University Senate Code
The Code details the organization, structure, responsibilities, and membership of Governance committees and boards, describes amendment procedures and information.
Faculty, Staff and Students
Interpretation of, or Conflict among, Various Governance Documents
- Contact the Office of University Governance, 864-5169, or via e-mail at, with questions about conflict or interpretation
- University Senate Code
- Article I. University Senate: Structure and Functions
- Section 1. Membership
- Section 2. Officers
- Section 3. Faculty Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
- Section 4. Student Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term Office and Vacancies
- Section 5. Staff Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
- Section 6. Meetings and Quorum
- Section 7. Election of Officers
- Section 8. Functions and Powers
- Section 9. Privilege
- Article II. Faculty Senate: Structure and Functions
- Article III. Student Senate: Structure and Functions
- Article IV. Staff Senate: Structure and Functions
- Article V. University Committees and Boards
- Article VI. University Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
- Article VII. Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
- Article VIII. Student Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
- Article IX. Staff Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
- Article X. Standing Committees of the University Senate
- Article XI. University Commissions, Boards, and Other Committees
- Article XII. Judicial Functions
- Article XIII. Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
- Article XIV. Standing Committees of the Student Senate
- Article XV. Standing Committees of the Staff Senate
- Article XVI. Student Representation on Committees
- Article XVII. Procedures
- Appendix: Kansas Open Meeting Act
University Senate Code
The designations "University," "Faculty," “Staff,” and "Student" used in this and subsequent articles and sections of the Code and Rules and Regulations shall apply only to the Lawrence and Edwards campuses. The designation “University Community” shall include, but not be limited to, all associations, corporations, and individuals who are subject to the authority of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents.
Charter of the Governance Bodies
The structure of faculty, staff, and student participation in University government is based on the following charter, granted March 20, 1969, by the Board of Regents:
WHEREAS, for many years there has been in operation a validly created Senate of the University of Kansas composed of the faculties and staff of the University and a validly created All Student Council composed of representatives of the student body of the University; and
WHEREAS, it now seems desirable that the faculties, staff, and students of the University form a coordinated governmental structure;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of the State of Kansas hereby (1) approves the University of Kansas Senate Code duly adopted by the appropriate constituencies of the University and recommended to it by the Chancellor; (2) charters the various governmental bodies provided for in said Code as it may be amended from time to time with the approval of the Chancellor; and (3) decrees that this charter supersedes the Charter of the Senate of the University of Kansas of March 21, 1968.
Article I. University Senate: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership
The University Senate shall consist of eighteen student members elected from the Student Senate, eighteen members of the Staff elected from the Staff Senate, and eighteen faculty members elected to the Faculty Senate. The Chancellor and the Provost shall be ex-officio, non-voting members. The presidents of the student, faculty, and staff senates shall also be ex-officio, non-voting members of the University Senate if they are not among the elected members of the University Senate. The composition of the University Senate may not be changed unless two-thirds of each constituency group (student, staff, and faculty) approves.
Section 2. Officers
The president of the University Senate (a faculty member) shall also serve as chair of the University Senate Executive Committee (“SenEx”) and will be an ex-officio, non-voting member if they are not among the elected members of SenEx. The vice president of the University Senate (a student in Academic even years, a staff member in Academic odd years) shall also serve as vice-chair of SenEx and will be an ex-officio, non-voting member if they are not among the elected members of SenEx. In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall preside, as described in section 6.
Section 3. Faculty Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
Eighteen out of 39 faculty, inclusive of FacEx and proportionally representative of different academic units, elected to the Faculty Senate shall serve simultaneous terms on the University Senate (see Art. II).
Section 4. Student Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
There are eighteen student members on the University Senate. At its regular joint meeting of the newly elected and outgoing Student Senates, outgoing Student Senate shall nominate and elect from among its members the three Special Representatives (Holdover Senators) to the University Senate. The method of election shall be in the descending order of most votes received. The eighteenth student member of the University Senate shall be the Student Body Vice President serving as an ex-officio, voting member.
At the Joint Student Senate meeting, the incoming undergraduate student members of the Student Senate shall nominate and elect seven (7) undergraduate student members of the University Senate, and the graduate student members shall nominate and elect two graduate student members of the University Senate. The graduate student membership bloc of the Student Senate is composed of all those Student Senators pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees at the time they declare their candidacy for the Student Senate. The method of both elections shall be in descending order of most votes received.
Members of the Student Senate elected as Special Representatives in accordance with the first paragraph of this section shall take office immediately upon election and shall serve until their successors have been elected. Other members of the Student Senate elected to the University Senate shall take office on the day after the University Commencement exercises of the year of their election and shall serve a one‑year term. A member of the Student Senate who has served three successive terms on the University Senate shall be ineligible for re‑election to the University Senate at the end of the third term but shall become eligible to serve again after one year has elapsed from the end of the last term.
Student members of the University Senate, of the University Senate Executive Committee, and of other bodies whose members are chosen by the Student Senate shall be subject to removal by the Student Senate according to Rules and Regulations duly promulgated by the Student Senate.
Vacancies in the undergraduate student membership on the University Senate shall be filled by election by and from the undergraduate student membership of the Student Senate. Vacancies in graduate student membership on the University Senate shall be filled by election by and from the graduate student membership of the Student Senate.
Section 5. Staff Members on University Senate: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
At the transition meeting of the staff senate in April, the new Staff Senate will elect seventeen voting representatives from and by its members. The president-elect is a voting member of the University Senate. The president serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member. They shall assume their University Senate responsibilities immediately upon election and shall serve until their successors have been elected. Vacancies in the Staff Senate membership on the University Senate shall be filled by appointments made by the president of the Staff Senate with the consent of a majority of the Staff Senate Executive Committee.
Section 6. Meetings and Quorum
The University Senate shall normally meet at least once each month during the academic year. A meeting may be canceled if the University Senate Executive Committee declares that no pertinent business is at hand. Other meetings may be called by the Chancellor or the Provost, by the University Senate Executive Committee, or by petition from at least ten members of the University Senate to the University Senate Executive Committee. If the petition so requests, the University Senate shall meet within seven academic calendar days following delivery of the petition; otherwise, the Senate shall consider the issue described in the petition at its next monthly meeting or within sixty days. Within these limits the time and place of the meeting shall be specified by the University Senate Executive Committee.
The Senate President, in consultation with the Chancellor and the Provost, shall prepare the agenda for the meetings of the University Senate. The agenda shall be made available to all members before each regular or special meeting. The majority of those elected to Senate shall constitute a quorum to do business. Minutes of all meetings shall be made available to members not later than thirty days after their approval. Voting may take place by a show of hands or by voice vote. On rare occasions, voting by private ballot is permitted upon the approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting.
Meetings may be closed to non-members by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Such closure must be done in conformity with State law. (See Appendix.) In the absence of such closure, any member of Senate may move to permit a non-member of Senate to speak for a specified time on the issue under consideration, with a two-thirds majority of those present and voting required for approval.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the University Senate. In the president's absence, the vice-president shall carry out the duties of the president. If the vice president should also be absent or unavailable, then the University Senate Executive Committee shall designate another member of the University Senate to act as presiding officer.
Section 7. Election of Officers
Election of officers shall be held at the annual organizational meeting, to be held at the last meeting of the year, before the last day of spring semester classes. Only those persons expected to serve as members of the University Senate during the next ensuing academic year shall be eligible to participate and to vote at this organizational meeting. A majority of those so eligible shall constitute a quorum to transact the business of the meeting. The meeting shall be closed to non‑members of the University Senate except by consent of two‑thirds of those eligible to attend who are present and voting.
This organizational meeting shall be limited in its agenda to the following items: (a) election of a president-elect (a faculty member), and vice president (a student in even years, a staff member in odd years), (b) if there is no president-elect able to serve as president, a president shall also be elected, (c) if a third-year faculty member is elected president-elect, that person shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of University Senate during the year served as president.
The president-elect and the vice president of the University Senate shall be elected by ballot by and from among the members of the Senate and they shall hold office from the day after the University Commencement exercises next following their election until their duly elected successors shall assume office.
The Office of the Provost, Lawrence Campus, shall provide support to the Office of University Governance.
Section 8. Functions and Powers
1.8.1 The University Senate shall act in behalf of the University's faculty, staff, and students in the performance of its powers. The University Senate Executive Committee shall ensure the effective execution of these responsibilities.
1.8.2 Subject to and in accordance with the control of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents as provided by law, the University Senate is empowered to formulate such Rules and Regulations as it shall deem wise and proper for the control and government of such affairs of the University as directly affect the entire Lawrence campus, including the Edwards campus, and shall take such steps as it shall deem necessary for their implementation and administration. Affairs of the University which directly affect the entire Lawrence campus include, but are not limited to, academic procedures and policies (such as the requirements for graduation and degrees, the methods of evaluating academic work, and the standards of academic conduct of faculty and students) common to the College and all Schools, class and examination schedules, the calendar, the libraries, campus-wide activities and events, the role of the University in public affairs, participation in organization and administration, the framing and execution of long-range plans, decisions regarding existing or prospective resources, and fiscal affairs. The University Senate Rules and Regulations so formulated may be enacted, amended or repealed by majority of the University Senate members present at a regular or special meeting pursuant to the following procedure:
(a) A proposed addition or amendment to, or repeal of, any part of the University Senate Rules and Regulations (USRR) or University Code (CODE) shall be presented in writing as a main motion (hereinafter “proposal”) for initial consideration by the University Senate using any one of the four following procedures:
i.) The University Senate Executive Committee may originate a proposal by a two-thirds vote of the Senate Executive Committee members present and voting, to be forwarded to University Senate for consideration.
ii.) Any of the three constituent senates may forward a proposal to the University Senate Executive Committee, by at least a majority vote.
iii.) A petition containing the proposal and signed by one hundred members of the university community (including faculty, staff, and students, as defined in their respective Codes) may be forwarded to the University Senate Executive Committee.
iv.) A member may propose an amendment from the floor (including rationale) in writing, as a main motion during “New Business” at any regular or special meeting of the University Senate. A majority vote of the Senate members present and voting shall be necessary for the amendment to receive initial consideration as a main motion at the following meeting.
(b) The President of the University Senate Executive Committee will forward all proposals along with any recommendations received under item (a) i. – iv, to the University Senate, following the procedures outlined below.
(c) The university community shall be notified of a proposal, which shall be posted on line or otherwise made available to the university community at least seven calendar days (excluding spring break, summer session and break, fall and thanksgiving break, and winter break) before its initial consideration at a regular or special meeting of the University Senate. The posting shall provide an explanation of the reasons for the proposal. It shall also indicate the time and place of the University Senate meeting at which the proposed changes will be considered.
(d) Faculty, staff, and students may submit written comments on the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal until noon on the date of the meeting at which the University Senate will discuss the matter. Comments shall be submitted to the Office of University Governance and shall be reported to the University Senate President, to the University Senate.
(e) Subject to the power of the presiding officer to provide for the orderly conduct of the meeting, spokespersons of constituencies from the university community with opposing views shall be permitted to make brief presentations to the University Senate before a vote is taken on a proposed enactment, amendment or repeal.
