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Student Evaluations of Teachers, Procedures for Administration of


To comply with Regents requirements that student evaluation of teaching forms must be administrated and collected under controlled conditions that assure students’ anonymity.

Applies to: 

All departments and schools

Policy Statement: 

Procedures for Administration of Student Evaluations

  1. Evaluations of teaching will be administered during the last two full weeks of classes each semester. Evaluations may not be conducted during the time designated for final examinations. The class session during which evaluations will be distributed should be announced at least one class period in advance.
  2. Departments may use either the Curriculum & Instruction Survey or departmentally-developed evaluation instruments.
  3. The instructor should designate a student volunteer to administer the evaluations. The instructor will provide the student with an instruction sheet for administering and returning the completed evaluations to the department office. A suggested format is attached.
  4. Sufficient time (no less than 15 minutes) is to be provided during the class session for students to complete the evaluation. The instructor is to leave the room while the questionnaires are being completed.
  5. The student-volunteer will collect the completed forms and return them in a sealed envelope to the designated individual in the department office.
  6. The forms will remain in the sealed envelopes until final grades have been submitted. Faculty may have access to their evaluation forms and/or results only after grades have been submitted.

Procedures for Administration of Student Evaluations of Online Courses

Evaluations for online courses will be distributed to students by the Center for Online and Distance Learning (CODL) via Blackboard. Students will receive both notification via email and an announcement in their Blackboard message center.

Sample for Department Modification, as appropriate

Instructions for Administering Student Evaluations

Thank you for agreeing to assist the department in administering student evaluations. Please take this sheet to (insert location for picking up forms) to obtain the evaluation forms for this class prior to the next class period.

Arrange with the instructor when the evaluations will be distributed. The instructor will not be present when you administer the evaluations. You are asked to read the following statement to the class prior to distributing the forms.

The University of Kansas and the department are committed to effective teaching. Students assist in maintaining and enhancing this effectiveness by completing teaching evaluations in a thoughtful and honest manner. We ask that you take time to respond to all questions and write comments. If you do not wish to participate in the process, write "no comment" on the form and turn it in.

Please rate the quality of the course and make suggestions. Student evaluations can help improve instruction and are used in the annual faculty evaluation, reappointment, and promotion and tenure processes.

The instructor will not be given your comments nor informed of the results of the evaluation until after final grades have been submitted.

Thank you for taking the time to answer thoughtfully.

After the evaluations have been completed, place them in the envelope. Return the sealed envelope to the department office.


Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Strong Hall 145
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Monday, October 11, 1993
Effective on: 
Monday, October 11, 1993
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
course evaluation
Change History: 

01/18/2024: Updated contact section.
12/09/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
10/23/2014: Updated policy to include Procedures for Administration of Student Evaluations of Online Courses.
07/14/2014: Made update to contact information.

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