policies. 
3. Evaluation of Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Non-Tenure Track Faculty shall be evaluated annually pursuant to standards and procedures as defined in the Architecture Department Faculty Evaluation Plan.
4. Teaching Professor Role: The University policy on Teaching Professors allows eligible non-tenure track instructional faculty to take on greater responsibilities than typically required of lecturers, including service obligations.
Section 2. Voting Membership
Departmental voting privileges shall be granted to tenured, tenure track, non-tenure track, and emeritus faculty rostered in the Department of Architecture who hold voting privileges within the School of Architecture & Design assembly as defined in the School bylaws.  However, non-tenure track faculty shall not have voting rights on personnel matters concerning tenure/tenure track faculty and administrators with tenure/tenure track positions (such as faculty and administrator searches, evaluations of faculty and administrators, etc.)
Section 3. Privilege
It shall be the privilege of the Architecture faculty to address the faculty, students, and staff of the Department and School, the Dean’s office, the School Assembly, the Provost’s office, the Chancellor’s office, and to the Board of Regents on any matter relating to the Department of Architecture, and its operation.
Section 1. Chairperson
The Chair or their designated representatives shall preside at all meetings of the faculty. Unless otherwise stated, the term “Chair” as used throughout this document refers to the Chairperson of the Architecture Department.
A. The Chair is the administrative and operating head of the department, acts in all cases on its behalf, and is its sole official representative in meetings and communications with other departments, divisions, and administrators of the University except when they  (or the department with their consent) designates another member of the department to act temporarily in that capacity.
B. They will be selected in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the University for filling such positions and will be reviewed according to those rules and as outlined in the School Bylaws.
C. Personnel Responsibilities:
1. Hire and assign duties to departmental classified and unclassified staff. 
2. Responsible for annual reviews for departmental classified and unclassified staff. 
3. Make recommendations for faculty hiring appointments to the Dean. 
4. Make non-tenure track faculty hiring appointments. 
5. Transmit to the Dean and the Promotion and Tenure Committee of the School of Architecture and Design recommendations for promotion and tenure. 
6. Conduct annual review of faculty with the assistance of the Faculty Success Committee (see FEP for Annual Evaluation System for Faculty), and conduct review of staff members’ performances, which will typically include personal interviews and written evaluations.
7. Assign a mentor to each pre-tenured faculty member. The assigned mentor may continue throughout the promotion and tenure process of the pre-tenured faculty member, or another mentor may be assigned depending upon the needs of the pre-tenured faculty member, their mentor, and the Chair. 
D. Administrative Responsibilities
1. Designate, when necessary and feasible, one or more members of the department's faculty as Associate Chair(s), and such other officers to assist. Duties will be outlined to the faculty.
2. Administer day-to-day operations of the department.
3. Call and preside over faculty meetings.
a. Regular meetings: normally held bi-weekly, on Wednesdays. Agenda and notification of meeting times will be distributed at least 48 hours before the meeting.
b. Special meetings may be called on short notice and without agenda when necessary.
4. Make committee assignments for non-standing committees and task forces.
5. Formulate departmental budget recommendations (including future hires) and communicate such to the faculty and the Dean's Office.
6. Establish enrollment and advising procedures in consultation with the faculty.
7. Schedule teaching assignments.
8. Schedule courses and room assignments.
9. Determine fair allocation of faculty loads.
10. Discuss with faculty any recommendations for facilities and space allocations.
11. Appoint ad hoc committees of the department.
12. Responsible for the distribution of scholarship funds, KUEA funds and any other funds designated for distribution in the Department of Architecture.
13. Responsible for proposals for use of Differential Tuition in consultation with the faculty and the Dean’s Office.
14. Responsible for delegating the organization and implementation of an annual lectures and exhibits program.
15. Organize and lead the Curriculum Management Committee, preside over meetings and work with Committee members to set a committee agenda for each year and semester.
16. Serve as the principal curricular coordinator for the department making sure that relevant information from each represented area is shared with the Curriculum Management Committee and is integrated into any recommendations the Committee submits to the Department Faculty.
17. Serve as ex officio Chair of the Curriculum Management Committee.
18. Take responsibility for gathering information, and preparing written statements, summaries or other descriptions relevant to the Architecture degree programs that are shared with audiences inside, and outside the Department, including advisory boards, and NAAB. 
Section 2. Director of the Interior Architecture Program
A. The Director of the Interior Architecture Program or their designated representative serves as the primary administrator of the B.S.in Interior Architecture Program. Unless otherwise stated, the term “Director” is used throughout this document to refer to the Director of Interior Architecture.
