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Enrollment Appointments


To clarify the philosophy of assigning enrollment appointments and to define the criteria and process for priority enrollment appointment requests.

Applies to: 

All students on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses

Table of Contents: 
Policy Statement: 


This system of enrollment appointment scheduling has been honed over the past 25 years to enable students who are closest to graduation to have the first option of classes available. This best ensures that the students can make progress toward timely graduation.

Enrollment Appointments

The current method of assigning appointment times is first by career (graduate and professional are scheduled before undergraduate) and then, within career, by projected level and then hours completed within the projected level. A day break is given between each level of student (freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors) to minimize impact on advising.

  • Readmitted students are provided an appointment time at the end of their student level.
  • Study abroad students who enroll in other institutions via Study Abroad & Global Engagement are manually added to where they would fall once their study abroad hours just completed but not yet entered into the KU student records system are received and entered into the student’s record.
  • New transfer student orientation enrollments are scheduled at a time that is generally after the juniors but before the sophomores to acknowledge the level that most of these students would be expected to be at once the transfer work is received.
  • Non-degree seeking students are scheduled after all degree seeking students have received an appointment time to ensure that priority is provided to students seeking degrees.
  • New freshmen receive enrollment appointments that correspond with their orientation date. This includes all incoming freshmen in the University Honors Program.
  • For the online campus career, enrollment to courses offered through the online campus is open at the time the course schedule is made available. In the case of students newly admitted to the online campus career, those students may enroll once they have been admitted and enrollment has begun for the semester/term in question.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Priority Enrollment Appointment

Exceptions to the method for assigning enrollment appointments listed above are defined as priority enrollment appointments. Approved priority enrollment appointments fall into the following categories:

  1. To recognize significant and required scheduling complexities or limitations; or
  2. To support administrative efficiency. Generally speaking, schedule limitations are not recognized as a reasonable request for a priority enrollment appointment.

Process to Request Priority Enrollment Appointment

As outlined in FSRR 5.4.2, the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs shall be consulted on all matters concerning the scheduling of enrollments.

The requesting unit provides a rationale for the exception outlining the need for the exception and which type of category it falls under: 1) student scheduling complexities or limitations or 2) administrative efficiencies.

The requesting unit submits this request to the University Registrar who reviews and provides commentary and a recommendation on the request before forwarding to the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

Items to consider in this review are:

  1. Impact on degree seeking students and time to degree rates;
  2. Impact on the student population recommended for exception; and
  3. Administrative complexity of accommodating the request.

Staff involved in the Student Information System maintenance will be included in discussions regarding the request prior to the recommendation from the University Registrar.

The Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs reviews the requests and notifies the University Registrar whether the exception is to be accepted or denied and the effective semester. If accepted, the University Registrar works with the appropriate Student Information System staff to implement the exception.

Approved Priority Enrollment

  • Honors. Approved within category 1. Continuing Honors students enroll before all other undergraduates (including Athletes and certain students with disabilities).
  • Athletes: Continuing Student Athletes who are on the practice/playing field for the semester in which enrollment is occurring. Approval categories 1, and 2. These students enroll before all other undergraduates, excluding Honors students.
  • Certain continuing students with disabilities. Approval category 2. Students granted this exception are given priority over all other undergraduates, excluding Honors and Athletes.

Credit Hour Adjusted Enrollment Appointments

Certain special groups of students receive credit-hour-adjusted enrollment appointments to be placed in a “fair” position within the enrollment appointment processing.

Process to Request Credit Hour Adjusted Enrollment Appointment

As outlined in FSRR 5.4.2, the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs shall be consulted on all matters concerning the scheduling of enrollments.

  1. Unit requesting a credit hour adjusted enrollment appointment must submit written request to the University Registrar.
  2. The University Registrar will submit the written request along with a recommendation for approval or denial of the request to the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
  3. The Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs will communicate the final decision to approve or deny the request for a credit hour adjusted enrollment appointment to the University Registrar and to the requesting unit.

Approved Credit Hour Adjusted Enrollment Appointments

  • Social Welfare Distance Drivers.
  • Advanced-Placement MSW students

Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Approved on: 
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Effective on: 
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Review Cycle: 
Biennial (Every Two Years)
enrollment appointments, priority enrollment, enrollment exception, credit hour adjusted enrollment
Change History: 

03/01/2023: Updated contact section.
08/31/2022: Updated Office of Study Abroad to Study Abroad & Global Engagement.
05/16/2019: Updated contact information
07/05/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
01/27/2015: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
01/07/2014: Prior to final approval, this policy was developed by the Office of the University Registrar and reviewed and endorsed by the deans SenEx, AP&P, the University Registrar, and the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.

Academic Categories: 

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