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Field Work Fee Waiver Policy


This policy explains eligibility and process for the Field Work waiver (waiver of Lawrence required campus fees).

Applies to: 

Current Lawrence Campus students.

Policy Statement: 

The Field Work waiver is a waiver of Lawrence required student and wellness fees for students who meet the eligibility requirements listed below.


Students must be enrolled only in field work course work and must reside and complete all field work outside the area served by the Lawrence, KS postal service offices for the semester that they are applying for the Field Work waiver. A student must not be employed on campus or applying for staff reduction rates.


A student must be enrolled and must submit a Field Work waiver form to the Office of the University Registrar by the 30th calendar day after the first day of classes for each semester.

A student must list a current non-Lawrence, KS address as in the student record database system before a form can be submitted and a waiver can be approved for that semester. The “Jayhawk” address is the current address in the Enroll and Pay system.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

The following exclusions apply for the obtaining the field work fee waiver:

  • Students who are eligible for staff reduction rates may not apply for this waiver.
  • Students enrolled in both a lecture course and a course by appointment for the same semester do not qualify for the Field Work waiver.
  • Regularly scheduled off-campus credit courses do not qualify for the Field Work waiver.

Payment in full of tuition and fees must be received by the payment due date indicated on billing notification. If a student is found to be eligible for the Field Work waiver after the payment is received, a refund will be issued.

Forms submitted after the deadline for the semester and the summer term will not be processed. The deadline is the 30th calendar day after the first day of classes for each semester.


Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Effective on: 
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Field Work course: A course with field work or experiential learning in the course description that is taught by appointment.

Lawrence required student and wellness fees: Fees that are approved by students, to support services and programs on campus, such as health, recreation, transportation, and student activities.

Edwards Campus required fees: Area fees for that particular campus that cover course instruction, a student union and library privileges.

Staff Reduction Rates: Staff reduction rates are available to Regents System staff members holding 40% to 100% appointments. Rates equal to resident tuition are assessed and no required campus fee is assessed. No off-campus area fee is assessed. (CFS, 6.0 and 6.2)

Regents System staff members: Unclassified, Classified and University Support Staff members holding regular payroll appointments (excluding seasonal and temporary appointments) of the following: Kansas State University, Emporia State University, Pittsburg State University, Wichita State University, Fort Hays State University, Board of Regents Office, University of Kansas. (CFS, 4.2)

Regularly scheduled off-campus credit courses: All off-campus credit courses that meet at specified times at locations other than Lawrence Campus, KU Medical Center or Edwards Campus.

Lawrence required campus fees, Edwards Campus required fees, staff reduction rates, off-campus credit courses.
Change History: 

09/09/2024: Updated "campus fee" to "student and wellness fee". 
03/01/2023: Updated contact section.
07/02/2020: Technical edits.
05/16/2019: Updated contact information.
07/08/2016: Updated to remove gendered pronouns.
05/21/2014: Technical edits.

Financial Categories: 
Tuition & Fees

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