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To define expectations, committee composition, and member selection processes for the University Assessment Council and its subcommittees.

Applies to: 

All faculty, staff, or Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) representatives eligible for appointment to the University Assessment Council or its subcommittees.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

University Assessment Council (UAC)

The University Assessment Council (UAC) serves as a singular committee to provide oversight and direction to institutional assessment practices, including General Education, Degree-Level, and Co-Curricular assessment at KU-Lawrence and all reporting locations. Three working subcommittees, one for each area of assessment, report to the UAC.  
The Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (Sr VPAA) chairs the UAC to ensure that the work of the UAC supports compliance with the Higher Learning Commission’s assessment requirements for institutional accreditation, as well as with Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) assessment requirements and program review requirements.
UAC membership is comprised of:
  • The VPAA (chair);
  • The chair from each of the three subcommittees;
  • The chair of the University Core Curriculum Committee (UCCC);
  • The Faculty Senate President (or their designee);
  • The chair of the Academic Program Review Committee (APRAC);
  • The Director of University Assessment (ex-officio); and 
  • The Associate Director of Student Learning & Analytics (ex-officio).
The Sr VPAA maintains discretion to alter or terminate a member’s term and to appoint replacement members to maintain representation as outlined above.   

General Education Assessment Subcommittee

The General Education Assessment Subcommittee is comprised of no fewer than ten faculty members, including two as co-chairs. The Director of University Assessment and a representative from the Office of the Provost serve as ex-officio members. Faculty members serve 2-year terms and may not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
The Sr VPAA may request faculty membership nominations from the Deans. The Sr VPAA will then make a recommendation for the faculty representatives to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FacEx) for approval or FacEx can delegate that responsibility to the Sr VPAA. The Sr VPAA maintains final authority to alter or terminate a member’s term and to appoint replacement members to maintain representation.
The General Education Assessment Subcommittee:
  • Participates in rubric norming with Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE);
  • Participates in training with the Director of University Assessment on assessment of student artifacts;
  • Scores student artifacts for annual Core 34 learning outcome assessment based on normed rubric; and
  • Meets as a group to review and discuss assessment findings, drafts a narrative report/response regarding assessment results to include recommendations, recommends a plan for improvement (focused resources, CTE workshops, etc.), and reviews assignment parameters for future assessment of relevant Core 34 learning outcomes.

Degree-Level Assessment Subcommittee

The Degree-Level Assessment Subcommittee is comprised of a minimum of four faculty members, including one as chair, and one ex-officio member, the Associate Director of CTE. Faculty members serve 2-year terms and may not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
The Sr VPAA may request faculty membership nominations from the Deans. The Sr VPAA will then make a recommendation for the faculty representatives to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FacEx) for approval or FacEx can delegate that responsibility to the Sr VPAA. The Sr VPAA maintains final authority to alter or terminate a member’s term and to appoint replacement members to maintain representation.
The Degree-Level Assessment Subcommittee:
  • Reviews all degree-level assessment reports submitted each academic year based on a common rubric, offering individualized feedback, encouragement, and recommendations for improvement to departments; and
  • Meets as a group to review and discuss emerging themes within their findings, drafts a narrative report/response regarding assessment results to include recommendations, and recommends a plan for improvement (focused resources, CTE workshops, etc.).

Co-Curricular Assessment Subcommittee

The Co-Curricular Assessment Subcommittee membership is comprised of no fewer than one staff member representing each of the three defined Co-Curricular areas (Student Affairs, Academic Success and Study Abroad). Staff members serve 2-year terms and may not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
The Sr VPAA may request staff membership nominations from the head of each participating administrative unit. The Sr VPAA maintains final authority to alter or terminate a member’s term and to appoint replacement members to maintain representation.
The Co-Curricular Assessment Subcommittee:
  • Provides guidance on best practices in assessment for Co-Curricular areas;
  • Reviews submitted assessment reports based on a common rubric, offer individualized feedback and encouragement; and
  • Meets as a group to review and discuss emerging themes within their findings, drafts a narrative report/response regarding assessment results, and recommends a plan for improvement (focused resources, etc.).

Academic Affairs
Strong Hall, Room 213A
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Monday, March 28, 2016
Effective on: 
Monday, March 28, 2016
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

The mission of the University Assessment Council is to promote student learning outcomes assessment as a means of understanding, documenting, and improving the quality of student learning. The UAC and its subcommittees provide guidance and feedback on the assessment of student learning and the use of assessment results at the institutional, academic, and cocurricular levels.

University Academic Assessment Committee Members, member selection, committee, academic assessment committee, nominated
Change History: 

08/23/2024: Updated to reflect new committee composition and codify roles.
03/28/2016: Prior to final approval, this policy was endorsed by the UAAC and FacEx.

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