B. Roles and Responsibilities
1. The Director reports to the Chair and is reviewed by the Chair.
2. The Director’s term shall be a renewable 3-year term based on a favorable recommendation from the Chair.
3. Personnel Responsibilities
a. The Director shall make teaching assignments within the IA Program in consultation with the Chair.
4. Administrative Responsibilities
a. Supervision of the development and/or revision of the IA Program curricula
b. Leadership in the IA Program accreditation process
c. Participation in the development and implementation of School level policies procedures, and guidelines related to the IA Program
d. Collaboration with other disciplines
e. Completion of annual degree assessment
f. Develop and convene IA Professional Advisory Board as required by CIDA accreditation
Section 1. Degree Program Coordinators
A. BA & M. Arch (Professional Degree) Coordination:  Year-Level Coordinators
Year-level Studio Coordinators are those elected by the voting faculty of Architecture to serve on the Curriculum Management Committee (see below). In addition to their responsibilities as members of the Committee, they work with instructors to ensure that studios and classes effectively cover appropriate content as described in NAAB accreditation reports, SPC charts, curricular content templates, and course descriptions. They organize instructors so that common objectives for multi-section courses are met and grading is carried out in a consistent manner. They meet regularly with studio instructors assigned to them, plus instructors of co-requisite (aka “support”) courses to identify teaching, learning, and performance issues, and to identify any matters that require the attention of the Curriculum Management Committee and/or Department Chair. They participate in regular Curriculum Management Committee tasks such as student petition reviews, review proposals for new courses, revisions to existing courses, or revisions to the structure of the existing curriculum. They serve as advocates for their studio-level needs with respect to facilities, technological support, teaching assistants, student travel/field trip support, and other matters of resource support. They take responsibility for gathering information and preparing written statements, summaries, and other descriptions relevant to the courses in the studio year-level, and that might become part of larger reports or proposals.
B. Director of the MA/PhD Programs
1. Director of the MA/PhD Programs provides leadership and coordination for the programs. The position serves as the Chair of the PhD Program Committee of the Department which is comprised of faculty with Dissertation status. The position represents the Department and the School to the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) of the University.
2. Roles and Responsibilities
a. Reports to the Chair
b. Manages graduate and dissertation status faculty roster of the Department and the School
c. Manages MA/PhD Handbook and policies making sure that the department, school, and university policies and procedures are followed
d. Works with the Chair of the Department ensuring that cores courses of the programs meet the research skills and responsible scholarship requirements as set by the University
e. Manages and coordinates activities of the MA/PhD programs related to recruitment, admissions, enrollment and enrollment advising, curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular affairs, graduate fellowships and other funding opportunities, student progress to degree and annual evaluations, GTA and GRA appointment recommendations and training, graduate student awards, and job placement
f. Provides oversight of program webpages, and coordinates the publication of promotional and informational materials for the programs as needed
g. Assist the Chair in the development of new graduate programs in Architecture
h. Prepares annual MA/PhD program assessment reports
Section 2. Special Program Coordinators
A. Research Centers, Institutes, and Partnerships
The creation and management of collaborative initiatives such as Research Centers, Institutes, and Partnerships shall be described, coordinated, and structured according to the School of Architecture & Design Bylaws. 
Section 1. Standing Committees 
A. Promotion and Tenure Committee  
Membership shall include five (5) tenured Full, or Associate Professors for two-year appointments. They will annually elect one of their number as Chairperson of the committee. It will be required that at least two Full Professors be elected to serve. No committee member or a spouse may serve during any academic year that the committee is to consider that individual for promotion and/or tenure. In such a case, the Department Chair shall appoint another tenured Full Professor or Associate Professor to serve on the committee during the consideration and recommendation of that individual. Responsibilities shall include the evaluation of candidates for promotion, tenure, and/or post-tenure review as prescribed by the Senate Code and published in the University Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff, the evaluation of applications for sabbatical leave, the conducting of required pre-tenure reviews of untenured faculty, and report the findings of the evaluation to the Chair. For a full explanation of the Architecture Promotion and Tenure Committee’s Policies, Procedures and Criteria, See Appendix B: Department of Architecture Faculty Evaluation Plan (FEP) and School Bylaws.
B. Curriculum Management Committee
The Curriculum Management Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, and two (2) students. This group shall be appointed by the Chair and shall be made up of the First Year Coordinator, Second Year Coordinator, Third Year Coordinator, Design Build Coordinator, Fourth Year Coordinator, the Chair serving as the Final Year Coordinator, and the Director of Interior Architecture. The function of the Committee is to monitor all the undergraduate and accredited professional curricula of the Architecture Department (B.A., BS. I.A., M.Arch.) The voting faculty of Architecture must approve all curricular changes (as specified in the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Senate). The Committee is delegated by the faculty to provide advice and recommendations on any changes or modifications to the curriculum based on its monitoring function as well as on any proposals coming from the faculty or the administration. The Committee acts as a clearing house for all curricular issues and discussions and provides continuity of decision‐making for the curricula, monitors the vertical and horizontal coordination of the studio curriculum, and rules on curricular modification petitions submitted by students. Committee may recommend to the faculty the creation of subcommittees or task forces charged with specific tasks.
