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University Facilities, Use by External Organizations or Entities, Policy and Procedures


Kansas Board of Regents policies govern the use of campus facilities and the conditions under which Regents institutions may offer products or services to the external community. This policy is based on Board of Regents policies and describes the procedures to be used by external organizations or entities that wish to use University facilities, including University facilities operated by an affiliated corporation (KU Memorial Unions, Kansas Athletics, Inc. or the KU Center for Research).

Applies to: 

All external organizations or entities that wish to use University facilities or those of affiliated corporations, to University or corporation representatives responsible for scheduling facilities, and to the University Events Committee. For purposes of this policy, “external organization or entity” means any group or organization which is neither a unit of the University nor a registered KU student or campus organization, except those groups invited by the Chancellor.

Policy Statement: 

External organizations and entities may be permitted to use University of Kansas facilities, including those owned by the University and operated by an affiliated corporation, provided that the proposed use conforms to Board of Regents policies, is appropriate, reasonably related to the institution’s mission, and does not interfere with the academic, research or other mission-related functions of the institution.

For purposes of this policy, “University facilities” means those facilities owned by the University, on public land of the University or operated by the University.

“Corporation facilities” means those University facilities operated by the affiliated corporations (the KU Memorial Unions, Kansas Athletics, Inc. or the KU Center for Research).

This policy applies to all University of Kansas facilities as defined above.

  1. Use of facilities for political purposes

    In accordance with Board of Regents policies on use of campus facilities (II.E.15),

    1. State university facilities and grounds shall not be made available for fund raising events for any candidate, party committee or political committee, or for filming or otherwise producing partisan political advertisements.
    2. Except as prohibited in subsection a., state university facilities may be made available for the purpose of holding political meetings, or public forums, provided there is no interference with regularly scheduled functions, the person requesting the space can clearly demonstrate that there is not otherwise available a reasonably suitable facility in the community, students are permitted to hear the speakers without charge, and payment of the regular fees for use of the facilities is made in advance of such use.
    3. Other than the Governor, elected officials and candidates for elected office shall not be introduced or recognized on campus unless they are in attendance at a campus event in an official capacity and at the request of the university.
    4. The distribution of handbills shall be prohibited in those areas devoted primarily to instruction and study or at the immediate sites and times of enclosed public events.
    5. State universities shall have the authority to develop additional policies and guidelines that are not in conflict with this policy. Such policies and guidelines shall be reviewed by the Governance Committee and filed with the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board.
    6. For purposes of this policy, the terms “candidate,” “party committee,” and “political committee” shall have the meanings specified in K.S.A. 25-4143, as amended.

    Individuals and groups wishing to use a University facility for political purposes must complete the Application for Political Use of University Facilities (KUL) form and submit it to the manager of the facility before the application for such use can be approved.

  2. Use of facilities for non-political purposes

    Board of Regents policies on sales of products and services (II.D.9) address the use of University facilities by the external community for non-political purposes. These policies apply also to affiliated corporations and auxiliary enterprises such as the Department of Student Housing, Parking and Transit, Watkins Health Services, etc. They are designed to ensure (1) that such sales are related to fulfillment of the institution’s instructional, research or public services missions and (2) that the Regents institutions do not inappropriately or unreasonably compete with private enterprise.

    The policies stipulate that in order for an institution to offer a product or service (including facilities rental) to the external community, it must be appropriate for sale and the sale must adhere to the appropriate policy on pricing. Only if a product or service is unavailable elsewhere in the community and is reasonably related to the institution’s mission may it be offered to the external community. Unavailability may be defined in terms of convenience, quality or quantity. When University facilities are made available to the external community, the use should be reasonably related to the institution’s mission, and the price charged should generally reflect the direct and indirect costs associated with such use and minimally should reflect the price in the private marketplace.

  3. Procedures for requesting use of University facilities

    Most requests from external organizations or entities to use University facilities should be submitted first to the Policy Office, a division of the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (Provost Office). The Policy Office will coordinate a review of the request by the Provost Office, which has responsibility for space allocation and use on campus. Requests for use of the Dole Institute of Politics, the Hall Center for the Humanities, the Lied Center of Kansas, the Commons (Spooner Hall), or the Spencer Museum of Art should be submitted to the appropriate facilities manager. See III.D below.

