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University Research Centers and Institutes (Designation of)


University Research Centers and Institutes are important organizational vehicles for the conduct of interdisciplinary research. This policy outlines the benefits and responsibilities of, and criteria for designation as a University Research Center or Institute, and the process by which such Centers and Institutes are chartered.

Applies to: 

All academic and research units and departments

Policy Statement: 

Benefits and Responsibilities of Becoming a University Research Center or Institute

University Research Centers and Institutes typically receive ongoing financial support from the Vice Chancellor for Research through direct financial contributions proportional to the size and mission of the program as well as a higher rate of F&A Return (6%). Directors of University Research Centers and Institutes are expected to have a reduced teaching and service commitment in their home department commensurate with the size and complexity of the Center they direct. Directors of University Research Centers and Institutes serve at the pleasure of and report directly to the Vice Chancellor for Research. They are responsible for maintaining effective administrative and management structures, and for developing and adapting long-range plans and visions for the center they direct.

Criteria for University Center or Institute Designation

University Research Centers and Institutes are distinguished from other research centers and units on campus in the following ways. They

  • Have an established track record of supporting interdisciplinary research that cuts across at least two schools/colleges within the University
  • Have established or shown clear potential to achieve a national reputation for excellence
  • Have an effective administrative and reporting structure
  • Have demonstrated a sustainable funding base

Chartering of University Research Centers and Institutes

A proposal to create or designate a University Research Center or Institute may originate with the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Provost, or a Dean. Once a proposal is received:

  • The Vice Chancellor for Research will appoint an ad hoc panel consisting of directors of other University Centers or Institutes, Deans of interested schools, and other representatives of the Provost’s office.
  • The Panel will evaluate the merits of the proposal and make a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Research.
  • The Vice Chancellor for Research will make a recommendation to the Provost regarding the proposal.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Existing University Research Centers and Institutes will be reviewed periodically to assess whether they should continue to have this designation. If a University Center or Institute no longer meets the criteria for this designation, the Vice Chancellor for Research may recommend an appropriate change of status to the Provost.


Office of Research

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Friday, March 7, 2008
Effective on: 
Friday, March 7, 2008
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Chartering, creation, designation, interdisciplinary research, Center, Centers, Institute
Change History: 

06/10/2024: Added Applies To section.
02/06/2020: Updated Contact section.
10/01/2018: Updated Contact section.
06/17/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
06/16/2014: Updated to reflect change from "Vice Chancellor of Research and Graduate Studies" to "Vice Chancellor of Research"; minor formatting updates such as removing spacing and adding styling.
09/10/2012:  Change Contact section.

Research and Sponsored Projects Category: 
Research and Sponsored Projects

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