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School of Pharmacy, Promotion and Tenure for Tenure Track Faculty, Department of Pharmacy Practice


To provide guidelines for the promotion and tenure for faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. 

Applies to: 

Department of Pharmacy Practice faculty.

Policy Statement: 

Introduction to the Guidelines

The School of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice pursues excellence in providing educational opportunities for students and practicing pharmacists, advancing patient-centered healthcare and contributing new knowledge to the pharmacy profession.
Pharmacy Practice Department Mission Statement:
To advance healthcare in Kansas by developing pharmacy professionals, promoting patient-centered practice, conducting innovative research, and providing professional service.
To accomplish this mission, faculty members of the Department of Pharmacy Practice play a central role in the advancement of knowledge and the provision of patient care to people of the State of Kansas. The University of Kansas must have a faculty that performs at the highest levels of teaching, scholarship, patient care, service and administration to serve the people of the State of Kansas, the School of Pharmacy, and the profession.
The processes for appointment and awarding of Promotion and Tenure must be fair and appropriate if the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy is to encourage and recognize faculty excellence. The Department’s Promotion and Tenure policy must be followed to ensure protection of faculty rights and protection of the University of Kansas. The primary responsibilities of faculty with tenure track appointments in the Pharmacy Practice Department fall into five areas: (1) teaching, (2) research and scholarly activity, (3) service, (4) patient care, and (5) administrative responsibility. Expectations for percent efforts within each of these areas
are determined by the faculty member, Department Chair and Vice Chair based on individual areas of expertise and departmental needs. The criteria for appointment, and Promotion and Tenure follow from those five areas of primary faculty responsibilities. Pharmacy practice tenure track faculty usually has responsibilities in three or four of these areas. For achievement of Promotion and Tenure, excellence is expected in at least two of the three traditional academic areas (research/scholarly activity, teaching, and service), with rankings of at least good to very good in the remaining areas. Nothing in this document will nor should be considered to supersede the University of Kansas Policy on Promotion and Tenure or the School of Pharmacy Policy on Promotion and Tenure.
The Department of Pharmacy Practice and the School of Pharmacy must apply these guidelines with fairness. Fairness means that the procedures for recommending a faculty appointment for Promotion and Tenure must include safeguards against error. To this end, these guidelines codify the steps to provide advice and evaluation, to make recommendations, to review faculty for appointment, and for promotion with tenure. The Promotion and Tenure process includes feedback to candidates per the University guidelines, with an opportunity for candidates to respond to questions and issues brought up during the Promotion and Tenure process.
University guidelines also exist to appeal Promotion and Tenure decisions.
Faculty Appointments
Appointments shall only be made following University of Kansas policies and procedures for hiring personnel. Vacancies of existing positions must be filled through a recruitment or search waiver process.
Requirements for Tenure Ranks
Candidates for tenure track faculty positions must possess a terminal degree. A terminal degree refers to the highest degree awarded in a discipline; while the doctorate is the terminal degree in many disciplines , Pharmacy Practice master’s degrees or MBA’s are examples of terminal master’s degrees for our faculty. Additionally, Pharmacy Practice faculty will normally have completed a post-Pharm.D. residency or fellowship or have clearly documented relevant experience.
Procedures for Appointments
When filling a full-time tenure -track Pharmacy Practice Department position, the Department Chair will appoint a Search Committee that will prepare a position description, prepare an advertisement and place the advertisement in appropriate media. Members of the search committee shall perform their duties according to Equal Employment Opportunity policies and in compliance with Human Resources requirements of The University of Kansas. The search committee shall: consult with the Chair to create a mutual understanding of the Department and School’s faculty needs, screen applicants for the position, arrange interviews of applicants, and based on faculty input make a recommendation to the Chair. The Pharmacy Practice faculty must approve a candidate by vote before the Department Chair may make an offer to the candidate. All recommendations shall be forwarded to the Dean. Upon approval, the Chair shall prepare a letter offering employment in the School of Pharmacy. All offers of employment are subject to the approval of the Provost.
Promotion and Tenure
Tenure track faculty are required to go through a mandatory Promotion and Tenure review by their sixth year in their tenure track position. However, the performance of all tenure track faculty will be reviewed carefully and thoroughly on an annual basis as well as a University mandated  3rd year review which includes the completion of a dossier similar to the one used for Promotion and Tenure. If a tenure track faculty member is not awarded tenure by the end of his/her sixth year in his/her tenure track position, a contract for a seventh year of service can be agreed upon, but the candidate’s employment in the position will be terminated after the seventh year.
Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Three main activities are required of the Department: (1) advising faculty on Promotion and Tenure (2) initiating the Promotion and Tenure process on behalf of a faculty member by notifying the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee, and (3) evaluating and making a recommendation from the Department and external reviews and forwarding the complete dossier to the School of Pharmacy Executive Committee.
Advisement about Promotion and Tenure
By the end of the first semester after appointment, the Department Chair will give the new faculty member a copy or direct them to access to the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Faculty Bylaws, the University of Kansas Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff, and article VI of the Faculty Senate Rules & Regulations, which contain the University policies and procedures for Promotion and Tenure. The Department Chair will meet with faculty regarding Promotion and Tenure and will assign a mentor/advisor when the candidate is applying for third year review and with the final application for Promotion with Tenure. Other senior faculty may also be consulted. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the individual faculty member under review to provide evidence of his or her progress toward promotion.
Contributions for Promotion and Tenure
The missions of The University of Kansas, the School of Pharmacy and the Department of Pharmacy Practice require Pharmacy Practice Department Faculty to provide instruction in addition to conducting scholarly activity and performing service to the Department, School, University, State, and profession. The teaching and patient care activities of a faculty member must be consistent with the needs of the School and Department. Therefore, the assignment of teaching and patient care duties is determined with the approval of the Chair and/or Vice Chair for the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Tenure track faculty are expected to develop and maintain an active research and scholarship program, including applications and receipt of external grant funding. Research in Pharmacy Practice often requires collaborating with a group
of investigators with expertise in various fields and healthcare disciplines. The department recognizes that establishment of collaborative relationships that ultimately lead to research productivity takes time and is a necessary component of developing the faculty’s research program. Nonetheless, although much of the research done may be collaborative, it is expected that the faculty member will be lead author on some grants and publications. Scholarly activities that contribute to Promotion and Tenure are described later in this document.