(f) No enactment, amendment, or repeal shall be adopted upon initial consideration unless the University Senate, by a two-thirds majority of members present, shall vote to suspend this provision.
(g) The requirements of subsections (c) through (f) shall not apply to technical amendments determined by the University Senate Executive Committee to be necessary to correct errors or clarify the original intent of provisions, which may be approved by simple majority vote of the University Senate Executive Committee.
(h) It shall be the duty of the office of university governance to collect, compile and codify the rules and regulations, to make them available and, when necessary, to make appropriate technical changes to official statements of rules and policies, per section (g).
1.8.3 No action of the University Senate to adopt or amend the rules and regulations of the University Senate, except for technical amendments under section 1.8.2(g), shall become effective until the following procedures for review have been exhausted:
(a) Senate's action to adopt or amend the Rules and Regulations shall normally be distributed by special notice to the University Community and to the Faculty Senate for approval of amendments to the articles specified in paragraph (b).
(b) The Faculty Senate shall must separately approve proposed amendments to the following academic policy articles of University Senate Rules and Regulations:
- Article I: Academic Schedules
- Article II: Academic Work and Its Evaluation
- Article III: Graduation and Degrees
- Article IV: Publications
- Article VIII: Policy and Procedures Regarding Academic Program Discontinuance
- Article IX: Guidelines for Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct
The Faculty Senate shall vote at its next scheduled meeting following the receipt of notice and report outcome of the vote to the University Senate Executive Committee (“SenEx”).
(c) A review by the University Senate of its action to adopt or amend the rules and regulations of the University Senate may be requested by at least a majority vote of any of the three constituent senates. A review may also be requested by petition of 100 members of the university community, including faculty, staff, and students, as defined in their respective codes. Such request for review shall be forwarded to the University Senate president within twenty-one calendar days of the date of special notice (excluding spring break, summer session and break, fall and thanksgiving break, and winter break).
(d) If a request for review is received by the University Senate president, the review of the action of the Senate shall be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Senate. In this case, the action shall not be transmitted to the Provost and Chancellor unless the action is approved by a majority of members present at the meeting.
(e) The results of the review, together with a copy of the petition, shall be submitted to the Provost.
(f) If no request for review is received by the senate president, the action of the University Senate to create or amend rules and regulations of the University Senate shall be transmitted to the Provost and Chancellor for final approval.
1.8.4 The University Senate may also adopt statements of University policy or procedure that are generally applicable to the University Community, provided that such proposed statements follow the procedures listed in 1.8.2, (a) through (e). One-third of the University Senate members who are present and voting, may cause notification of the opportunity to request a review to be sent to the members of the three constituent senates as provided in 1.8.3
1.8.5 In those cases where recommendations approved by Senate and forwarded to the Chancellor for approval are rejected by the Chancellor, the University Senate President will invite the Chancellor, or a representative, to discuss with Senate the reasons for the rejection, in an effort to find some common ground of agreement on the recommendations involved.
Section 9. Privilege
It shall be the privilege of the University Senate to address itself to the faculty, students and staff, to the Chancellor, and to the Board of Regents on any matter relating to the University and its operation.
Article II. Faculty Senate: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership
The Faculty Senate shall consist of thirty-nine elected members of the faculty, and the Chancellor and the Provost, who serve ex officio. Eighteen members of the Faculty Senate shall serve simultaneous terms on the University Senate. The Faculty Senate shall include at all times at least one member of the faculty from the College, from each school of the university, and from the libraries.
The following persons are eligible for election to the Faculty Senate:
1) individuals with an employee classification of faculty, including the library faculty, who possess tenure, and
2) individuals with an employee classification of faculty or unclassified academic staff with full‑time appointments. Eligible job titles include, but are not limited to:
- Clinical professor, clinical associate professor, or clinical assistant professor;
- Instructor or clinical instructor;
- Lecturer, senior lecturer, or multi-term lecturer;
- Librarian, associate librarian, or assistant librarian;
- Professor, associate professor, or assistant professor;
- Professor of the practice, associate professor of practice, or assistant professor of practice;
- Research professor, associate research professor, or assistant research professor;
- Senior curator, associate curator, or assistant curator;
- Senior scientist, associate scientist, or assistant scientist;
- Senior specialist, associate specialist, or assistant specialist;
- Teaching professor, associate teaching professor, or assistant teaching professor.
Section 2. Faculty Senate Members: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
Nomination forms for Faculty Senate membership shall be issued to faculty members by the Office of University Governance each year on or before February 1. The call for nominations shall be accompanied by a list of the present Faculty Senate members whose terms of service are to continue and a list of those ineligible for nomination. The nomination forms must be returned to the Office of University Governance by March 15. At each election there shall be at least twice as many nominees as there are Faculty Senate positions to be filled and there shall be at least two nominations from the College, from each school, and from the Libraries when a member from them must be elected to the Senate. If the nominations are insufficient in number or inadequate to meet the representation requirements of Section 1 of this Article, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall make the additional nominations that are necessary for an adequate ballot. The Office of University Governance shall, by March 25, notify nominees of their nomination and ascertain willingness to serve.
By ballot in March of each year, the members of the faculty shall elect a sufficient number of nominees to fill the Faculty Senate positions that will become vacant at the end of that academic year. The ballot shall list nominees in alphabetical order and identify each by the appointments (instructional and/or administrative) held by the nominee at the time the ballot is distributed. The ballot shall be accompanied by a list of the present Faculty Senate members, each similarly identified by their appointment(s), and showing the expiration of their terms on the Faculty Senate.
One-third of the members of the Faculty Senate shall be renewed each year. The normal method of election shall be in the descending order of most votes received. The thirteen highest nominees, based on votes cast, will receive three-year terms. To the extent that the representation requirements of Section 1 of this Article are not met by the use of such normal method, the nominee highest in order from the College, from a School, or from the Library which would not be represented on the Faculty Senate by the use of such normal method shall be declared elected in place of the nominee lowest in order who would have been elected by the use of such normal method and whose displacement does not, in turn, result in a failure to meet the representation requirements of Section 1 of this Article. If additional seats need to be filled, then, in descending order of votes cast, persons will be assigned to either two year or one-year terms so as to even out the Faculty Senate membership by three-year classes.
Newly elected faculty members to the Faculty Senate shall take office on the day after the University Commencement exercises of the year of their election. Members of the Faculty Senate who have served at least two years shall be ineligible for re‑election at the end of the term but shall become eligible to serve again after two years have elapsed from the end of the last year of service. If a third year faculty member is elected president-elect of Faculty Senate, that person shall serve as an ex-officio member of Faculty Senate during the following year served as president.
When a vacancy occurs in the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall nominate a replacement to serve until the end of the semester in which the Faculty Senate election is held. Replacements shall be made on the basis of the votes cast in the most recent election.
Section 3. Meetings and Quorum
The Faculty Senate shall normally meet once a month during the academic year. Other meetings may be called by the Chancellor, the Provost, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, or by petition from at least ten members of the faculty to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. If the petition so requests, the Faculty Senate shall meet within ten academic calendar days following delivery of the petition. Within these limits, the time and place of the meeting shall be specified by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
The agenda shall be made available to all members before each regular or special meeting. The majority of those elected to Faculty Senate shall constitute a quorum to do business. Meetings may be closed to nonmembers by an affirmative vote of two‑thirds of the members present and voting. Such closure must be done in conformity with State law. (See Appendix.) Minutes of all meetings shall be made available to members not later than thirty days after their approval. Voting may take place by a show of hands or by voice vote. On rare occasions, voting by private ballot is permitted upon the approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting.
Section 4. Election of Officers
Election of officers shall be held at the annual organizational meeting, to be held at the last meeting of the year, before the last day of spring semester classes. This meeting shall be presided over by the regularly elected president of the Faculty Senate, or if that person should also be unavailable, then by another member of the Faculty Senate as designated by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Only those persons expected to serve as members of the Faculty Senate during the next ensuing academic year shall be eligible to participate and to vote at this organizational meeting. A majority of those so eligible shall constitute a quorum to transact the business of the meeting. The meeting shall be closed to non‑members of the Faculty Senate except by consent of two‑thirds of those eligible to attend who are present and voting.
This organizational meeting shall be limited in its agenda to the following items: (a) election of president-elect (who is also chair-elect of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee); (b) if there is no president-elect able to serve as president, a president shall also be elected; (c) if a third-year faculty member is elected president-elect, that person shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of Faculty Senate during the year served as president; (d) election of six faculty to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
The president-elect of the Faculty Senate shall be elected by ballot by and from among the members of the Faculty Senate and shall hold office from the day after the university commencement exercises next following the election until duly elected successors shall assume office.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Senate. In the president's absence, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall designate another member of the Faculty Senate to act as presiding officer.
The president and the president-elect of the Faculty Senate shall also serve as chair and chair-elect of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The secretary of the Faculty Senate shall be elected by and among the members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and shall serve as parliamentarian of all meetings of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Faculty Senate. This is a one-year term. When it shall be necessary to identify a "president of the faculty," the duly elected president of the Faculty Senate shall be considered to fill that position. The president of the faculty shall serve as the representative of the KU-Lawrence and Edwards campuses to the Board of Regents’ Council of Faculty Senate Presidents.
Election of six faculty members to serve on FacEx shall take place in accordance with Article VII.
Section 5. Functions and Powers
2.5.1 The Faculty Senate shall act in behalf of the University’s faculty in the performance of its powers. Toward the effective execution of these responsibilities, the Faculty Senate shall elect from its membership the Faculty members that serve on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee ("FacEx"). The Faculty Senate President shall report to each meeting of the University Senate.
2.5.2 Subject to and in accordance with the control of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents as provided by law, the Faculty Senate is empowered to formulate such Rules and Regulations as it shall deem wise and proper for the control and government of such affairs of the University as directly and primarily affect the faculty of the University and to take such steps as it shall deem necessary for their implementation and administration.
Affairs of the University which directly and primarily affect the faculty of the University include, but are not limited to, faculty rights, privilege, and responsibilities, research, scholarly publications, admission and transfer requirements, and credit for resident and non-resident study. The Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations so formulated may be enacted, amended or repealed by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting pursuant to the following procedure:
(a) A proposed addition or amendment to, or repeal of, any part of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations (FSRR) shall be presented in writing as a main motion (hereinafter “proposal”) for initial consideration by the Faculty Senate using any one of the four following procedures:
i.) The Faculty Senate Executive Committee may originate a proposal by a two-thirds vote of the Senate Executive Committee members present and voting, to be forwarded to Faculty Senate for consideration.
ii.) Any of the three constituent senates may forward a proposal to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, by at least a majority vote.
iii.) A petition containing the proposal and signed by one hundred members of the university community (including faculty, staff, and students, as defined in their respective Codes) may be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
iv.) A member may propose an amendment from the floor (including rationale) in writing, as a main motion during “New Business” at any regular or special meeting of the Faculty Senate. A majority vote of the Senate members present and voting shall be necessary for the amendment to receive initial consideration as a main motion at the following meeting.
