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Class Supply Fee Policy


To comply with federal regulations regarding federal financial aid and the inclusion of the costs of supplies in tuition and fees.

Applies to: 

The policy applies to students enrolled in courses with class fees as outlined at http://registrar.ku.edu/tuition-and-fees

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

For all courses in which the University charges tuition or fees that is intended to cover the cost of student supplies, the University must have an arrangement enabling it to make those supplies available to students at a rate that is below competitive market rates.  The University department must be able to document that the University provides those supplies at a rate that is below competitive market rates.  If the University cannot demonstrate that the supply fee it intends to charge is less than the competitive market rate, the fee shall not be charged unless the department can demonstrate (1) that the supplies in question are not available to or accessible by students from sources other than the University, or (2) there is a compelling health or safety reason for the University to control the supply.

In classes for which the University charges a fee that is intended to pay for supplies used by students, students may opt out of the part of the fee designated for those supplies and may provide their own supplies needed for the class.  Prior to opting out, the student should consult with the professor/instructor.  To opt out, the student must provide written notice to the Office of the Registrar.  The University must receive the student’s opt-out form by the 3rd class meeting.  Upon receipt of the notice the Office of the Registrar will notify Student Accounts & Receivables, which will credit the student’s account for that portion of the fee attributed to supplies and notify the professor/instructor.

Students who opt out will not be provided any supplies for that class and will be expected to timely provide substantially identical supplies needed to complete course requirements and to reimburse the University for supplies used by the student prior to opting out.  Students are responsible for consulting with the professor/instructor to obtain a list of supplies required to complete coursework.  All such supplies should be obtained within the first week of classes.  Students who fail to obtain and timely provide the necessary supplies may have their grades affected in the same manner the instructor would normally grade students failing to complete required work.  If the student who has opted out of the supply fee later uses University-provided supplies, the student may be charged the full class supply fee and may be referred to the Student Conduct & Community Standards Office for non-academic misconduct.

Where the department can demonstrate that the supplies in question are not available to or accessible by students from sources other than the University, or there is a compelling health or safety reason for the University to control the supplies, students may not opt out of the supply fee.


Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Approved on: 
Friday, August 5, 2016
Effective on: 
Friday, August 5, 2016
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

The University at times charges fees for classes that are intended to offset and pay for supplies the University provides students as part of the class.  Those fees are in addition to the standard tuition costs.  Federal regulations, specifically 34 C.F.R. 668.164, provide that, in most circumstances, in order for those fees to be paid by Title IV federal financial aid funds, the supplies must be charged at a rate less than competitive market rates, and the University must have a policy by which students are provided the opportunity to opt out of the University supply fee and obtain those supplies separate from the University.  This policy follows.


For purposes of this policy, a “supply” is something (such as a book, workbook, material, supplies, equipment, fuel, etc.) that is needed for a specific class and that will be used by a student.  “Supply” does not include room, board, or housing costs in University-owned or operated facilities, or transportation provided as part of the course

Class supply fee opt-out, opt-out
Change History: 

03/01/2023: Updated contact section.
08/08/2016: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g. bolding, spacing).
07/2016: Policy created.

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