I. Contributions to Teaching/Education

The Standard
Teaching (classroom, tutorial, laboratory, and experiential) enables the traditional Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and graduate student (Master’s in Pharmacy Practice) to develop the competencies needed to enter the pharmacy profession and to contribute to their growth over their professional lifetime. Teaching instills in students the desire and skills necessary to continue the quest for knowledge, and trains them to enter into an ever changing health care system. Teaching is a central mission of the Department of Pharmacy Practice, the School of Pharmacy and the University of Kansas. Based on their practice expertise and specialty areas, tenure track faculty will instruct a variety of ‘students’; including but not limited to: pharmacy students, medical students, nursing students, pharmacy residents, medical residents, pharmacists, physicians, nurses, health system administrators and the public at large. All of these teaching endeavors contribute to the overall teaching mission of the Department and therefore are considered during the promotion process.
Our accountability to those who choose to study with us and to those who support us requires that we encourage and reward excellence in teaching. The Department of Pharmacy Practice expects teaching contributions that draw upon the faculty member’s depth and breadth of knowledge, skills, and experience. Teaching responsibilities must be fulfilled at a level reflecting that scholarship. Furthermore, teaching excellence must be documented with respect to quality, impact, innovation and student outcomes.
A faculty member’s teaching excellence may be reflected by student achievements: in the classroom, the laboratory, and in the clinical arena. Furthermore teaching excellence may be documented by recognition and feedback of former students and critical, objective peer evaluation. Improvements in the learning environment and curriculum may support a faculty member’s record of teaching excellence.
Service in patient care settings is a major portion of the teaching responsibilities for those members of the Department who are practitioner-teachers. The maintenance of a high level of practice competency so as to effectively teach students in the clinical portions of the program has both a service and teaching component. It enables the teacher to serve as a role model, teach by example, and maintain the competency of the teacher in a rapidly changing and complex field.
Potential sources of documentation for teaching productivity and excellence may include, but are not limited to:
1. Didactic Courses - the number of hours of lecture in both required and elective courses in the Pharm.D. and MS programs.
2. Clerkship Courses – the number of Pharm.D. students precepted yearly.
3. Education of pharmacy residents, graduate students and other health care students.
4. Effectiveness shown by student evaluations and accomplishments.
5. Excellence shown by peer evaluation of expertise in instruction.
6. Honors or special recognitions for teaching accomplishments.
7. Introduction of innovative and effective teaching methods.
8. Development of new courses or substantial modification of existing courses.
9. Publication activities related to teaching.
10. Grants submitted, and grants obtained related to instruction.
11. Important service to professional associations including editorial work and peer reviewing as related to teaching.
12. Excellence in education of students in pharmacy practice related research.
13. Completion of teaching enrichment programs by the faculty member (e.g. ACCP Academy).

