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  • Additional Payment for Employees

This policy establishes the parameters to compensate a regular employee for the acknowledgement of an award or additional activities performed outside the scope of the position(s) held by the employee. 

Applies to: 

Any faculty or staff employee holding a regular position.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

Any compensation made to an employee that supplements the designated, annualized, salary requires approval from the administrative hierarchy within the unit, appropriate budgetary authority and the Office of the Chancellor or Provost prior to payment being issued.  All requests should be made in advance of the work activity being completed and require supplemental documentation regarding the reason, timeframe, and funding source.  All payments are to be made within thirty days of the date on which the work was performed or on a thirty day incremental basis for activities performed over an extended time period.  Any payment submitted for a pay period(s) extending beyond 6 months from current pay period are subject to approval by Financial Services. All such requests must have documentation substantiating the delay as well as the activity performed.

Additional payments (Award or Overload) funded by grants must be approved by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research to assure compliance with the sponsor's terms and conditions.

The University recognizes faculty and staff for scientific, educational, artistic, literary, and professional achievements that have a direct impact to the mission of the University in teaching, research, and service.  Award programs have established criteria to determine eligibility and are generally one time payments processed accordingly through the Additional Pay process. 

Generally, an overload payment is for an activity conducted by a full-time, employee (with an active appointment record) which contributes to the mission of the organization for which the individual is uniquely qualified to perform.  Such work must be outside the scope of the individual’s job description and cannot conflict with or alter the job(s) held or be defined as employment.

Less than full-time employees may also be eligible for overload, if the activity is not defined as employment, related to their existing position or assigned job duties and is for a one-time creative event.

Faculty or lecturers on contract pay during the academic year (8/18-5/16) are considered to have current active appointments, even if they are not receiving pay. In such cases, they may be compensated through the additional pay process during the time the event occurred.

The Chancellor and Provost have given blanket approval for extra compensation for the following specific services:

  • Instructional related activities conducted by Professional & Continuing Education;
  • Performing certain services for the University Press of Kansas.

Extra compensation may be considered for the following:

  • Approved Salary Saving Incentives for eligible Faculty
  • Approved Incentive Pay Agreements for eligible Staff
  • An artistic activity, work or performance that is for an event whereby the work is not instructed, directed or supervised and by which the participant is uniquely qualified
  • Performing Lecturer or Online Lecturer activities that are in addition to a full-time non-instruction based appointment
  • Services rendered to other external agencies (public or private) for which compensation is to be paid through University channels.
  • Services rendered to departments, schools, or divisions of the University which do not meet the definition of employment.

Compensation through Salary
The State of Kansas is one employer.  Therefore, employees are not allowed to hold an appointment exceeding 100% across any division, institution or agency (or combination thereof) except in the area of instruction across multiple KBOR institutions.  Advanced approval by all KBOR institutions and the State of Kansas is required prior to initiating an offer exceeding 100%.

If the activity for payment is related to job duties the University defines as employment, or is included as an activity one has been compensated for as an employee in a current or previous job with the university, the activity must be compensated as employment and compliant with the Fair Labor Standards Act.  Individuals that are in a less than full-time capacity would require an approved job offer to be compensated.  All employment rules, policies and Federal guidelines apply in the reporting a compensation of hours worked.

Units that have faculty appointments which are actively teaching, compensation for the qualifying, additional activity may be included in the Summer Pay process if desired.

Consultant Agreements for Work Performed for another State Agency:
Such agreements involve consulting by an employee for another institution under the jurisdiction of the Board, as well as consultation for other state agencies that have received advanced approval by the institution or agency seeking such services and approved by the Chancellor or Provost (or designee).  The University shall effect payment through the regular payroll processing cycles and reimbursement between agencies/institutions will be resolved through the interfund process.

Contractual Services
Units are required to assess if a payment meets the University and IRS criteria to qualify under the payment provisions as contractual services or as a consultant.  Contractual Services for existing employees may be used in the following circumstances:

  • An artistic activity, work or performance that is for an event whereby the work is not instructed, directed or supervised and by which the participant is uniquely qualified and the employees do not have an active or currently paid appointment.
  • Individuals which are providing services to the University outside the scope of employment through an independently operated company that does not require the use of goods or services, space, oversight or on-going direction to complete the scope of work as negotiated.  Payment is based upon completion of the activity by a specified date.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Individuals that are either previous or future employees of the University are not eligible to be compensated through the overload/additional payment process. 

Activities performed for compensation must occur through employment with an active appointment on payroll or a Consultant Agreement/Contractual Services form.  All IRS regulations governing employment versus contractual services as well as State and University policies and regulations apply and govern the decision of the type of payment authorization.


All compensation distributed, regardless of mechanism will be reported to the State of Kansas for tax reporting purposes.  Individuals receiving payment through a Consultant/Contractual Agreement may receive a 1099 for tax reporting purposes for distributions exceeding $599 per calendar year across all divisions recognized as a State of Kansas employer.  


Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
250 Strong Hall
1450 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045

Payroll Services
145 Carruth O'Leary Hall
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045

Human Resources
103 Carruth O'Leary Hall
1246 W. Campus Road
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Friday, July 1, 2005
Effective on: 
Friday, July 1, 2005
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Temporary Positions: Appointments to temporary positions are not eligible for the employer subsidized benefits associated with "regular" employment, e.g. health insurance, retirement, paid leave, etc. Persons appointed to temporary appointments are eligible for some "voluntary" benefits, e.g. deferred compensation, savings bonds, etc. Appointments to such positions must not exceed 999 hours in a calendar year. Persons appointed to staff temporary positions are not eligible for any salary increases. Eligibility for health insurance coverage may be applicable pursuant to the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. 

Appointment, Additional Pay, Contractual Services, Student, Temporary, Retiree
Change History: 
09/20/2024: Updated Department of Human Resources Management (HRM) to Human Resources (HR). 
11/16/2016: Updated to reflect current business processes.
09/23/2015: Added additional language regarding overload payments proposed by the Comptroller's Office and approved by the Vice Provost for Administration & Finance on 09/17/2015.
04/02/2015: Fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
12/17/2014: Updated links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.
11/06/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
07/09/2014: Technical edits - added links to the two Board of Regents policies; selected 'Lawrence' for Campus field; formatting updates; updated references to 'Vice Chancellor for Research' to reflect accurate title; added Keywords.
07/2008: Reviewed and updated.
07/2005: Approved by Provost.
Personnel: Affiliates/Volunteers Categories: 
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 

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