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Interaction with the Legislature and Other State Agencies, Kansas Board of Regents Policy


The University of Kansas adheres to the Board of Regents policy that governs interaction with the legislature and other state agencies.

Applies to: 


Policy Statement: 

According to Board of Regents policy (II.F.1),

  1. Legislative Appearances and Committee Hearings

    Legislative Committees often request faculty and administrators to provide expert testimony on proposed legislation which may or may not affect the Regents and higher education. Faculty and administrators should make every effort to accommodate such requests, and shall notify the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of the invitation so that the Board Office will be aware of such appearances.

  2. Legislative Requests and Proposed Legislation (Also see Chapter B, Fiscal Management)
    1. The Board must approve all requests made to the Legislature for funds, programs, changes in legislation and new legislation affecting the Board and the Regents institutions. Requests for legislation shall be submitted to the Board for consideration and inclusion in the Regents annual legislative proposals no later than the November meeting of the Board. Emergency situations may warrant special exceptions, but to the extent possible, no request for legislation during the ongoing legislative session will be considered after the March meeting of the Board. (5-14-87)
    2. Once approval has been granted, all institutions are authorized to work for these requests and each institution is expected to support the entire request. Conversely, all are prohibited from requesting or working for additional legislation or funds.
    3. Legislation proposed by others than the Board may still have an effect on the operation of the Regents system. When such legislation is proposed, it shall be the duty of the Board to make a decision as to whether the position of the Board is that of support, non-support, or opposition.
  3. Information Requests from Other State Agencies
    1. Systemwide Requests: Requests to Regents institutions for systemwide information from other state agencies or other branches of state government are expected to be transmitted through the office of the Board. Regents institutions receiving requests directly from other state agencies or branches of state government should advise the requesting party of this policy and advise the office of the Board of the request. When time limitations do not allow sufficient time for transmission of responses through the Board office, responses may be submitted directly to the requesting party with copies to the Board office. (11-20-81)
    2. University-Specific Requests: Requests for information related specifically to a university should be sent directly to the requesting party, with a copy to the Board office.
  4. Attorney General Opinions

    Any institution or employee seeking an opinion from the Attorney General must do so by making a request through the office of the General Counsel of the Board.

  5. Commission on Governmental Standards and Conduct Opinions

    Any institution or employee seeking an opinion from the Commission on Governmental Standards and Conduct (now the Kansas Commission on Governmental Ethics) should do so by making a request through the office of the General Counsel of the Board. (10-17-91)


Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Kansas Board of Regents

Approved by: 
Kansas Board of Regents
Approved on: 
Thursday, May 14, 1987
Effective on: 
Thursday, May 14, 1987
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Kansas Board of Regents, KBOR, legislature, Kansas legislature, legislative appearances, committee hearings, legislative requests, proposed legislation, state agencies, Attorney General Opinions, General Counsel of the Board, Commission on Governmental Standards and Conduct Opinions, Kansas Commission on Governmental Ethics
Change History: 

04/02/2015: Fixed broken link to Board of Regents Policy Manual.

12/17/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing); fixed broken links to Board of Regents Policy Manual.

05/21/2014: Technical edits.

10/17/1991: Updated.

11/20/1981: Updated.

05/14/1987: Approved by the Board of Regents.

Operational Categories: 
Legislative Affairs

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