II. Contributions to Research and Other Scholarly Activity

The Standard
Creative scholarly activity includes both original research resulting from investigative work and other peer reviewed contributions to the professional and scientific literature. Pharmacy Practice faculty may conduct either original research or engage in other scholarly activity such as authoring peer-reviewed: articles, chapters, books, primers, case studies, critical review articles, abstracts, etc. The basis of creative scholarly activity lies in the peer reviewed ‘written’ word.
By having their contributions published, faculty can make a lasting contribution to the body of professional and scientific literature. Written work which is not peer-reviewed may support a faculty member’s dossier, but are insufficient evidence of proficiency or excellence in scholarly activity.
Original research involves rigorous inquiry, critical examination, or experimentation that has as its purpose revision of accepted conclusions, interpretations, theories, or laws. Pharmacy Practice original research is often of an applied nature; therefore, it has potentially immediate usefulness to the profession and health sciences. Pharmacy Practice research may also be theoretical in nature. Both applied and theoretical research are encouraged. The nature of Pharmacy Practice research disciplines may range widely reflecting the diverse nature of Pharmacy Practice itself. Faculty research programs may be based in the disciplines of: clinical therapeutics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics, geriatric or pediatric health care, drug use policy management, preventive health care, drug interactions, health systems research, outcomes research, health care economics, education and many more areas.
Creative scholarly activity also includes innovative work in the health sciences, for example, the development of a documented (in writing and peer reviewed) new patient care technique, practice model, documentation system, or information management system. Objective, external, peer-review for creative scholarly activity is required.
Pharmacy Practice faculty who conduct research or other creative scholarly activity should clearly demonstrate high quality in these endeavors. The Department distinguishes between the routine and the outstanding as judged by the faculty member’s peers at The University of Kansas and other institutions throughout the nation. The principle standard should always be quality, rather than quantity. Tenure track pharmacy practice faculty are expected to identify a clear focus for research and/or scholarship and demonstrate an ongoing record of productivity that results in national recognition by peers at other research institutions.
Potential sources of documentation for original research or other creative scholarly activities include, but are not limited to:
1. The quality and quantity of publications in appropriate refereed journals.
2. Publication of original research in peer-reviewed journals.
3. Presentation of poster and oral abstracts at professional meetings.
4. Books published.
5. Book chapters published.
6. Software program development.
7. Invited lectureships at professional meetings or other academic centers (e.g. ‘Grand Rounds’).
8. Development and/or chairing of meetings or symposia.
9. Requesting grants related to research and creative scholarly activities
10. Obtaining grants related to research and creative scholarly activities
11. Honors and awards for research or other creative activities.
12. Generation of creative scholarly products or practices adopted outside of the University.
13. Acknowledgment of research and creative activities.

III. Contributions to Academic, Professional, and Public Service

The Standard
Service activity may be defined as any activity that draws upon the faculty member’s professional expertise and scholarship to address a service need in the academic or public community.
Academic service is oriented to the needs of the Pharmacy Practice Department, the School of Pharmacy, the University of Kansas, and the profession. All faculty members, regardless of rank and academic appointment, have general academic service responsibilities.
Public service activities are oriented to the general public and professional policy needs of society at large. Pharmacy Practice faculty have continuing contact with citizens and professional organizations in practice and research arenas. The faculty members work with local, State, National, and International leaders, providing for educational needs assessment, program development, training, consultation, and technical assistance.
Potential sources of documentation of service contributions may include, but are not limited to:
1. Consistent participation and leadership in Department, School and University committees.
2. Consistent, and thoughtful input into Department meetings, planning retreats and activities.
3. Effective and diligent advisement of students/residents and participation in student organizations.
4. Participation in Departmental mentoring programs.
5. Active participation in Department and School sponsored continuing education programs.
6. Active participation in a clinical service which provides direct or indirect patient care.
7. Demonstrated willingness to volunteer for unexpected teaching, practice, or service activities.
8. Reliable representation of the Department and School at community events and social activities.
9. Presentation of special lectures which provide service to University, Community, State or Nation.
10. Election to offices, committee activities and important services to professional associations and organizations.
11. Honors, awards, and special recognition for service activities.
12. Participation and leadership in State, National and International committees.
13. Consultations to State, Federal, and Private Agencies.
14. Editorial activities in professional journals.
15. Participation as a peer reviewer for journals or professional societies.
16. Program and project development, and other creative activities.