(b) The President of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will forward all proposals along with any recommendations received under item (a) i. – iv. to the Faculty Senate, following the procedures outlined below.
(c) The faculty shall be notified of a proposal which shall be posted on line or otherwise made available to the university community at least seven calendar days (excluding spring break, summer session and break, fall and thanksgiving break, and winter break) before its initial consideration at a regular or special meeting of the Faculty Senate. The posting shall provide an explanation of the reasons for the proposal. It shall also indicate the time and place of the Faculty Senate meeting at which the proposed changes will be considered.
(d) Faculty, staff, and students may submit written comments on the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal until noon on the date of the meeting at which the Faculty Senate will discuss the matter. Comments shall be submitted to the Office of University Governance and shall be reported by the Faculty Senate President, to the Faculty Senate.
(e) Subject to the power of the presiding officer to provide for the orderly conduct of the meeting, members of the faculty with opposing views shall be permitted to make brief presentations to the faculty senate before a vote is taken on a proposed enactment, amendment or repeal.
(f) No enactment, amendment, or repeal shall be adopted upon initial consideration unless the Faculty Senate, by a two-thirds majority of members present shall vote to suspend this provision.
(g) The requirements of subsections (a) through (f) shall not apply to technical amendments determined by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to be necessary to correct errors or clarify the original intent of provisions, which may be approved by simple majority vote of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
(h) It shall be the duty of the Office of University Governance to collect, compile and codify the rules and regulations, to make them available and, when necessary, to make appropriate technical changes to official statements of rules and policies, per section (g).
2.5.3 No action to adopt or amend the rules and regulations of the Faculty Senate ("FSRR"), except for technical amendments under section 2.5.2(g), shall become effective until the following procedures for review have been exhausted:
(a) Faculty Senate's action to adopt or amend the Rules and Regulations shall be distributed by special notice to the faculty for review.
(b) A review by the Faculty Senate of its action to adopt or amend the FSRR may be requested by petition of 100 members of the faculty. Such request for review shall be forwarded to the Faculty Senate president within twenty-one calendar days of the date of the special notice (excluding spring break, summer session and break, fall and thanksgiving break, and winter break).
(c) If a request for review is received by the Faculty Senate President, the review of the action of the Senate shall be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Senate. In this case, the action shall not be transmitted to the Provost and Chancellor unless, following the review, the action is approved by a majority of members present at the meeting.
(d) The results of the review, together with a copy of the petition, shall be submitted to the Provost.
(e) If no request for review is received by the Senate President, the action of the Faculty Senate to create or amend rules and regulations of the Faculty Senate shall be transmitted to the Provost and Chancellor for final approval.
2.5.4 The Faculty Senate may also adopt, on behalf of the Faculty, statements of University policy or procedure that are generally applicable to the university community provided that such proposed statements follow the procedures listed in 2.5.2 (a) through (e). One-third Faculty Senate members who are present and voting may cause notification of the opportunity to request a review to be sent to the members of the faculty as provided in 2.5.3.
2.5.5 In those cases where recommendations approved by Faculty Senate and forwarded to the Chancellor for approval are rejected by the Chancellor, the Faculty Senate, in an effort to find some common ground of agreement on the recommendations involved, will invite the Chancellor, or a representative, to discuss the reasons for the rejection.
Article III. Student Senate: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership
The Student Senate shall consist of:
I. Student Body President elected by the Student Body (non-voting)
II. Student Body Vice President elected by the student body (voting in the event of a tie);
III. 63 representatives of the student body of each school of the University. The representatives from the College of the Liberal Arts and Sciences shall be broken down into two categories “Junior/Senior Liberal Arts and Sciences” and “Freshman/Sophomore Liberal Arts and Sciences.” Junior/Senior Liberal Arts and Sciences shall refer to students who have completed 60 or more hours in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the time of election or appointment. Freshman/Sophomore Liberal Arts and Sciences shall refer to students who have completed less than 60 hours in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the time of election or appointment. Apportionment of Student Senate seats to the various schools shall be made on the basis of the official 20th day headcount enrollment figures as determined by the Student Senate Elections Commission with the two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Student Senate. No school shall receive less than two (2) representatives;
IV. One (1) representative elected by the students living in any building operated under the Department of Student Housing, who must be living in an on-campus building during their term. (On-Campus)
V. Five (5) representatives from the off-campus community elected by the students who live off campus.
VI. Two (2) non-traditional representatives elected by non-traditional students. “Non-traditional student” shall be defined as a student who commutes 10 or more miles to campus (from home OR work), or is a parent of dependent children, or is married, or is a veteran, or student who has had their academic career interrupted for a period of at least six months by compulsory military service, or is three or more years older than classmates (e.g., a 21+ year-old freshman, a 24+ year-old senior), or is a 25 years or older undergraduate student.
VII. Three (3) holdover senators shall be elected from the Student Senate at the last meeting of the outgoing Student Senate. These senators shall be special representatives to University Senate (University Senate CODE, Article I Section 4.). These senators shall also represent their enrollment status (undergraduate/ graduate) at the time of election, in such cases where a senator must vote based on their enrollment status. To be eligible to be voted in as a holdover senator, a senator must have served at least one (1) full semester in the outgoing Student Senate OR be an outgoing executive staff member.
VIII. Four (4) International representatives elected by International students. There will be three (3) undergraduate international senators and one (1) graduate international senator. “International student” shall be defined as a student who is not a US citizen, currently in any non-immigrant status, whose application for US permanent residence is pending, who does not have approved US permanent residence, who does not have approved refugee status, who does not have approved political asylum;
IX. Representatives from each of the following groups:
a. One (1) representative from the All-Scholarship Hall Council (ASHC) elected or appointed by ASHC,
b. One (1) representative from the Association of University Residence Halls (AURH) elected or appointed by AURH,
c. One (1) representative from the Jayhawker Towers Tenants Association (JTTA) elected or appointed by JTTA.
d. One (1) representative from the Interfraternity Council (IFC) elected or appointed by IFC,
e. One (1) representative from the PanHellenic Association elected or appointed by the PanHellenic Association,
f. One (1) representative from the National Pan-Hellenic Council elected or appointed by the National Pan-Hellenic Council,
g. (1) representative from Black Student Union (BSU) elected or appointed by BSU;
h. (1) representative from Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO) elected or appointed by HALO;
i. (1) representative from First Nations Student Association (FNSA) elected or appointed by FNSA;
j. (1) representative from Asian American Student Union (AASU) elected or appointed by AASU;
k. (1) representative from Spectrum KU elected or appointed by Spectrum KU;
l. (1) representative from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) elected or appointed by SAAC.
m. (1) representative from the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) elected or appointed by MGC.
n. (1) representative from the Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) elected or appointed by GSAB.
o. an associate Senator shall be elected from each of the Finance, Multicultural Affairs, Student Rights, and University Affairs Committees at the second committee meeting of the Fall semester in order to represent the concerns of the committee.
p. One (1) representative from KU Able Hawks, elected or appointed by Able Hawks.
q. One (1) representative from the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) appointed by KU ROTC.
r. One (1) representative from the International Student Association (ISA), elected or appointed by ISA.
s. One (1) representative from the University of Kansas Transition to Post Secondary Education (KU-TPE), elected or appointed by members of the KU-TPE cohort.
t. One (1) representative from the Student Veterans of America (SVA), elected or appointed by SVA
Five (5) First Year Student Senators, who must be newly enrolled in the fall semester, according to Student Senate Rules and Regulations Article 7, Section 5. (SSRR
All appointed seats shall be appointed by their respective organizations prior to Joint Senate. (SSRR
Each representative must be a member of the identified constituent body at time of the election, and remain enrolled in at least one (1) hour of course work at the University of Kansas during each semester of the office term being served, excluding the summer. Student Senators not enrolled in at least one (1) hour of course work at the University of Kansas shall be automaalmoved from their positions. (SSRR 2.1.3)
The Vice Provost for Student Affairs and the Associate Vice Provost may attend Student Senate.
Section 2. Student Senate Members: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
In order to ensure a fair election process, control of all Student Senate Elections and related activities shall rest with the Elections Commission as defined and empowered in the Student Senate Rules and Regulations. (SSRR 7.3.1) The Elections Commission will enforce all rules relating to Student Senate elections and election campaigns; it is empowered to decide disputes arising from the Student Senate elections. Qualifications and procedures for becoming a candidate, including filing requirements and deadlines, for President, Vice President and Student Senator are published annually by the Elections Commission.
Student Senate elections shall be held on the Wednesday and Thursday following the second Tuesday in April. Should the dates of the election fall on a day which University Senate Rules and Regulations 2.1.4 deems as “excused for mandated religious observances” the Elections Commission has the authority to change the date to within one week. This decision of the date must be made by the Monday of the second week in February. (7.5.2). The Student Senate shall meet within two weeks following the election of its new members.
Eligibility to Vote. To cast votes in a General Election, a student must be enrolled in one hour of course work at the Lawrence Campus of the University of Kansas. A student may cast votes for President and Vice-President, and for any Senate seat designated for each division of which the student is a member. Membership in a particular division shall be determined by the Elections Commissioner on the basis of official enrollment records, current as of one week prior to the opening of the polls. (SSRR 7.8.3)
Student Senators. In the General Election, seventy-five (75) Student Senators shall be elected in the following manner:
Sixty-three (63) Academic Senators shall be elected by students enrolled in the following divisions:
a. Architecture and Urban Planning
b. Business
c. Education
d. Engineering
e. Music
f. Graduate
g. Journalism and Mass Communications
h. Law
i. Liberal Arts and Sciences (+60)
j. Liberal Arts and Sciences (-60)
k. Pharmacy
l. Social Welfare
(1) On-Campus Senator shall be elected by students from the student in any building operated under the Department of Student Housing.
Five (5) Off-Campus Senators shall be elected by students from the Off-Campus Division.
Two (2) Non-Traditional Senators shall be elected by students from the Non-Traditional Division.
Four (4) International representatives elected by International students. There will be three (3) undergraduate international senators and one (1) graduate international senator. “International student” shall be defined as a student who is not a US citizen, currently in any non-immigrant status, application for US permanent residence is pending, do not have approved US permanent residence, do not have approved refugee status, do not have approved political asylum
Five (5) First Year Student Senators, who must be newly enrolled in the fall semester, will be elected in the Freshman Elections held on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the third full week of classes.)
Senators Not Elected in General Elections. Additional Student Senators may be appointed according to the provisions of the Student Senate Rules and Regulations. These Senators are not elected in the General Elections. (SSRR
Members of the Student Senate shall take office within two weeks following the election and shall serve until the election of their successors, except that their term of service shall extend until and include the joint meeting of outgoing and incoming members of Student Senate following the election of new members. No legislation shall be considered by either the outgoing or incoming members at this joint session. At this meeting, the outgoing senators shall elect the three (3) Special Representatives (Holdover Senators) to University Senate. The incoming senators shall elect the Senate Executive Committee representatives and the other University Senate representatives.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President of the student body, the Vice-President shall assume the presidency. The resulting vacancy, or any other vacancy, in the Office of Vice President shall immediately be filled by the Student Senate by election from among its members.
