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Publication Requirements for Diversity, Non-Discrimination, and Related Training Materials


This policy sets forth the requirements to support the University’s obligation to comply with Kansas law House Bill 2105.

Applies to: 

All employees

Juniper Gardens
Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

In accordance with 2024 Kansas House Bill 2105 (HB 2105), the University shall post and make publicly available on the University’s website all training materials used for students, faculty, and staff on all matters of non-discrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, race, ethnicity, sex or bias. University policies and guidance on such matters shall also be so posted.

Units presenting such training shall coordinate compliance with this policy with the University Compliance Officer. Units are expected to partner with the Office of Integrity & Compliance or the Office of the General Counsel in their development of training content and to have training materials reviewed by one of these offices prior to delivering training. At a minimum, units must submit training materials to the Office of Integrity & Compliance for review at least five days before the training is conducted.

This requirement shall apply to all training developed for or presented to students, faculty or staff on and after July 1, 2024. Training materials shall be posted no later than 30 days after the training is provided and should remain posted for at least one year from the last date that training occurred.

The requirement does not apply to faculty curricular materials in university courses and shall not be construed to limit or restrict the academic freedom of faculty or to prevent faculty members from teaching, researching, or writing publications about diversity, equity, inclusion or other topics.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Nothing about the University’s compliance with the statute shall constitute a waiver of the copyright or other property interests of the University or the creator(s) of those materials, and a reservation of those rights must be posted wherever any such training is posted.


HB 2105 provides that a court may impose penalties of up to $10,000 per violation.  For units whose actions or inactions result in imposition of a civil penalty, the University may assess the costs of noncompliance, in addition to the costs of any investigation or litigation related to defending against complaints, against that unit’s budget. In addition, individuals found to have violated the law may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


Chief Compliance Officer
Integrity & Compliance

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Friday, July 19, 2024
Effective on: 
Friday, July 19, 2024
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Training: For purposes of this policy, training includes any ongoing or one-time instruction, intended to develop or enhance skills, knowledge, or compliance associated with one’s University position and for which the primary focus or subject-matter is nondiscrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, race, ethnicity, sex, or bias and training materials are produced. Training does not include: 1) education provided externally, such as by a professional organization; 2) professional development opportunities an employee seeks on their own, such as 3rd party delivered webinars or community-based workshops; 3) University events that do not offer continuing education or other training; 4) academic course work or assignments as part of a curricula; or 5) activities or material produced for purposes of research. 

Training Material: Any documentation used in the presentation of the learning opportunity, such as power-point slides, handouts, or online training modules produced on a learning management system, as well as any recordings of events, speakers, or other presentations. 

Guidance: Guidance shall not include legal advice subject to the attorney-client privilege.

HB2105, Training, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, DEIB
Change History: 

07/30/2024: Clarified wording for applicability.
07/19/2024: New Policy published in Policy Library.

Personnel: Administrators Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Affiliates/Volunteers Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Faculty/Academic Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Staff Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines
Personnel: Student Employees Categories: 
Workplace Rules & Guidelines

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