1. Interior Architecture Curriculum Management Subcommittee
The Interior Architecture Curriculum Management Subcommittee shall be appointed by the Chair and consist of four (4) voting faculty members teaching in the Interior Architecture program and serving staggered three-year terms, one (1) student, and the Director of the IA Program serving as ex officio subcommittee chair. The function of the subcommittee is the development of IA curricular framework, course content, program requirements, and preparation for CIDA accreditation.
C. Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee shall consist of three (3) tenured members of the faculty elected by the faculty on a schedule consistent with the provisions of the School Bylaws, plus one (1) student. The function of the Committee shall be to annually review the Bylaws of the Department so that they are congruent with the procedural reality of life in the Department and with any changes that may have occurred since the previous review. They should submit to the faculty for approval any changes, additions or deletions recommended by the Committee.  They should also review any changes, additions or deletions recommended by any other committees or by individual faculty members for resubmission to the faculty for approval. The members of the Department Bylaws Committee shall also serve on the School Bylaws Committee. Annual Reviews of these Bylaws shall be conducted per the School Bylaws.
D. Search Committee
The Search Committee shall consist of three (3) members of the faculty elected by the faculty for staggered three-year terms (one new member elected each year) plus one (1) student. The composition of the Committee shall consist of no more than one non-tenured faculty member and at least one full professor. The function of the Committee shall be threefold: first, to annually review the faculty hiring needs of the department in consultation with the Chair and the advice and consent of the faculty so that when a vacancy or new position occurs, a job description can be readily created; second, to annually review the criteria for appointment to the architecture faculty to be congruent with the changing nature of the field, the Department and the expectations of the University; and third, to conduct a search process when a vacancy or new position is created, including the writing of the job description, the selection of candidates, the arrangement of interviews and the solicitation of the views of the students, faculty, Chair and Dean and to make recommendations to the Dean for hiring. In the event of more than one search, additional committees shall be elected solely for the purpose of conducting the additional search. When an actual search process has been initiated, the Chair of the Department may appoint one additional tenured faculty member to the Committee or Committees for the duration of the search.
E. Faculty Success Committee
The Faculty Success Committee shall consist of four (4) tenured members of the faculty elected by the faculty for staggered three-year terms (one new member elected each year). The composition of the Committee shall consist of at least one (1) full professor. Development of criteria and procedures to be used in the merit review process, consistent with the Department of Architecture Bylaws, the Department of Architecture Faculty Evaluation Plan, the Department of Architecture Criteria and Procedures for Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment, The University Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff, the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations governing issues of evaluation. The committee will advise the Chair on faculty evaluation and develop ongoing metrics for use in annual evaluations and merit increases in faculty.   
F. Student Success Committee
The Student Success Committee shall consist of four (4) members of the faculty elected by the faculty for staggered three-year terms (one new member elected each year) plus one (1) student. The committee will administer, oversee, and monitor student success and enrichment programs and may form subcommittees and task forces as deemed necessary.
1. Admissions
According to the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Senate of the University, policies for admission and readmission are to be established by the faculty, within the parameters of state laws and Regents’ regulations. The tradition of the School has been to delegate this responsibility to the Dean’s Office; however, the Admissions Committee will be charged with advising the Dean’s Office on admission and readmission criteria and procedures; and, to recommend to the Dean’s Office any changes to existing criteria and procedures it finds compatible with the Department’s mission – including the establishment of a portfolio requirement  for the professional degree program and playing a role in the final selection of students  for admission into all curricula of the Department. Students shall not take part in admissions decisions.
2. Study Abroad
The Student Success Committee shall review the status of the study abroad programs and provide recommendations for this type of enrichment activity in consultation with the Study Abroad Office. This includes three types of programs: 1) Semesters abroad to another host institution, 2) Global internships abroad; and 3) Faculty-led summer and winter-sessions abroad.
3. Lectures and Exhibits
The Student Success Committee shall implement and curate the lecture series and special exhibits, symposia, panel discussions, webinars, and other enrichment activities.
G. Technology Committee
The Technology Committee shall consist of four (4) members of the faculty elected by the faculty for staggered three-year terms (one new member elected each year) plus one (1) student. The committee will administer, develop, and monitor technology policies, make recommendations for investment, training, infrastructure, and prioritization of resources.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees and Other Service Assignments
A. School of Architecture & Design Faculty Affairs Committee
The School Faculty Affairs Committee shall include three (3) tenured voting members from the architecture department faculty for two-year terms. The responsibilities of the committee are found in the School bylaws.