Section 3. Meetings and Quorum
The Student Senate shall meet prior to the end of the spring semester following the election of its new members, and at least three more times in each academic year at such times and places as shall be specified by the Student Executive Committee (SSRR 3.5.4). The meeting following the election of new members shall be a joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming members of the Student Senate. It shall also assemble upon the call of the President of the student body, upon the call of the Student Executive Committee, or upon the call of at least twenty-five members of the Student Senate by petition to the President of the Student Body or to the Student Executive Committee. In response to a petition for a special meeting, the Student Senate shall meet within ten days of the delivery of the petition.
The time and place of the meeting shall be specified by the Student Executive Committee. The agenda shall be sent to all members before each regular meeting or be made available to all members before each special meeting. One-half of the members shall constitute a quorum to do business. Anyone who is not a member of Student Senate (as defined in Article II) may address the student Senate only if a member gains recognition from the Presiding Officer of the Student Senate and requests to yield the floor to a non-member. This may be done without objection. (SSRR .
One half of the current voting members of a standing committee who have been registered as attending the meeting shall constitute a quorum to conduct committee business (SSRR
Section 4. Election of Officers
Student Senate elections shall be held on the Wednesday and Thursday following the second Tuesday in April. Should the dates of the election fall on a day which University Senate Rules and Regulations 2.1.4 deems as “excused for mandated religious observances” the Elections Commission has the authority to change the date to within one week. This decision of the date must be made by the Monday of the second week in February. (7.5.2). The Student Senate shall meet within two weeks following the election of its new members.
President and Vice-President. In the General Election, one presidential ticket, consisting of one (1) President and one (1) Vice-President shall be elected jointly by the student body.
The Vice President of the Student Body shall be the president of the Student Senate. In their absence, the chair shall be relinquished in the following order: a) Chief of Staff, b) Senior Holdover Senator, c) either remaining Holdover Senator, d) Student Body President. The Secretary of the Student Executive Committee shall be the Secretary of the Student Senate.
Section 5. Functions and Powers
Subject to and in accordance with the control of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents as provided by law, the Student Senate is empowered to formulate such Rules and Regulations as it shall deem wise and proper for the control and government of such affairs of the University as directly and primarily affect the students of the University and to take such steps as it shall deem necessary for their implementation and administration. Affairs of the University include, but are not limited to, student rights, privileges, and responsibilities, non academic conduct of students, student organizations and activities, student publications, and student housing and health. Rules and Regulations so formulated may be enacted, amended or repealed by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at a regular or special meeting when the notice of the meeting states the substance of the enactment, amendment, or repeal to be considered.
Bills, petitions, and resolutions shall become effective after a passing vote, as defined in Student Senate Rules and Regulations, and upon the signature of the Student Body President, provided that the bills, petitions, and resolutions are signed within ten (10) days. If the bills, petitions, and resolutions are not signed within ten (10) days, they will automatically take effect. All bills, petitions, and resolutions passed by the Student Senate are subject to Presidential veto. (SSRR 3.6.7) approval.
In the event that legislation is vetoed by the Student Body President, and the Student Senate Chief of Staff receives the written statement of disapproval as provided for in Article V, Section 4 of the University Senate CODE, such statement shall be distributed to the membership of the Student Senate by electronic mail and by posting the statement in the Student Senate office for its review no later than 72 hours after the Student Senate Chief of Staff receives the disapproval. (SSRR
It shall be the duty of the Executive committee Chair to collect, compile and codify the Rules and Regulations, and to keep the members currently supplied with copies of them.
Section 6. Privilege
It shall be the privilege of the Student Senate to address itself to the faculties, students and staff, to the Chancellor, and to the Board of Regents on any matter relating to the University and its operation.
Article IV. Staff Senate: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership
The voting members of the Staff Senate shall be those senators chosen by the electorate as provided by the Staff Senate Code, as well as the President and President-Elect. Representatives of Human Resources, the Faculty Senate and the Student Senate shall be ex-officio, non-voting members.
Section 2. Staff Senate Members: Nomination, Election, Term of Office and Vacancies
The senators, each having one vote in the Senate, shall be elected by the members of the Electorate. Each category (Academic, Administrative, Information Technology, Operations, Research, Student Services, Support and Administrative/Management) will be represented by one senator for every seventy-five (75) staff members in the category. The term of office for senators shall be three years, beginning at the transition meeting in April, with one-third of the Senate elected each year in order to ensure overlapping terms. Sitting senators shall remain in the elected category despite any changes of category of employment.
During the month of March, the electorate shall elect as many senators for the next term as required to meet the apportionment model outlined in Article V, Section 2 of the Staff Senate Code, taking into account the number of senators whose terms shall expire at the last Senate meeting in April. Senate seats shall be allocated by category, with the candidates having the most votes in the elective process considered duly elected to represent that category. If for any reason one of the individuals receiving the most votes declines the elective office, the individual receiving the next highest vote total in that category shall be contacted to serve. Ties shall be settled by the flip of a coin by the Senate President.
In the event that representative categories must be adjusted due to changes in University structure, the resulting representation model shall be voted upon by the Senate. In the event that a new apportionment results in an excess of senators in a given category, all senators in that category shall be allowed to complete their terms.
The population count for each category shall be reevaluated in January of each year by the Elections Committee.
Section 3. Meetings and Quorum
The Senate shall meet a minimum of three times each semester and once during the summer at a time and place specified by the Senate President.
A quorum, being a requirement to conduct Senate business, is defined as a majority of members of the Senate.
Section 4. Election of Officers
The President of the Senate shall assume office at the transition meeting in April after a year of service as President-Elect.
Candidates for President-Elect shall be nominated by the Senate at its meeting in February and placed on the ballot for voting by the electorate in March.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated and elected by the incoming Senate at the transition meeting in April. The Technology Officer shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by a majority of the Senate. Only those persons serving as members of the Senate shall be eligible for these positions.
Section 5. Functions and Powers
The Staff Senate exists to:
(a) Represent the interests of all university support staff and unclassified professional staff employees of the University of Kansas (Lawrence and Edwards campuses);
(b) Serve as a forum for member presentation and discussion of common concerns of employment (e.g., opportunities for professional development, salaries/benefits, evaluation standards and procedures).
(c) Provide a formal mechanism for communicating common concerns to appropriate University and State Officials.
The Senate will not act in an advocacy role in any specific employee/employer dispute within the University, nor will it assume the role of arbitrator in any such matter.
Article V. University Committees and Boards
Section 1. Types of Committees and Boards
The development, within the areas of their responsibilities, of procedures and policies appropriate for the government of the activities of the University shall be the concern of the following University Committees and Boards:
(a) the University Senate Executive Committee, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the Student Senate Executive Committee, and the Staff Senate Executive Committee
(b) the Standing Committees of the University Senate
(c) the Standing Committees of the Faculty, Student, and Staff Senates
(d) University Boards
(e) Chancellor's Committees
(f) Provost's Committees
Except in such self-evident cases as committees to search for and screen candidates for administrative positions, it shall be preferable to assign tasks to existing committees rather than to create new ones.
Section 2. Membership of Committees and Boards
The University Senate Executive Committee shall cause to be maintained an up-to-date list of University‑wide and campus‑wide committees and boards and their memberships.
Article VI. University Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership, Term of Office and Nomination
Nine members of the University Senate shall be elected to serve as the University Senate Executive Committee. The term will begin the day after Commencement of the election year and will continue until Commencement the following year.
Three members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall serve on SenEx. Election of the FacEx members shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 1. The President-Elect and two staff members representing the Staff Senate shall be elected by that group. At its regular joint meeting the undergraduate student members of the incoming Student Senate shall nominate and elect two undergraduate student members to SenEx from the undergraduate student membership of the University Senate, and the graduate student members of the incoming Student Senate shall nominate and elect one graduate student member to SenEx from the graduate student membership of University Senate. The graduate student membership bloc of the Student Senate is composed of all those Student Senators pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees at the time they declare their candidacy for the Student Senate.
The President and the President-elect of the University Senate shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of SenEx if not elected to one of the three faculty positions on SenEx. Such ex officio membership shall not be counted toward the maximum of two consecutive years of membership on SenEx. The presidents of the Faculty, Student, and Staff Senates shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of SenEx if they are not among the elected SenEx members. The President of the Staff Senate may vote in the absence of one of the two voting representatives for Staff Senate
Section 2. Officers
The president (a faculty member) and vice president (a student member or staff member) of the University Senate shall serve as chair and vice chair of the Senate Executive Committee. In the chairperson’s absence, the vice-chair shall carry out the duties of the chair.
Section 3. Functions and Quorum
The University Senate Executive Committee shall ensure that all functions of the University Senate are carried out expeditiously and in conformity with the provisions of this Code. When necessary, it shall arrange for and call the meetings of the University Senate; it shall create such temporary committees as it deems necessary to the work of the University Senate and its standing committees; it shall ensure that all committees are active and make the proper reports to the University Senate. In addition, it shall bring before the University Senate all matters that should be of concern to them, shall consult with the Chancellor or the Provost on all matters involving University Senate business, and shall transmit the recommendations or the advice of the University Senate to the Chancellor or the Provost or other administrative officials. It may advise administrative officials on statements of University policy or procedure that are generally applicable to the University community, but such statements shall be considered approved by the University Senate only if submitted and approved in accordance with Article 1.8. Finally it shall act on behalf of the University Senate in all matters requiring expeditious action, and shall make appropriate reports of any such action.
To carry out its assigned duties the University Senate Executive Committee shall meet once a month or more often when summoned by its chairperson, six voting members constituting a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VII. Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership, Term of Office and Nomination
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee (“FacEx”) shall consist of six members of the Faculty Senate elected at the annual organizational meeting of the Faculty Senate. FacEx members shall also serve on the University Senate Executive Committee and shall hold office from the day after the university commencement exercises next following their election until their duly elected successors shall assume office. If the president and the president-elect of the Faculty Senate are not elected to membership on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, they shall be ex officio, nonvoting members.
Faculty Senate representatives from at least three schools, or two schools and the libraries, shall be elected to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. In this paragraph and the one following, the term "School" designates the Schools and the College.
The normal method of election of the Faculty Senate members to FacEx shall be in the descending order of most votes received, but to the extent that the representation requirements of Section 1, Paragraph 2 of this Article are not met by the use of such normal method, the nominees highest in order from a School or from the Libraries which would not be represented on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee by such normal method shall be declared elected in place of the nominee lowest in order who would have been elected by the use of such normal method and whose displacement does not, in turn, result in failure to meet the representation requirements of Paragraph 2 of this article.
No Dean, Director, or other member of the faculty with full‑time administrative responsibilities shall be a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. An endeavor shall be made to provide a carry‑over of one or two faculty members from the previous year, but no faculty member shall serve for more than two consecutive years.
Section 2. Officers
The President of the Faculty Senate shall serve as the chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. When it shall be necessary to identify a “President of the Faculty," the duly elected president of the Faculty Senate shall be considered to fill that position.
