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Extra Compensation While on Sabbatical Leave


To describe the conditions under which extra compensation can be received while on sabbatical leave.

Applies to: 

Faculty and academic staff members on sabbatical leave, either full pay or half pay.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

The acceptance of additional income by a person on sabbatical leave is justified only if the activity for which such income is accepted is congruent with the purposes of research, scholarly writing, clearly related professional experience, and study for which sabbatical leaves are granted.

Because University policies on conflict of interest and consulting apply to individuals who are on sabbatical leave, prior approval is required for all outside consulting or other work conducted during the sabbatical period that does not meet the single occasion consulting definition.

Individuals on sabbatical leave may receive University assistance for sabbatical travel expenses so long as the travel is related to the faculty member’s work or the purpose of the sabbatical and University travel guidelines are followed.

Additional Income from State Sources

Those on sabbatical leave may receive additional income through the University from State sources in accordance with Board of Regents policy on consulting, which provides that reimbursement for consulting for another Regents institution or a Kansas state agency must be approved in advance by the institution or agency seeking the services and by the employee’s home institution. (See the “related documents” section below for the link to the appropriate consulting form.) Individuals on sabbatical leave also may be eligible for bonus payments in accordance with the Salary Savings Incentive Policy for Faculty. Such bonus payments will be made through the University’s additional pay process and will not affect the individual’s base salary.

Additional Income from Non-State Sources

Faculty members on sabbatical leave at half salary for an academic year may receive additional income from non-state sources either directly or through regular University administrative processes. When administered through the University, the maximum increment is the amount equal to half of the academic year salary.

Faculty and academic staff members on sabbatical leave at full salary may not receive additional income from non-state sources through University administrative processes: They must receive it directly. In addition, faculty and academic staff members on sabbatical leave at full salary may not receive additional income through the University from state sources.


Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
University of Kansas
1450 Jayhawk Boulevard
Strong Hall, Room 145
Lawrence, KS  66045

Approved by: 
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Approved on: 
Monday, January 1, 1973
Effective on: 
Monday, January 1, 1973
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Single occasion consulting: means personal, professional activities which involve only a single occasion, occur within a single 24-hour period, are clearly of a scholarly, professional or technical nature, rather than commercial, and in which compensation is not the primary consideration). Single occasion activities should be reported annually to the department chair or other immediate supervisor as part of the annual evaluation process.

sabbatical leave, extra compensation
Change History: 

12/14/2022: Updated contact section.
06/27/2017: Fixed broken link.
12/09/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
05/03/2012: Revised to conform to current policy on Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting, and Other Employment. Updates approved by Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Jeffrey S. Vitter.
07/1999: Updated to reflect the change to the Provost structure.
1973: This policy first appeared in the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff of 1973-1974.

Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Leaves & Holidays

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