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Student Organizations Space Assignment


Subject to yearly review, office space in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center (SILC) has been assigned for usage to student organizations. Upon review of the submissions, the SILC Director will present an assignment plan to the Organization Space Committee for approval. The information on the application form will be used for evaluating requests and assigning space in a manner consistent with the goals of the University of Kansas.

Applies to: 

Student groups that apply for office/cubicle space in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center suite.

Policy Statement: 


Historically, priority is given to renewal applicants that have met the following criteria during the most recent contract term. The following criteria will be used by the committee in determining space assignments:

  1. Is the student organization registered with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center? Student organizations seeking office space must be registered prior to signing a space lease.
  2. If a current tenant, have the terms and conditions for space assignment been met?
  3. How long has the organization been on campus?
  4. How long has the organization had an office/space in the Union?
  5. How many KU students are served?
  6. Does the group have the ability and willingness to open and staff the area at least 10 hours per week for a workstation and 15 hours a week for an office?
  7. Has the need for an office/workstation been justified?
  8. What is the intended use of the space?
  9. Are the activities of the organization seasonal or year round?
  10. What programs does your group have planned for the school year?

Space Available

Space available in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center–Kansas Union:

  • Workstation/Cubicle: 24 assigned spaces and 8 unassigned/shared spaces 
  • Storage Bins: 34 storage lockers for banners, boxed items, etc.
  • Office: 9 assigned spaces


Space Assignment Application Forms are available in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center Office, 400 Kansas Union. Forms must be returned to the Student Involvement and Leadership Center front desk by the published deadline for consideration.


The Committee will be meeting in April to review the applications and determine if and what groups need to be interviewed for more information. If necessary the group representative will be asked to interview the following week. Upon final review, all organizations can expect a written and/or electronic response to their applications during the first week of May.


Assigned tenants will be required to attend an information meeting and sign a space agreement contract with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center. Leases run from May Stop Day to May Stop Day, or from the date the group is assigned a space until the following May Stop Day.


Contact Aaron Quisenberry, Student Involvement and Leadership Center, 785-864-4861, or aquisenberry@ku.edu.


Organization Space Committee 

  • Chair, Director, Student Involvement and Leadership Center (non-voting)
  • Student Body Vice-President
  • Student member appointed by Student Body President
  • Director, Student Union Programs
  • Representative/Designee of the Vice-Provost for Student Success
  • President of SUA

Appeals Committee:

If a student organization wishes to appeal the Committee’s decision regarding assignments, it will need to submit a request in writing to the Chair of the Committee within ten days of the assignment notification. Any appeals to the decisions of the Organization Space Committee will be heard by: President of the Memorial Corporation Board (or designee), Director of the Memorial Unions and the Student Body President (or designee).

Regents Policy

Please review the Kansas Board of Regents Policy on Student Organizations and Activities (II.B.9)

    1. The established policy of the Board of Regents of the State of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, physical handicap or disability, status as a Vietnam Era Veteran, sexual orientation or other factors which cannot be lawfully considered, within the institutions under its jurisdiction. All fraternal and campus-related organizations shall follow this policy in the selection of their members, except the prohibition against sex discrimination shall not apply to social fraternities or sororities which are excluded from the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681 et seq.). (6-27-02)
    2. The right of organizations to establish standards for membership is acknowledged, provided that all students are afforded equal opportunity to meet those standards. Just as all students have the right to choose those with whom they would associate on the campus, an organization shall have the right to select its members subject to these principles. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as imposing a requirement which would violate the principle of selection on the basis of individual merit.
    3. The responsibility for compliance with this policy lies with each organization. In discharge of this responsibility, each organization shall acknowledge its understanding of this policy. Such acknowledgement shall assure that there exist no restrictions on membership, either local or national, which violate this policy. (9-24-65; 1-21-77)
    4. Determination of Appropriate Student Activities and Fees: The chief executive officer shall be ultimately responsible for reviewing proposed expenditures from fees required of every student as a condition of enrollment and as determining whether such expenditures are in support of an appropriate student activity.

University of Kansas Policy

Non-Discrimination Policy of the University of Kansas

The University is committed to providing equal opportunities to all students, and prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, sex, color, disability, national origin, ancestry and sexual orientation. In specific instances, discrimination based on age, veteran, marital and parental status is prohibited. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination specifically prohibited by policy.

Human Resources provides informational programs regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and implements the grievance procedures for prohibited discrimination. The Department of Human Resources, 101 Carruth-O’Leary Hall, 864-3686, hrdept@ku.edu.


Student Involvement & Leadership Center
1301 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 400 Kansas Union
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Kansas Union Memorial Corporation Board
Approved on: 
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Effective on: 
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Office, cubicle space, student involvement and leadership, office, cubicle, committee, appeal, student organization, students, Kansas union, regents policy, application, review, contract, assignment.
Change History: 

05/20/2021: Updated contact sections.
07/27/2017: Updated dates.
02/22/2017: Fixed broken links to Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual.
04/03/2015: Fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/17/2014: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/02/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., dates, bolding, spacing).
11/20/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).

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Events, Protests & Organizations
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