Section 3. Functions and Quorum
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall ensure that all functions of the Faculty Senate are carried out expeditiously and in conformity with the provisions of this Code. When necessary, it shall arrange for and call the meetings of the Faculty Senate; it shall create such temporary committees as it deems necessary to the work of the Faculty Senate and its standing committees; it shall ensure that all committees are active and make the proper reports to the Faculty Senate. In addition, it shall bring before the Faculty Senate all matters that should be of concern to them, shall consult with the Chancellor or the Provost on all matters involving Faculty Senate business, and shall transmit the recommendations or the advice of the Faculty Senate to the Chancellor or the Provost or other administrative officials. It may advise administrative officials on statements of University policy or procedure that are generally applicable to the University community, but such statements shall be considered approved by the Faculty Senate only if submitted and approved in accordance with Article 2.5. Finally it shall act on behalf of the Faculty Senate in all matters requiring expeditious action, and shall make appropriate reports of any such action.
To carry out its assigned duties, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall meet once a month or more often when summoned by its chairperson, four voting members constituting a quorum for the transaction of business. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall nominate faculty to serve on University and Faculty Senate committees, and may recommend names of faculty members to serve on organizations outside of University Senate when such recommendations are requested.
Article VIII. Student Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership, Term of Office and Nomination
The Student Executive Committee shall consist of members as follows with corresponding voting privileges:
A. Student Body President (ex officio, voting),
B. Student Body Vice President (ex officio, voting),
C. Student Senate Treasurer (ex officio, non-voting),
D. Student Senate Assistant Treasurer (ex officio, non-voting),
E. Student Senate Communications Director (ex officio, non-voting),
F. Government Relations Director (ex-officio, non-voting),
G. Student Senate Policy & Development Director (ex officio, non-voting),
H. Graduate Affairs Director (ex officio, voting),
I. Director of Internal Affairs (ex officio, non-voting)
J. Student Senate Director of Diversity & Inclusion (ex officio, voting),
K. The chair of each standing committee or the committee’s elected Student Executive Committee delegate (voting),
L. Student Senate Chief of Staff (voting in case of or to make a tie vote),
M. The three (3) student members of the University Senate Executive Committee, membership as defined by the University of Kansas Senate CODE Article IX, Section 1 (each voting).
Section 2. Officers
The Student Senate Chief of Staff shall serve as the chair of the Student Executive Committee. This officer will only vote in the case of or to make a tie vote. (SSRR 5.4.2).
Section 3. Functions and Quorum
The Student Executive Committee shall ensure that all functions of the Student Senate are carried out expeditiously and in conformity with the provisions of the Senate CODE, the Student Senate Office Policy Manual, and Student Senate Rules and Regulations and shall bring before the Student Senate all matters that should be the concern of the entire Student Senate. (SSRR 6.1.4)
Article IX. Staff Senate Executive Committee: Structure and Functions
Section 1. Membership, Term of Office and Nomination
The Staff Senate Executive Committee shall consist of ten members: the Senate President, President-Elect, Senate Secretary, Senate Treasurer, the Technology Officer and Chairs of the Standing Committees. Representatives of Human Resources and the Faculty, and Student Senates will be ex-officio, non-voting members.
The person elected to the President-Elect position shall serve one year in that position, and one year as President.
Chairpersons of the Standing Committees shall be elected to serve a 2-year term in accordance with Article VIII, section 2, of the Staff Senate Code.
Section 2. Officers
The President of the Staff Senate shall preside over all Staff Senate and Executive Committee meetings and shall act as the official representative of the Staff Senate. The President shall represent the electorate as ex-officio non-voting member of the University Senate and the University Senate Executive Committee (SenEx) and in regular meetings with the Provost. The President shall recommend staff to university and governance committees after consultation with the Executive Committee. The President shall have the right to authorize expenditures.
The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the latter’s absence or incapacitation and shall hold a voting seat in the University Senate.
Section 3. Functions and Quorum
The Staff Senate Executive Committee shall meet monthly throughout the year. Special Executive Committee meetings may be called by the President. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
The Staff Senate Executive Committee shall ensure that all functions of the Staff Senate are carried out expeditiously and in accordance with the provisions of the Staff Senate Code.
The Staff Senate Executive Committee shall act for the Staff Senate on personnel-related issues, such as clarification of grievance procedures and salary equity studies. The Staff Senate Executive Committee shall act on the behalf of the Staff Senate in those situations and on those matters requiring immediate attention and any action taken by the Staff Executive Committee shall be considered as if passed by the Staff Senate itself. The Executive Committee shall report any such action at the next Staff Senate meeting, and its action shall be over-ridden only by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
Article X. Standing Committees of the University Senate
Section 1. Committees Identified
(1) Academic Computing and Electronic Communications (ACEC)
(2) Academic Policies and Procedures (AP&P)
(3) Athletic Committee
(4) Calendar
(5) International Affairs (IA)
(6) Libraries
(7) Planning and Resources (P&R)
(8) Retirees Rights and Benefits (RRB)
The responsibilities of each standing committee shall be fixed by the University Senate Executive Committee, with final approval by the University Senate.
Section 2. Membership
The Committee on Academic Computing and Electronic Communication shall be composed of nine voting members: five faculty members, one of whom shall be from the Libraries, serving staggered three‑year terms, two staff members serving staggered three-year terms; and two students, one undergraduate and one graduate student each serving a one‑year term, appointed by the student body president. The Deputy CIO for Technology or designee and the Associate Vice Provost for Integrity and Compliance or designee shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members. The members of the committee should be selected so that they will be broadly representative of the University faculty and students by user groups and disciplines. Either a faculty member or staff member may be appointed as chair.
The Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures shall be composed of five faculty serving staggered three-year terms, one shall serve as chair, two staff members serving staggered three-year terms, and three students serving one-year terms. A representative of the Undergraduate Advising Executive Committee (UAEC), appointed by that group, the University Registrar, the Director of Student Academic Services in the College Of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and a representative from the Office of Graduate Studies, shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.
The Athletic Committee shall be composed of six faculty members serving staggered three-year terms beginning July 1, one shall serve as chair, four student members, and three representatives from the staff appointed in accordance with the rules and regulations of their respective governance bodies. The NCAA Faculty Representative and the Associate Director of Athletics for Student Athletic Support Services will serve in an ex-officio capacity as non-voting members. The six faculty and four student members shall also simultaneously fill the terms of the specified faculty and student members of the Athletics Advisory Committee. The six faculty members shall be appointed by FacEx in accordance with Article VII, section 3 of the University Senate Code. Two student members shall be nominated by the Student Body President and confirmed by the Student Senate for two-year overlapping terms. One student member shall be elected by the Student Senate University Affairs Committee for a one-year term, and one student shall be appointed by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee for a one-year term.
The Calendar Committee shall be composed of ten voting members: the University Registrar (or designee), four faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, one shall serve as chair, two staff members serving staggered three-year terms, and three student members serving one-year terms. The Registrar at KUMC and the Director of International Student Services shall serve as ex-officio, nonvoting members.
The Committee on International Affairs shall be composed of four faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, two representatives from the staff serving staggered three-year terms, two student members serving one-year terms, and the following ex-officio, non-voting member the Associate Vice Provost for International Programs or designee. Either a faculty member or staff member may be appointed as chair.
The University Committee on Libraries shall be composed of thirteen faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, including one representative each from the schools of Architecture and Urban Design, Business, Education, Engineering, Journalism and Mass Communications, Music, Pharmacy, and Social Welfare, and five representatives from the College (representing Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Humanities, School of the Arts, and International and Interdisciplinary Studies). In addition, there shall be four student members serving one-year terms and two staff members appointed by their respective governance bodies and serving staggered three-year terms. At least one student member shall be a graduate student. These appointments are endorsed by the Provost via a letter of service to the appointee and the appointee's supervisor. The Committee shall also include the following non-voting, ex officio members: The Dean of the Libraries, the Law Librarian, and one each from the following library staff types, elected by their respective library governance body: university support staff, unclassified professional staff, and faculty. Either a faculty member or staff member may be appointed as chair.
The Planning and Resources Committee shall be composed of four faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, one shall serve as chair, three representatives from the staff serving three year staggered terms, and two students, an undergraduate and a graduate serving one-year terms, appointed by the Student Body President. The Chief Data Officer of Analytics & Institutional Research and the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.
The Committee on Retirees Rights and Benefits shall be composed of one active faculty member, one retired faculty member; one active and one retired unclassified professional staff member; and one active and one retired university support staff member. All of the aforementioned shall serve three-year staggered terms. The committee shall also include the President of the Endacott Society or designate, who has retired from the University of Kansas, and an ex-officio, non-voting member from the office of the Provost. Either an active faculty member or staff member may be appointed as chair.
Faculty members of standing committees, other than those whose membership is specified by virtue of the office they occupy (ex officio members), shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The chairperson of each standing committee shall be appointed by the University Senate Executive Committee. The Vice Chairperson of each University Senate committee with student membership shall be a student selected by the Student Body President and approved by the Student Senate. Unless otherwise specified in this Code, student members and staff members shall be appointed in accordance with the rules of their respective senates.
The University Senate Executive Committee may vary the terms of appointment of members of these committees as necessary. In the appointment of standing committees due regard shall be paid to ensure that the committee membership reflects the diversity of the university community. Insofar as possible, provision shall be made for reasonable continuity of membership. The several standing committees shall be organized before the beginning of the fall semester.
Section 3. Functions
The standing committees of the University Senate shall develop and recommend changes in procedures and policies within the areas of their responsibilities. Each standing committee shall ‑ when requested by the University Senate, or the University Senate Executive Committee ‑ report to the requesting authority on matters within its charge. When deemed appropriate by the University Senate Executive Committee or by the University Senate, a report of a standing committee shall be distributed to all members of the University Senate.
Article XI. University Commissions, Boards, and Other Committees
Section 1. Boards Identified
Among the several University Commissions and Boards, there shall be the following:
(1) The Parking Commission
(2) The Court of Parking Appeals
(3) The Judicial Board
(4) The Library Appeals Board
Section 2. The Parking Commission
(a) Members
The University of Kansas Parking Commission shall be composed of ten voting members and nine ex officio non-voting members.
- Voting members. The Provost shall appoint the voting members from lists of persons recommended by the groups named: Three members of the student body recommended by Student Senate Executive Committee; three members of the faculty, one of whom may be an emeritus faculty member, recommended by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee; four staff recommended by the Staff Senate.
- Ex officio, non-voting members. The ex-officio non-voting members shall be the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor of the Lawrence campus, the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor, or the vice provost's designee; the Director of Design and Construction Management, the Chief Justice of the Court of Parking Appeals or a Court officer; the Director of the Office of Public Safety, or the director's designee; the Director of Parking & Transit, the Assistant Director of Parking & Transit, the Transportation Coordinator or a member of the Transit Commission (a student); the Director of University Academic Support Centers, or the director's designee..
- Term of Office. Ex officio members of the Commission shall serve as long as they occupy their respective positions. Faculty members and staff shall serve staggered three-year terms and may serve successive terms if appointed. Student members, except for the Transportation Coordinator, shall serve one-year terms, and may serve successive terms if appointed. The retiree member shall also be appointed to a two-year term, and may serve successive terms if appointed. After two unexcused absences in a year, a voting member will be removed. Vacancies in membership, except those places filled by ex officio members named above, shall be filled by the Provost upon recommendation from the group for which replacement representation is needed.