IV. Contributions to Pharmacy Practice/Patient Care

The Standard
“Patient care” is one of the five areas in which faculty may demonstrate performance excellence as the basis of promotion. Patient care is a major focus of and the essence of pharmacy practice. The main purpose of the discipline of pharmacy practice is to help optimize medication therapy as part of patient centered care to individual patients and larger populations. While direct patient care is the focus of all pharmacy practice; pharmacy practice by definition includes both direct patient-centered activity (e.g., primary care, patient counseling, etc.) and indirect patient-centered activity (e.g., drug information, practice management/administration, life long learning, etc.). Pharmacy practice faculty members are diverse in terms of areas of expertise and training as well as the job descriptions of their position. Examples of the diverse assigned activities include: pharmacy skills laboratory instruction, clinical specialty practices at health care facilities or ambulatory sites, drug information center operation, health care administration, etc. Pharmacy Practice faculty with a Pharmacy degree and a clinical practice are expected to be licensed pharmacists and their influence on patient care is through one or many combinations of the assignments above.
All faculty members with primary appointments in the Department of Pharmacy Practice share a common commitment to and involvement with patient centered care activities. Pharmacy Practice faculty have a responsibility to provide, support and stimulate excellence in the practice of pharmacy throughout the state of Kansas. The excellence in patient care practice provides the foundation required for pharmaceutical education. In addition, the maintenance of an active clinical practice site may serve as a “laboratory” for both teaching research and provides opportunities for collaboration with other healthcare providers. Excellence in pharmacy practice/patient care and teaching are linked to the development of improved pharmacy practice in the future. School of Pharmacy Practice faculty must promote excellence in pharmacy practice and serve as role models for their students in order to advance the profession.
Objective evaluation of pharmacy practice is difficult, but essential. The quality of pharmacy practice, not unlike the quality of all medical care, is difficult to define. Evaluation by other health care providers and peer recognition may provide insight into the quality of care.
Pharmacy practice skills may be assessed by using many types of surrogate measures. These measures may include, but are not limited to, board or specialty certifications, patient case loads, collaborative practice agreements, practice income generation, accreditation reports, documentation of care plans, etc. The evaluation processes are likely to include a combination of ‘clinical’ measures and ‘managerial’ measures.
Potential sources of documentation of Pharmacy practice excellence may include, but are not limited to:
1. Direct assessment of practice management by systems administrators, managers and clinic directors.
2. Written observations from nurses, physicians, medical students or collaborating pharmacy practice faculty documenting specific practice initiatives and outcomes.
3. Development of innovative practice models that expand the pharmacist’s role and improve patient care.
4. General recognition of practice performance by faculty not in direct collaboration.
5. Opinions of referring pharmacists, physicians and nurses.
6. Certification and re-certification by specialty boards.
7. Completion of practice development programs (e.g., traineeships).
8. Completion of additional academic course work (e.g., non-traditional Pharm.D., M.B.A.).
9. Designation as a ‘fellow’ or other similar practice achievement recognition.
10. Demonstration of scholarly activity related to practice.
11. Grants or contracts, requested and received, to support practice expansion or enrichment.
12. Practice consultant to pharmacy and non-pharmacy based organizations.

V. Contributions to Administrative Service

The Standard
Many faculty members in the Pharmacy Practice Department have formal administrative responsibilities such as Associate Deans, Department Chairs or Vice-Chairs, Experiential Directors, Director of Continuing Education, Laboratory Director, Laboratory Coordinator, Standardized Patient Director, etc. Definition of these formal administrative responsibilities and evaluation of administrative performance is clearly guided by the respective position descriptions. The Dean of the School of Pharmacy and/or the Department Chair are responsible for evaluation of administrative performance. Documentation methods specific to administrative responsibilities for each position will be developed jointly by the Dean or Department Chair and the faculty member. Tenure track faculty members with administrative responsibilities are expected to have at least good ratings for the administrative duties, and feedback should be sought from department faculty and students as well as from the Chair or Dean. Administrative responsibilities should not preclude the expectations for productivity in teaching and scholarship. However, the overall administrative time commitment must be taken into consideration when determining relative distribution of effort and evaluating faculty performance.

Department of Pharmacy Practice
School of Pharmacy
The University of Kansas
2010 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047

Approved by: 
School of Pharmacy Faculty
Approved on: 
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Effective on: 
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Pharmacy practice, promotion, tenure, tenure-track
Change History: 

10/05/2023: Converted from PDF to live text page.
06/17/2013: Policy Added to Policy Library.
07/23/2009: Policy approved by School of Pharmacy faculty.

Academic Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure
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Promotion & Tenure

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