    1. The Provost Office will review the request in view of University and Board of Regents policies and ongoing University activities and in consultation with other University offices that potentially would be affected by the proposed event.
    2. If the proposed event is an appropriate use of University facilities, will not interfere with the academic, research, or other mission-related functions of the institution, and will not require more than routine services of other campus units such as Parking and Transit, Public Safety, or Facilities Operations, the Policy Office will so inform the external organization, the University Events Committee, and the individual (scheduling officer) responsible for scheduling the space in question.
      1. The external organization will contact the appropriate scheduling officer to gain tentative approval for use of the facility in question.
      2. When tentative approval has been granted, the external organization will fill out a University Events Committee (UEC) registration form, will obtain the appropriate signatures, and will return it to the Student Involvement and Leadership Center, Room 400 Kansas Union (1301 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 400, Lawrence, KS 66045). Forms must be submitted by noon on Tuesday in order to be considered at the weekly UEC meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday in the International Room of the Kansas Union. A representative of the organization should attend the meeting.
      3. The University Events Committee, which is responsible for coordinating, facilitating, and scheduling events on the Lawrence campus, will review the request, obtain additional information as necessary, and inform the organization of relevant regulations and policies.  Upon approval of the event, the UEC will notify affected University units.
    3. If the planned event has the potential for significantly affecting or conflicting with other scheduled University activities or existing contractual commitments or will require the significant involvement of campus units outside the hosting facility, the Policy Office will schedule a meeting including representatives of the proposed hosting facility, the potentially affected units and the chair of the University Events Committee or designee. If this group determines that the event can be accommodated, the sponsoring organization will be provided with detailed information about the steps that must be followed to ensure a successful event. This information also will be provided to the affected University units and the University Events Committee. The sponsoring organization will be required to apprise the Policy Office and the University Events Committee of any changes in its plans.
    4. When the requested use of University facilities is for the Dole Institute of Politics, the Hall Center for the Humanities, the Lied Center of Kansas, the Commons (Spooner Hall) or the Spencer Museum of Art, the request should be submitted to the appropriate facilities manager. The manager will review the request to ensure that the proposed use complies with applicable Board of Regents policies, is related to the University’s mission, will not conflict with scheduled unit activities, and will not require more than routine services of other campus units such as Parking and Transit, Public Safety or Facilities Operations and will confer with the Policy Office as necessary. If the proposed event meets all of the criteria in this section, the facility manager may schedule the event. However, if the proposed event has the potential for significantly affecting or conflicting with other scheduled University activities or existing contractual commitments or will require a significant level of service from other University units, the facilities manager will inform the Policy Office and the request will be reviewed in accordance with III.C above.
  4. Procedures for requesting use of the University facilities operated by an affiliated corporation (KU Memorial Unions, Kansas Athletics, Inc., or the KU Center for Research)

    Requests to use University facilities that are operated by an affiliated corporation should be submitted to the appropriate facilities manager.

    1. The corporation’s senior facilities manager and other staff will review the request to ensure that the proposed use complies with applicable Board of Regents policies and will not conflict with corporation activities, conferring with the Policy Office as necessary.
    2. If the proposed event is an appropriate use of University facilities, including those operated by an affiliated corporation, will not conflict with corporation activities; will not affect the academic, research or other mission-related functions of the institution, and will not require more than routine services of other campus units such as Parking and Transit, the Public Safety Office, or Facilities Operations, the corporation may schedule the event as requested by the external organization.
    3. If the planned event has the potential for significantly affecting or conflicting with other scheduled University activities or existing contractual commitments or will require the significant involvement of campus units outside the hosting corporation, the corporation will inform the Policy Office and the request will be reviewed in accordance with III.C above.

Policy Office

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Friday, February 1, 2008
Effective on: 
Friday, February 1, 2008
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Facilities, events, reservations, Wescoe beach, political demonstration, protest, community protest, public forum, weddings, event space, external organization, external events, use of campus buildings
Change History: 

10/16/2024: Linked the accessible Application for Political Use of University Facilities (KUL) form to policy.
12/19/2023: Updated KUMC links.
11/04/2021: Updated contact section.
05/06/2021: Updated keywords.
03/24/2016: Updated links to Board of Regents policies.
08/28/2015: Revised Use of Campus Facilities sections to mirror changes made by the Kansas Board of Regents. The changes include the addition of details regarding a) filming, b) public forums, c) recognition of the governor, d) distribution of handbills, e) content formerly described in d, and f) points to the source of relevant definitions.
04/02/2015: Fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/18/2014: Fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual; updated Review, Approval & Change History.
11/24/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
10/27/2014: Updated text referring to Watkins Health Services.
01/08/2013: Made technical edits to Related Documents sections.
08/13/2012: Reviewed and updated by the Policy Office in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel to include information about the application form for Political Use of University Facilities.
12/05/2011: Updates approved.
12/05/2011: Updated in consultation with the affiliated corporations, the Dole Institute of Politics, the Hall Center for the Humanities, the Lied Center of Kansas, the Commons (Spooner Hall), and the Spencer Museum of Art to provide more detailed information about procedures for requesting use of those facilities.
01/15/2010: Updates approved.
01/2010: Updated in consultation with the affiliated corporations, the Dole Institute of Politics, the Hall Center for the Humanities, the Lied Center of Kansas, the Commons (Spooner Hall), and the Spencer Museum of Art to provide more detailed information about procedures for requesting use of those facilities.
02/2008: Developed by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor in consultation with the affiliated corporations.

Operational Categories: 
Student Life Categories: 
Facilities Use & Scheduling

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