- Officers. The officers of this Commission shall be a chair and a vice chair. The chair shall be chosen by and from among the members of the Parking Commission at its first meeting each academic year, and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor is elected.
- Duties of Chair and Vice Chair. The duties of the Chair shall be to preside at all meetings of the Parking Commission, to sign off on the Parking & Transit Department's rules and budget following Commission action on them, and to present all recommendations to the Provost. The chair shall also make an informational presentation to the University Senate in April of each year. The duties of the vice chair shall be the same as the chair in the absence of the latter.
(b) Responsibilities
- General Policies. In accordance with Board of Regents policy and Kansas law, the Chancellor and or the Provost (as designee) are authorized to supervise and control parking and are responsible for the regulation of parking on campus. The Commission shall develop and recommend to the Provost general policies for the control and management of the parking of vehicles on property under the control of the University, and the traffic control booths. It shall consider charges to the Commission submitted by SenEx and by the Provost. The Commission shall annually forward all of its recommendations directly to the Provost, who, with the Chancellor, will make final decisions.
- Public Hearing. The Commission shall sponsor at least two public hearings each academic year, one in the fall semester and one in the spring, to receive comments on the Parking & Transit Department's current and proposed policies, fees, budget, and rules. Announcement of the hearing(s) shall be sent to the University community and the media and shall include any proposed additions, deletions, or alterations to existing policies. Hearings shall be open to all members of the public. Individuals may speak at the meeting or send comments in written form to be read by the Commission at the hearing. Each speaker shall be given a specific amount of time, designated by the Commission, to address the Commission.
- Standing Committees. At its first meeting each fall, the Commission shall appoint members to Standing Committees for Budget, Long-Range Planning, Parking Assignment, and Rules. It shall consider recommendations from the four standing committees. Each committee shall include faculty, staff, and student members.
(c) Meetings/Agenda/Quorum
The Parking Commission will meet at least three times each semester, starting in September of each year. Agendas will be distributed one week in advance of each meeting, and reports from the four standing committee chairs shall be presented at each meeting. Special meetings may be called by the chair or at the request of four members of the Commission. At all meetings of the Parking Commission, six voting members shall constitute a quorum. Minutes shall be taken by the Parking & Transit staff.
(d) Committees
The Parking Commission shall create such committees as it may deem necessary to carry out business for which this Commission was formed, and shall prescribe the duties of such committees. The committees shall submit their recommendations to the Commission for review and eventual action.
The members and duties of the four standing committees shall be as follows:
- Budget Committee
In addition to faculty/staff/student members, the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor and the Director of Parking & Transit shall be non-voting members. The Budget Committee shall be involved in the development of the Parking Department's annual budget (including fees and fines), as well as in long range financial planning. It shall make budget recommendations and submit an annual report to the Commission by March 15.
- Long-Range Planning Committee
In addition to faculty/staff/student members, the Director of Design and Construction Management (or designee), the Director of Public Safety (or designee), and the Director of Parking & Transit shall be non-voting members. The Long-Range Planning Committee shall develop for consideration by the Commission plans for capital improvements and maintenance, and shall consult with appropriate University and community groups.
- Parking Assignment Committee
This committee shall have faculty, staff, and student members. The committee will develop policy proposals for parking assignments and forward them to the commission for consideration. The Parking Assignment Committee shall hear appeals for special parking privileges or assignments. Decisions of the committee are not subject to appeal to the Parking Court of Appeals. The Chancellor and the Provost retain responsibility for regulation of parking for institutional needs and special events.
- Rules Committee
In addition to faculty/staff/student members, the Associate Vice Provost responsible for Parking and Transit or the associate vice provost's designee, the Director of Design and Construction and the Chief Justice of the Court of Parking Appeals (or a Court officer) shall be non-voting members. The Rules Committee shall make recommendations to the Parking Commission on proposed changes to Parking & Transit Department rules, regulations, and policies. It shall insure that all rule changes go through established procedures before being implemented. It shall report to the Commission annually by March 15th.
Section 3. The Court of Parking Appeals
(a) Membership and Terms of Office
- The Court of Parking Appeals shall be composed of:
- Officers of the Court. At least five (5) full-time students in the School of Law who shall be appointed by the Dean of the Law School or the Dean's designee during the spring semester for the following academic year. These members shall be known as the officers of the Court. Prior experience and performance as a member of the Court and/or counsel to the Court shall be considered in making the appointments. Only the five officers of the Court shall hold paid positions in the Court of Parking Appeals.
- Members of the Court. The five officers of the Court shall select an additional twenty to twenty-five second and/or third year law students as members of the Court to serve as judges on a volunteer basis based on prior performance. At any time during the year additional volunteer members may be appointed in conformity with this subsection. These volunteer members shall be known as the Court.
- The Court En Banc. The Court En Banc shall be composed of members of the Court and officers of the Court. For Court En Banc proceedings, the officers of the Court shall appoint nine to eleven judges to serve on a volunteer basis. The Court En Banc is the highest court for the Court of Parking Appeals.
- Members of the Court shall serve for one year and shall be eligible for reappointment. Officers of the Court and volunteer members shall serve from May 15th to the following May 15th.
- No member of the University of Kansas Parking Commission shall be eligible to serve on the Court of Parking Appeals.
(b) Responsibilities
The Court of Parking Appeals shall hear all contests of citations and parking permit revocations issued by the Parking & Transit Department for alleged violations of the University Parking regulations. The Court of Parking Appeals shall have the authority to make final rulings on questions involving the meaning or application of the Court’s procedural regulations.
Section 4. The Judicial Board
(a) Membership and Terms of Office.
The Judicial Board shall be composed of:
- three law members who shall be tenured faculty or clinical professors of law or non-probationary associate clinical professors of law who are graduates of accredited law schools and are currently admitted to the practice of law in any jurisdiction in the United States. They shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, after consultation with the appropriate dean or deans, for three‑year overlapping terms.
- twenty members of the faculty appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for three‑year overlapping terms. At least two members at any time shall be non‑tenured members of the faculty or library staff, and at least two members at any time shall be members of the unclassified academic staff (as defined in Part II. D of the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff).
- three members of the unclassified professional staff (as defined in Part II. E of the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff), appointed by their respective governance bodies, for three year staggered terms. These appointments are endorsed by the Provost via a letter of service to the appointee and their supervisor.
- three administrators, at least one of whom shall have faculty status, appointed by the Provost for three-year overlapping terms. For purposes of this provision, administrators are those persons assigned half time or less to teaching duties. The General Counsel, any assistant or associate to the General Counsel, and the University Ombudsman shall not be eligible for appointment under this subsection.
- sixteen student members, appointed by the Student Senate for one-year terms; at least five but no more than seven shall be graduate students.
- Members shall be eligible for reappointment.
- In appointing members of the Judicial Board, appointing authorities shall take care to assure that women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities are duly represented.
- Vacancies shall be filled by the appropriate appointing authority in the same manner as the original appointment. Such replacement appointments shall be for the unexpired term of the original appointee only.
(b) Responsibilities
The Judicial Board shall act to resolve, to whatever extent possible, conflicts, complaints and grievances subject to its jurisdiction and arising within the University community, to hear appeals from other bodies where appropriate Rules and Regulations so provide, and, subject to and in accordance with the control of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents as provided by law, to recommend solutions.
Section 5. The Library Appeals Board
(a) Membership
The three-member board shall consist of a faculty member nominated by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, a staff member nominated by the Staff Senate Executive Committee for staggered three-year terms, and a student nominated annually by the Student Body President. No member of this Board will serve simultaneously as a member of the University Senate Library Committee. The Provost will issue the official letter of appointment.
(b) Responsibilities
The Library Appeals Board shall review all appeals of library fines submitted to it. This review will be done within the framework of the policy guidelines set by the Senate Library Committee. This Board shall submit an annual report to the Senate Library Committee, the University Senate Executive Committee, the Student Executive Committee, and the Provost.
Article XII. Judicial Functions
Section 1. Establishment
Subject to and in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of Kansas and the duly promulgated rules and regulations of the Board of Regents, the University Senate (Lawrence campus) may provide for appropriate bodies to hear and, if possible, resolve complaints and grievances arising within the University community. Such bodies shall conform to general accepted practices of due process and must follow University policies, including the Discrimination Complaint Resolution Process. The findings of such hearing bodies shall not be self‑executing but shall be in the nature of recommendations to the appropriate administrative or governance unit or official. If Federal or State law or regulation or Board of Regents policy requires a change in University policy and that change results in a conflict with the provisions of the University Senate Code, the University Senate Rules and Regulations, or the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations, the University policy shall govern. It shall be the responsibility of the University Senate or the Faculty Senate, as appropriate, to pursue revisions of the University Senate Code, University Senate Rules and Regulations, or Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations to comply with federal, state, or Board of Regents policies.
Section 2. Procedural Guarantees
The "due process" to be accorded shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
- Subject to Section 6.5.3 of the University Senate Rules and Regulations, every member of the University community with a grievance or complaint that comes within the jurisdiction of an established University body shall be entitled to a hearing. Specific procedures for each type of grievance or complaint that is within the jurisdiction of an established University body are set forth in the University Senate Rules and Regulations.
- Each party to a proceeding may self represent or choose to be represented by an advisor or counsel.
- A party against whom a complaint or grievance is brought shall have the right to a written statement of the complaint or grievance which statement shall set forth with particularity the facts upon which the complaint or grievance is based and shall indicate the provision or provisions of the University Rules and Regulations alleged to have been violated, or the acts of established University bodies or officials alleged to have been unlawful, arbitrary, or capricious. In cases involving alleged violations of University parking and traffic regulations the usual printed and completed summons or citation shall be deemed a sufficient written statement of the charge.
- A party against whom a complaint or grievance is brought shall have the privilege of remaining silent and refusing to give evidence, and shall be informed of this privilege during the initial state of the proceedings.
- Each party to a proceeding shall have the right to introduce into evidence all relevant testimony and documents. Each party to a proceeding shall be entitled to a full examination of the evidence presented by the other parties, including the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses. However, in cases where sexual harassment is alleged, the opportunity for parties personally to question or cross-examine each other is strongly discouraged and it is recommended that the hearing body question the parties. The hearing body shall base its recommendations solely on the evidence received at the hearing.
- In any hearing or appeal, the parties are entitled to a decision based upon the record of the hearing or appeal. Decision making bodies shall avoid communication with a party or witness pertaining to the substance of a matter before that body unless all the parties have been duly notified of the nature and content of the contact. Copies of any written communications shall be provided to all parties. This provision shall not prevent the Judicial Board Chair from providing general information and assistance to the parties in accordance with the provisions of the University Senate Rules and Regulations.
- When an audio recording or written record is made of a proceeding, each party to that proceeding is entitled to a copy. The cost of making the copy shall be borne by the requesting party or parties.
- Each party to a proceeding shall be entitled to prompt, written notice of the decision of the hearing body hearing the complaint or grievance.
