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School of Pharmacy, Promotion and Tenure, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


To provide guidelines for the promotion and tenure for faculty in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 

Applies to: 

Faculty of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Policy Statement: 
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry has established procedures to provide a basis for the proper and deliberate evaluation of candidates for granting tenure and promotions on an annual basis. This mechanism provides for an opportunity for each faculty member to examine their own performance and to receive constructive criticisms from the entire faculty. These procedures were last revised and approved by the entire Departmental faculty November 14, 2008.
The criteria to be used by the Departmental committees in determining whether a candidate should be recommended for promotion and tenure are the quality and quantity of accomplishments in teaching, research and service activities. These criteria are identical to those described in the University "Guidelines and Criteria for Tenure and Promotion" found in the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff-The University of Kansas.
Construction of the Department Committees
The committee which meets to consider promotions to the rank of Professor will be composed of all faculty members who hold the rank of Professor.
The committee which meets to consider promotions to the rank of Associate Professor will be composed of all faculty members who hold the rank of Professor or Associate Professor. This committee will also consider candidates for tenure.
The chairperson of the Department shall chair each of the committees.
Responsibilities of the Committees
The committee shall keep records of discussions and considerations concerned with the matters of tenure and promotions. These records will be available only to members of the Department unless otherwise specified by the committees. They are charged with determining what the recommendations of the Department are with respect to tenure and promotions for each faculty member and with conveying, through the chairperson, that information to the appropriate bodies within the University. All questions and procedures will be referred to the committees and decided therein.
Responsibilities of the Chairperson
  • Initiate the annual evaluation of faculty for promotion and tenure. Communicate privately and in writing to potential candidates on their progress as judged by the promotion and tenure committee.
  • Provide the candidate a copy of the Department and University policies and procedures governing the promotion and tenure process including Departmental procedures for evaluating information submitted on the blue form.
  • Inform the candidate of the guidelines and process for selecting the external evaluators.
  • Prepare and/or review the current position description with the candidate.
  • Assure that a faculty mentor familiar with the promotion and tenure process is assigned to assist and advise the candidate on preparation of the blue form and supporting materials.
  • Assume the role or appoint a faculty member to oversee the processing of information (i.e., to determine that the dossier is complete, determine the location of specific material that may be solicited by the nominee or promotion and tenure committee) prior to final committee review. (Support staff provide only clerical assistance and the Department Chairperson/committee’s requests should be in writing as to where information is to be placed in a file.)
  • Review the dossier for completeness (i.e., all required materials and evaluations are included, all requested information provided on page ## of the blue form and submit to the Dean of the School of Pharmacy).
Responsibilities of the Candidate
  • Work with the faculty mentor to assemble materials to be provided to the external reviewers.
  • Assemble all of the materials, complete a rough draft on the blue form, and review the final copy before the form and supporting materials go to the initial evaluation committee. Careful review by the candidate and his/her faculty mentor in preparing the dossier is essential. Once the final copy has been submitted, there can be no changes made to the candidate’s sections regardless of the “problems.”
  • Verify information on the blue form: the candidate must review the final copy containing the candidate provided information whether or not the candidate types this information on the form. This review occurs just prior to the addition of confidential information and submission to the evaluation committee.
Student Participation
At the beginning of each fall semester, the Graduate Student Association within the Department shall be invited to assemble a committee to convey the opinions and attitudes expressed by the graduate students on all faculty being considered for tenure or promotion. Their report shall be submitted to the appropriate committee prior to the committee's first meeting. This report shall also be submitted with the Departmental recommendation to the Executive Committee of the School of Pharmacy and the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Initiation of the Evaluation for Promotion and Tenure
Eligibility for promotion is attained after the completion of at least one academic year in the Department.
By August 1st of each year, each faculty member below the rank of full professor who has completed at least one academic year in the Department will submit a current Curriculum Vitae and other information (e.g., student and peer teaching evaluations) that accurately reflect accomplishments, either since hiring or last promoted, to the Department's committees. At his or her discretion or that of Department chairperson, the individual may meet with the Department chair and/or the appropriate committee on tenure and promotions for the purpose of discussing his or her progress. These informal meetings shall take place not later than the end of the fourth complete week of classes in the fall semester.
By August 25th of each year, the promotion and tenure committee will meet in the absence of the candidate(s) and vote to recommend or not recommend the candidate for promotion.
When, under the University rules, an individual faculty member must be considered for tenure, the appropriate committee will meet to vote to recommend or not recommend the candidate for award of tenure.
If a member of the faculty chooses to recommend oneself to the Executive Committee of the School of Pharmacy for tenure or promotion, or to recommend another for tenure or promotion, after the candidate had been considered by the appropriate Departmental Committee and a recommendation has been withheld, the department chairperson will respond to any inquiry from the Executive Committee or other pertinent committees within the University by indicating the decision of the Department.
Voting Procedure for Evaluation by the Tenure and Promotion Committee
At each committee meeting in which the recommendations for tenure and promotion are considered, a secretary will be appointed to keep the minutes of the proceedings. The minutes of the proceedings will be retained by the chairperson.
After discussion of the candidate has been completed, a secret vote will be taken. The secretary and the chairperson will tally the vote after the meeting. A 2/3 vote of the members present will prevail and will constitute the recommendation of the Department. In case of a tie vote, the vote will be considered negative and the recommendation for tenure or promotion will be denied.
The chair, dean, or head of the unit shall communicate the recommendations of the initial review to the candidate and provide the candidate with a copy of the corresponding evaluation section of the promotion and tenure form. Negative recommendations shall be communicated in writing and, if the review will not be forwarded automatically, shall inform the candidate that he or she may request that the record be forwarded for further review.
The Procedure and Timelines
Following a positive vote to promote a candidate, the promotion and tenure committee will identify at least six external reviewers. As specified in the University of Kansas’ Promotion and Tenure blue forms, all files are expected to have six external letters and the file is required to include four. Less than six letters requires a explanation and justification from the Departmental promotion and tenure committee. Three alternates will be identified by the committee in case any of the six should withdraw during the process. Without explanation or significant justification, the list of evaluators will exclude individuals who are, for instance, the candidate’s dissertation advisors, former professors, graduate school colleagues,
co-authors, KU faculty, personal friends, or former students. The candidate may disclose to the committee up to four individuals they would like as external reviewers and up to two individuals who they prefer not to be among the external reviewers. The final selection of external reviewers is at the discretion of the promotion and tenure committee.
The faculty mentor for the candidate will then contact the external reviewers to confirm acceptance and advise the reviewers of the confidentiality of the process and the timelines. Once the external reviewers have been identified, the candidate will be notified by the Chairperson of the selection of the external committee.
By September 1st, the faculty mentor for the candidate will assemble and send the reviewers the following information in a letter that includes:
The statement: “As a part of the promotion and/or tenure review process, we are soliciting assessments of Professor ’s research contributions from academic colleagues and distinguished professionals. These letters will become part of the candidate’s promotion and tenure dossier and are treated as confidential by the University to the extent we are permitted to do so by law.”
A request that the reviewer include comment on the following points in their evaluation:
  • The length and capacity of his/her association with the candidate
  • The quality of the candidate’s work
  • The significance of the candidates work
  • The pattern of productivity reflected in the nominee’s record
  • The state, regional, national, and/or international status or lack thereof of the candidate as a result of the record
  • Any special distinction achieved by the candidate
  • An attached copy of the candidate’s curriculum vitae which details the candidate’s educational background; positions held; publications, abstracts and other scholarly publications; past and present grant activity; committee activities; awards and honors; and names of students, postdocs and visiting scientists trained.
  • An attached copy of the candidate’s overall research interests and goals.
  • Attached copies of representative published papers from the candidate.
  • A request that the reviewers return letters by October 1st.

