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Non-renewal or Reduction of Student Athlete Grant-in-Aid


Student-athlete grant-in-aid (GIA) may be reduced or not renewed. The office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (FAS) and other offices at KU comply with the following procedure in such cases. FAS complies with NCAA Bylaws Article 15 regarding student-athlete aid eligibility.

Applies to: 

Athletes who receive a reduction or cancellation in athletic grant-in-aid for a subsequent academic year. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Policy Statement: 

1. Non-renewal and Reduction of student-athlete grant-in-aid.

The decision to reduce or not renew a student-athlete’s grant-in-aid (GIA) should include the following considerations:

  •  Coaches must have appropriate written documentation to support their decision for a reduction or cancellation of a student-athlete's GIA. Coaches will discuss with their sport supervisor their decision to reduce or cancel a student-athlete's GIA, and the reason(s) for the decision, prior to going forward with that decision.
  • When a coach decides (and the sport administrator supports the decision) that a student-athlete's GIA award will be reduced or canceled, the coach is responsible for discussing the reasons for the reduction or cancellation of athletic GIA. If a student-athlete has been dismissed from a team, the coach or sport administrator still has the responsibility to follow the procedure described above. This discussion may occur in conjunction with the dismissal from the team.
  •  After advising the student-athlete of the decision to reduce or cancel his/her GIA, the coach will notify the Kansas Athletics Senior Associate Director/ Senior Woman Administrator (Athletics AD/SWA) of the decision to reduce or cancel the student-athlete's GIA. This information, including a copy of the written documentation of the decision to reduce or cancel the GIA, will be forwarded to the Athletics AD/SWA, to the Assistant Vice Provost, Financial Aid & Scholarships (FAS), or the FAS Assistant Director, as designated.
  •  When FAS is notified of a reduction or cancellation of a student-athlete's GIA, a notice will be emailed to the student-athlete. All reduction or cancellation notifications must be sent by FAS on or before July 1st to meet the meet the requirements of NCAA Bylaw 15.3.5. The Athletics Director, Senor AD/SWA, Senior Associate AD Compliance, Assistant Athletics Director Student Services, Head Coach, and the Chair of the Student-Athlete Appeals Board (SAAB) are copied on the email notification. Athletics personnel should remind student-athletes of their responsibility to monitor institutional email and update addresses in the KU student administration system (Enroll & Pay) throughout their time at KU and upon departure from KU so that all pertinent correspondence is received.
  • If a student voluntarily withdraws from a sport at the end of or during an award period, the student and the Athletics Director (or designee) signs a "Voluntary Termination-of-Aid Agreement" (VTA). A copy of this VTA is sent to FAS with the Delete Form. A non-renewal email notification is sent to the student-athlete, following the procedures above.
  • In some cases, the student-athlete is unable or unwilling to sign a VTA after voluntarily withdrawing from a sport at the end of or during an award period. In these cases, any correspondence (such as an email to the coach) that serves as direct communication from the student-athlete may serve as notification of voluntary withdrawal and may be forwarded with the Delete Form to the Assistant Vice Provost, FAS, or FAS Assistant Director as designated, as written documentation. If no such correspondence exists, correspondence from the Senior Associate AD Compliance, or designee, documenting the request for a meeting with the student-athlete to obtain a VTA, will serve as documentation that efforts were made by Athletics to obtain a VTA and will be forwarded to FAS.

2. Appeal and Hearing Process:

When a student has a student athlete grant-in-aid non-renewed or reduced, the student is eligible to appeal the decision with a hearing.