B. School of Architecture & Design Bylaws Committee
The School Bylaws Committee shall include the three (3) faculty members of the department of architecture bylaws committee for two-year terms. The responsibilities of the committee are found in the School bylaws.
C. School of Architecture & Design Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee
The School DEIB Committee shall include two (2) members of the architecture department faculty for staggered two-year terms plus one (1) student. The responsibilities of the committee are found in the School bylaws.
D. Center for Teaching Excellence Ambassador
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Ambassador shall act as a liaison between the Department and the Center. They communicate information, initiatives, and programs of CTE to the faculty, faculty candidates, and serve to introduce new faculty to the resources of the CTE. Appointed by the chair as part of the negotiated Differential Allocation of Effort.
E. ACSA Faculty Councilor
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Faculty Councilor acts as a liaison between the organization’s national office and the school. The role includes administration of the school’s vote on official ACSA business and serving as the primary contact for the distribution of ACSA materials, publications, and communications. Appointed by the chair as part of the negotiated Differential Allocation of Effort.
Section 1. Meeting Procedures
In all faculty meetings, Robert’s Rules of Order will serve as the guide for parliamentary procedures.
Section 2. Voting Procedures
A quorum consisting of more than 50% of the voting members must be present for any vote to be held as binding. Faculty on leave retain their full voting rights. This includes those on sabbatical leave or on any other temporary leave. It also includes those who are on leave and are supported by external funds. Faculty members on phased retirement are eligible to vote only during the semester of their KU appointment. Any voting member’s request that a motion be decided by secret ballot rather than by voice vote shall be honored.
Section 3. Appeals and Petitions  
A. Studio Grade Appeals
The University Senate Rules and Regulations (USRR) maintain Grade Change policies. However, the Architecture Department has a separate grade appeal process for studio courses: 
The student should first see the Instructor of Record. If the student is not satisfied with the studio grade after this discussion, the student may appeal to the Chair of Architecture to appoint a Faculty Review Committee to review the student’s work. If possible, this committee should be composed of instructors who have taught other sections of the studio in question during the same semester in which the grade was assigned. This Faculty Review Committee will conduct a blind review (without knowing what grade was assigned) of the work done in the studio course and report its evaluation to the Department Chair. The Faculty Review Committee must evaluate all the projects upon which the final grade was assigned. A Faculty Review Committee will not be established to review grades given for single projects. 
The studio grading policy states that other factors will be considered in addition to the work done in the studio when assigning a final grade for a course. After the committee has submitted its recommendation to the Department Chair, the Chair will discuss the committee’s evaluation with the Instructor of Record. If the instructor does not believe that an error was made in assigning the grade, the student may then make an appeal to the Dean of the School for their evaluation. If the student wishes to appeal the Dean’s evaluation, they are advised to see the University Ombudsman in order to explore further the normal grievance procedures of the University. 
B. Petitions
Department of Architecture students may petition the Architecture Curriculum Management Committee for substitution of certain course requirements, waiving certain course requirements, or for other deviations from the established curricula. In certain cases, the Chair may refer the petition to the Curriculum Committee for their advice.  Once the Chair has made a decision, the student may then appeal that decision to the Dean of the School for their evaluation as in the case of grade appeals described above.
Section 4. Grievances Procedure
Pursuant to the University Senate Code and the University Senate Rules and Regulations of the University, the School of Architecture & Design has established a procedure to hear grievances arising within the School. The department of architecture shall abide by the School’s grievance policy.
Section 5. Ratification and Amendment of the Bylaws
These Bylaws shall be considered ratified when approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership of the Department. Once ratified, these Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership of the Department.  Draft amendments must be circulated to faculty as meeting agenda items before they are discussed at a regular faculty meeting. Amendments shall be brought to the faculty for further debate and/or a vote at a subsequent meeting of the faculty.
APPENDIX A. Studio Culture Vision and Policy Statement
APPENDIX B. Department of Architecture Faculty Evaluation Plan

School of Architecture and Design
Department of Architecture
Marvin Hall, 1465 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS, 66045

Approved by: 
Dean of the School of Architecture and Design
Approved on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
bylaws, architecture, design, and planning
Change History: 

02/06/2023: Thorough policy revision. Converted from PDF to live text page.
01/13/2023: Approved by the Dean 
11/02/2021: Uploaded accessible document.
01/30/2015: Updated.
10/09/2013: Published in Policy Library.

School/College Policy Categories: 
Code of Conduct/By-Laws

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