By October 15th, the faculty mentor will make available to the Departmental committee, the candidate’s complete dossier. After allowing approximately one week for the committee to review the entire record, the Chairperson will convene the Departmental committee to evaluate the dossier and rate the candidate’s performance.

Transmission of the Results
The results of these Departmental deliberations shall be transmitted in writing to the Executive Committee of the School of Pharmacy by the Chairperson when tenure or promotion is recommended or for tenure when a faculty member must be considered at the end of the probationary period. The candidates involved shall be given a copy of this letter in all cases.
Subsequent review procedures outside the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
After review by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Promotion and Tenure Committee, the candidate’s dossier is forwarded to the School of Pharmacy Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) (intermediate review). Following a positive recommendation by the FEC, the candidate’s dossier is forwarded to the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure (UCPT). The UCPT may determine that additional information would assist in the evaluation of the candidate and may request additional information (see below).
In case of a negative decision by the FEC, the candidate will be informed in writing. The candidate may submit a written response to a negative recommendation resulting from the FEC, or to a final rating of teaching, research, or service below the level of “good” included in the summary evaluation section.
UCPT procedures may set reasonable limits on the timing and length of submissions.
Request for Information
If the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure (UCPT) determines that additional information would assist it in the evaluation of a candidate’s record, the UCPT may request additional information from the initial or intermediate review levels. If a preliminary vote of UCPT reflects a negative recommendation or a recommendation that differs from the recommendation of the intermediate review (if one was conducted) or of the initial review (if no intermediate review was conducted), a request for information is required.
A request for information shall specify the information sought and the reasons for the request. If the request is based upon a negative preliminary vote, it shall so state and describe the reasons for the negative recommendation.
A request for information shall be sent to the dean of the college or school or head of the administrative unit, who shall immediately provide a copy to the candidate and inform the initial and intermediate (if any) review committee. The dean or head of the unit and/or committee shall prepare the response in accordance with the applicable procedures. If there was an intermediate review, the department or administrative unit conducting the initial review shall be given an opportunity to participate in the preparation of the response, including the preparation of a 
separate response if the intermediate review recommendation differs from the recommendation on initial review.
The candidate shall be afforded an opportunity to participate in the preparation of the response and/or to submit his or her own documentation or comment to UCPT.
Candidates may appeal negative recommendations of the UCPT to the Faculty Rights Board. Units conducting initial reviews have no specific responsibilities relating to appeals. Since appeals are to relate errors that undermine the evaluation process, not to the merits of promotion and tenure recommendations, units should exercise due diligence to avoid such errors.

Simons Biosciences Research Laboratories
2093 Constant Ave
Lawrence, KS 66047

Approved by: 
School of Pharmacy Faculty
Approved on: 
Friday, November 14, 2008
Effective on: 
Friday, November 14, 2008
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Pharmaceutical chemistry, promotion, tenure
Change History: 

10/05/2023: Converted from PDF to live text page. 
06/17/2013: Policy added to the Policy Library.
11/14/2008: Approved by School of Pharmacy faculty.

Academic Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure
School/College Policy Categories: 
Promotion & Tenure

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