  •  If a student-athlete appeals a cancellation or reduction in aid, the University of Kansas Student-Athlete Appeals board (SAAB) is charged with determining whether the reduction or cancellation of aid was fair under the attending circumstances and determining whether procedural rules were followed. The SAAB does not determine whether the student-athlete will be reinstated as a member of the team.
  • The SAAB is comprised of three individuals and one alternate, appointed by the Provost's Office (or Designee). Typically, membership is for three-year terms, with the option for reappointment. One of the three must be a faculty member.
  • The Athletics Senior Associate AD/SWA, the Senior Associate AD for Compliance and the Assistant Vice Provost, FAS (or designees) will attend the appeal hearing as non-voting members to provide resource / regulatory guidance.
  • A student-athlete who wishes to appeal the reduction or cancellation of his/her GIA must provide written notice of his/her appeal within 10 business days of the documented receipt of the cancellation or aid reduction letter to the Assistant Vice Provost, FAS (or designees). In the written notice of appeal, the student-athlete will provide a brief statement as to the reasons why the student-athlete believes the reduction or cancelation of his/her GIA is unfair. Upon receipt of the student-athlete's notice of appeal, the Assistant Vice Provost, FAS (or designee), will forward the copy of the notice of appeal to the Senior Associate AD/SWA. The SAAB Hearing must occur within 30 calendar days of the letter of appeal (unless an extension time is requested by the student-athlete and/or coach, and the extension request is approved by both parties).
  •  The Senior Associate AD/SWA will contact all SAAB members to determine a minimum of two date/time options for the Student-Athlete Appeals Board hearing that are mutually convenient to all parties involved in the appeal. The Senior Associate AD/SWA will provide a minimum of two available dates/times to the student-athlete to determine which date/time is most convenient. The Senior Associate AD/SWA will then communicate the final date/time/location to the SAAB representatives as well as the Athletics and FAS staff members involved. At least three business days prior to the hearing, the Senior Associate AD/SWA will also sent the student-athlete a letter detailing the date and time of the hearing. The Senior Associate AD/SWA will copy all parties involved.
  •  Those present for the hearing shall include the following: student-athlete, head coach, Senior associate AD/SWA, the Student-Athlete Appeal Board members, The Senior Associate AD for Compliance and Assistant Vice Provost, FAS (and/or designees) will be available for NCAA, Big 12 and KU rules clarification. If the head coach is unable to appear at the hearing, he/ she may send a representative to present on behalf of the coach. Other participants may include, but are not limited to, the sort supervisor, and/ or faculty athletics representative.
  • The student-athlete may have one advisor in attendance at the hearing. Such advisor may only advise the student-athlete and will not be permitted to otherwise participate in the appeal hearing. The student-athlete must notify the Senior Associate AD/SWA at least 24 hours prior to the hearing of the name of the advisor and whether the advisor is an attorney. If the student-athlete fails to appear for the hearing, the SAAB will determine whether s/he received timely notification of the hearing date/time and if so, the SAAB hearing may proceed in the absence of the student-athlete.
  • The SAAB members and those listed in the policy as participants shall be the only individuals in attendance during the hearing. The hearing is otherwise closed unless both the SAAB and the student-athlete agree otherwise.
  •  The SAAB Chair will conduct the hearing. The process shall not be adversarial and will not be recorded by the University. A student-athlete may record the proceedings at his or her expense. At the beginning of the hearing, the Chair shall introduce all parties present.
  • The student-athlete will present his/her information and arguments first, followed by the information and arguments presented by the coach.
  •  The student-athlete and/or the coach may ask third-party witnesses to explain/ describe their first-hand experience with a given situation and respond to SAAB questions. Third-party witnesses will only be allowed in the hearing for their individual testimony. Names of any proposed witnesses must be provided to the Senior Associate AD/SWA at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. One witness at a time may be called into the hearing by either party. If necessary provision will be made for witnesses to wait in a nearby location until called.
  • During the hearing the student-athlete and the athletics department will present their arguments concerning the fairness of the decision to reduce or cancel the student-athlete's GIA. The issue of fairness includes but is not limited to, determining whether the notice reduction or cancellation of GIA was sent by the July 1 deadline, if applicable, and if it was at the end of the period of award.
  •  The Senior Associate AD/SWA will provide a copy of documentation for distribution to the SAAB and to the student-athlete at the hearing. If in the course of the hearing, an issue arises for which either party requests a recess in order to provide information or witnesses, the SAAB, may, at its discretion, adjourn the hearing to a later date (not more than 7-10 days) at which time the additional information or witnesses can be presented.
  • Once each party has presented his/her information and arguments, the committee may ask questions of either party, or ask for clarification of any rules or other information referenced in the course of the hearing. At the conclusion of the presentation of the parties' arguments, everyone will be excused and the SAAB will deliberate.
  • The SAAB Chair will call the student-athlete informing him/her of the SAAB's decision and advise the student-athlete that a written decision letter will be mailed shortly to him/her.
  •  The SAAB Chair will send the SAAB Hearing response letter to the student-athlete. All SAAB representatives and staff members involved with the SAAB Hearing as well as the Athletics Director will be copied on this letter.
  • The SAAB decision is final and is non-appealable within the University. 

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Education Program Manager, Financial Aid and Scholarships
Approved on: 
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Effective on: 
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Student-Athlete grant-in-aid, student-athlete financial aid, non renewal of student-athlete grant-in-aid, reduction of student-athlete grant-in-aid.
Change History: 
03/09/2023: Updated contact section.
12/12/2022: Reviewed policy, corrected typos and updated Appeal and Hearing Process.
11/05/2021: Reviewed policy, updated NCAA bylaw information.
12/10/2020: Reviewed policy, corrected typos, and added Edwards Campus.
10/18/2017: Updated titles, policy, appeal and hearing process.
07/01/2016: Updated to removed gendered pronouns.



Financial Categories: 
Student Financial Aid
Student Life Categories: 
Financial Assistance

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