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Instructor-Authored Materials, Policy on Use of


To describe the disposition of royalties received by KU faculty or staff members for educational materials required in courses attended by KU students

Applies to: 

University of Kansas faculty or staff members who receive royalties on educational materials required in courses attended by KU students

Policy Statement: 

When University of Kansas faculty or staff members receive royalties on educational materials they require in courses they teach as part of the University curriculum and which are attended by regularly enrolled KU students, the proceeds must be donated to their departments, schools, scholarship funds or other non-profit entities. Such disposition of royalties need not take place until after costs the author has incurred in the production of the educational materials have been recouped. No reporting of such royalty receipts is required within the University. It is understood that the faculty member must estimate such receipts arising from sales to his/her classes due to the variety of sources from which a student may purchase texts and the varying mixture of new and used texts acquired by students. Contribution of royalties does not apply to royalties generated through sales of educational materials unrelated to the course in which the author required them, such as sales to students in other courses or at other universities; nor does it apply to educational materials required in short courses, seminars or other educational presentations not part of the regular University curriculum.


Policy Office

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Monday, March 2, 1998
Effective on: 
Monday, March 2, 1998
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
textbooks, instructor, authored, author
Change History: 

11/04/2021: Updated contact section.
01/09/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
05/20/2013: Updated contact information.
03/02/1998: Approved by the Provost.
02/26/1998: Approved by the Faculty Council.

Academic Categories: 
Conflict of Interest

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