- Where the procedures provide for an appeal beyond the hearing, a party aggrieved by a decision of the hearing body shall be entitled to appeal in accordance with such procedures.
- In all proceedings, the party supporting the application of sanctions to individual members of the University community shall have the burden of persuading the hearing body of the facts upon which the application of such sanctions must be based. In reaching its decision, the hearing body must use the preponderance of the evidence standard (i.e., it is more likely than not that the event occurred).
- Special procedures for hearings held by the Faculty Rights Board shall be developed, approved, and made publicly available according to applicable provisions of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations.
Article XIII. Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Section 1. Committees Identified
The Faculty Senate shall have the following six standing committees:
(1) Faculty Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities (FRPR)
(2) Research
(3) Faculty Rights Board (FRB)
(4) Faculty Compensation
(5) Restricted Research
(6) Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (SPPT)
The responsibilities of each standing committee shall be fixed by the Faculty Senate.
Section 2. Membership
The Committee on Faculty Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities shall be composed of seven members of the Faculty serving staggered three year terms.
The Committee on Research shall be composed of the Vice Chancellor for Research; twelve members of the Faculty serving staggered three-year terms, with not more than one member of any department; one graduate student member elected by the Graduate Student Advisory Board, who shall participate only in the policy-making functions of the committee; and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research who shall be a non‑voting member and who shall serve as secretary of the committee.
The Faculty Rights Board shall be composed of five tenured members of the Faculty. One member with a Juris Doctorate degree, two members from the faculty at large, and a representative from the AAUP shall serve staggered three-year terms. A representative from the Faculty Executive Committee shall serve a one-year term. Members of the Faculty Rights Board are not eligible to hold consecutive three-year terms. Nominations for the AAUP seat on the committee will be sought from both the Executive Committee and at-large membership of the University of Kansas Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). In the event that an AAUP representative is not selected to fill a three-year term, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall appoint an additional member from the Faculty to a one-year term on the Faculty Rights Board, and nominations will be sought from the AAUP Executive Committee and at-large membership to fill that seat in the succeeding year.
The Committee on Faculty Compensation shall be composed of five members of the Faculty appointed for staggered three-year terms and an ex-officio representative from the Office of the Provost.
The Committee on Restricted Research shall be composed of five faculty members holding regular appointments to the graduate faculty, appointed to staggered three-year terms, with two members rotating each year. The Vice Chancellor for Research or designee and the Chair of the Faculty Senate Research Committee, or designee, will be ex-officio, non-voting members of the committee.
The Committee on Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure shall be composed of five members of the faculty appointed for staggered three-year terms. The Vice Provost for Faculty Development and a representative from the Faculty Executive Committee shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the committee.
The other standing committees shall be composed of at least three and no more than twelve members of the Faculty and of such other University personnel as the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall deem advisable, except that a majority of each standing committee shall be members of the Faculty.
The Faculty members and the chairperson of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee with the consent of the Faculty Senate. No member of the Faculty shall serve on more than two standing committees. In the appointment of standing committees, due regard shall be paid to representation by women and minority persons. The several standing committees shall be organized after the April meeting of the University Senate.
Temporary or permanent changes in the membership of standing committees of the Faculty Senate may be made by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee according to the procedures contained in Article X, Section 2.
Section 3. Functions
The standing committees of the Faculty Senate shall develop and recommend changes in procedures and policies within the areas of their responsibilities. Each standing committee shall, when requested by the Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate Executive Committee, or by the University Senate Executive Committee, report to the requesting authority on matters within its charge. When deemed appropriate by the Faculty Senate, a report of a standing committee shall be distributed to all members of the University Senate.
The Faculty Rights Board shall have jurisdiction over any claim or charge by a member of the faculty that an administrative action; (i) violates the tenure rights of a tenured member of the faculty; (ii) constitutes a termination without proper cause of the services of a non‑tenured member of the faculty prior to the end of the term of the appointment; (iii) violates the established University procedures for the appointment, promotion, reappointment, or non-reappointment of a faculty member that prevented a fair consideration of the case; (iv) violates the academic freedom of a tenured or non‑tenured member of the faculty; (v) constitutes appeal under Article VI of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations from a negative promotion and/or tenure recommendation based on demonstrable application of improper standards or criteria; (vi) constitutes a censure, suspension or dismissal pursuant to Article VI of the Code of Faculty Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct without proper cause; or (vii) violates any faculty rights enumerated in Article III of the Code of Faculty Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, which is not specifically referred to herein. In its role as a hearing panel, all Committee members are expected to behave as objective arbiters of the evidence presented, neither advocating for nor against the individual bringing the case nor personally participating in the preparation and presentation of a particular case. Additionally, Committee members’ comments and questions are expected to focus on the substance of the case.
Procedures for hearings held and appeals heard by the Faculty Rights Board shall be developed, approved, and made publicly available according to applicable provisions of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations.
The Committee on Faculty Compensation shall monitor and report annually on the salary structure at the University of Kansas. It shall also gather and consider other relevant information on faculty salary structures.
The Restricted Research Committee shall review every proposal for a research grant or contract that carries a provision expressed or implied that seeks to limit access to facilities or the freedom of the investigators to publish or otherwise disseminate the product of their research (except for those cases involving relatively short delays of publications described in the FSRR Article IX. Restricted Research Policy, Section III.2.a.). Each recommendation by the Restricted Research Committee shall be promptly published in a notice to the Faculty Senate Research Committee. In accordance with FSRR Article IX. Section 4. C. 3. of the Restricted Research Policy, the committee shall maintain a current record, open for review, of the review actions taken by the committee and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, and shall make an annual report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee listing each restrictive grant or contract considered during the year.
The Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure Committee shall review promotion and tenure criteria, procedures, and guidelines as provided in Article VI of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations and consider such other matters relating to promotion and tenure standards and procedures as charged by the Faculty Senate.
Article XIV. Standing Committees of the Student Senate
Section 1. Committees Identified
The Student Senate shall have the following four standing committees:
(1) Finance
(2) Multicultural Affairs
(3) Student Rights
(4) University Affairs
The responsibilities of each standing committee shall be fixed by the Student Senate.
Section 2. Membership
Any student at the University of Kansas is eligible to be a voting member of a standing committee. Any student wishing to become a member of a committee after the first committee meeting of each semester shall have only speaking privileges at the first meeting attended. Voting privileges shall not be extended until the second meeting attended. All senators are required to be a member of a standing committee. (SSRR
One half (1/2) of the current voting members of the standing committee who have been registered as attending the meeting shall constitute a quorum needed to conduct business. (SSRR
Section 3. Functions
GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES. The standing committees are to take a direct and active role in the legislative process as outlined in Article VI, Section 2.7. They are to research areas of concern to the student body of the University of Kansas and advise the Student Senate on action it should take. The standing committees shall receive direction from the Student Body President, the Student Executive Committee, and from the Student Senate through legislation, as provided for in Student Senate Rules and Regulations. The Student Executive Committee shall object to a committee’s action only if they feel the standing committee is infringing upon the jurisdiction of another standing committee or of Student Senate. (SSRR 6.2.2)
Article XV. Standing Committees of the Staff Senate
Section 1. Standing Committees
The Staff Senate shall have the following standing committees, each composed of a chair and at least three persons:
1) Public Relations
2) Governance & Legislative Affairs
3) Personnel Affairs
4) Elections
5) Professional Development
Memberships of these committees are comprised of volunteers from the electorate.
Section 2. Standing Committee Chairpersons
The Chair of each committee will be elected in April by the electorate to serve a two -year term in accordance with Article VIII, section 2, of the Staff Senate Code. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall serve as voting members of the Executive Committee.
The Staff Senate or Executive Committee may create additional working committees to address any matter of concern to the Senate. Chairpersons and members of working committees shall be appointed by the President.
Article XVI. Student Representation on Committees
16.1 In this Article, the terms "faculty" or "faculties," shall be interpreted to mean both faculty members and those students who have been recognized as legitimate members of academic decision-making bodies of the College and the various schools, departments and programs.
16.2 The College and each school, department and program shall make provisions for the inclusion of a number of students as voting members on all policy‑making committees and at all full College, school, program or departmental meetings. The number of students on each such committee shall be no less than 20 percent of the number of faculty members who hold the rank of instructor or above and who serve on the committee. The number of students included in full College, school, program or departmental meetings shall be no less than 20 percent of the number of faculty members who hold the rank of instructor or above and who constitute the body.
16.2.1 To be eligible for membership in such bodies, a student shall be regularly enrolled in the University. If an undergraduate the student shall be in good academic standing as defined by the College or school the student is enrolled in. If a graduate student, the student shall be enrolled for a least six hours credit and maintain academic standing as defined by the graduate program the student is enrolled in.
16.2.2 The appropriate student constituency shall in each instance have an opportunity, at least annually, to elect qualified students to said positions, and should the appropriate student constituency fail to elect representatives to said positions, the College, school or department shall make reasonable and periodic efforts to secure qualified and interested students to serve until such time as an election can be held to fill said positions.
16.2.3 In this regulation, the term "policy‑making" includes but is not limited to the discussion, initiation, adoption, revision, alteration, or elimination of policies, procedures, priorities, courses, curricula, prerequisites, programs, admissions criteria, degree requirements, and honors programs. In those committees which are concerned with the application of policies to specific individuals or situations, students are not necessarily included by Section 16.2.
16.2.4 The determination of what committees are "policy‑making committees" under this regulation shall be made by the full College, school, department or program at a time when properly selected student representatives have been invited to be present and to vote.
16.3 The University Senate, the University Senate Executive Committee (“SenEx”), and the University Senate standing committees include students as voting members. The number of student members in these entities shall be no less than 20 percent of the number of faculty members in each body.
Article XVII. Procedures
Section 1. Amendment of this Code
The Student Senate may amend Articles III, VIII and XIV; the Staff Senate may amend Articles IV, IX, and XV; by a two-thirds vote of the members of the respective Senate present and voting at a regular or special meeting, provided that the call of the meeting shall have included a copy of the proposed amendment, together with such explanatory materials as may be proper, and shall have been mailed to each member at least ten academic calendar days before the day of the meeting.
The Faculty Senate may amend Articles II, VII, and XIII of this Code following the procedures for amendment to the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Senate set forth in Article II, section 5 of this Code. However, a two-thirds majority of those present shall be required for amendments to this Code.
Those sections of this Code that pertain to the composition of the University Senate may only be changed in accordance with Article 1, Section 1.
The remainder of this Code may be amended at a regular or special meeting of the University Senate following the procedures for amendment to the Rules and Regulations of the University Senate set forth in Article I, section 8 of this Code. However, a two-thirds majority of those present shall be required for amendments to this Code.
A proposed amendment may be presented to the University Senate by any one of the four following procedures:
(a) The University Senate Executive Committee may propose an amendment by a two-thirds vote of the University Senate Executive Committee members present and voting.
(b) Any of the three constituent senates may forward a proposed amendment to the University Senate Executive Committee, by at least a majority vote.
(c) A petition containing the proposed amendment and signed by one hundred members of the University Community (including faculty, staff, and students, as defined in their respective Codes) may be delivered to the University Senate Executive Committee.
(d) A member may propose an amendment from the floor (including rationale) in writing, as a main motion during “New Business” at any regular or special meeting of the University Senate. A majority vote of the Senate members present and voting shall be necessary for the amendment to receive initial consideration as a main motion at the following meeting.
The President of the University Senate Executive Committee will forward all proposals along with any recommendations amendments received under (a) – (d) to the University Senate, following the procedures set forth in 1.8.3 of this Code.
Section 2. Technical Changes to the Code, USRR, FSRR
Technical changes to this Code, the University Senate Rules and Regulations, and the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations are to be understood to include renumbering articles and sections, updating administrative titles, and making other non-substantive revisions that improve accuracy and clarity. It shall be the prerogative of the University Senate Executive Committee to make technical changes by majority vote to Articles I, V, VI, X, XI, XII XVI, and XVII of this Code and to the University Senate Rules and Regulations. It shall be the prerogative of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to make technical changes by majority vote to Articles II, VII, and XIII of this Code and to the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations. It shall be the prerogative of the Student Senate, and Staff Senate to make technical changes by two-thirds vote to the respective articles of this Code assigned to them per section 1 above.
Section 3. Parliamentary Practice
The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Senates and their committees in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with this Code or the special rules of these bodies. The vice president of the University Senate shall serve as parliamentarian of all meetings of the University Senate.
Section 4. Adherence to State Laws
All committees mandated by this Code and all other committees or subcommittees established under this Code shall adhere to the laws of the State of Kansas governing open and closed meetings. A copy of the current laws is appended to this Code.
Kansas Open Meeting Act
These are links to the Kansas Legislature
Chapter 75.-- State Departments; Public Officers and Employees
Article 43.-- Public Officers and Employees
75-4317. Open meetings declared policy of state; citation of act.
75-4317a. Meeting defined.
75-4320. Penalties.
University Governance
33 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Code: Article XIV. Judicial Functions. Section 2. Item k, revised December 17, 2007
Code: Article III, Section 1 & 2,-Student Senate Changes-October 2007
Code: Article IX, Section 2 -Student Senate Changes-October 2007
Code: Article XVI, Section 2 – Student Senate Changes-October 2007
Code: Article IV- Unclassified Senate Changes-October 2007
Code: Article XII. Standing Committees of University Senate - Athletic Committee-October 2007
Code: Article XV. Sections 1, 2, 3- Standing Committees of Faculty Senate, add SPPT Committee, Change Tenure and Related Issues to Faculty Rights Board. Add functions of New SPPT committee. October 2007
Code: Article l. Section 9. Functions and powers-1.9.2 (a), (b), (e) and 1.9.3 (b) February 25, 2008
Code: Article ll. Section 5. Functions and powers-2.5.2 (a), (b), (e) and 2.5.3 (b) February 25, 2008
Article III. Section 1. Membership, Revised August 20, 2008
Open Meetings Act-Revised August 20, 2008
Amendments approved in FY-09
Code: Article II Faculty Senate Structure and Functions Changes library “staff” to “faculty.”
Code: Article Art. XII, Standing Committees of the University Senate. Adds new members to committees on Athletics, Academic Policies & Procedures, Libraries, and Retirees Rights and Benefits.
Added description of SPPT committee 6/24/09
Added 07/15/09: Code: Article I, IV, X, XVII. Unclassified Senate updates, per Unclassified Senate Rules and Regulations
Amendments approved in FY-10
Editorial Change approved 10/28/09
Code: Article XII. Section 2. Membership, University Committee on Libraries, remove line “one representative from the Graduate School”.
Preamble: Charter of Governance Bodies – January 2010
Article 1. Section 1, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Membership on University Senate – January 2010
Article XIX. Student Representation on University Governance committees, and those of the CLAS and schools - January 2010
Article XX Editorial Changes to CODE, USRR, FSRR – July 2010
Amendments approved in FY-11
Updated Kansas Open Meeting Act August 2010
Article XII, changes to the name of ATCT to ACEC, changes to membership on ACEC, AP&P, Calendar and P&R.
Article XV, changes to membership of FRPR, Faculty Rights Board, Research Committee and SPPT. Updated 12/01/10
Updated Student Senate Articles III, IX May 26, 2011
Updated Article XII, Standing Committees of the University Senate
Section 2. Membership, changes (unclassified and university support staff) to Academic Computing and Electronic Communication, Academic Policies and Procedures, Athletic Committee, International Affairs, and Organization and Administration. Approved by Chancellor June 14, 2011.
Updated changes request by Unclassified Senate, Article IV and Article X. July 13, 2011
Amendments (and Technical changes) approved in FY-12
Technical: Updated references to the Handbook for Faculty and other Unclassified Staff. 8/30/11. Updated title changes 8/30/11.
Technical: Updated Research Committee-Graduate Student Advisory Board.
Article XIII. Section 2. (Parking) add the Parking Commission to hold at least two public meetings each year.
Amendments FY2013:
Article XIV: Section 1. Updated to reflect changes in Discrimination Complaint Resolution process. November 5, 2012
Article XIV: Section 2. Updated to reflect changes in Discrimination Complaint Resolution process. November 5, 2012
Article XII. Change membership on Athletic Committee, add student appointed by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Approved March 1, 2013, updated March 7, 2013.
Article XIII. Section 4. Add clinical professors of law or non-probationary associate clinical professor of law as law members for the Judicial Board. Approved by Chancellor May 22, 2013
Article 7.1: allow the current president of unclassified and university support staff senate to vote if the voting member is absent.
Article 12.2: change membership on International Affairs committee.
Approved by Chancellor May 28, 2013. Updated June 4, 2013.
Article I & II: voting by a show of hands, requires two-thirds of the members present & voting.
Approved by Chancellor May 23, 2013, updated June 4, 2013
Amendments FY2014:
Article XII. Standing Committees of the University Senate, Section 2. Membership
The University Committee on Libraries....change to include the name of each staff type that serves ex-officio.
Approved by Chancellor, May 12, 2014. Updated May 20, 2014.
Amendments (and technical changes) FY2015:
Technical edit to remove extra spaces from online version of the Code. Updated February 13, 2015.
University Support Staff Senate and the Unclassified Senate merged the two senates to form the "Staff Senate". The merging of the two Senates deleted both the University Support Staff and Unclassified Staff information, and changed the numbering of various articles within the University Senate Code. Updated May 1, 2015
Article XI. Membership on the Parking Commission was changed to add a representative of AbleHawks, and the Student Senate Coordinator to ex-officio and add a University Transit Commission members.
Technical Changes:FY2016:
Removed "and graduate studies" from Vice Chancellor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Updated KU Compliance Privacy Officer to Director of Institutional Compliance
Add Interdisciplinary to International on Libraries Committee
Policy formatting cleanup (e.g. bolding and spacing)
Student Sections Amended FY2016:
Student Senate Article III. Section 4 changed his or her to their
Student Senate Article III. Section 5 removed his or her in (1) and (2)
Student Senate Article XIV. Section 2. removed s/he changed attends to attended.
Amended FY2016:
1.8.3 updated four to three constituent senates
Article XVII (b) change four to three
Amended Article II Section 2 dates. Amended Article II Section 4 duties of Secretary - 12/15/2015
Amended Article X. Section 2, membership on ACEC and AP&P approved by University Senate 11/5/15, Chancellor 1/29/16
Amended Article X. Section 2, how staff and students members are appointed to the Libraries committee University Senate 11/5/15, Chancellor 1/29/16
Amended Article XI. Section 4. how staff and students members are appointed to the Judicial Board University Senate 11/5/15, Chancellor 1/29/16
Amended Article XIII. Section 2. deleted " at least one member shall be from the faculty". Change is from 2005-06, which organizational changes occurred. 05/16/16
Amended Article XI. University Commissions, Boards, and Other Committees
Section 2. The Parking Commission, changed student members, added ex officio.
Amended FY2017
Article I, X, XI, XII, XVI- updated gender neutral language, approved by SenEx 2/14/17
Article II, XIII-updated gender neutral language, approved by FacEx 2/21/17
Article IV - updated gender neutral language, approved by Staff Senate 12/2016
Article III. VIII, XIV, updated gender neutral language, update sections of CODE to be consistent with Student Senate Rules and Regulations
The above updated April 6, 2017
Article I. Section IV, added Multicultural Student Government student senator to University Senate membership, as approved by student senate March 29, 2017
Amended FY2018
Update Article XIII, Section 3. paragraph 2 deleted item vii, the Faculty Code has been amended and leave without pay is no longer listed as a sanction. Technical Change approved by FacEx, January 24, 2017.
1.8.1 - 1.8.5, 2.5.1 - 2.5.4. Updated to allow senators time to consider additions, amendments, or repeals of any part of the USRR, FSRR and Code, before voting on a meeting. The proposal must be in writing and brought up under new business, to determine if it will be discussed at the next scheduled meeting.
Approved by Chancellor February 27, 2018.
Revisions to Article X. University Senate reduced membership in ACEC, AP&P, Calendar, and Retirees. The Organization and Administration committee was dissolved. The terms on the Parking Commission and Judicial Board for students was changed to one-year terms. The University Support Staff membership on the Judicial Board was removed, and the tenured fauclty members was reduced by two. Approved by Interim Provost Lejuez on May 10, 2018 and Chancellor Girod on May 23, 2018. The CODE was updated on May 25, 2018.
Amended FY2020
Updated Article XIII, Section 3. Functions, Faculty Rights Board, deleted original, to simplify and clarify the jurisdiction of the FRB, changes terms to active not passive, and added (vii)to expand the jurisdiction of the FRB to hear any violation of a faculty right, and references the enumerated rights inthe Code of Faculty Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct. Approved by Provost on May 20, 2019 and Chancellor June 3, 2019.
Article X. Section 2. Membership, technical change to the titles of the ex-officio, non-voting members. Approved by SenEx Sept. 3, 2019.
Article I. Section 4. Membership, reallocated the Student Senate Representative on University Senate, that was assigned to the Multicultural Student Government, back to a Student Senate Member. The Multicultural Student Government was dissolved in fall 2019. Approved by Provost and Chancellor January 29, 2020.
Amended FY2022
Revison to allow the Vice President and SenEx chair postion, to be alternated between Staff Senators (odd academic years) and Student Senators (even academic years). Changes were also made to allow either Staff or Faculty members to chair the following University Senate Standing Committes; Academic Computing and Electronic Communication, International Affairs, Libraries, and Retirees Rights and Benefits. The University Senate Executive Committee will appoint the chairpersons (faculty or staff) to the University Senate Standing Committees.
Revision to Article X, RRB Committee, Endacott Society designee must be retired from the University of Kansas. Approved by Chancellor 6/29/22.
Article II. Section 1. Faculty Senate Membership, listed those eligible, approved by Chancellor 6/29/22
05/23/2023: Updated to reflect the reorganization of the University Senate and the University Senate Executive Committee.
09/15/2023: Technical edits: spacing and spelling corrections.
03/06/2025: Updated Vice Provost for Finance to Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice Chancellor.